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Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Tuesday, August 16, 2011 Rating: 9/10 I think this review is pretty much on the mark. You can not go wrong with the Dio era Sabbath. Though I do have to say I have always been torn between TV Crimes and I as the best songs. However I do lean towards the song "I". Dio sounds like an unstoppable juggernaut in that song. When you hear "I'll smash your face in But with a smile" I can not help but take his word for it. Off the top of my head I can not think of another metal song, at that tempo, where there is potential to get whiplash from banging your head.
Iron Maiden - Virtual XI Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Tuesday, August 16, 2011 Rating: 4.5/10 For starters, I can not believe I read through Jypsyrock's comment. Little bit of sarcasm there. Jypsy, you screwed up the average rating.
In all honesty The Clansmen and Lightning Strikes Twice are the highlights. The rest can not be even described as filler for the caliber of talent Maiden has. What a large disappointment after X-Factor (an album worth talking about). The Angel and The Gambler is by far the worst Maiden song ever recorded. Virtual XI has gone down in history as the worst Maiden released.
If this were some unknown band they would get an average rating but because this is Maiden, I expect more. Below average release. Flat and Uninspired for the most part. It is slotted in my collection of Maiden albums, but it shall forever collect dust.
Savatage - Gutter Ballet Posted by notrap - Thursday, July 28, 2011 Rating: 8/10 Gutter Ballet, Edge of Thorns and Hall of the Mountain King are my Savatage absolute favourites.
Very interesting record with memorable songs like the title track, When The Crowds Are Gone, The Unholy and Summer's Rain.
This record was a turning point in their career.
Iron Maiden - Virtual XI Posted by JypsyRock - Thursday, July 28, 2011 Rating: 10/10 If you have not given this album a chance yet, either because it is not Bruce on vocals or you don't like the album cover or whatever...you are missing out on the VERY BEST Iron Maiden ever! No joking here, folks. Yes, it is better than Piece Of Mind and The Number Of The Beast and that is an incredibly high standard. This album absolutely rocks and you must give it a chance. Every song is brilliant and i listen to the whole thing over and over and over and never get sick of it or skip over any songs. I truly believe that Steve and the boys reached the pinnacle of their careers right here with this album. Awesome choice with Blaze, Steve (no offense, Bruce...i love ya man). The Angel And The Gambler is the best song ever by
Iron Maiden and don't even listen to the guy who dropped the earlier post. Wow man, you have no taste. I'm talking this song is an absolute masterpiece! The Clansman is fantastic also and truthfully the whole album rocks all the way through. History will have the final word on this album and it is a travesty that it was not
marketed better or whatever the hell reason it only sold 84,000 copies in the USA and a million worldwide. Ironically, this bands' finest work through and through somehow became their worse selling album. I tell everybody i know to listen to this album and they won't for some damn reason. Well, it is their own loss and i am not going to beg them. By the way, the synthesizers were an awesome idea...they fitted in perfectly and complimented the songs. My final words are...thank you Iron Maiden for taking the time to put together an exceptional compilation. Blaze Bayley, you have a kick ass voice and did a tremendous job. A perfect 10 album. Not 9.0 or 9.5...this album is a perfect 10.
Messiah´s Kiss - Prayer For The Dying Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Saturday, July 23, 2011 Rating: 6/10 I just discovered this band and started with this release. I am one to not agree with the rating of average. I personally feel this debut has a greater up side. There is enough material here to take note there may be something here. The stand out tracks Light In The Black, Dream Evil and my favorite Night Comes Down. With tracks like Final Warning and Pride & Glory (decent chorus and bridge) shows some promise showcasing more of Mike Tirelli's vocal talents.
All in all I thought this CD was better than average. Perhaps it was the prominent Dio influence in Tirelli's vocals. One can not help take note.
At the end of the day No Prayer For The Dying is a album that is what is typically found in many debuts. A work in progress as a band finds their strengths and take it to the next level for their follow up. Those strengths with the 3 stand out tracks is what I hope more of with the follow up releases.
Black Sabbath - Born Again (deluxe version) Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, July 10, 2011 Rating: 7.5/10 Classic and all to often forgotten about. Gillian was great for this one shot with sabbath. The weakest link on this release is Keep It Warm were it sounds more like a Purple than Sabbath. Good song it it does sound a little out of place and not a way I would end an album.
Sun Caged - Artemisia Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Rating: 8/10 I love this album and play it often,I am aslo enamoured with Sun Cages newest release "the Lotus Effect"
With the exception of Redemption,These guys smoke everyone of the band's you named in the above review.
Savatage - Streets - A Rock Opera Posted by notrap - Saturday, June 18, 2011 Rating: 7.5/10 Broadway meets Metal.
A nice concept record with some highlights. However I think Streets needed more heavy songs.
I prefer the previous record (Gutter Ballet) and the next one (Edge Of Thorns).
Not a masterpiece like Operation Mindcrime but still a classic.
The Deviants - Dr. Crow Posted by lethe - Monday, June 13, 2011 Rating: 8.5/10
Whitesnake - Forevermore Posted by guitarman - Monday, June 13, 2011 Rating: 9/10
Swedish Erotica - Too Daze Gone Posted by guitarman - Monday, June 13, 2011 Rating: 9.5/10
Whitesnake - Forevermore Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, June 12, 2011 Rating: 7.5/10 Overall I liked this release. There is definitely a little of everything here. I could have opted for one less ballad and inserted an other aggressive piece in the vein of "Still Of The Night". I am not asking for still of the night 2, I am talking about a stylistic approach. Perhaps it is because it is one of my favorite WS tunes. But lets face it we feel every note played and sung. That was brilliance. It could be that songs to that magnitude may not be emulated again without Sykes (look no further than Blue Murder to have that kind of an approach). For me, few songs with that kind of compositional work would put this release over the top.
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Posted by angelripper84 - Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Rating: 7/10 I think that the last Iron Maiden was Seventh Son...that's because that band did manage to catch a real magic feeling with pure heavy metal.What can we say for albums such as Piece of Mind and Powerslave(my favourite...).However during the 90s they had a loss of direction.Steve Harris wanted so fucking much to write again a long time epic masterpiece such as Rime of the Ancient Mariner but the inspiration just didn't come!!!After a lot of LPS i can say that Iron Maiden truly want to make the step forward!!!Except the two first songs that are not so good the LP is pretty cool!!!Coming Home is a great lyrical song and...God...the voice of Bruce rocks...As for the Starblind...what is this???Mastodon like guitars???I think that Iron Maiden shall follow this path or else they will be a great hevy metal band...of their time.The choice is theirs...
Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus Posted by angelripper84 - Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Rating: 1/10 I can understand the loss of inspiration, however that LP was a proof that Morbid Angel don't respect their followers...If you want to be experimental u have to do it the right way.It high time we gave respect to some bands that achieved that like Metallica and In Flames...Friends you must listen to the new LP of Hate Eternal-masterpiece!!!
Iron Maiden - Piece of mind Posted by LemmingDeMerciless - Sunday, May 29, 2011 Rating: 10/10 I give this album 10 out of 10 for the impact it had on me when it came out, the whole package including the artwork were just stunning , and its still a masterpiece today, who'd have thought the irons could follow up the beast with something better
Savatage - Sirens - Silver Anniversay Edition Posted by notrap - Sunday, May 15, 2011 Rating: 5.5/10 I bought recently Sirens+The Dungeons Are Calling: The Complete Session (both recorded at the same time by the way)
I kinda like the rawness of their debut. Pure, honest almost a demo-tape.
Sirens special credits: Sirens and Holocost
The Dungeons Are Calling special credits: Title track and By the Grace of the Witch
(The Dungeons Are Calling has the worst Savatage song: The Whip)
With Dungeons Are Calling and By the Grace of the Witch, Sirens had been better.
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time Posted by LemmingDeMerciless - Saturday, May 14, 2011 Rating: 9/10 One of the more "poppy" maiden albums full of hit tracks
Love all the songs but what lets it down for me is the production
I find it very badly mixed and everything stuck in the mid range, drums sound awful throughout Still a 9 out of ten for the songs though
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Posted by LemmingDeMerciless - Sunday, May 8, 2011 Rating: 3.5/10 Very dissapointed with this release. The one thing i love about maiden is their brilliant melodies, theres none to be found here and to be fair after waiting all this time for something new all we got was what sounds like out takes from A matter of life and death
Iron Maiden - The X Factor Posted by LemmingDeMerciless - Sunday, May 8, 2011 Rating: 10/10 I think the shock of Dickinson leaving Maiden soured this recording even before it came out, but i think with age it still stands up as probably the best Maiden album, Yes Bayleys voice isnt as good as Dickinson, but the songs here stand up for themselves, The only other maiden albums i would give a ten to are Killers & Powerslave . Great review and agree with you all the way
Michael Monroe - Sensory Overdrive Posted by vanbasten6247 - Tuesday, April 26, 2011 Rating: 9.5/10 Great effort, not his first solo work but looks like a beginning of what it may be a very fruitful adventure with all those great musicians. The difficult thing here, I guess, will be keeping that very same team working togheter in order to deliver more albums (seems not very likely but I keep my hopes high), at least the Moore/Ginger binomial. Love the album, I'm playing it everytime I can (vinyl), is (as the reviewer states) a breeze of fresh air among so many generic rock protooled bands.
Stratovarius - Elements Part 1 (Reissue) Posted by ProgPower87 - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Rating: 8.5/10
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time Posted by ProfessorShred - Sunday, April 17, 2011 Rating: 9.5/10 This classic release will stand the test of time
The mighty Maiden's finest hour,along with Savatage's spectacular Hall of the Mountain King
2 of the best Rock albums of ALL TIME
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Posted by vaguemartin - Monday, April 11, 2011 Rating: 6.5/10
Kiss - Sonic Boom Posted by vaguemartin - Monday, April 11, 2011 Rating: 5/10
Savatage - Streets - A Rock Opera Posted by Steen - Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Rating: 10/10 Full Review
Accept - Russian Roulette Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 7/10 Some of the fun from Balls To The Wall is gone but replaced by more mature sounding songs. A natural progression. Udo's voice works best when he goes all-out screaming at the top of his lungs, which is 90% of the time. Excellent guitarwork, strong melodies and a forceful approach makes this , and Accept in general, a fine cocktail. Now I just have to get hold of the rest of their albums. Altogether almost as strong as BTTW even if it's lacking the "hits".
Accept - Balls to the Wall - Remastered Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 7.5/10 A classic which sounds occasionally dated but holds up remarkably well. Udo's powerful croak runs wild in an unrestrained and rampant way that is both enjoyable but also sporadically flaky. There's a joyful innocence to the album, the lighthearted and sometimes quite hilarious lyrics included, but it also lacks some depth. When it works it's brilliant though. A song like Turn me on has an intense and powerful build up, perfectly released in its chorus. The guitar riffs are mean enough to overshadow any shortcomings and nearly every song is strong enough to still make an impression today.
AC/DC - Back In Black Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 8/10 The first AC/DC album with Brian Johnson on vocals and quite different from Highway to Hell. Hearing the two albums back to back a comparison is inevitable. There's less infectious energy in the vocals and a certain loss of charm. This is compensated for by intensity and sheer power.
The songs are well thought out, include a handful of classics and are all played with great enthusiasm and skill. I currently prefer the high energy and infectious charm of "the highway" but it is a close race and Back in Black ends up as being just as exceptional, only in a different and slightly darker way.
Abydos - The Little Boy´s Heavy Mental Shadow Opera About The Inhabitants Of His Diary Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 8/10 Maybe the most mental album title ever? Fortunately the album lives up to its title and brings an original and challenging 70 minutes of music. It's a wonderful album that is equally progressive, melodic and spellbinding. Andy Kuntz's vocal performance is enticing to say the least and brings emotional depth to the complex concept. Even though the songs are connected, each has its own identity and is an important brick in the, often musical-like, experience. Not surprising since the album is based on Andy's stage play, with him contributing lyrics, direction and vocal melodies while most of the music has been written by Michael Krauss and Stefan Glass, who is also responsible for the formidable and lively production which only adds to the wonder.
Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 7.5/10
Iron Maiden - No prayer for the dying Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 7/10
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 8.5/10
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 8/10
Iron Maiden - Powerslave Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 8/10
Iron Maiden - Piece of mind Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 9/10
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast Posted by Steen - Monday, March 28, 2011 Rating: 8.5/10
Virgin Steele - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - Part Two Posted by notrap - Saturday, March 26, 2011 Rating: 5.5/10 I respect David DeFeis. He's making music since 81.
However in my opinion Virgin Steele it's the most overrated band on this website.
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - Part Two it's an average record, nothing more.
Sister Sin - True Sound Of The Underground Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Saturday, March 19, 2011 Rating: 7/10 Strong release. Liv's vocals kind of brings me back to the early years of Lita Ford, approach that is. A gritty and honest approach to hard rock. However there a few songs that I feel are weak including the cover 24/7.
Helloween - 7 Sinners Posted by notrap - Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Rating: 7.5/10 7 Sinners is a solid and heavy balanced record.
Long Live The King - Definitely the best song (sounds like Priest's Painkiller)
Far In The Future chorus section
Andi Deris performance
7 Sinners is one of Helloween best records to date?
Nop. But it's a safe buy
Symphony X - Paradise Lost Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, February 27, 2011 Rating: 8/10 This is not my favorite release from them but they offer some new tricks (by S-x standards and still maintain their sound). When it comes to consistency with there metal offerings they always deliver the goods.
Symphony X - Paradise Lost Posted by ProfessorShred - Saturday, February 19, 2011 Rating: 5.5/10 This is the weakest album from Symphony X including the 1st album without Rusell Allen...
I listened to Paradise Lost twice today,after not listening to it for about a year,the songwriting/lyrical content/and even playing is just not up to their usual sublime standard,when it came time to do another studio release sound s to me like they just half assed threw this release together without the heart and soul that made all the other albums shine like a multifaceted gem.
maybe the reason i am so critical of this cd is because I love all the oher recordings they have done SOOO much ,Paradise Lost is just a letdown
Better luck next time guys,hope you can give Evergrey's new release "Glorius Collision" a run for its money.
Hello Madness - Light and Life After Dusk Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Rating: 8/10 Upon reading that there is no guitar on the album,didn't really think I would like it much,have listened to this album alot lately,and it is excellent and very satisfying to me.
DGM - FrAme Posted by Transcendence - Saturday, February 12, 2011 Rating: 8/10 Best album to date. Love it and a better vocalist IMO.
Symphony X - Paradise Lost Posted by Transcendence - Saturday, February 12, 2011 Rating: 9/10 Superb album from these guys. The only thing that stops it from earning a perfect score is that it lacks a little on the progressive side, but love the grove of the songs!!!
Star One - Victims Of The Modern Age Posted by Transcendence - Saturday, February 12, 2011 Rating: 8/10
Reckless Love - Cool Edition Posted by mollyhatchet - Friday, January 14, 2011 Rating: 8.5/10
Fates Warning - Parallels Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Thursday, January 13, 2011 Rating: 8/10
Fates Warning - Parallels Posted by ProfessorShred - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Rating: 8.5/10 I have some really fond memories in the early 90's timeframe one of them was listening to this Fates Warning Album over and over again
Classis stuff to be sure
Whitesnake - Whitesnake Posted by ProfessorShred - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Rating: 9/10 I am a huge Coverdale Fan and this album was/is one of my all time favorite recordings Nines all the way
Work Of Art - Artwork Posted by ProfessorShred - Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Rating: 8.5/10 This is simply an excellent album,great songwriting/compositional skills,passionate performance makes for a really satisfying listening experience Nice review Brian!
Work Of Art - Artwork Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 I finally got this CD last week and I can not stop listening to it.
I have read other reviews finding this more like an album that pays homage to 80's melodic AOR rock. Those reviews not on the mark with their statements. WOA is the real deal. Robert Sall is passionate about this genre of music and it shows with other compositional writings he has done with other artists of the same genre. Not with standing the phenomenal work on WET (2009). The RS's influences is there in his writing but at no time do I get the impression he is sounding like another artist.
As another great aspect of this release is that this debut is entirely Produced by the band with vocalist Lars Safsund at the production helm. An outside producer may have changed the direction. These guys were in total control of their material.
If I had purchased this in 2008 it would have probably made my top releases for that year.
It also looks as though they will be releasing another CD summer 2011.
Metal Majesty - This Is Not a Drill Posted by bosambo - Wednesday, December 22, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime - Remastered and Expanded Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Thursday, December 16, 2010 Rating: 9.5/10
Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From A Memory Posted by bosambo - Friday, December 10, 2010 Rating: 10/10
Disarmonia Mundi - Fragments of a D-Generation Posted by thedeadeye - Friday, December 10, 2010 Rating: 10/10 The most amazing and unique metal album I've ever heard. That is coming from someone who isn't the biggest Melodic Death Metal fan either. Very melodic, structurally sound, and dense with memorably thrashy/groove riffs and vocal harmonies.
Queensrÿche - Empire Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Wednesday, December 8, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Outstanding release. However there were a few tracks the that left me feeling indifferent.
My personal favorites: The Best I Can (a masterpiece), Empire, Resistance, Silent Lucidity Hand on Heart and The Thin Line.
I know I did not mention Jet City Woman but there was something about the song that left me some days liking it and others bored of of. I could never put my finger on it as to why the mixed feelings on the song.
This was in my opinion that last great release by Queensryche. The albums to follow seemed stale after Empire.
In my opinion Operation Mind Crime is still their best and is absolutely brilliant.
Savatage - Gutter Ballet Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, December 3, 2010 Rating: 9/10 I did not realize that Savatage had a classification of metal. Savametal. But to my surprise I found other references on the internet using that term and it was not in reference directly to Savatage. That is what I call greatness.
Savatage - Dead Winter Dead Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, December 3, 2010 Rating: 9/10
Savatage - Edge Of Thorns Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, December 3, 2010 Rating: 9/10
Whitesnake - Whitesnake Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, December 3, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Katana - Heads Will Roll Posted by Craig - Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Rating: 9/10 My review:
I think Overkill's Ironbound will be the only thing keeping this from being my album of the year. Amazing stuff.
Katana - Heads Will Roll Posted by Stuart - Monday, November 29, 2010 Rating: 8/10 After seeing Katana at Sweden Rock this year I was rather looking forward to hearing the bands first full length.
Was I disappointed with the final results? Hell no, this album is rather splendid. It's got all the passion and power of 80's metal with a production job from heaven. It's always marvellous to hear a band that understand what makes metal great and just get the song writing so right.
Two tracks in particular mark this album out for something special, Phoenix On Fire is the greatest song that Dio never wrote, with an uplifting chorus that will send anyone's spirit soaring.
The other is Heart Of Tokyo, which despite only clocking in at around 3 and a half mins has got so many hooks that you will never get it out your head. At last count this track has about 40 plays on my Ipod and I can see it getting a fair few more.
My only complaint is that its too damn short, I don't know if I can wait a couple of years for album number two.
If this album doesn't make my top ten albums of the year list then feel free to give me a slap.
Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, November 26, 2010 Rating: 8/10 I just started listening to this band due to the fact they are currently on tour with Epica (a concert I have been waiting for a while now). Christian Älvestam is a very talented vocalist and I do prefer him over the other 2 vocalist they have now. Not they are not good. They are just not as good as Christian.
All four releases are on my play list right now and this album is the best of the four.
The only problem I have with this band is try to describe the genre of music. I try, then to hell with it, they are metal!
As for Soilwork, another band I am just checking out, is decent as well. Though I do prefer the writing and execution with Scar.
Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon Posted by Rakathor - Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Rating: 10/10 Simply a masterpiece
Star One - Victims Of The Modern Age Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, November 9, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 ok this is my opinion...
the 1st Star One effort was a much more satisfying album over repeated listenings...I think the new cd is over rated
you guys/gals want to hear a really amazing prog/metal experience?
Check out the band Spheric Universe Experience,totally blows Arjen out of the water. They currently have 3 Albums available,shame that this website devoted to Prog and Metal Reviews doesn't even have any info about these guys, they are A W E S O M E
Pathfinder - Beyond the Space Beyond the Time Posted by Steen - Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Rating: 7/10 No doubt this band has incredible potential. This debut of the year so far exposes a lot of genius elements but also a few flaws. Most notably a too clinical approach at times which results in a lack of emotion. The next album should prove very interesting.
Helloween - The Dark Ride Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Thus far the Dark Ride is my favorite release for the Deris era. Helloween brought us signature songs and some that are not so typical for this legendary power metal band, that of which are atmospherically dark and heavy.
My personal favorites are Escalation 666, The Departed Sun, Mirror Mirror, Mr. Torture and the epic the Dark Ride.
Surprisingly enough I very indifferent with the song "If I Could Fly".
However I am anxiously waiting for their latest "7 Sinners" to see if is as good as some reviewers claim.
The Poodles - Sweet Trade Posted by guitarman - Saturday, October 30, 2010 Rating: 8/10
The Poodles - Metal Will Stand Tall Posted by guitarman - Saturday, October 30, 2010 Rating: 9.5/10
Kamelot - Poetry for the Poisoned Posted by Steen - Wednesday, October 27, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 I never gave Ghost Opera a fair chance but Poetry... has quickly made an impression. Superb atmospheres and enticing melodies suck me right in. Kamelot have found a new and exciting direction here.
The Great Pandemonium, If Tomorrow Came, Hunter's Season, Poetry For The Poisoned, Once upon a Time and The Zodiac are all killer songs.
A mature and quite extraordinary album.
Mors Principium Est - Inhumanity Posted by sam09metal - Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Black Country Communion - Black Country Communion Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, October 22, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Least we not forget the stellar opening track Black Country. Hughes and Co. unleashed some fury. Hughes' bass riffs blew me away.
I was not very familiar with Joe Bonamassa but I am pleased to say his guitar work was impressive.
I am hoping this is not just a one shot and hope to see at least one more in the future.
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 I would agree with the most part with the above review. I agree with El Dorado it does not impress much. Technically it was the first single and is not a good one at all. It is the single that maiden has released that I did not like. I prefer the intro Satellite 15 over El Dorado.
However The Final Frontier is a good single and I must say I love the video.
I am still not sold on their new approach of being more "progressive" with the latest two releases but still have a chance to redeem themselves with the next release in 2013 or so. In my opinion they need to have smoother tie ins, not to worry if all three guitarist are getting in their solos in every song (just feels that way with all passages), and get back to letting those songs soar instead of being weighed down.
I love the fact they are giving the fans 60+ minutes of music with their releases. I could be happier with a couple more shorter songs instead.
Overkill - Horrorscope Posted by notrap - Sunday, October 17, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Horrorscope was the first Overkill record without their debut guitar player Bobby Gustafson and it's somehow the beginning of a new era for the New Jersey Thrash Metal legends.
This mark II line-up released a solid record.
Horrorscope don't have a hit song like Hello From the Gutter, Elimination or Powersurge but like I said it's solid, balanced and definitely a must have.
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Posted by notrap - Sunday, October 17, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 The Final Frontier is in my opinion one of the poorest Maiden releases to date.
Pros: The most important Metal band ever still rocks!
Cons: Boring . Lack of inspiration . Bruce's vocal harmonies . The low quality of some guitar solos.
Up the Irons!
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Posted by guitarman - Thursday, October 14, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Sunstorm - House of Dreams Posted by guitarman - Thursday, October 14, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Marcello-Vestry - Marcello-Vestry Posted by guitarman - Thursday, October 14, 2010 Rating: 9.5/10 I just love this album! Melodies, catchy anthemic songs, a good voice and some really huge guitar work!
Hardcore Superstar - Beg For It Posted by guitarman - Thursday, October 14, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Tony Harnell - Cinematic Posted by guitarman - Thursday, October 14, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
Shining Line - Shining Line Posted by guitarman - Thursday, October 14, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Accept - Blood Of The Nations Posted by guitarman - Thursday, October 14, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier Posted by Craig - Thursday, October 7, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageIRONMAIDENCBREVIEW.html
So are we just masters of stating the bleedin' obvious or what? Agree on almost every point.
Derek Sherinian - Mythology Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 All of Derek's music is awesome,solo or Planet X, he always delivers the goods,wish he would have remained at the keys with Dream Theater,so much more of a melodic/creative force than Jordan Rudess will ever be...
Apocalyptica - 7th Symphony Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Saturday, October 2, 2010 Rating: 7/10 The strength of this outfit is their dynamic instrumentals, all of which are great on the 7th Symphony. Each instrumental track offers contrast. Interestingly enough I found my self drawn in emotionally by Sacra. The dark melancholic melody I found to be seductive and very appropriate for a film score.
I am torn when it comes to their pieces that have vocals. A few of those tracks designed for radio appeal. I am not sure to like them of hate them. Look no further than Not Strong Enough. This song is targeted for the North American listeners. More specifically, mainstream radio. The song is performed well, but it is a cookie cutter formula that has been done over and over gain. When they did I Don't Care off the Worlds Collide release, I liked it but it was a sign of things to come. End Of Me is another example of such material. Personally for me, it is a formula that is saturated and crammed own my throat for Canadian radio. Of course this is a point of view based on my demographic. Done well but not the reason I listen to this outfit.
Still the Pros still out weighs the Cons. The diverse instrumentals of this release is what keeps me listening and is the strength of Apocalyptica that makes them unique. (and the fact it is 4 cellos and percussion).
Wyvern - The Red Flame of Pain Posted by notrap - Friday, October 1, 2010 Rating: 1/10 I wanna have sex
Gotta have hard sex
Cute pretty little girl
She's gonna satisfie my desire
Cute pretty little child
She's gonna set my fire
Ask me I'll do everything
Tell me I'll get anything
Should see her
It's just a child
...bla bla bla.....
I'm leaving my sign
Soft skin body child
Gotta get you wild
Angel eyes holy mind
Gotta leave my sign
Soft skin body child.
........no comments about this lyrics
Accept - Blood Of The Nations Posted by notrap - Saturday, September 25, 2010 Rating: 8/10 The German Metal legends are back!
Blood Of Nations is a solid record with a top level production from Andy Sneap.
If you are a dinosaur like me and me and grew up listen to Accept you will definitely like this album.
If I miss UDO?
Of course...but Mark Tornillo was an excellent choice.
Wyvern - The Red Flame of Pain Posted by tolasudolsa - Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Rating: 10/10 no comment for the review ,it's a opinion of Alanna.
But i'm sure that Wyvern strongly condemn the pedophilia since '85 , in every live gigs I've seen, the singer talk about that horribile crime ..
State of Rock - A Point of Destiny Posted by guitarman - Monday, September 20, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Giant - Promise Land Posted by guitarman - Monday, September 20, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
Frontline - Circles Posted by guitarman - Monday, September 20, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10
Firewind - The Premonition Posted by notrap - Sunday, September 19, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 I bought Ozzy's last album in August (excellent by the way) and discover Gus G for the first time.
I was really impressed by Gus's work on Scream. After a quick YouTube research I found out he's Greek and have a band called Firewind.
Who have guess that Ozzy will get a Greek Power/Melodic Heavy Metal guitar player? :)
Well... The Premonition was really a huge surprise.
The album is full of melodic easy listening songs with special credits to Into the Fire; Head Up High; Mercenary Man; My Loneliness and Circle of Life.
Pros: Strong sense of melody . Gus & Apollo work . Head Up High
Cons: I agree with Steen, The Premonition doesn't hold many surprises
A solid 8.5/10
Iron Maiden - The X Factor Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, September 19, 2010 Rating: 9.5/10
Pathfinder - Beyond the Space Beyond the Time Posted by Stuart - Saturday, September 18, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Normally when you see a review of a bands debut album which places it alongside such classics as Nightfall On Middle Earth you are let down when you hear the final product as how could it possibly match up with those mighty records of times passed?
However you have it spot on with this review Alanna, I lost track of the amount of times this album made me smile/gave me goosebumps/got my heart beating faster/made me wonder where the hell this band cane from and how they could sound so accomplished on their debut.
I can see this being an album I will return to time and time again. Magnificent.
Queensrÿche - The Warning Posted by ProfessorShred - Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Rating: 8/10 A classic album,and Take Hold of the Flame is one of my all time favorite Queensryche songs ,if you have never heard this album,it is a must have
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy Posted by Craig - Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/nevermore.jpg
Hardline - Leaving the End Open Posted by guitarman - Sunday, September 12, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Accept - Blood Of The Nations Posted by Martin - Wednesday, September 8, 2010 Rating: 8/10 I give it an eight. Lovely stuff.
Enuff Z'nuff - Dissonance Posted by Steen - Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 Full review
Firehouse - Prime Time Posted by guitarman - Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Enforcer - Diamonds Posted by Stuart - Sunday, September 5, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Completely agree with your review Nina, Enforcer have suceeded where so many bands fail and have made their "difficult" second album sound like a walk in the park.
Standout tracks for me are Katana and the superb Walk With Me.
Savatage - Edge Of Thorns Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, September 3, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Great album...
Hall of the Mtn King still my Fav
Metallica - St. Anger Posted by bogdan - Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Rating: 10/10 You re review rule. i give this a 10 even is the worst Metallica album it has some great moments. A riff like in sumkinda i never heard from a new band. unnamed feeling is brilliant.
Metallica - Death Magnetic Posted by bogdan - Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Rating: 10/10 you re totally wrong. suicide and redemption is an amazing son better than ktulu IMO ( and i m a metallica fan for over 20 years). ANL comes directlly from mop and twjyl is an amazing opener. U III is genius and tdtnc is almost perfect. The lyrics are not weak (your review is ridiculous). you have to read between the lies (like on SOH)
10. 4 th album ever.
Metallica - Metallica Posted by bogdan - Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Rating: 10/10
Metallica - Master Of Puppets Posted by bogdan - Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Rating: 10/10 BEST MUSIC EVER HEARD ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET.
Metallica - ...And Justice For All Posted by bogdan - Wednesday, September 1, 2010 Rating: 10/10 it s a perfect album. Pure clas, above anything else, except another albums from the best fuckin band in the world.
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy Posted by Tommy - Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Really strong effort, track 2-6 are truly impressive. The riffs are awesome and Warrel sounds amazing. After that the album becomes a bit less interesting.
"Starre into the sky, with newborn perfect eyes"...Oh how I love that line.
Ken's Dojo - Reincarnation Posted by pepebc - Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Rating: 10/10
Optimystical - Optimystical Posted by guitarman - Tuesday, August 24, 2010 Rating: 6/10
Blaze Bayley - Promise And Terror Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Saturday, August 21, 2010 Rating: 7/10
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Saturday, August 21, 2010 Rating: 7/10 I agree that it does not measure up to the fantastic "Dead Heart In A Dead World" (my favorite to date) but this is still an excellent release.
Shining Line - Shining Line Posted by mollyhatchet - Thursday, August 19, 2010 Rating: 7/10
Y&T - Facemelter Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Thursday, August 12, 2010 Rating: 7/10
Y&T - Down For the Count Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Thursday, August 12, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 Even a bad release from Y&T is still considered good. This was a middle of the road for them. No matter how you look at it is a fun release.
I agree Your Momma Don't Dance is weak.
Don't Tell Me is one of those songs I loved. Silly yes. But what can I say...I was one of those teenage rockers that believed in that song. Come to think of it I still do:-)
Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day Posted by guitarman - Saturday, August 7, 2010 Rating: 9/10
Danger Danger - Live & Nude Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Danger Danger - Revolve Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 9/10
TNT - My Religion Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 10/10
TNT - Atlantis Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 5.5/10
TNT - Transistor Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
TNT - The New Territory Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 4/10
TNT - All The Way to the Sun Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
White Lion - Big Game Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
White Lion - Mane Attraction Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 8/10
White Lion - Return of the Pride Posted by guitarman - Friday, August 6, 2010 Rating: 4/10
Redemption - Redemption Posted by juice307 - Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Rating: 9/10 Have only listened to it once so far, but really like what I've heard!! I'm a long-time fan of Dream Theater, Symphony X, Shadow Gallery & Threshold, and recently Fates Warning.
I really like the complexity of the instrumentation in Progressive Rock/Progressive Metal music. It requires many listens to each song to really get to know them, which keeps it fresh and makes it very interesting.
Helloween - The Dark Ride Posted by notrap - Sunday, July 18, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 I stopped listen this band after Chameleon. I only gave a very quick listen to Master Of The Rings and The Time Of The Oath back in the 90's and I remember being disappointed.
I've always found impossible to replace Kay and Kiske.
So I only listen The Dark Ride a couple months ago and to be honest I didn't expect much.
Well I was wrong because this record is very interesting with special credits to Escalation 666 and If I Could Fly.
Now I will give a deep overview into Better Than Raw just to see if I missed something in 98 ;)
Kamelot - Epica Posted by Sandra - Saturday, July 17, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
W.E.T. - W.E.T. Posted by Sandra - Saturday, July 17, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime - Remastered and Expanded Posted by Sandra - Saturday, July 17, 2010 Rating: 9/10
Vanden Plas - Beyond Daylight Posted by Sandra - Saturday, July 17, 2010 Rating: 9/10
Stratovarius - Visions Posted by Sandra - Saturday, July 17, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Iron Maiden - Piece of mind Posted by notrap - Saturday, July 17, 2010 Rating: 10/10 After the worldwide success of the previous record this band had definitely something to prove with Piece Of Mind.
Would this band fulfil the expectations of all rock community after the huge impact of The Number Of The Beast?
Steve Harrys&Co said: No problem mates! We will release one dam good record ;)
They were right.
Piece Of Mind is an extraordinary record. One of Maiden's best releases.
Nicko was clearly an upgrade. Heavy Metal's finest line-up was finally found.
Special credits to:
Where Eagles Dares
Flight Of Icarus
Die With Your Boots On
The Trooper - One of the best songs ever made.
After this record Iron Maiden become the major Heavy Metal act in the world.
Up the Irons!!!
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time Posted by notrap - Saturday, July 17, 2010 Rating: 10/10 This is a very special record for me.
Somewhere In Time is in my opinion Maiden's second best record.
The futuristic concept of the songs is just amazing and Martin Birch did a great job (as usual).
Special credits:
Somewhere In Time - Excellent guitar solo by Adrian Smith
Wasted Years - An all time classic with another extraordinary guitar solo by Adrian. Belongs to my personal top 5.
Sea Of Madness - Excellent riff
Heaven Can Wait - Works always well on gigs.
Stranger In A Strange Land - A different song with a very unique felling.
One of my biggest disappointments was missing this tour.
Somewhere In Time is an all time classic.
If you don't have this record..well..something just missing in your life.
Up the Irons!!!
Sabaton - Coat Of Arms Posted by iwchameleon - Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Rating: 10/10
Asia - Omega Posted by ProfessorShred - Saturday, June 5, 2010 Rating: 5.5/10 Only thing u need to know...
Judas Priest - Painkiller Posted by Psychonator - Friday, June 4, 2010 Rating: 9.5/10 Nothing is perfect, but this cums effin close! I wish they would pull another one like this out of their collective azzes!!
Asia - Omega Posted by Steen - Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
Auras - New Generation Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, May 14, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 I picked this one up back in march and it has had numerous spins. This is a heavily inspired debut with Journey and Bad English being the fore front of there sound. Is it original? Not really but there are flashes here and there.
With that being said the material is solid and does offer a nice blend of ballads and Mid Tempo songs. However, it is lacking more of the up tempo rockers that would contribute to rounding off this release.
The biggest issue I have, is the out date approach with the keys. The arrangements used and execution is for the most part is what is dragging this release down. There is so much potential and missed the boat on this one.
Highlights: Beauty of Dreams, Forgive & Forget, Never Give Up, In My Arms, New Generation and the standout Toto influenced song "That's The Way Love Goes".
Good Cd to have in the back ground. It won't put you asleep but neither will it have you pull you away from what you are doing. In simplest terms it is a safe release marked for people like myself that desire for a new assortment of songs of 80's AOR soft rock fix. There is plenty of talent here and is worth checking out.
Now back to listening to W.E.T. :-)
Bronz - Carried By The Storm Posted by Bronz - Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Rating: 10/10 Well 10 out of 10 from us but we are the band !
Feel the ROCK!
Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny Posted by gottlob - Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Rating: 10/10
Bronz - Carried By The Storm Posted by The Master - Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Rating: 10/10 This album is a fantastic British rock band at it's best
produced by Max Norman no less.
If you liked "Taken by Storm" your gonna love
"Carried by the Storm"
These guy's rock.
10 out of 10
Alice Cooper - Dragontown - Special edition Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 While I slightly preferred Brutal Planet, this is a very, very solid early 2000's release by the king of theatrical rock, Alice Cooper. This one is nice and heavy and Alice sounds terrific.
Overkill - Ironbound Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 9/10 Good grief this band is awesome. While they aren't considered one of the Big 4 in thrash (in terms of popularity), I defy you to find a thrash band who has ever been more consistent than Overkill. This one is a borderline masterpiece.
Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 8/10 While this album may not have the polish of many of the later Priest albums, this is where the band kicks into high gear. I really like JP's 70's output and this album is a clear sign that better things were to come.
Ozzy Osbourne - Diary of a Madman vs. No More Tears Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 9/10 No More Tears was the last great Ozzy album. Diary of a Madman is Ozzy's best solo album overall.
Scorpions - Humanity - Hour 1 Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 8/10 This one had a little bit different sound than most Scorpions albums but in my opinion, it is their best album since Crazy World.
Dio - Strange Highways Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 5/10 I love Dio and most of his stellar work. However, this one didn't quite do it for me.
Doro - Fear No Evil Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 8/10 I am a big fan of Doro Pesch though I generally prefer her early work with Warlock a little more. Her solo career has been spotty (some great, some a little on the boring side). This continues her recent streak of putting out really good hard rocking albums. This one has some great songs though it is not quite up to par with her brilliant Warrior Soul album.
Alice Cooper - Welcome to my nightmare Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 10/10 Alice Cooper has a ton of great albums so there are many to choose from, but if you don't own this masterpiece, turn in your hard rock membership license right away.
Alice Cooper - Dirty Diamonds Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 8/10 I love Alice Cooper. In my opinion, he set the standard for all stageshows and he, unlike many rockers his age, can still get it done in the studio and on stage. Dirty Diamonds is a solid Alice album. There are some great catchy songs on this one. However, I actually slightly prefer the heavier direction he went in with Brutal Planet and to a lesser degree Dragontown. This is a good listen but a little more mellow than a lot of us stuff in recent years. No hard rock fan should be without some Alice.
Pretty Maids - Pandemonium Posted by hardrockfanatic - Thursday, May 6, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 This is one of the most underrated bands ever. Future World is a must have for any of you who don't know who these guys are. The Pandemonium album is a little more of a mixed bag in my opinion than most of their stuff but make no bones about it, it's good stuff.
Angeline - Confessions Posted by Roy - Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Rating: 10/10 :-)
Treat - Coup De Grace Posted by Steen - Thursday, April 22, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Excellent album filled with positive energy!
I'm Not Runnin' is a personal favorite closely followed by The War is Over and Paper Tiger. Roar and All in are tagging along close behind. The rest of the songs are strong but don't quite make the same impact.
All in all a great album and one of those that makes me want to check out the band's back catalogue as soon as possible.
I will be roaring at the frontlines in Sweden (Sorry Tommy).
Pretty Maids - Wake Up To The Real World Posted by Steen - Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Rating: 7/10
Treat - Coup De Grace Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, April 16, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Inspired songwriting/super chops/great vocal delivery make for a satisfying listening experience. 7.5 for now...maybe will grow on me more with repeated listening.
Sanctuary - Into the mirror black Posted by notrap - Saturday, April 10, 2010 Rating: 7/10 The Metal scene is full of mysteries. I really never understood why many people find Into The Mirror Black the best Sanctuary record.
In my humble opinion the previous and first record Refuge Denied is far better in all ways (except maybe the production).
When I first heard Die For My Sins, Battle Angels or White Rabbit I was completely astonish with Warrel Dane's vocal range.
Somewhere between Thrash and Heavy Metal (like the city mates Metal Church) this band released in 87 one of the most important Power Metal records of all time.
Then something happened with Warrel's voice...I don't know if it happened on Refuge Denied studio sessions or on tour...but his voice was never the same.
In my opinion Into The Mirror Black was adapted to Warrel's "new" voice and failed to upgrade the excellent previous record.
Don't get me wrong, ITMB is a good record however it's miles away from the previous masterpiece.
Sanctuary deserved a lot more.
Gamma Ray - Heading For Tomorrow / Sigh No More (2CD Set, Reissue) Posted by notrap - Saturday, April 10, 2010 Rating: 7/10 Gamma Ray's debut album is considered by many one of the most influential Power Metal records of all time.
Well...I've got serious doubts about that.
This record has goods songs and everybody (including myself) respects Mr. Kay Hansen, however Heading For Tomorrow can't match the quality of Helloween's
Keepers Part I&II.
If Helloween made an average work in Pink Bubbles Go Ape, Kay's first "solo" record didn't astonish as well.
Sign No More has an american soul (I believe the band or the record company tried to reach the US Market).
It's more commercial and ambitious than the previous output. One With The World is definitely a good song and a good effort to reach the first league.
In my opinion everybody lost with Kay's departure from Helloween...Just ask Weikath....
Pretty Maids - Pandemonium Posted by Steen - Friday, April 9, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Pandemonium is closing in on "Spooked" and "Carpe Diem" as one of my favorite newer Pretty Maids releases.
I always expect a new Pretty Maids release with an optimistic excitedness and I am seldom disappointed. Pandemonium is like a pleasure cruise in the vast ocean of music that Pretty Maids have released over the past 30 years. The music is old school and the album has a modern sound, resulting is a fresh and highly enjoyable experience. If you're interested in a detailed Pretty Maids history then check out the entertaining "Ronnie Remembering" at the official website. Pretty Maids is a trademark for heavy metal with a special sense of melody. It's a mix that has worked wonders in the past and still does. Pandemonium can be seen as a back to the roots album just by looking at its cover. The band feels invigorated and the songs they've written here are immediate and fresh. Ronnie Atkins sings with strong feeling and raw emotion throughout and there is plenty of detail in the drumming and guitar work to keep things interesting. The songs are varied and there are many highlights. Final Day of Innocence, Cielo Drive and Old Enough to know are songs which already feel timeless. Final Day of Innocence has a standout chorus section and Old Enough to know flows extremely well. Cielo Drive is mean and heavy with Ronnie singing in a very powerful way. I can't get enough of the way he delivers the line "HELL.... Tonight... No one left alive...". The song has a haunting feel, in part due to its compact sound and some effects. The evil laugh ending the song is questionable but beside that the song is brilliant. Pandemonium is a strong opener, Little drops of Heaven is a memorable power ballad, I. N. V. U. is cleverly constructed rocker and Breathless ends the album in true Pretty Maids style, with an ultra melodic power ballad. The fact that the chorus is endlessly repeated doesn't even bug me. Beautiful Madness is the only song which fails to stand out to me. Pandemonium is proof that Pretty Maids haven't grown soft with age. It's a great album and a return to form.
The Murder of My Sweet - Divanity Posted by ProfessorShred - Thursday, April 8, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Eloquent,even haunting it would seem...the more I listen to this album,the more it grows on me.Highly suggest you check it out.
Grand Design - Time Elevation Posted by mollyhatchet - Sunday, April 4, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Well, may be this isn't very creative but actually lots of bands lives from the 80's sounds and usually they have more rating than this, (I'm talking about the infinite Journey's look-like bands, Work of Art's Toto style, etc...). This mixture between Def Lep. and Dokken brings me a fresh sound that reminds me that 85-90 era, going to my high school with my so appreciate Walkman.. oh god, how time flies...
The Murder of My Sweet - Divanity Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Saturday, April 3, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Very exciting release. I enjoyed majority of the songs and my favorites are One Bullet (love those convincingly creepy strings...), Kiss Of Death and Death Of A Movie Star (Brilliant execution).
Reckless Love - Reckless Love Posted by mollyhatchet - Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
Metalforce - Metalforce Posted by Craig - Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Rating: 6/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageMETALFORCECBREVIEW.html
I'm not even going to point out the similarities in our reviews this time - it's just so bleedin' obvious what's wrong with this band, God love 'em.
Mutiny Within - Mutiny Within Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 These guys have some serious chops and with a few tweaks/changes...LOTS of potential.
That said,I have never been a big fan of growling(except maybe King Diamond) other than that I was taken back after listening to this album,SOLID 7.5
Giant - Promise Land Posted by mollyhatchet - Wednesday, March 10, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10
Spin Gallery - Embrace Posted by mollyhatchet - Wednesday, March 10, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Russell Allen's Atomic Soul - Atomic Soul Posted by juice307 - Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Rating: 7/10
Rock Sugar - Reimaginator Posted by steffenyale - Monday, March 8, 2010 Rating: 10/10 Awesome band. Just received the CD in the mail. We will be hearing more from Rock Sugar, that's for sure.
Overkill - Ironbound Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, March 7, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 This band has been consistent releasing high quality metal for over 20 years. My first look at this band was back in '88 with the release the single "Welcome to the Gutter" off the Lp "Under the Influence". Since then these guys have never looked back with having very little hick-ups in terms of delivering quality metal. Since '88 the only release that was questionable was "I Hear Black" and even then it was not a bad release. It was simply below their standards.
Ironbound is excellent. Solid from start to finish with all the signatures that make Overkill so distinctive amoung their metal peers. Ellsworth vocals are outstanding and I have to say their rhythm section is probably the best in thrash today. Verni (bass), whom I believe is also an original member, has maintained his aggressive stylistic approach to his performances. As a bass player he is as important to Overkill as Steve Harris is to Iron Maiden.
This is a must for all metal enthusiasts.
Overkill - Ironbound Posted by Craig - Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Rating: 9/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageOVERKILLCBREVIEW.html
This will probably be my album of the year, I love nearly every song on it and they all stand up to repeat listens.
Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who´s Buying? - DVD Audio Edition Posted by Tommy - Saturday, February 27, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 Even though I'm listening to the "old" version of the album it never became a Megadeth favourite in my book. Sure it has cool intense moments (Wake Up Dead) and clever ideas (Peace Sells), but too many songs lack better structure and musically the band was still evolving.
Favourite Megadeth albums:
Rust In Peace (9/10)
Countdown To Extinction (8,5/10)
Youthanasia (8/10)
Lunatica - Fables & Dreams Posted by CloudDancer - Saturday, February 27, 2010 Rating: 10/10 "Lunatica is Switzerland's answer to America's fascination with Evanescence and the Finn's original female fronted juggernaut, Nightwish. "
What a joke. I love Amy Lee and Evanecence but the compare her to Lunitca is a joke, Apples and Oranges.
Also why the comparrison to Nightwish? Tarja and Nightwish have a veru distinct niche in the market and Lunatica is not competing. Andrea does not try to even try to sing like Tarja.
Andrea has a very distinct voice and it is very easy to listen to as is Sabines from Edenbrige but that is where the similarities end.
If anyone is looking for something to complement their Evanescence or Nightwish Collection, then do not stop here.
However, if anyone is looking for something new, then please check Lunatica out. Fabels and Dreams is an excellent album
Edenbridge - The Grand Design Posted by CloudDancer - Saturday, February 27, 2010 Rating: 10/10 Same comment as before. Sabine has a wonderful voice and Lanval has matched the music to it perfectly.
I am not sure why the reviewer inists on comparing Edenbridge to Nightwish and Sabine with Tarja, both are completely different genres.
I have been a fan for years and their music never grows old.
Edenbridge - Shine Posted by CloudDancer - Saturday, February 27, 2010 Rating: 10/10 Shine is an amazing album and Sabines voice is perfect. Please listen to this wonderful album for what it is, rather than what someone thinks it should be. Shine is a excellnt first track
Eden's Curse - The Second Coming Posted by ProfessorShred - Sunday, February 21, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 This is simply a great album, not to be missed...check it out!
Leverage - Circus Colossus Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, February 20, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Mastedon - 3 Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, February 20, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Cain's Offering - Gather The Faithful Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, February 20, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10
W.E.T. - W.E.T. Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, February 20, 2010 Rating: 8/10
Redemption - Snowfall On Judgment Day Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, February 20, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Bad Habit - Above And Beyond Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, February 20, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From A Memory Posted by notrap - Friday, February 12, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Dream Theatre's second best record (In my opinion Images and Words is their best output).
Home is an excellent song.
King Diamond - Conspiracy Posted by savafan4ever - Friday, January 29, 2010 Rating: 8/10 all in all the best diamond album to date loved merciful fate but like diamond on his own better
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime - Remastered and Expanded Posted by savafan4ever - Friday, January 29, 2010 Rating: 10/10 all i can say is (masterpiece) pure and simple
Zebra - No Tellin Lies / 3 V (2 on 1) Posted by savafan4ever - Friday, January 29, 2010 Rating: 9/10 this was a great band that never got the recognition they so much deserved. i would of liked to have heard more from them i wonder what they are doing now.
Helloween - Walls Of Jericho / Keeper Of The Seven Keys, Parts 1 & 2 / Pink Bubbles Go Ape (Re-issues) Posted by notrap - Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Rating: 10/10 Helloween Mark I&II (from the first EP to Keeper II - Kay Hansen years) released excellent records.
Kay Hansen departure after Keeper II was a big disappoint and a huge step back.
Helloween EP
Speed Metal pioneer, this EP shows clearly the band influences: Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Accept (Fast as a Shark).
We find some immature links on the songs and lyrics , however this record is an interesting debut.
Special credits:
Victim of Fate
Rate: 8.5/10
Walls of Jericho
Absolute Speed Metal Classic! This record was very important to the metal scene.
All world was astonish with Ride the Sky, Guardians, Heavy Metal(Is The Law) or How Many Tears.
This guys gave Maiden's Hallowed be Thy Name a killer speed rotation!
Rate: 9.5/10
Keeper Of The Seven Keys part I
A turning point. Michael Kiske was definitely an upgrade to reach a more mainstream market (Maiden's market)
The songs kept the speed identity of the previous record however Kiske's extraordinary vocal range and a more classic song composition was definitely a step forward.
At this point I believe this guys had Queensryche on their playlist ;)
Another absolute pumpkin classic!
Special credits:
I'm Alive
A Little Time
Twilight Of The Gods
Future World
Rate: 10/10
Keeper Of The Seven Keys part II
In my opinion the best german record of all time.
This guys were in their top form and release an absolute Heavy Metal classic!
Songs like Eagle Fly Free or March of Time kept the speed metal flame alive and Dr. Stein or I Want Out were another step forward.
Helloween's golden era.
Rate 10/10 or 11/10
Pink Bubbles Go Ape
Well...This band was never the same after Kay's departure. The court problems with Noise didn't help too.
This record was the first of many steps back on Helloween's career.
Kids of The Century, Someone's Crying or The Chance are good songs..but not enough to fulfil the expectations
Rate: 7/10
My final rate don't include PBGA.
Pride of Lions - The Destiny Stone Posted by Steen - Tuesday, January 19, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 Fantastic album and indeed near perfect. The Courage to Love Somebody, Born to Believe in You, What Kind of Fool and especially the divine Gift of Song are favorites.
Evidence One - The Sky is the Limit Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageEVIDENCEONECBREVIEW.html
Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 6/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageDREAMTHEATERCBREVIEW.html
Bob Catley - Immortal Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageBOBCATLEYCBREVIEW.html
Falconer - Northwind Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 8/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageFALCONERCBREVIEW.html
Falconer - Among Beggars and Thieves Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageFALCONER2CBREVIEW.html
Firewind - Allegiance Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageFIREWINDCBREVIEW.html
Firewind - The Premonition Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageFIREWIND2CBREVIEW.html
Avantasia - The Scarecrow Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 7/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageAVANTASIA3CBREVIEW.html
Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge Posted by Craig - Friday, January 15, 2010 Rating: 8/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageALESTORMCBREVIEW.html
Dream Theater - Train of Thought Posted by juice307 - Thursday, January 14, 2010 Rating: 9/10
Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos Posted by juice307 - Thursday, January 14, 2010 Rating: 9/10 Favorite tracks: In The Presence of Enemies, The Ministry Of Lost Souls
Star One - Space Metal Posted by juice307 - Thursday, January 14, 2010 Rating: 8.5/10
Saviour Machine - II Posted by juice307 - Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Rating: 9.5/10
Pride of Lions - The Roaring of Dreams Posted by Steen - Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Rating: 8/10 A deeply passionate album. Especially Love's Eternal Flame and Astonish You are out of this world.
Stratovarius - Elements Part 1 (Reissue) Posted by Stuart - Friday, January 8, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 Learning To Fly is one of my all time favourite Stratovarius songs. I actually really like this album, it's just on the right side of overblown.
Poison - The Best of Poison - 20 Years of Rock Posted by notrap - Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Rating: 7.5/10 One of the biggest LA Glam bands of the 80's.
Never was into the glam scene however this guys have good songs
King Diamond - Conspiracy Posted by notrap - Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Rating: 8/10 Slightly better than the previous effort, Conspiracy contains some of King's best material.
This record don't have the freshness and inspiration of Abigail however songs like At The Graves or Sleepless Nights belong to King's Top 15.
Stratovarius - Elements Part 1 (Reissue) Posted by Steen - Tuesday, January 5, 2010 Rating: 6.5/10 Good album but it I find it lacks the excitement of earlier Stratovarius releases.
Bon Jovi - The Circle Posted by Steen - Thursday, December 31, 2009 Rating: 7/10 After Lost Highway, The Circle takes a U-turn back towards Have a Nice Day, which makes me smile. It doesn't quite reach that one but it's a very satisfying album. I believe the bass line in Work for the working man is completely on purpose as the songs share themes.
Personal favorites include Live before you die, Happy Now, When We were beautiful, Superman Tonight and Brokenpromiseland. Fast Cars is the only song I find quite "bleh...".
No pretensions, just good natured rock.
Mama Kin - In the City Posted by mollyhatchet - Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Sorry, forget the vote
Blanc Faces - Falling From the Moon Posted by mollyhatchet - Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Rating: 7/10 Good Aor again but, this time I agree with Alanna, "is not going to change the face of AOR" maybe more catchy in choruses but I think that debut album is better.
Foreigner - Can't Slow Down Posted by Tommy - Friday, December 25, 2009 Rating: 8/10 A really strong comeback album, when Kelly Hansen proclaimed that he wanted to bend his vocals in a more passionate direction he clearly meant it. He's varied and soulful performance is stunning.
I'll Be Home Tonight is one of many favourite songs from the year 2009, just the delicate piano in the background, marvellous stuff. In Pieces is also high quality material and with a chorus you could sing-a-long to all day.
A few songs go under the radar but the majority of the thirteen tracks really shine a bright, melodic light.
Highly recommended for all Classic/Melodic Rock enthusiasts.
Blanc Faces - Falling From the Moon Posted by Tommy - Friday, December 25, 2009 Rating: 8/10 The debut was quite delightful but this is a really great album with a superb production and a bunch of memorable AOR gems, it's all very sugarish but man does it taste good.
The line "You're beautiful smile and your gentle soul go together with your name, The empty chair there on Christmas eve won't be filled again" from Deep In The Heart is simply heartbreaking. On a brighter note It's All About The Love and I Come Alive hit a vivid and life-affirming vibe that's simply irresistible.
W.E.T. - W.E.T. Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Wednesday, December 23, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 This is the AOR Rock release of the year in my opinion. Not much more that can be said that the reviews that have been posted. I am hard pressed to pick a clear cut favorite from this one. The first 4 tracks and the last one were the immediate standouts (and I mean blew me away type of standouts) for me on the first couple spins.
"If I Fall" is right out of the mid 80's journey era. A perfect ending to a great release :-)
Well I have to say I am not sure what the Journey crew were thinking when they ousted him because they could have had something special with JSS at the helm. But then again good thing or else we may not have had the privilege to indulge in this great release.
W.E.T. - W.E.T. Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Wednesday, December 23, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 This is the AOR Rock release of the year in my opinion. Not much more that can be said that the reviews that have been posted. I am hard pressed to pick a clear cut favorite from this one. The first 4 tracks and the last one were the immediate standouts (and I mean blew me away type of standouts) for me on the first couple spins.
"If I Fall" is right out of the mid 80's journey era. A perfect ending to a great release :-)
Well I have to say I am not sure what the Journey crew were thinking when they ousted him because they could have had something special with JSS at the helm. But then again good thing or else we may not have had the privilege to indulge in this great release.
King Diamond - "Them" Posted by notrap - Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 After the previous excellent record "Abigail" King Diamond released his second full concept album Them.
I read from many official sources that this record is his best commercial success ever. This fact was always a mystery for me because, in my opinion, Abigail it's a better record - Has better songs and definitely a better production.
Don't get me wrong..Them is a classic King release (with good songs), however I believe this release was a huge step into the underground.
If Abigail opened the door to a more mainstream market, Them was a step back.
In my opinion, King somehow lost the inspiration of Halloween, The Candle, A Mansion in Darkness or The Family Ghost to embrace a more
underground 1000 riffs per song.
Well..Let´s forget my little disappointed when I first heard Them back in 88. I will try to hear it again this year
It's not my favourite, but who cares? Still an absolute metal classic.
Special credits to:
Welcome Home
The Invisible Guests
Redemption - Snowfall On Judgment Day Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Thursday, December 17, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Easily the best Prog metal release since Dt's Sceens...
Nick van Dyk is a brilliant writer and a mind-blowing guitarist.
I agree Black and White World is outstanding. Actually I would use magical. It is the perfect blending of keys and it is performed masterfully. The Piano solo at the 6:14 minute is pure beauty that leads into the most dramatic finishes a song can have with emotionally gripping vocal layering by Ray. That songs moves along so well, it feels a lot short than the time it is clocked in at.
This is undoubtedly the prog release of the year for me.
Cain's Offering - Gather The Faithful Posted by Craig - Wednesday, December 16, 2009 Rating: 8/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageCAINSOFFERINGCBREVIEW.html
Redemption - Snowfall On Judgment Day Posted by Tommy - Saturday, December 12, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 A soul-stirring and extremely powerful album ready to cash in the "Best Of 2009 Awards" for most awesome cover art, coolest album title and without doubt best lyrics. Not to forget the thrilling drumming, a stunning vocal performance by Ray Alder and an overall techinical and impressive rhythm section.
Leviathan Rising (all the noisy talk is quite distracting) and Fistful Of Sand hasn't got the soul and melodic core that most other songs have, but when you pack Black And Whie World, What Will You Say? (spellbinding) and Love Kills Us All / Life In One Day onto one album you clearly mean buisness.
Def Leppard - Pyromania & Adrenalize Deluxe Editions (Reissues) Posted by notrap - Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Rating: 8/10 I totally agree with Brian's review.
Pyromania place Def Leppard away from the NWOBHM original roots.
In the mid 80's there was 2 bands competing for the Hard-Rock MTV Hall of fame: This guys from Sheffield and Van Halen.
Both bands had all commercial ingredients to be successful: Easy listening songs and a more fashion dresscode, just perfect for the MTV audiences.
Pyromania is a Hard Rock reference, setting the sound concept to Leppard's biggest success ever: Hysteria
Well..Adrenalize was born under the grunge years, the kids were looking now into a different direction (however still was a commercial hit worldwide).
Pyromania: 8.5
Adrenalize: 7
Redemption - Snowfall On Judgment Day Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Passionate performance,sterling vocals and great songwriting make for one very memorable album.
On a sidenote,ever notice how James Labrie always turns in a better performance on side projects/guest spot...than with his own band?
W.E.T. - W.E.T. Posted by Steen - Saturday, December 5, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Brilliant album. Without doubt the melodic rock highlight of the year. If the new Stan Bush album doesn't come out this year I doubt anything will match it.
W.E.T. - W.E.T. Posted by Steen - Saturday, December 5, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Pyramaze - Immortal Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Great Songwriting/arrangements ,memorable performances ...Pyramaze is now one of my favorite bands,check them out!
Accept - Restless & Wild Posted by notrap - Monday, November 16, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Restless & Wild is an absolute metal classic.
Accept's most important record and in my opinion their best.
Fast as a Shark is a speed-metal pioneer. Probably the first speed metal track ever made and recorded on vinyl.
Mr. Kay Hansen will agree with me on that. Just listen to Helloween's first and second record..;)
The guitar riff of Restless & Wild was a huge influence to all German and Europe bands of the 80's and still remains one of their best songs.
This band always had 2 sides:
A Side: Fast&Furious - A more speed metal approach
B Side: More Rock (kind of AC/DC meets Priest with more high tuned overdrive)
Songs like Fast as a Shark , Restless & Wild or Love Child belong to the A Side
Songs like Ahead Of The Pack, Shake Your Heads or Balls to The Wall Belong to the B side
Well I've always been more into Accept's Speed Metal approach. In my opinion their originality lies here.
Special credits to:
Fast as a Shark
Restless & Wild
Neon Nights
Princess Of The Dawn
Like I said an absolute classic.
Heaven and Hell - The Devil You Know Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Friday, November 6, 2009 Rating: 7/10 I think this review is relatively accurate and have to agree that this does not match up to the previous Dio era of Sabbath releases. However it is solid.
What was a treat was the tour for support of this release. Dio may be getting on in years but he still sounds magnificent live. The fact he can nail down the old material to this day is a testament to his dedication to keep him self in fine form. Evidence that Dio required no compression in the studio.
Heaven and Hell - The Devil You Know Posted by notrap - Tuesday, November 3, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 Comments in Live From Radio City Music Hall
Lita Ford - Wicked Wonderland Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, November 1, 2009 Rating: 2/10 I think it's ok for a vocal artist to get involved with different styles of music and other time it can bury the integrity of the artist.
When Lee Aaron went on to lean towards the jazz genre (Canada's metal queen) I though it worked out well.
This is not one of those cases. This kind of reminds me when Halford released Voyeurs. Wrong style of music, not to mention it was not even done well in the first place. At least there was stronger structure to music on Halford's experimentation which is not say much. But then again the lyrics were so bad...pretty much left me with the same
If you buy it and then change your mind you will be hard pressed to even give it away.
Forbidden - Twisted into form Posted by notrap - Friday, October 30, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Forbidden was one of the best Bay Area Thrash bands.
Only exceeded by Testament or maybe Exodus.
After the excellent debut Forbidden Evil, Twist into Form showed a band in a clear evolution.
Special credits to:
Parting Of The Ways
Step By Step
Twisted Into Form
Smart thrash, Excellent musical performances, Excellent vocals and definitely a trash masterpiece!
Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy Posted by notrap - Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Repeating Michael:
"This record won't change the world... The mystique is gone"
It's all true, but anyone can please tell me one Heavy Metal record of the last 10 years that changed the world?
Probably Muse's Origin of Symmetry..but this band is definitely not Metal.
In my opinion Chinese Democracy was a good surprise with really good songs.
Give it a change!
Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction Posted by notrap - Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Guns N' Roses belongs to Rock and Roll hall of fame.
Like it or not (and I never was a die hard fan) this band was very important in the mid 80's and 90's.
Axel, Slash & Co. were true LA rebels (like Motley Crew) in opposite with most of the US Glam bands.
Their concept was, and still is, honest and pure: Basically Sex, Drugs and Rockn'roll...more Drugs...Still Drugs...and of course Axel.
This record is a mirror of all that. Pure Rock and Roll in your face baby...
And everybody will agree when I say that Axel and Slash were a unique combination, like Diamond Dave&Eddie, Plant&Page or Iommi&Ozzy.
My personal rate is 8.5/10 however I will rate this one like I did with Back in Black.
Manowar - The Triumph of Steel Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Monday, October 26, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This release was Manowar's finest moment and made a statement why they are metal gods. Creative brilliance and pure.
Luca Turilli's Dreamquest - Lost Horizons Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, October 25, 2009 Rating: 9/10 see comments from Monday, August 07, 2006
Ace Frehley - Anomaly Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, October 25, 2009 Rating: 7/10 There are some good rock tracks on this CD and has Ace's signature written all over it. A Little Below The Angels is the one odd piece (comparatively to the rest of the Cd's grove) to throw into the mix, though it would not be Ace if he had not done this track. His daughter sings back up on this one. This is his first true studio release with original material since 1989 and 20 years latter he still knows how to have a good time with his brand of rock. However I wished it was the Trouble Walking line up. Most notably John Regan (bass) and Richie Scarlet (guitar) not in the line up at all. I really though there was something special with the line up from 1989. However Anton Fig does play drums for most of Anomaly.
Yes I am an Ace fan but I am willing to admit that this CD can not touch his other efforts (except Second Sighting as there was to much material written specifically to push sales...the Tod Howarth songs). Overall a fine outing to a veteran artist who has not released a full out Solo in 20 years.
NOTE WORTHY: the last time his daughter had a special vocal appearance was for Frehely's Comet (1987) on the track Dolls. She was around 8 years old at the time.
Luca Turilli's Dreamquest - Lost Horizons Posted by silverwolfviola13 - Thursday, October 22, 2009 Rating: 10/10 I LOVE THIS BAND!!!
Black Sabbath - Mob Rules Posted by notrap - Wednesday, October 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 After the huge worldwide success of Heaven and Hell the second record of Sabbath Mark II had definitely something to prove.
Mob Rules is a strong and mature album. Probably not so efficient, fresh and creative as the previous, however still a very good record.
Special credits to the title track and The Sign Of The Southern Cross.
Conception - Flow Posted by ProfessorShred - Monday, October 19, 2009 Rating: 9/10 A highly enjoyable album Very much recommended!
King Diamond - "Them" Posted by ProfessorShred - Monday, October 19, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Them is definately a classic K D album...must admit though I still think Abigail stands the test of time for Best King Diamond CD
Jorn - The Gathering Posted by ProfessorShred - Sunday, October 18, 2009 Rating: 9/10 1st off, let me say that it would be easy for a casual listener to mistake this as a David Coverdale album,there were moments I had to remind myself of this even knowing who it was .Since I am a big fan of Whitesnake it goes without saying I thought this album was fantastic.
Richie Kotzen - Into the Black Posted by Sandra - Saturday, October 17, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 "I sold my soul, just so I could feel paid. I broke my heart, so I couldn't feel pain..."
Fantastic album. This is my first encounter with Richie Kotzen, and certainly not the last. I'm impressed, very impressed.
When I come home after a busy day, I throw all the books away and everything else that's in my hands, put this on and enjoy it. It's so weird, because it's actually a quite dark album. But I really enjoy this album and it's something that I can hear over and over ... usually, I get tired of "breaking-up-theme-albums" cause there's often written "Feel pity for me" all over them and it's just too much. HOWEVER, this one is nothing like that. This man is strong and honest. You can feel it right away, in his voice, the lyrics, and in the music.
It's defiantly among my top discoveries this year.
"Fuck your money
Fuck your fame
Fuck my life"
Hell yeah :-) , What an attitude... I love it.
Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons Posted by Sandra - Friday, October 16, 2009 Rating: 10/10 One of my favorite DT songs. Every time I hear the guitar in the beginning, I get this special feeling in my stomach and it's like the world stops spinning for a while...
Song: 10/10 indeed.
Stratovarius - Infinite Posted by Sandra - Friday, October 16, 2009 Rating: 8/10 I pretty much agree with Tommy...it's high level Power Metal ...and also right on the prediction.
The problem about "Mother Gaia", is the fact that it's misplaced ... just right after the ultra fast Millennium... then it might feel as a odd low-point, especially with the beginning, however, it certainly isn't a low point.
"Mother Gaia" is very beautiful, the guitar solo is so great and dreamy ..it captures a brilliant atmosphere.
I simply love "Celestial Dream", very relaxing and the symphonic elements fits perfectly in. I just wish it was longer.
Many great, exciting and catchy Power Metal songs, executed by the expert power metallers :)
Enforcer - Into The Night Posted by Craig - Thursday, October 15, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Hammerfall - Crimson Thunder Posted by PowerMetalKevin - Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Rating: 9/10 My favorite HammerFall album! This is their masterpiece, as far as I'm concerned.
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side Posted by PowerMetalKevin - Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Masterpiece. That's all I have to say about this album.
Steel Panther - Feel the Steel Posted by PowerMetalKevin - Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Rating: 7/10 I completely agree with the reviewer that this band is too good to be a parody act. Musically, it's amazing and the vocals are great too. I just really wish they would write more "serious" songs.. It's fun stuff though, I listen to this album all the time.
Highlights of the album for me are:
"Asian Hooker" Extremely catchy and the neo-classical soloing is just superb.
"Eyes Of A Panther" The closest thing to "serious" you're going to get from this album. Great song, very memorable.
Manowar - The Triumph of Steel Posted by notrap - Friday, October 9, 2009 Rating: 8/10 The Triumph of Steel is a very interesting record.
I sometimes miss Ross the Boss however the main sound concept remains the same.
Good songs with special credits to The Power Of Thy Sword and Master of The Wind.
I saw this tour and this guys gave a good show.
House of Lords - Cartesian Dreams Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Wednesday, October 7, 2009 Rating: 6/10
Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos Posted by ProfessorShred - Thursday, October 1, 2009 Rating: 6/10 Great Musicians who make Tedious Music at best,if you really want to hear some memorable DT,go back and listen to Images and Words and Awake,after that they really dont have the magic anymore.
Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane Posted by notrap - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 To be honest I didn't know this band.
After reading Steen's review, I bought this record just to check the highest rated record on this website ;)
Remedy Lane is an excellent and intelligent record. The main composer is really talented and particularly inspired.
This band definitely deserves a major label and a huge background support.
If I've heard this record 6 or 7 years before I would probably give an 10/10 rating.
Remedy Lane was a huge and wonderful surprise.
Europe - Last Look at Eden Posted by Alanna - Wednesday, September 30, 2009 Rating: 4.5/10 I agree, this album is not a good example of rock brought into the modern times. It lacks the hooks and melodies that are a necessity for a band like Europe. Winger's "Karma" is an excellent example of how this should be done, while Europe's is another lackluster showing of tedium, monotony and boredom.
Pretty Maids - Spooked Posted by Alanna - Saturday, September 26, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Oh wow, yes I LOVE this album and its been a surefire favorite since it first came out. "If It Can't Be Love" is just a genius of an infectious epic ballad. A bold, powerful sweeping statement that lavishes on the emotion without holding back, not even for an instant. "Your Mind Is Where the Money Is" has an under appreciated chorus, it takes a few spins but once it sinks its hooks, it is a difficult song to shake.
This is just a really solid, extremely well balanced melodic rock album (with the emphasis on "rock"). It has just enough of a modern touch to seem timeless, the years never seem to touch this one. A must-have rock album, and those that dismissed it will be sorry they did so once they get a few listens in.
Savatage - Edge Of Thorns Posted by notrap - Friday, September 25, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 This record brings back good memories.
Savatage was always very unique in the metal scene.
The "Oliva" brothers (Criss RIP) were always regarded with respect by the audiences, critics and other bands.
Zachary "Zak" Stevens was a good surprise. His performance on the title track is excellent.
Special credits to Edge Of Thorns; Degrees Of Sanity and Damien
Edge Of Thorns is definitely a good record.
Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet Posted by notrap - Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Bon Jovi was (and still is) one of those bands totally forbidden on any headbanger playlist.
Bands like Cinderella, Warrant or Poison were always public enemies for the "true" Metal fan.
-Baaa!! Those posers...I hate them all.... (just listen to Manowar ;)
Well...I suppose I'm not a headbanger...
This record is definitely a hard-rock classic. Like it or not, Bon Jovi made excellent rock songs and this record is especially good.
Excellent production, Excellent songs and a heavy billboard Hit.
Songs like Livin´ On A Prayer or You Give Love A Bad Name are absolute classics (thanks to Desmond Child)
Europe - Last Look at Eden Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Rating: 5/10 A total waste of space on my hard drive... I am being kind giving this album a 5 rating.
Wolf - Ravenous Posted by Nina - Friday, September 18, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Running Wild - Reissues (x8) - Part I (Gates to Purgatory - Branded and Exiled - Under Jolly Roger - Port Royal) Posted by notrap - Friday, September 18, 2009 Rating: 9/10 It's rather difficult for me to rate this band in 2009.
My emotional side tells me to give an high rate,
Port Royal was one of those records I heard over and over again (Conquistadores still on my top 50).
My pragmatic side tells me to be more caution....
I will try to be in the middle:
Gates to Purgatory: 8/10
Branded and Exiled: 8/10
Port Royal: 10/10 ;)
Syth - The Reckoning Posted by Craig - Thursday, September 17, 2009 Rating: 9/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageSYTH2CBREVIEW.html
Annihilator - Set The World On Fire - Re-release Posted by notrap - Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Rating: 8/10 I always found something unique and special on Jeff's songs.
Alice in Hell was one of 89's best releases.
If the debut album it's definitely a trash masterpiece, the second and Set The World On Fire are more soft and classic.
Jeff tried to reach the mainstream with this one and we almost got it! Phoenix Rising has everything to be a hit song, however he needed a different record company to reach the charts...
Good songs with special credits to Set The World on Fire, Phoenix Rising and Brain Dance.
Manowar - Fighting The World Posted by notrap - Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Rating: 8/10 I had Fighting the World and Kings of Metal in the same tape back in 88.
In my opinion KOM it's the best release of this band and deserves 9/10 or maybe a 10/10 rating.
Fighting the World never was on my everyday playlist, however songs like the title track, Defender, Holy War or Black Wind, Fire & Steel are definitely Metal classics.
Ok..Let's avoid talking about the concept or lyrics..It's Manowar not Queensryche.
AC/DC - Back In Black Posted by notrap - Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Back in Black it's an absolute Hard Rock classic.
To be honest I never was a die hard fan of this band, however we must always try be pragmatic on the ratings.
Hells Bells
Shoot To Thrill
Back in Black
You Shook Me All Night Long
Anubis Gate - The Detached Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Man,I love this album.Haven't heard anything this unique and fresh in quite a while.
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond Posted by gizmo - Monday, September 14, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This is a marvelous BG album only second to Imaginations from the other side. BG at their best.
Simply loved that band, too bad the 3 latests albums have been less great than the old ones.
Hope every time they will return to their old form but i doubt it will ever happen.
Tony Harnell - Cinematic Posted by ProfessorShred - Monday, September 14, 2009 Rating: 6/10 Your honeydripped review really made me want to check this out...
After listening to the 6 tracks here I have come to the conclusion your just twitterpated with Harnell,the material here just isn't that great
King Diamond - Give Me Your Soul.... Please Posted by notrap - Friday, September 11, 2009 Rating: 7/10 Abigail, in my opinion, it's King's best record.
Mikkey Dee's playing on Abigail is just amazing and the guitar work of Andy and Michael are very good too.
About Give Me Your Soul.... Please..
A nice record with good songs, however I believe the concept is a little bit "Deja vu" even for King.
Still worth buying
Accept - Balls to the Wall - Remastered Posted by notrap - Friday, September 11, 2009 Rating: 8/10 I bought the Remastered version this mouth.
Love Child - in my opinion the best song of the band and still in my personal top 50.
Balls to the Wall
Losing More than You ever Had - The "middle" is amazing
A very nice record
Persuader - Evolution Purgatory Posted by gizmo - Monday, September 7, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This is an incredible album. Released just after after Blind guardian began their demise and filled the hole they left behind.
Just a pity the next album failed to live up to the high expectations I had after this marvelous release even though it was not bad.
Symphony X - The Damnation Game Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Sunday, September 6, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 huge 9,5/10
A must have for any Metal guitar fan or any PROG METAL enthusiast !
Symphony X - The Damnation Game Posted by ProfessorShred - Sunday, September 6, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Every Symphony X release(except the debut) is sheer genius in my opinion.Get them all they are destined to be classics!
Danger Danger - Revolve Posted by Tommy - Saturday, September 5, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Alanna captured the feel of this outstanding album nicely; it really gets around and manages to sound authentic in every aspect.
I'm completely crazy with That's What I'm Talking About , it's so subtle and yet so immensely huge and groovy...and that chorus, awesome.
Keep On Keepin' On is a positive energy rush that will get you excited sooner or later.
Ingenious lyrics, stunning production, great musicianship and no real fillers, Beautiful Regret do miss a bit of spark though.
Ohh, and I almost forgot the spellbinding launch of Rocket To Your Heart, that start gets me every time, pure magic.
Do yourself a favour and check this one out, it most surely will grow on you.
Danger Danger - Revolve Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, September 4, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 Was an enjoyable listening experience,of particular note was Rob Marcello's lead guitar playing,just spectacular.
Lost Horizon - A Flame To The Ground Beneath Posted by Steen - Monday, August 31, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 They have done it again.
Lost Horizon have delivered a magnificent feast of powerful, agressive and melodic music, overflowing with emotion and positive spirits.....Read Full review
Lost Horizon - A Flame To The Ground Beneath Posted by ProfessorShred - Monday, August 31, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Initally,I commented on this album in June + Steen's review.Since then have listened more and the tracks have def grown on me,a rating of 8 was not enough,this is a great album!
Coldspell - Infinite Stargaze Posted by bmoreoriolesfan - Sunday, August 30, 2009 Rating: 10/10 I can only think of 2 albums that I listen to constantly that have come out recently. Road to Ruin is one of them, and this is the other one. Every song on this album is so good. I don't know how they manage to combine blues, melodic rock, hard rock, etc. but they do. The lyrics are awesome, the guitars, the vocals... I could just go on and on. I am waiting for the next release.
Crash the System - The Crowning Posted by ProfessorShred - Wednesday, August 26, 2009 Rating: 7/10 A class effort,standout tracks for me were...Take a chance/without chances/Angel of my heart/all because of you .
The rest of the album was interesting,maybe will grow on me with repeated listening.
To/Die/For - Wounds Wide Open Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 8/10
To/Die/For - Jaded Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Wizard - Goochan Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 6.5/10
Wizard - Thor Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Wolf - Ravenous Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Work Of Art - Artwork Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Virgin Steele - The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell - Part One Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 A great VS album; "I Will Come For You" is one of my all time favorite songs an in my opinion this song alone is a solid 10.
Virgin Steele - The House Of Atreus Act I Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Virgin Steele - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - Part Two Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Virgin Steele - Invictus Posted by Dark Lord - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Stan Bush - In This Life Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Sixx: A.M. - The Heroin Diaries soundtrack Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Opeth - Still Life Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Opeth - Damnation Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Orphaned Land - Mabool: The story of the Three Sons of Seven Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Poets Of The Fall - Revolution Roulette Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Scorpions - Humanity - Hour 1 Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Scorpions - Humanity - Hour 1 Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Poisonblack - Escapexstacy Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Revolution Renaissance - New Era Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Symphony Of Enchanted Lands II - The Dark Secret Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Power Of The Dragonflame Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Sabaton - Primo Victoria Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Saviour Machine - Legend - Part I Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Saviour Machine - II Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Saviour Machine - I Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Ross The Boss - New Metal Leader Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Manowar - Sign Of The Hammer Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Manowar - The Triumph of Steel Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Manowar - Warriors of the world Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Manowar - Battle Hymns Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Manowar - Into glory ride Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Manowar - Gods of War Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Marcello-Vestry - Marcello-Vestry Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Martin Page - In The Temple Of The Muse Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Manowar - Hail to England Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Magnum - Princess Alice and the Broken Arrow Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Lake of Tears - Black Brick Road Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Los Angeles - Los Angeles Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Lost Horizon - A flame to the ground beneath Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Khymera - The Greatest Wonder Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Kamelot - The Black Halo Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Kamelot - Ghost Opera Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Judas Priest - Painkiller Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Dream Theater - Black Clouds And Silver Linings Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Jorn - Lonely Are the Brave Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10
Jorn - Spirit Black Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Iron Maiden - Piece of mind Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Not my favorite Jethro Tull album; but a great one.
Joe Lynn Turner - Second Hand Life Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Iron Maiden - Powerslave Posted by Dark Lord - Saturday, August 22, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Iron Maiden - Brave New World Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Firewind - The Premonition Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10
Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Despite what lots of people say; i belive this is a great album;
Fav Tracks:
The Ministry Of Lost Souls ; Prophets Of War ; Forsaken ; In The Presence Of Enemies Pt. 2
Dream Theater - Images And Words Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Edge of Forever - Let the Demon Rock N Roll Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Eternity X - The Edge Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Gamma Ray - Land of the Free Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Gotthard - Domino Effect Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Gypsy Pistoleros - Wild, Beautiful, Damned Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8/10
H.E.A.T. - Heat Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8/10
House of Lords - World Upside Down Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Code - The Enemy Within Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10
Bruce Dickinson - Accident Of Birth Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 10/10 A true masterpiece.
Bruce Dickinson - Balls To Picasso Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 5.5/10 "Tears Of The Dragon" is a 10; but the whole thing's just hopeless.
Brother Firetribe - Heart Full Of Fire Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Brother Firetribe - Breakout Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle-Earth Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Ayreon - The Human Equation Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Axel Rudi Pell - The Ballads III Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This is one of my all times favorite ballad disks and I rate it as an entity not a compilation of previously known songs.
Interesting thing is that it appleals to people with all kinds of likings, from metal-heads to alternative listeners. A couple of songs could've been added, but over-all: a must have.
Avantasia - The Metal Opera (Part II) Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Avantasia - The Metal Opera Pt.1 Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Bob Catley - Immortal Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Allen Lande - The Revenge Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Allen Lande - The Battle Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Heaven and Hell - The Devil You Know Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Magnum - Into the Valley of the Moonking Posted by Dark Lord - Friday, August 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Whitesnake - Good to Be Bad Posted by ProfessorShred - Thursday, August 20, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Yeah,I was pleasently surprised some time ago to find out Coverdale released a new cd with brand new material.The tracks presented here didnt grip me as much as the classic yrs stuff,guess that would be expected considering the caliber of songwriting and performance chops back then.Still ,for David's age,an amazing performance to be sure.
Pyramaze - Melancholy beast Posted by ProfessorShred - Monday, August 17, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Wow I loved this album from the very 1st time I listened to it. All the musicians are very talented and inspiring,Lance King was way more enjoyable to listen to than say,James Labrie. A great album!
DGM - FrAme Posted by Modulator - Saturday, August 15, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Together with "Different Shapes" this is the best DGM album so far (maybe even better)!
DGM - FrAme Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Saturday, August 15, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 I really liked this CD. For the most part I have to agree with your review. I do have to give it a slightly higher rating though on the basis that the songs are consistently compact for the norm within the progressive metal scene. Add that with the strong melodies I find myself being able to simply listen to selective tracks more readily since they are not overtly epic. It is something that is found more in the 70's progressive rock scene which allowed acceptability with radio play.
But then again where I live it is so commercial driven (a certain lack of variety...CRTC blows) I have learned to hate the radio with the over killing of "3 chord bands", the Nickleback "got-to-be" bands and all that damn so called R'nB hip-hop.
Thank the gods for my favorite metal import store and this site.
DGM - FrAme Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, August 14, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 Loads of Frenetic Energy from this band!The guitar/keyboard interplay couldn't have been tighter.Great stuff indeed.
Anthrax - Sound Of White Noise Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Original record with a completely different metal perspective
Anthrax - Among The Living Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 8/10
W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol - Double Remastered Edition Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Dio - Holy Diver Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Slayer - South Of Heaven Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Helloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys - Part II Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Metallica - Metallica Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Excellent Record...Good Production...Huge worldwide success
Metallica - ...And Justice For All Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Metallica - Master Of Puppets Posted by notrap - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 10/10
DGM - FrAme Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Rating: 9/10 I still like more "different shapes" but this one is good enough to be in your 2009 TOP 20
Cain's Offering - Gather The Faithful Posted by Steen - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 A superb and highly promising debut. There are some amazing songs here. Oceans of Regret, Into the Blue and Dawn of Solace are current favorites. Unfortunately I feel the album looses a bit of breath in its second half. Thorn In My Side, Morpheus In A Masquerade and Stolen Waters lack the elegant grace that make the other songs soar. Good songs but not quite up there with the rest.
It took a while before I recognized the Taylor Dane connection. Pretty impressive how they completely change the mood of that melody but still a bit too obvious.
And yes, this is Kotipelto's finest moment. He strikes the perfect emotional balance.
Accept - Russian Roulette Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 7/10 Never had this record (only knew Man Enough to Cry).
I recently buy it just to check what I was missing...Well...a nice album with some good songs, but I believe the previous is better.
I've always respected this band and believe in me when I say they were a huge influence back in the 80's.
Heaven and Hell - The Devil You Know Posted by Craig - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageHEAVENHELLCBREVIEW.html
Hmmmyep pretty close to my own thoughts. Just because it's not a classic doesn't mean it's a bad album.
Queensrÿche - The Warning Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 6.5/10
Queensrÿche - Empire Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Queensryche's most successful work.
Full of good&easy listening songs.
The title track is definitely one of their best songs ever
Queensryche's golden era.
Queensrÿche - Rage for order Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime - Remastered and Expanded Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Judas Priest - Painkiller Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Mustaine's most successful work (This record was a US Billboard hit).
Symphony for Destruction was probably the metal song more played in 92.
The beginning of a new age for Megadeth. Something between their Speed/Thrash roots and a more classic Heavy approach.
One of their best releases
Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who´s Buying? - DVD Audio Edition Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Megadeth - Rust In Peace Posted by notrap - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Allen Lande - The Revenge Posted by Pombo - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 9/10 only two words can describe it - "AMAZING". hehe!!
Allen Lande - The Battle Posted by Pombo - Tuesday, August 11, 2009 Rating: 9/10 magnificent album, one of the best i've heard so far
Lanfear - X To The Power Of Ten Posted by ProfessorShred - Sunday, August 9, 2009 Rating: 7/10 This is one of those albums that needs repeated listening to fully appreciate,I agree with Tommy Solid 7,also liked x to the power of 10 enough to seek out some of the bands earlier recordings.
Iron Maiden - Brave New World Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Welcome back Bruce&Adrian!
Everyone knows that Bruce is the perfect front man and Adrian a great songwriter.
Maiden without this guys its definitely not the same..
A good record
Up the Irons!
Iron Maiden - Virtual XI Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 5/10 Mission impossible: Replacing Bruce part II
Iron Maiden - The X Factor Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 5/10 Mission Impossible: Replacing Bruce part I
Up the Irons!
Iron Maiden - Fear of the dark Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 I little bit better than the previous.
An average Album, far far away from the golden 80's
Up the Irons!
Iron Maiden - No prayer for the dying Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 The worst Maiden release in 10 years.
Steve wanted a more rough production on this record...Well everyone (including myself) were a little bit disappointed.
The golden era ended with Seventh Son...
Up the Irons!
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Iron Maiden - Killers Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Iron Maiden - Powerslave Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Iron Maiden - Live After Death Posted by notrap - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Queensrÿche - American Soldier Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 7/10 As much as I hate to agree with Brian on anything,well... this time I do.
Cain's Offering - Gather The Faithful Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, August 7, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 I liked this album alot... not quite as much as Tommy,after a few listens I thought the 1st and last track(s) on the album were pretty weak,hence - 1 pt from Tommy's score.Still a ve3ry solid effort.
Cain's Offering - Gather The Faithful Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Thursday, August 6, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Agree with your review Tommy and also same rating 8.5/10
Album of the month...Maybe !
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime - Remastered and Expanded Posted by Steen - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 9/10 The perfect concept album? Yes, pretty much. Spellbinding from beginning to end it is a completely genius creation.
Savatage - Hall of the mountain king Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Shortino - Chasing My Dream Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Not agree with the review :
I'm a big supporter of PAUL SHORTINO's voice even if the last years were not that good in terms of GREAT album !
This album is IMHO the best work by PAUL since his 1st collaboration with JK NORTHRUP in 1993 !
The Germans musician who backed the album are good and enough discreet to leave all the room for this Fantastic singer to express all his range !
His voice is better than ever (do you remember his perfect lines with R.J.DIO's project STARS ???)and he always made me ask to myself the same question :
The album tracklist display a good diversity, from HARD ROCK to BLUESY stuff to more HEAVY tempos...All in all a very good solo album for one of the best Singer EVER !
Steevi Jaimz - My Private Hell Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 yep this album by STEEVI JAIMZ is suprising good !
Yep ,his voice is not the more impressive one ,but Chris LANEYexZANCLAN/ANIMAL (behind the mixing board/BASS/guitarz and behind most of the tracks as songwriter) again provide some fantastic works, especially HIS signature Gang BACKING vocals borrowed to the mighty Mutt LANGE ...Then some kind of a miracle happen and you are right away into this HEAVY SLEAZE album for ever ,asking to yourself why !
If you like Sing along song wit some party/dirty/sleazy/street Metal influences ,you'll love this one !
But don't expect nothing new or original !
Hardcore Superstar - Beg For It Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Really good album even if the suprise fx don't work anymore !
The only low point imho ,it's the guitar mix sometimes very Non-cohesive with the rest...Maybe it's because the Vic Zino guitarz are truly f*-)°in' Heavy
Anyway,the songs are great Anthems as always and Jocke is an "hell of a frontman"
Virgin Steele - Invictus Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 I love each and every VIRGIN STEELE album !
But this one is my Favorite ,i just delete 0,5 to the perfect rating because of the average prod.
David DeFEIS is A GGGGGenius !
Firenote - Firenote Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 10/10 A MASTERPIECE !
Maybe my favorite album ever !!!
Fair Warning - Aura Posted by YNGWIEVIKING - Monday, July 27, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Virgin Steele - Age Of Consent Posted by Sandra - Monday, July 20, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Age of consent...I was once told that if I like Manowar then I should listen to Virgin Steele because they are similar. Then I heard Cry Forever, Vini Vidi Vici and Child of Desolation and was totally amazed. However, as a huge Manowar fan I can say that I don't think that they are similar...Virgin Steele is more about feelings and there is a special touch into the music - I just can't put my finger on it. Well I bought Age of Consent because of Cry forever (I LOVE this ballad) and Invictus because of Vini Vidi Vici... I really liked it at that time but I couldn't find any VS albums and my searching on the internet wasn't a huge success. However, a couple months ago I decided to continue my exploring and I have been listening to Invictus and Age of Consent regularly since and now I'm totally hooked on this band. The fact that these guys really don't give a damn when it comes to PR - makes me even like them more... when I sometimes think of Manowar, I get a bit sad because of the endless stream of Fan-stuff... it's too much .. Sorry Manowar, but that is the truth - and the endless stream of weird e-mails is just annoying... 5 e-mails from Magic Circle every other day is way too much.
The Burning of Rome is very melodic and very epic - especially with the sound of the sword in the beginning. It's a song that sticks to your brain right away, love the lyric. The riffs are easy and very cool - it made me want to play this song.
Roar is very speedy, and the ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR is soo cool - like a lion :) . The Chorus is very memorable and love the way he sings it in. and the keys at the ending ...is just perfect...a magical touch.
The drums in the beginning of Lion in the winter followed by a far out from this world scream is incredible. Again a very catchy and breezy chorus and I love the galloping tempo; this gets me in a very good mood. I actually would like the drums to be turned up...just a bit...that would be perfect.
Stranger At The Gate is defiantly something I could listen to like for the rest of my life - once again I have found myself pushing repeat many times. I simply adore this instrumental, if David recorded albums with his piano-playing I would seriously buy them all. He is so talented, he really knows what goes together and the timing is perfect. Okay, I love it :) he is so passionate; he plays with his heart...so damn passionate. The beginning is like rain falling down slowly... I can just picture it in my mind. Beautiful, what a great composer.
I love the start of Perfect Mansions with the vocals and rain and thunder, and then: "The day is over", so clear and full of soul. The chorus is lovely and so high pitched ...no matter how bad I sing I can't help singing along - damn what a high pitched voice he has...and then the guitar solo is so tight and fits so perfectly in. One day, I listened to this one when I went to the beach on a very cloudy evening and the sun was just setting in the horizon that was beautiful. The settings just brought the song into another dimension...what an experience.
From the first time I listened to Coils of The Serpent I liked it and it's quite funny and it made me laugh :)
Serpent's Kiss has some very heavy riffs and then halfway through it explodes - DUBLE BASS DRUMMING badass :D and then the ultra fast, super awesome guitar solo - and then in the ending it slows down into the same heaviness as in the beginning - and the song finally ends with a cool piano outtro - soo cool composition, I'm amazed.
I feel great when I listen to Seventeen, so young and breezy, well I get the feeling that I just can't my hands down... like I have been to a fantastic gig and still can't focus on anything else. It's so playful and funny with the guitar and vocal battle at the end ...I love when bands do that ;)
The depressing song: Tragedy just right after seventeen forces me to take down my hands. One thing that always amazes me about music is its ability to make our humor switch in few seconds.
This album has so much to offer, although I agree that some of the songs are a bit too simple and easy delivered, but still it's a genius album.
Dream Theater - Black Clouds And Silver Linings Posted by Sandra - Sunday, July 19, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 I have been waiting and waiting for this album and thinking about it a lot, and the day I got it I was totally ecstatic... and still am :)
The gothic tone in the beginning ofA Nightmare to Remember and the intense drumming really sets a very tense atmosphere and you don't know what is coming next. I really like when the song turns more silent... the mid-section is so delightful. The chorus is very well written: Hopelessly drifting bathing in beautiful agony, I'm endlessly falling Lost in this wonderful misery, in peaceful sedation I lay half awake .
Yes, A Rite of Passage was a very good pick as single, that for sure. The riff in the chorus is so cool, very playful and I don't know exotic, refreshing and mystical? :) The chorus is just spot on, actually most of the choruses on the album have something to offer and are very catchy.. this one is put together in a awesome way. Yeah, the guitar solo breakthrough is so cool Petrucci owns and Rudess is very teasing on the keys.
Wither: ...no words just <3 .well I love this song, it is so beautiful. Very well written, emotional, delicate and the line: I drown in hesitation, my words come crashing down is splendid! The mid section is just...wow. The guitar solo is not over the top, it fits perfectly in. I can't resist the temptation too :)
The voice over thing in The Shattered Fortress makes the song kind of deeper, it's hard to explain, but there is something to it... Something mentally.
I think it's nice the fact that The Best of times is a "joyful" song, a celebration of a beloved person - although it starts out gloomy with the piano, guitar and then the violin...Then the speediness of the guitar and the drums hits you and you feel alive and awake. The drumming is very diverse and very exciting. But Tommy is right, the song gets a bit stretched out ... but the fact that it is a loving memory sets some limits for the lyric. However, it's only the lyric; their skills on the instruments are far out of this world.
The Count of Tuscany is so well put together; it's one of my faves on the album. Just the intro...when I heard it, I knew it was going to be something special. The chorus makes the song very strong and memorable and the silent psychedelic section is so Pink Floyd, it instantly reminded me of the song Echoes (check it out, it's so freaky... in a fantastic way), not in a copy way, however quite innovative and very interesting. The Acoustic guitar in the last "section" of the song is very well fitting, cozy and yet refreshing.
Just think about it: it isn't every band that can enclose an instrumental version, which is like a gift send from heaven to me :D however, Dream Theater can, and they know it. The instrumental is very interesting too, it's only a pleasure to be "allowed" to get deeper into each instrument and discover some new angles... and also a very good opportunity for some DT- Karaoke ;)The Cover CD is also like candy for my ears.
Okay, I am very positive about this release, well Dream Theater is my all time favorite band so that's the answer...however, I know what DT are capable of and they can do more than this, but this is an outstanding release.
Yes, when Kevin was in the band everything was genius, but I don't want to think about it... because we also have to appreciate what we have now and it's many years since Kevin left the band... and DT isn't just about Kevin Moore and his skills, it takes a whole band to create music, that overwhelms you like you didn't thought you could be overwhelmed, I'm not talking about this album specific... Think about Scenes From A Memory, I believe that Jordan Rudess proved his skills on that album - and what about Six degrees of Inner Turbulence?? I don't think you can "blame" one man. That's just my opinion.
I agree with Tommy it is 8.5
Fair Warning - Aura Posted by kalle - Saturday, July 11, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Savatage - Hall of the mountain king Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, July 7, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 This album is 22 yrs old...and is as powerful and fresh as the time it was recorded. By far my favorite Savatage effort.
If it had today's production quality,surely would rate a 10/10.
Dream Theater - Black Clouds And Silver Linings Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Tuesday, July 7, 2009 Rating: 8/10 This Cd is excellent. Actually I picked up the 3 CD set and it is a treat. Best since Scenes. 2 CD are covers and executed very well (no more official bootlegs). And 3rd is the instrumental CD and it is a musicians nightmare and I mean that in a good way.
I know with the last few releases it has not been very accessible where I was finding I could only listen to a couple tracks at a time, forcing myself to sit through the complex works (It was to much in so many directions). This release, I had no problem from start to finish. With that being said I still think they can offer more. There we time where I though oh no where are they going with the passages but they ended mixing up soon enough before they lost me. I&W, Awake, Scenes and FII are still tops in my books but BC&SL offers a little bit of everything they have done to date with some fresh ideas.
A Right of Passage was the perfect track as the single and admittedly I prefer the length of the single. Shattered is a brilliant track but at the end of the day A Nightmare...is still may favorite track.
I think I will have even more appreciation as time goes along as I did get the 3 CD set so it will take longer for me to absorb it all. But that is my first impressions and even though my opinions from track to track may end up differing I pretty sure my initial rating shall remain the same.
Symphony X - The Odyssey Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, July 3, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This album marked a prelude of what was to come from Symphony X,Russel Allen has an exemplary set of pipes but on this release he was growling and much more aggressive than any other album previously in their catalog,without even previewing Paradise Lost,I knew some of the magic was going to be left behind.Please understand that I hold Odyssey in the highest regard,just felt like the band...Allen in particular was heading in the wrong direction,which after listening to Paradise Lost proved to be a correct assumption.
It is my hope now that quite a bit of time has past since Paradises's release,that Allen and the rest of the band realise what aspects made them so great and distinctive to begin with,and return to the songwriting/ performing that made their earlier works so moving.
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy Posted by ProfessorShred - Saturday, June 27, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Totally agree with your thoughts here,fantastic memorable album that stands the test of time,as an aside let me say that all of you Symphony X fans MUST check out the band Evergrey as well , some of the best music of this genre on the planet.
Dream Theater - Awake Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, June 26, 2009 Rating: 9/10 As fantastic a release aas this was,still prefered Images and Words,still...one hell of an album,Kevin Moore has been sorely missed.
Dream Theater - Images And Words Posted by ProfessorShred - Friday, June 26, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 This was definately DT's Finest Hour,I remember geeting an early promo in 1991 and being totally blown away by their power,melody,and sheer brilliance.
Awake is a close 2nd,nothing they do now will probably ever touch the magic they had.
Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From A Memory Posted by Steen - Thursday, June 25, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Brilliant, one of a kind album. Exciting concept and amazing execution. So many memorable moments on this one.
Awake remains my favorite though.
Judas Priest - Painkiller Posted by Stuart - Thursday, June 25, 2009 Rating: 10/10 I wouldn't consider giving an album a 10/10 rating if I didn't think that it was perfect in every way and that that band could not have possibly improved in it in any way whatsoever.
These kind of albums are few and far between but Painkiller is without doubt one of them. The album is flawless and is the proud owner of the best production I have heard on any Heavy Metal album ever. A brave claim I know but can you think of an album which has a more perfectly pitched sound than this one?
And the songs themselves are stunning, from the opening drum attack of Painkiller to Rob' wail of "I still see the banners fly" in One Shot At Glory the album has you hooked.
If I was pushed to pick my favourite moments on the album it would have to be the places were Rob pushes his voice further than he ever has before or since such as "Soul Stealers ripping our hearts" from Hell Patrol or the still jaw dropping, anguished scream of "Your possessing me" during Touch Of Evil.
Full marks also go to the rest of the band for putting in an inspired performance. Have solo's ever sounded as fulid at KK's and Glenn's on this masterpiece?
Quite simply one of the most essential albums ever made.
Evergrey - Recreation Day Posted by ProfessorShred - Thursday, June 25, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This is simply a fantastic album and I think it deserves a 9,In search of truth a 9.5. These guys are simply mindblowing.
Evergrey - The Inner Circle Posted by ProfessorShred - Thursday, June 25, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Steens excellent review tells all,this is another spellbinding album,only thing that slightly annoyed was the almost constant narration.
Evergrey - Torn Posted by ProfessorShred - Thursday, June 25, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 I love Alanna's reviews,she has a very eloquent writing style and good taste in music too.
Anyways,this is my least favorite Evergrey album,much in the same way Paradise Lost is from SymphonyX. The trend seems to be more thrash,less melody in each of these releases.
It is my hope that both bands mentioned here come to their senses,and return to the style and musical direction found in their earlier works.They are both very talented mind blowing bands whose music has effected me profoundly.
Evergrey - Monday Morning Apocalypse Posted by ProfessorShred - Thursday, June 25, 2009 Rating: 8/10 These guys are masters of melodic metal...this is not my favorite Evergrey album either,but everyone of their albums are solid.Dare I say...they are even more talented than SymphonyX? Well,maybe I lost my head for a minute,but they are very close.
Coldspell - Infinite Stargaze Posted by ProfessorShred - Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10
Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From A Memory Posted by Sandra - Friday, June 19, 2009 Rating: 10/10 The best way of experiencing this album is in the evening with the lights out and a candle or two, while lying in bed. It is the ultimate way of experiencing all the moods captured into this essential album. It just fits my "normal evening mood" and it is often found in my stereo at this time, where "awake" is more likely played on a melancholic Sunday morning and "Images and Words" outside in nature nearby the ocean, at my favorite place in my hometown ... that's how it works for me when talking about getting the most out of these three indescribable albums. It is very hard to pick just one as my favorite DT album, especially between these three, because every single DT album means something special to me. . . How can I choose a piece of my heart and soul as "my favorite?"
Home is one of my DT favorites. The beginning is very mysterious and very oriental, like something taken out of a dream ... and then it accelerates until you're suddenly hit by the heaviness of the guitar.
"Decadent scenes from my memory "and "... her ecstasy means so much to me...) Are divine lines... it is as if the story goes straight in to the bones. The lyrics are unique, and very passionate throughout the album.
The Dance of Eternity is so playful, heavy, emotional and ... funny ;) they really have a great sense of humor... although it is a depressing story. So many layers, so complex.
The piano melody in One Last Time, is so breathtaking beautiful and I LOVE the chorus.
Finally free is very dramatic and so wonderful. It is flowing with emotionalism and the chorus makes me fell alive in a silent way. And I love the repeating of the "one last time "chorus in the middle.
The album ends in a very odd way...I'm left with a strange empty feeling and a bit of pain... it makes me wonder: what just happened?
Scenes from a memory - oh, just the title of the album does something to my stomach; it fits perfectly to Dream Theater...yeah, and of course the tragic story.
It's a l0/l0 if I don't look at the previous albums, and 9, 9/l0 if I compare it to Awake and Images and Words... I need a larger scale ;)
Iced Earth - Something Wicked This Way Comes Posted by Sandra - Monday, June 15, 2009 Rating: 10/10 First of all: what a superb production, it's such a pleasure to spin this album out loud. It's intense but all elements are well balanced and crystal-clear ... not messy at all. Many times I have found myself thinking:"Wow, it really is amazing" although I have listen to this album so many times. It's defiantly something I can hear over and over again for the rest of my life without losing any interest.
Something Wicked This Way Comes stands as one of my favorite Power Metal albums, with the many right in your face riffs and the amazing diverse vocals from Matthew Barlow - he can do everything, he has one of the best vocals in metal in my opinion. I love the way Iced Earth combines power, trash, classic and some more progressive metal elements in one magnificent innovative effort ... and not to be forgotten; all the contrasts and the mind-blowing dynamic drumming.
The critical view on the society and life is something that I also find very interesting and the lyrics are very well written and very very easy to relate to.
Consequences, is one of my favorites, the calm vocals and the riffs on the acoustic guitar are amazing. The high pitched vocal in the end is so incredible... perfect timing - and that's very important!
Disciples of the Lie, is so great not only musically but also lyrically and very intense drumming from the beginning as a machinegun ...So much anger.
Watching Me is so sad but, it has healing powers. I love the contrast between the calm verse and the powerful chorus.
Check out: The Coming Curse, a true piece of art.
Amazing album with l3 tracks; that's a lot, however, they are all fantastic. I find it hard to point out something negative as Tommy also does, however, if I REALLY have to do it, then it would be "My Own Savior", because the chorus gets a bit I don't know :S, but I don't like the:"my sadness, my madness, I'm my own savior" but that's only a weird detail :)
Musically 9, 5/l0 and my personal relationship with the lyrics lift it up to l0.
Kreator - Hordes of Chaos Posted by Tommy - Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 Definitely a great and compact round of intense Trash Metal. I for one enjoy Radical Resistance with its cool lyrics and fierce drum attack.
The album sounds authentic and supercharged, the musical performance is splendid and it just gets your blood pumping, as any good Kreator album should.
The title track is a magnificent construction with great melodic guitar leads and balanced passages giving it a rather diverse profile.
A safe buy for fans of Trash Metal.
Manowar - Battle Hymns Posted by Sandra - Friday, June 5, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Battle Hymns is my favorite album by Manowar. When I listen to Manowar I feel as if I can fight all the crap we face in life, all the power from the band goes straight into my blood. I have many times found my power in Battle Hymns... and the suffering friends... Tell me about It ... I can't sit down and be calm when this album is spinning - it's is impossible.
I love listening especially to Metal Daze as loud as I can while singing along and headbanging because the old neighbor down stairs hate it as hell - or everyone in my surroundings... So don't even start thinking:" why do all my neighbors hate me?" When you receive a letter... it's the Eric Adams factor ;) however: NEVER surrender.
Battle Hymn is magical, the composition of the song is magical and it ends totally out of this world... Yeah I also remember the first time I heard this one... I was totally mesmerized and I still get the same felling every single time I hear it...trying singing along (although it is impossible) will make you hoarse... it shows no mercy to your throat and your lungs :D
Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane Posted by Sandra - Sunday, May 24, 2009 Rating: 10/10 When everything is weird and I'm feeling like nothing is real anymore, I put this album on, and drift off. This album is real, the stories behind are real, and the fact that Daniel Gildenlöw is "undressing" himself so deeply, makes me feel like there are persons in this world who are real, not perfect and not afraid to show their feelings - and to write it down in this way - I admire this ability.
It's a very demanding album and sometimes I feel as if it's psychological terror . . . in a weird way. While listening to this album I feel as if my clothes are ripped off by this massive mind-attack. . . the lyrics, the different tempos, the atmospheres, and all the emotions.
Yes, I also believe that everyone can relate to the themes somehow ... Sometimes it freaks me out, however, this is very healthy and I believe that the most cold-blooded person in this world would get a lump in the throat. Incredibly what music can do. Every single track is beyond belief and the stories behind are heartbreaking.
Fandango, Trace of blood, This Heart of mine, Rope Ends, Ending theme and Undertow are the songs that I love and really feel for.
This album is one of my top albums of all time. Painfully honest album . . . magnum opus.
Whitesnake - Whitesnake Posted by Sandra - Friday, May 22, 2009 Rating: 9/10 I Love this album, it's genius.
I remember the day I got the album and the first time I heard "looking for love" from the first word I was in love - I just couldn't stop listening to this song and I forgot the rest of the album and the fact that I had to sleep. . . eat . . . . . This will also remain as one of my favorite songs EVER ;) . . . "After" my addiction I figured out that the other songs are pretty good too . no BRILIANT.
Elegy - Lost Posted by Steen - Friday, May 22, 2009 Rating: 8/10 With Lost Elegy created a stand-out record that is instantly recognizable and inhabited by a very special atmosphere. It settled itself in the back of my brain back in 1995 and has never really left. Progressive Metal is the order of the day with sublime guitar work, strong melodies and a vocalist that sometimes reminds me of John Arch (Fates Warning) being the main courses.
The dual guitar attack of Henk Van Der Laars and Gilbert Pot is very impressive and a constant attention grabber. Lead singer Eduard Hovinga doesn't quite reach the god-like level of John Arch, but he creates some captivating vocal melodies and remains very special acquaintance. He often screams out the lyrics at a very high pitch and a sometimes with a very thick accent. Both these things may take some getting used to. Through the album the keyboard is a fantastic mood-setter while drums and bass keep things tight and often surprises with great detail.
The opening title track is a complex and powerful and provides a challenging beginning to the album. One of the beauties of Elegy is their ability to create complex songs that on one level are easy to listen to because of their strong melodic element, but on another level contain so much detail that you can explore it for a long long time.
Everything has been a personal favorite from the first listen. The song is a raging sea of emotions that slowly builds up to a captivating chorus, which is a melodic highlight of the album. Another highlight is the dual guitar intro solo that smoothly blends into the background as the first verse commences.
Clean up your act has a strong drive, constantly pushed further by lots of small touches that increase the intensity. A few examples are the great backing vocals and the brilliant guitar and drum details at 2:02 - 2:07. For the chorus Eduard pulls out an ultra high pitch delivery that is very memorable. The melodic element is Always with you's strongest force. The powerful opening, the heavy guitar work and the catchy chorus are highlights.
After this incredibly aggressive opening salvo the album settles back a little with the ballad Under God's Naked Eye. A strong and emotional song with a guitar solo that fits it perfectly. An exquisite 2 minute guitar solo then sets the stage for Spirits. A memorable chorus and a strong atmosphere makes the song work almost perfectly. It is only during its second half the song starts to drag out, lacking some surprises as well as a satisfying ending.
Crossed the Line opens with the trademark, excellent dual guitar solo. The keyboard plays an important role and keeps the atmosphere compact and tense. The fade out at the end is also very cool. The unique Live it Again feels like a distant dream. It succeeds in this by using only keyboard and Hovinga's voice as instruments, resulting in a very soothing effect.
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Its chief weapon is power.... power and speed, speed and power.... It's *two* main weapons are power and speed....and ruthless efficiency with a guitar... Sorry.... It's *three* main weapons are power, speed and ruthless efficiency with a guitar...and an almost fanatical devotion to high pitch vocals.... It's *four* main.... No... Amongst its weaponry are such efficient elements as power, speed....... I think I'll try this again... (Exit Cardinal Biggles...)
Sorry about that, got carried away a bit... Let me just say that Spanish Inquisition is extremely powerful. Hovinga's voice sometimes sounds like it is mixed slightly lower than the rest of the songs, making it feel like he is constantly fighting to not be completely overpowered by the raging music. A breathtaking finish to the album.
The lyrics deal with inner turmoil, strength, love and other personal issues. All songs on the album share the same special atmosphere and if there is one theme that runs through the songs it is the feeling of being lost in some way or other.
If you like your progressive metal served with equal amounts of technical skill, melody, atmosphere and complexity then you owe it to yourself to check this outstanding album out.
Avantasia - The Scarecrow Posted by Sandra - Tuesday, May 19, 2009 Rating: 5.5/10 I can't find any connection at all. I had to force myself listening to this more than once - just because it's Avantasia - The Metal Opera part I and II - are genius.
However after too many chances I'm still soo disappointed and thinking what happened?
Carry me over, can't believe that Tobias put this on an album. The carry me over, carry me over, is so irritating and uninspiring - a true pain in the ass. I feel like screaming: shut up!
Highlights :
- Shelter from the rain: the closest track to power metal
- Another angel down: Actually very cool and speedy
- The toy master: Alice Cooper owns this one. His voice suits perfectly in. I agree, Alice Cooper saves the album from being a total disaster and so does Jorn Lande.
- Devil in the belfry and some parts of The Scarecrow are great too.
The fact that too many songs don't leave a more lasting impression is what makes this album just an okay/average album.
And by the end of the year a new album - well I guess it can't be worse than Carry me over
Virgin Steele - Invictus Posted by Sandra - Thursday, May 14, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Invictus - What a unique album with a great concept. The album starts out with an epic and formidable intro: The Blood of Vengeance. It is very thrilling with the screams and the galloping horses it sets a tense atmosphere.
The title song Invictus is very speedy, strong and when you are tired this will give you energy. "Die, fall on sword, fall on your knees" Awesome.
Mind, Body, Spirit start out with an unbelievable scream - out of this world - and raw guitar riffs! The bass is fantastic; Rob Demartino is a very talented bass player. The way the song ends is lovely. Dave goes from a raw to a light and beautiful voice and it is very touching. Very well written and it gives me something to think about. One of my favorites.
Through Blood and Fire is a song which really gives me power. The drumming is amazing and the chorus is very catchy.
The guitar solo in Sword of The Gods is fucking tight :D
God of our sorrows is defiantly one of my favorites; I just wish it was longer. I have often found myself pushing the repeat bottom and turning the volume as high as I can. It is a piece of art - beautiful. Full of soul, emotions and the passionate piano melody ahh. Once again I'm overwhelmed by David's voice. Very well written it gives me goose bumps "God of our sorrows your blade drinks deep, Earth feels the wound. Earth mother I am wronged, Earth mother I am wronged. What comes on the wind can only be slain, by he who knows, the Wind"
The drumming in Defiance is overwhelming and mind-blowing - the sound is great, galloping guitar and bass riffs, the lyrics are great and I can't stop singing a long "I fight for my people, my home and my land, fighting is our legacy on earth" soo cool and powerful I can't resist that chorus.
Dust from the burning: the riffs are crispy and raw, and the drumming is earthshaking.
A whisper of death the slow part is soo heavenly.
Vini Vidi Vici. IT's a PHENOMENON! - Seriously. It gives me goose bumbs(again), the beginning is to die for. Well written, breathtaking guitar solos, SUBLIME. This will get you - that's for sure, ahh man it's magical.
David Defies is one hell of a singer, wow, he just blows you away. An overwhelming unique singer, he is very passionate and believable.
Invictus is an album that will impress and make you feel you are somewhere else in another state of mind
It gives you an everlasting impression - all the feelings and the technical flair is outstanding. After listening to this one you will feel like you can breakthrough all the walls in life and do anything.
EPIC, powerful, full of feelings and tight solos, actually the whole thing is damn tight. It's very hard to criticize it because it is sublime.
" For best results play at maximum volume ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "- Virgin Steele
I can only agree ;)
10/10 - no doubt.
Metallica - Metallica Posted by Sandra - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 The black album, ooh yeah! This was how my journey in metal started.
This album has a special meaning to me and not to forget the masterpiece it truly is.
This is the first album with Jason Newsted on bass after the tragic death of Cliff Burton. It is also the first album with Bob Rock as the producer which is remarkable.
With one of the coolest riffs and the catchy chorus Enter sandman rocks big time!
Sad but true: the riff is very heavy and the composition of the song is making the whole damn thing even stronger.
Holier than thou: this is gooood very good. . .all the anger, which is also found in Don´t tread on me. I love it and especially when James says raauw. It's hard not to have a clenched fist in the air and shout out loud "Don´t tread on me!"
The unforgiven is one of my Metallica favorite songs. The build-up with heavy verse and melodic chorus is very cool and you really pay attention to James´ soft voice. The song starts off with a western feeling as if you are a cowboy in the desert and then: "New blood joints this earth" - love that line - its unpredictable and it makes a contrast between the verse and the light guitar.
The song gives me this special feeling in my stomach (still after hundreds of spins) which I cannot describe, you have to listen to i - and the guitar solo: wow.
Wherever I may roam has an oriental vibe and the bass line is superb. I cannot think of another album before this one with as high bass frequency. You can hear the bass much more . . .or am I just a bad listener?
If I had to say something less flattering about this album (it's hard to do) then it must be Through the never. This is a bit of a turn off for me maybe it´s just because that all of the others are so fabulous and this is average. However, the guitar solo is breezy so that must be the only positive thing about the song.
Nothing else matters: A ballad with an orchestra by Metallica? Yes that's right and ever since I first heard it I have been in love with this song. It's incredibly moving and the orchestra and the acoustic guitar fits the song perfectly.
I really admire James Hettfield, because he is this tough looking guy with a raw sailorman voice and the don't fuck with me attitude is all over him (and the rest of the band haha;)). However, his voice can be gentle and he truly sings this ballad with emotion.
Of wolf and man is another fabulous song with powerful drums and a captivating chorus that gets me all the time.
My friend of misery the bass is mesmerizing and thrilling. When I listen to this song the bass line gets stuck in my head for the rest of the day and night. . . it will haunt me forever :O It's hard to focus if I'm doing something else because I'm humming and driving people crazy.
The struggle within Kicks ass!!! Cool intro with the drums and then the screaming guitar turns heavy as hell. The tempo is speedy in the verse and a bit deliberated in the chorus.
The lyrics are well written:
Home is not a home it becomes a hell, turning into your prison cell. Awesome.
This song is a power booster - after the guitar solo when James says go! you can't help yourself.
Classic album.
Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet Posted by Sandra - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Rating: 8/10 This is CLASSIC . My favorite Bon Jovi album.
This album rocks big time and defiantly a party rocker. You can put this album on and turn up the volume as high as you can and have a blast. When you are throwing a party, and even next day, when you find yourself cleaning up with hangovers, you will still raise your hands (sorry) and sing a long, trust me ;) and the cleaning - in the Bon Jovi-ecstasy - it will take no time.
Let it Rock is so simple and yet soo cool and the keyboard in the beginning is so cool. Sing along and have fun. And yes, Richie Sambora is amazing on the guitar.
Ladies and gentlemen: Livin' on a prayer is THE ULTIMATE party song. There is nothing like Livin' on a prayer at a party, the spirit - it will never die that's for sure. Just the tense start and then "once upon a time not so long ago.." damn it's great. Have I mentioned the chorus? It sets me free ;) the baseline is also very groovy.
Social Disease, I agree, this song is a no go - nothing brilliant - A little bit too monotone for my taste and not a real rocker.
Wanted Dead or alive - "Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink" - I love it and cannot help singing a long ;) The western feeling ahh - I love the acoustic guitar. Jon's voice is amazing; raw and yet clear. The breakthrough with the guitar solo is incredible.
Raise your hands and You give love a bad name, are two great rockers and they will improve your mood instantly.
Without love is a lovely song and one thing that really impresses me is the fact that they have balls to always show their feelings.
I'd die for you: love this song, and so does my girl heart. The keyboard is so 80ties and great and the lyric :)
Never say goodbye goes also straight into my girl heart - quite depressing. Some would say it's kinda cheesy, but it really isn't - guess it's just because I'm a girl?
Wild in the streets, free-minded is the keyword - brilliant song.
Outstanding hard rock album - that's for sure.
Syrym - Syrym Posted by JoiRide - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Phenomenally good debut album from this California band. This album definitely would have fit right in with the hair metal of the 80's. The guitars on this album are huge. The songs are catchy, yet not pop--they keep to their hard rock roots, while still injecting hooks and melodies that make you want to listen again and again. Songs like Foul Mouth Blues and Warpath grab you and don't let go, but more tender moments can also be found on songs like The Sky Is Falling and What I'm Trying To Say. My favorites on this album are Foul Mouth Blues, Ugly On The Inside, Brokedown, and What I'm Trying To Say. I would have given this album a 10, but reading the Revelationz rating system, an 8 is Outstanding, and that's exactly what this album is.
Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime - Remastered and Expanded Posted by JoiRide - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Rating: 10/10 One of my favorite albums of all time. An amazing concept record, taken as a whole, but each track stands on its own as a great song. It's like listening to a movie.
Nightwish - Century Child Posted by Sandra - Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Century child is one of my favorite Nightwish albums, the production is stunning and so are the lyrics. I think Century Child is less affected by power metal than the previous albums, however, it still have many power metal elements.
Bless the child is really an amazing song to start the album with and Tarja's unique voice sets the atmosphere.
End of all hope: Is a little too much for me. It's not a song that fascinates me over and over again. I rather not listen to this.
The keys in Dead to the world are very intense which gives the song a powerful tempo.
Ever dream: This song is fantastic! Tuomas starts the song with the magical piano melody line and I'm already in heaven. It begins magically and ends bombastically.
Slaying the dreamer has a very heavy riff, and Marco´s monster voice adds a more raw edge to the song which I personally like. The bombastic part with strong drumming delivered by Jukka and Tarja's operatic vocal .the perfect way to rock out ;)
Forever yours: Tarja's voice is very sensitive and it has depth and soul although some would say it is cold as ice at times, but that's not how I feel it. It's a very calm song and the lyrics are affecting.
The keys are very melodic in Ocean soul and the choir is creating a gothic atmosphere.
Feel for you: is an overall good song, but there isn't anything special about it so it stands out. In my opinion the lyrics are well written.
The album is also containing the Nightwish version of the song The phantom of the opera from the famous novel/musical/film. This is my favorite version. First of all: it fits perfectly to a band like Nightwish because of the theme and its operatic vocals. I can't imagine of any other band making a better version because Marco and Tarja are the ones who this song was written for. or it seem like it is. They really have accomplished to recreate the perfect"Phantom of the opera-atmosphere".
Beauty of the beast: is composed of 3 parts. The beginning is amazing; the incredible Tuomas Holopainen keys make me feel like I'm in a fantasy world far away. "Long Lost Love" is my favorite part, because the words are touching:
"Oh, do you care, I still feel for you, so aware, what should be lost is there. I fear I will never find anyone. I know my greatest pain is yet to come. Will we find each other in the dark. My long lost love".
The second part One More Night to Live is powerful, and every band member does a great job.
"Christabel" is a brilliant way of ending the album because it gives the album a redline with the beginning of Bless the child, it gives meaning and it is a factor which I find very important for music to be. It is defiantly one of my favorites from this album.
The symphonic combination is phenomenal and that's what I love about Nightwish. It is difficult to combine the symphonic dimension with heavy riffs, melodic keys and not to be forgotten Tarja's pure and operatic voice, however, Nightwish is able to do it and they do it brilliantly.
Sunstorm - House of Dreams Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 Solid release.
Regarding that Survivor feel in the songs Say You Will, Gutters Of Gold & Tears On The Pages, I can hear Jimi singing those songs in my head, especially Say You Will. Actually most of this CD is appropriate. With that being said Jim Peterik wrote it though Tears On The Pages is a collaboration (thought I open that up for the readers since you mentioned Desmond Child).
I am personally am not as sold on this CD as your review. I am not sure what it is. Perhaps it is the way they finished off the CD. It did not leave me hungry for more rather a little lost feeling that there should have been more. Plus my measure of his vocal prowess is when he sang for Malmsteen and Deep Purple. Realistically that is when he was in his prime and was nearly 2 decades ago. I think if they left out Walk On and replaced it with another piece written by T&J Martin it would have been balanced.
Anyways 7.5 is still a strong rating and is definitely worth the pick up.
Kamelot - Karma Posted by Steen - Sunday, May 10, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Kamelot - The Black Halo Posted by Steen - Friday, May 8, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Since their first album, Eternity, Kamelot have evolved greatly. From a more or less basic approach with a strong reliance on the guitar work to a full-blown symphonic experience with everything it implies. Of course the band's success has given them acces to greater production values, but it feels like Kamelot has been slowly but surely, finetuning their sound, especially through the past four albums. With The Black Halo, Kamelot evolve even further and achieve something pretty close to perfection in the production department. Musically this is a highly infectous blend of Heavy, Power and Symphonic Metal with a few Progressive tendencies from time to time. Kamelot have managed to find their own distinct sound and The Black Halo expands their universe even further.
Thomas Youngblood's exceptional guitar work and the amazing melodies are still my main attraction to Kamelot. I found it funny that I was reminded of Call of the sea from Eternity right from the start when the first riff sets off March of Mephisto. Peeling away the layers shows that it is still the same band as the early days, now the keyboard and orchestra just plays a much bigger role in the music. Since it came out I've always held Dominion as my favorite Kamelot album. The old albums with Mark Vanderbilt on vocals had a very special charm, which on the later albums has been exchanged for a more polished and brighter feel, but also better arranged songs. Today it is more of a mood thing, which period I prefer.
Anyway, onto the album. The last three Kamelot albums have all opened with a catchy, fast-paced melodic wonder of a song, which somehow kept improving with each album. This time things have changed. March of Mephisto is an atmospheric mid-tempo song that brings out an interesting side of the band. On guest vocals Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir lends some growls, which contrast to Roy Kahn's clear voice very effectively. While this blend works very well it is not 100% successful. It sounds like Shagraths voice has has been through the electronic blender that is vocal effects and it comes out slightly less dramatic than I had imagined. Maybe this is just me but to get the ultimate effect his voice should have been further ahead in the mix. Besides that this is a very interesting opener to the album which sets the atmosphere right from the start. Jens Johanssen also guests on the song with a keyboard solo.
For those longing for that fast paced opening track your wish is granted with When the lights are down. The opening keyboard melody gave me chills right from the start. I believe I have heard it somewhere else, but I just can't place it. That's usually a good sign. The band hasn't lost their touch and the chorus is one that will grow until it sticks to your brain like a big fat singing tumor.
The album is not easily digested but great things await those with patience. After 10-15 listens the songs really began to stand out. Several short atmosperic interludes add to the atmosphere and gives the album a connected feel. Unfortunately no lyrics accompanied the promo, so I won't say more than that The Black Halo continues the Faustus saga begun on Epica but it easily stands on its own.
Musically the album is filled with strong songs. I will comment shortly on some of my favorites and try not to give too much away. The Haunting is a very melodic song with a feeling of yearning that draws you in and it has an absolutely wonderful ending part which shamelessly fades out far too soon. I'm guessing that Simone Simons (Epica) is the very fitting female voice in this song. Soul society is maybe a bit too keyboard reliant, but with those melodies, who cares? This pain is a more guitar driven song with a lot of energy and Nothin ever dies has a outstanding and powerful chrous. The title track uses the keyboard to great effect. In the beginning it gives the song intensity and a great sense of urgency. A varied, fast paced song and another definite highlight.
Roy Kahn's voice is silky soft and extremely enticing. He has this emotional touch that makes his voice one of my favorites in the genre. Take a listen to the wonderful ballad Abandoned as an example. Kahn's voice gives the song all the drama it needs. Just beautiful.
Memento Mori is an impressive 9 minute opus, slowly building towards its climax which sees the return of Shagrath in a short but cool duet with Mari (Masqueraid). But why the vocal effects on Kahn's voice? Damn, I hate that.
Serenade provides a powerful ending to this wide-ranging album.
A special mention goes to Casey Grillo on drums. He does a great job of keeping the music tight while adding little detail to the songs. Like the way he leads When the lights are down into the chorus and a multitude of other places where he enhances the music in a good way.
The Black Halo keeps growing with each listen and contains no bad songs. Though I miss a few faster songs the album is very varied and in the end another outstanding effort by Kamelot. This band has created some of the most extremely melodic power metal and put shortly, The Black Halo is among Kamelot's best albums.
Sturm und Drang - Learning To Rock Posted by BashOrgRu - Friday, May 1, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Yeah!
Kreator - Hordes of Chaos Posted by Craig - Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Rating: 7/10 http://www.angelfire.com/music5/metalcdratings/pageKREATORCBREVIEW.html
Another eerily similar pair of reviews for us...
Bonfire - Double X Posted by Axldobby - Thursday, April 23, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 This Double X shows that Bonfire is still able to make nice and correct album after many years.
It seems like Fireworks and Don't Touch The Ligh.
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden Posted by Stuart - Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Apart from the fact that the production is very "of its era" Maiden's first album stands tall as an all time classic.
Kip Winger - From the Moon to the Sun Posted by robertt - Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Rating: 9/10 bom
Dream Theater - Images And Words Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Monday, April 13, 2009 Rating: 10/10 This is the Release that made the world's jaw drop and rekindled a new era of Progressive rock/metal. This is the most intelligently crafted recordings of all time. The word prog was pretty much a dirty word for nearly a decade until DT released this mind blowing release that set the stage for countless talent to emerge for the past 17 years. And after all this time it is still regarded as the greatest and most influential Progressive Rock/Metal ever to released.
By all accounts this release should be rated as a 9.5 (nothing is perfect...though I am having a hard time find a real blemish with Imaged and Words), however the extra marks go to the undeniable impact it made to the music industry.
Europe - Wings of Tomorrow Posted by jonasxx - Monday, April 13, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Great review for a timeless album that every metal/rock fan should have in their shelf. Lyin' eyes was another explosive song you forgot to mention but you really caught the spirit of this legendary album. People who think Europe are just those who put out The final Countdown would have their jaws dropped when listening to this work.
FM - Indiscreet Posted by Tommy - Friday, April 10, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Dream Theater - Awake Posted by Sandra - Monday, April 6, 2009 Rating: 10/10 This was my first DT album. I found it in a second hand CD-shop in my hometown. I was just walking around searching for something different. Then I saw this album, I had to have it because I thought that the cover was inspired by Salvador Dali, who I admire. When I went home and gave it a spin I was very confused, because it was just way too complicated for my ears. However, a year later I went through my CD's and I gave it a chance. the best decision I ever made... Musically... and a decision I sometimes believe has changed my life. Today 3 years later DT is my all time favorite band.
The lyrics are probably the best from Dream Theater - a true piece of art... And the music. there is so much into it.
The Mirror, Voices, scarred and space-dye-west are my favorites; however, every single song is beyond belief, 11 songs is pretty much, however, there isn't a track which doesn't belong on this album, and I use to be critical when a band makes albums containing more than 8-9 tracks.. But Awake is perfect.
I listen to this album when I fell a bit strange/down. Melancholic as Tommy says. it's just perfect for this state of mind. and especially on a Sunday morning. DT creates music which I find very special. Their music makes me think about life, so it is music with something rare into it and I find this album very special and I can say it has shaped me into the person I am. Listening to this album makes me feel like I reaching a higher level.so it is kinda deep ;)
And yes, the guitar solo in the end of Voices is unbelievable and so not expected when you hear it for the first time. So tight and overwhelming. And I just love when James sings: "I'm lying here in bed swear my skin is inside out, just another morning,seen my diary on the newsstand, seems we've lost the truth to quicksand, it's a shame no one is praying, cause these voices in my head keep saying ."
I found this analysis of Voices and I remember it was quite interesting reading, so here is the link:
"Awake combines emotionalism, technicality and unique captivating moods in one grandiose effort"
I couldn't have described it better myself.
Edguy - Tinnitus Sanctus Posted by Steen - Friday, April 3, 2009 Rating: 6.5/10 A positive surprise from the first listen since I never really got into Rocket Ride and still hold Vain Glory Opera and Theater of Salvation in high reverence.
Not that this is a complete return to form but "The Pride of creation", "Nine Lives", "Wake up dreaming black", "Dragonfly" and "9-2-9" are great songs and have all been favorites at some point with "9-2-9" taking the first place at the moment with a superb drive and an incredibly hummable chorus. It's just great songs which get you in a good mood.
"Ministry of Saints" and "Speedhoven" come close to succeeding but miss something to convince completely. The element of surprise is missing, an original spark that makes things seem less calculated.
"Sex Fire Religion", "Thorn without a rose" and "Dead or rock" are mediocre, incredibly unoriginal and don't hold any lasting interest unless you favor Edguy as some kind of Whitesnake clone.
Don't even mention Aren't you a little pervert too... Ooops.
The album's strongest songs are outstanding and makes it worth purchasing but a rating of 6.5/10 seems fitting due to the less successful inclusions. The band still has what it takes but they need to focus.
Shadow Gallery - Tyranny Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Tuesday, March 31, 2009 Rating: 9/10 What needs to be done is to listen to this great release and then Room V (2005) back to back to get the entire story. It should also be noted that these 2 releases were bookends to the Legacy and is not an easy task of continuing the concept 7 years apart. Incredible writing and should be released as a 2 CD set with an additional CD of extras to honour the late Mike Baker. I hope they do because these are landmark releases that should be heard together for new listeners of this genre (or any for that matter) to really grasp the brilliance this band had "collectively".
Dream Theater - Awake Posted by Steen - Friday, March 27, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 It's a close race, but this is my favorite Dream Theater album. Something very special indeed.
Stan Bush - In This Life Posted by Steen - Thursday, March 26, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Fantastic album. My favorite in the Stan Bush catalogue.
Jaded Heart - Sinister Mind Posted by Axldobby - Saturday, March 21, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Second album of the second period of Jaded Heart, without Barish Kepic ... I've thinked this one should be crap, due to many evolutions of the band.
Now, I know "Sinister Mind" is a good stuff, however, they're playing a "hevy metal" song. I prefer "Helluva Time" which is a great melodic hard rock's album !
Jaded Heart - Helluva Time Posted by Axldobby - Saturday, March 21, 2009 Rating: 10/10 People thinked that Jaded Heart was dead ... How could we say it ?
Even if it's a new singer, that's a nice album as others before this one ! Pretty songs compose "Helluva Time": Tomorrow Comes, Somewhere, Hole In My Heart, Dreams You'll Never Seen, ...
Thanks to Barish Kepic and Johan Fahlberg, this album is great, and better than Trust ! :)
White Lion - Return of the Pride Posted by shwazemoto - Friday, March 20, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Journey - Revelation Posted by Tommy - Saturday, March 14, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 Great album, varied and effusive.
Kip Winger - From the Moon to the Sun Posted by Tommy - Saturday, March 14, 2009 Rating: 8/10 A fascinating, sombre and creative expression.
Brother Firetribe - Heart Full Of Fire Posted by Tommy - Saturday, March 14, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Not all songs come together, but a great, fun and ultra catchy disc.
Bob Catley - Immortal Posted by Tommy - Saturday, March 14, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Ultra solid with a tough edge.
Enuff Z'nuff - Animals with human intelligence Posted by brem - Thursday, March 12, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10
Sabaton - Primo Victoria Posted by Steen - Friday, March 6, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Superb power metal.
Work Of Art - Artwork Posted by Tommy - Friday, February 27, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Melodic bliss.
Riot - Thundersteel Posted by Craig - Friday, February 27, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 The most underrated metal album ever, ahead of its time and virtually every song a classic.
From the Inside - Visions Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Thursday, February 26, 2009 Rating: 8/10 I definitely feel this one is oh so close to outstanding. It could have reached that level if Vaughn had a hand in writing more of the material which would have balanced the writing out more evenly. A personal investment at times can go a long way in this situation. With that being said it still is in my rotation, perhaps I should have that higher rating for that reason alone.
Places of Power - Now is the Hour Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Thursday, February 26, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 As far as Frontiers Records go they have been distributing some great acts over the last couple of years. Stan Bush, From The Inside, House of Lords, Pride of Lions to name a few. In general one can expect a good release from this label. There has been some bumps (I am still traumatized by Survivor: Reach). But as a whole I have been pleased.
Dennis Ward, what can you say about him. he has done no wrong, which is amazing as you would think he would be on burn out by now with all the CD's he has been mixing and or producing the past 18 months or so.
As I was listening to this for the first time last week I thought this is what Foreigner should have continued to sound like. By all accounts this release sounds like it should have been released after Inside information replacing Unusual Heat in 1991.
Beyond that I think you covered it.
Talking about Foreigner, They are releasing another CD. Unfortunately it is yet another anthology release. So I hope "Places of Power" stays intact for another release to see where they go.
As for Frontiers Records they have another release from a long time veteran artist Robert Berry. RB: The Dividing Line is definitely one to listen to.
House of Lords - Come to My Kingdom Posted by Tommy - Saturday, February 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 High quality Melodic Hard Rock from start to end, groovy and powerful.
From the Inside - Visions Posted by Tommy - Saturday, February 21, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 The first one was great but this is even better. A varied collection of songs with a brilliant melodic core.
Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy Posted by Tommy - Friday, February 20, 2009 Rating: 3.5/10 Messy, disconnected, irritating and without aim, soul or purpose. This is not how I want to remember Guns N' Roses, shame Axl had to wrap the band name around himself before planning a dive head first into the mud.
I gave this more chances than was good for my health and not a single song will have me coming back; It sounds artificial and the songs are filled with so many alternative, unfitting elements making things even more incoherent than they all ready are. Apart from a few uplifting elements there is not much positive I can say, 14 songs and not a single one close to a winner...embarrassing.
Allen Lande - The Battle Posted by Steen - Friday, February 20, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10 Superb album.
Bob Catley - Immortal Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Sunday, February 8, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Warrant - Born Again Posted by AllAmericanBoy - Sunday, February 8, 2009 Rating: 4/10 Musically it is wonderful, vocaly it is horrible. Hell CA. is the best song on here and that's not saying a whole lot. A lot of the lyrics are bland and meaningless unlike Jani Lanes lyrics. (See Dog Eat Dog) After a few listens I'm over it. But again the music is great if only they had a better singer.
Vision Divine - 9 Degrees West of the Moon Posted by Modulator - Saturday, February 7, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Another great album by Vision Divine!
I'm big fan of Michael Luppi's voice but Fabio Lione did awesome job. "9 Degrees West of the Moon" is not masterpiece like "The Perfect Machine" but it's damn close!
Nickelback - Dark Horse Posted by AllAmericanBoy - Saturday, February 7, 2009 Rating: 6.5/10 Dark Horse is a really good album! It took me a few listens to think that however. The first track "Something in your mouth" is great from beginning to end, heavy and sleazy, you can't go wrong. Track 2 "Burn it to the ground" probably has one of the heaviest endings I have heard in a while. #3 "Gotta be Somebody" was an obvious choice for the first single, it's typical but good. The 4th track "I'd come for you" is just too obvious and gets skipped frequently, the lyric about a soldier turned me off as it seemed like a cheap thing to do. 5 "Next go round" is pure sex it's that simple, descent song but again typical. Number 6 "Just to get high" is a great song, as the title suggests it's about drug use, clever lyrics at times, a favorite. 7th track "Never gonna be alone" is almost guaranteed to be a single, but for me it seems like an easy money maker. You can hear where this song is going from the first note. Typical Nickleback. #8 "Shakin Hands" has a great feel and great lyrics. Good story although not the prettiest story. "She's makin six figures working three days a week." - enough said. The 9th track S.E.X. is about ... you guessed it ... Sex! Nice beat and really good bass line. Track 10 "If Today was your last day" took me a couple times to really like it. Good idea, good lyrics, almost certain to be a hit. 11 "This Afternoon" is a fun song, about getting high, drunk, and hanging with your friends. Although I like it, it sounds like they are trying to repeat the song "Rock Star" what I mean by that is I can see it being there last single on the album.
Bottom line is this: This is Nickelback, no denying it.The sound for the most part is the same as previous songs. You won't be asking who it is. But it is a good listen all the way through.
Y&T - Unearthed vol. 1 Posted by AllAmericanBoy - Saturday, February 7, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Rated high more so for the Y&T faithful. It's always interesting to hear songs that didn't make the cut or songs that should have made the cut.
I can pick at least a half a dozen songs that should have been on an album. A band with this much talent should have never been overlooked for so long.
Vision Divine - 9 Degrees West of the Moon Posted by Steen - Friday, February 6, 2009 Rating: 6.5/10 Fabio Leone is back in Vision Divine and it's great to hear his voice again. The band sounds unmistakably like Stratovarius in the opening song (think Eagleheart meets Distant Skies). "Violet Loneliness" is mesmerizingly melodic and carries a wonderful soft touch. "Fly" and "The Streets of Laudomia" are other favorites. Overall a varied and pretty good album but I miss something to make it really stand out.
Masterplan - Masterplan Posted by Nina - Monday, February 2, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Totally amazing album! Jorn sings like a god on this one, and all songs are awesome!
Europe - Start from the dark Posted by Nina - Monday, February 2, 2009 Rating: 8.5/10
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant Posted by noe wit a no - Saturday, January 31, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Hello Madness - Light and Life After Dusk Posted by luka-bozic - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Not much to explain. This album touched my heart deeply.
Poley/Rivera - Only Human Posted by Tommy - Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Rating: 8/10 I'm getting a bigger fan of Mr. Poley by the day, as Alanna stated his vocals are truly unique and well plain awesome...I still visit his Smile album from time to time.
Top Of The World is my favourite track here...the beginning is just way too cool, the chorus overcharged with feel good vibes and the guitar work sparkling, even as the song fades Rivera rips it home.
Only Human is incredible, moody and with soul, character and emotional depth while Did We Just Have A Moment is just joyful melodic fun. There is something about this album that makes it stand out being smooth but in a groovy, hard fashioned way.
Symphony X - The Odyssey Posted by Sandra - Sunday, January 25, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 The Odyssey is my favorite Symphony X album - and what a great theme!
The title song is a masterpiece. There is always something new to explore when I listen to it.
Accolade II is breathtaking. The chorus is so warm and embracing "On the field with sword and shield..." wow! Russell Allen has so much depth and power in his voice, it´s touching.
A genius album from a genius band!
Nightwish - Once Posted by Sandra - Sunday, January 25, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 "Once" was my first encounter with Nightwish and the subgenre symphonic metal, when I somewhere back in time for the first time listen to "Planet hell". It was so different from everything else I had ever heard and the gothic atmosphere was unbelievably scary. First, I thought it was strange, however; there was something about it that made me push the play button over and over. It resulted with an addiction of symphonic metal.
When it comes to this song, words can't describe its true brilliancy. Ghost love score is a 10 minute breathtaking epic. Close your eyes and be ready for an unforgettable journey. It's a major symphonic piece of art and the lyrics are so well written; I cannot think of another Nightwish song which is as well written! Everything is fantastic, the dramatic violins and trumpets, the drums (wow, what a brilliant way to set off the song) and Tarjas wonderful vocal.
The drums in Romanticide are intense; Jukka delivers some nice stuff especially the breakthrough about 3.19 followed by the heavy guitar and bass, it kicks ass.
When it comes to Wish I had an angel, I can´t agree with Matthew. It is my least favorite song on the album. Lyrically, it is very good, however, the techno thing is just too much for my taste.
Nemo is, if I dare to say, more "commercial" than the previous songs from Nightwish. The usually operatic Tarja-voice,which might have frightened some, is not to be found instead a more turned down, however, still beautiful voice. Because of the soft voice it reached out to a broader audience and if they like it they will maybe check out some other Nightwish songs - a win-win-situation :)
Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time Posted by Sandra - Sunday, January 25, 2009 Rating: 9/10 I totally agree - it is classic. I believe this was one of my first Maiden albums too, with Powerslave... Somewhere in Time is one of their best!
The guitar solo in the beginning of Deja vu is mesmerizing - every single time I hear it, it is as if I'm drifting off to another state of mind.
There is nothing left to say, Tommy has said it all - if you already haven't then buy it, you wont be disappointed, It rocks.
By the way, put this album in your stereo... cleaning is never boring when Iron Maiden is spinning... especially this spectacular album.
Dream Theater - Images And Words Posted by Steen - Friday, January 23, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 A fantastic album where music and lyrics unite into something special.
"Let the light surround you..." you followed by the soaring guitar section at 3:39 in Surrounded and the bridge section beginning with "If there's an pensive fear, a wasted year" at 2:45 in Take the time are just a few of many incredible passages on this classic. And yes, Learning to live is a remarkable song.
Dream Theater - Images And Words Posted by Sandra - Thursday, January 22, 2009 Rating: 10/10
Doro - Fear No Evil Posted by gizmo - Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10 You can´t help to love Doro and her accent.
Not as good as she was in Warlock and the first solo albums but still going strong.
Could´nt she just be 15 years younger ;0)
Judas Priest - Jugulator Posted by gizmo - Wednesday, January 21, 2009 Rating: 4/10 Really don´t like this album
Pegazus - Wings Of Destiny Posted by Nina - Sunday, January 18, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Arch Enemy - Anthems of rebellion Posted by Stuart - Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Rating: 6.5/10 Way to patchy to be considered a classic. Some great songs but too many unispired tracks bog it down. I've heard the album a fair few times and I'm seriously struggling to remember how some of the songs go.
Now Wages Of Sin, thats an album right there.
Marcello-Vestry - Marcello-Vestry Posted by Tommy - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This album is simply brilliant. A huge melodic rush of positive energies coming at you with full force. So balanced, so crisp and what a voice...incredible. Highlight of the year 2008.
Brainstorm - Soul Temptation Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Probably my favorite Brainstorm cd.
Brainstorm - Ambiguity Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Awesome and underrated Brainstorm cd!
Bob Catley - Immortal Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 This cd was big positive suprise for me.
Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle-Earth Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Very important cd for me.
Black Sabbath - The Black Box - The Complete Original Black Sabbath 1970-1978 Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 7/10 Not my favorite part of Black Sabbath history.
Rating by albums:
Black Sabbath - 7/10
Paranoid - 8/10
Master Of Reality - 9/10
Vol. 4 - 7,5/10
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath - 7/10
Sabotage - 6/10
Technical Ecstasy - 3/10
Never Say Die - 2/10
Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 For me, this is the best Black Sabbath cd with Dio. Yes, it's better than "Heaven And Hell" and "Mob Rules"!
Black Sabbath - Seventh Star Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Apart from "Heart Like A Wheel", this is an awesome cd!
Astral Doors - Evil Is Forever Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Together with their last cd ("New Revelation"), this is my favorite Astral Doors release!
Pure hard rock/heavy metal in vain of post-Ozzy Black Sabbath, Dio and Rainbow!
Arch Enemy - Doomsday Machine Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Just another Arch Enemy masterpiece. Nothing more and nothing less...
Arch Enemy - Anthems of rebellion Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Arch Enemy is one of my favorite bands...
Just listen ANY of their albums and you will see why!
Annihilator - Set The World On Fire - Re-release Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Yes, it's not thrash metal but still it's the best Annihilator album! Masterpiece!
Angra - Temple of Shadows Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9/10 One of better Angra cd's.
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9/10 The best Amon Amarth cd so far. Much more accessible and with better vocals.
Allen Lande - The Revenge Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9/10
Allen Lande - The Battle Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 10/10 Pure melodic rock/hard rock masterpiece!
After Forever - Invisible Circles Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9/10 My second best After Forever cd (first is "After Forever").
Adagio - Dominate Posted by Modulator - Friday, January 9, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10
Autograph - Sign In Please Posted by Little Drummer Boy - Wednesday, January 7, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Turisas - The Varangian Way Posted by Craig - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Ross The Boss - New Metal Leader Posted by Craig - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Iced Earth - The Crucible of Man, Something Wicked Pt. 2 Posted by Craig - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 6/10
Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon, Something Wicked Pt. 1 Posted by Craig - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Steve Grimmett Band - Personal Crisis Posted by Craig - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Diphtheria - To Wait For Fire Posted by Craig - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 6/10
Warrel Dane - Praises To The War Machine Posted by Craig - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 7/10
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell II - Back Into Hell Posted by Stuart - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Hard to describe how much this album means to me. Its one of those records that I've always had a copy of ever since it was released.
Sure there were times when I went a good long while without ever listening to it but every time it managed to find its way back onto my cassette deck/CD Player/Ipod it confirmed why it's so special.
Christ, even if the rest of the album was only half as thrilling as the multi faceted opener I'd Do Anything For Love (stop trying to be aloof, you all know its wonderful) it would be excellent. But not only do most of the later tracks equal it but a one in particular (Objects In The Rear View Mirror) manages to better it.
Jim Steinman spent years compiling songs for this album and I could talk for just as long about how many great moments there are on it. Every time I listen to the record I find some new heart stopping moment of melodrama, a little guitar part that makes a song complete or some knew meaning to a lyric.
Its got a song for ever mood you could possibly have, Pissed off? Listen to Life Is A Lemon, In love? Listen to Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through, Lovelorn? Listen to It Just Won't Quit, Defiant? Well how about Every Thing Louder Than Everything Else?
If you don't own this album then I strongly advise you to pick it up, listen to it, then listen to it again and again and again. It's just that exceptional.
Metallica - St. Anger Posted by Stuart - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 2/10 I remember somone giving me a loan of this album when I was at university. I listened to it on the bus ride home and was ready to throw myself out a window and end it all by the time it got to James tuneless shouting during Purify.
Horrible, nasty piece of work. Thank God Death Magnetic has brought some pride, song structure and most importantly solo's back to Metallica's recorded output.
Black Sabbath - Mob Rules Posted by Stuart - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 8/10 Perhaps not quite as strong a release as Heaven and Hell but its still a top quailty release. The sheer range of styles from up-beat classic metal about having a good time all the time to epic tales of religious mystery.
Plus its got Dio singing about how a demonic girl from the back of beyond stole his heart. And who can't relate to that?
Manowar - Battle Hymns Posted by Stuart - Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Rating: 9.5/10 Pretty much a perfect album. If they had only put another actual song on it and not a below par bass solo then I reckon it would get the full 10 out of 10.
Dio - Holy Diver Posted by Alanna - Monday, January 5, 2009 Rating: 9/10 This is absolutely *classic*. Not one song sounds out of place, the running order is smooth with nary a hiccup of disinterest along the way. Dio's commanding voice along with the catchy, powerful songs make for an enchanting album. "Caught In the Middle", "Straight Through the Heart" and "Invisible" are tracks that often get overlooked, but shame on those that skip them in favor of the popular pieces. Certainly the title track and "Rainbow in the Dark" are awesome examples of classy, hook laden metal, but they are not the only great songs that abound on this disc. The lyrics are also of special note, lyrical, fantastical and bordering on strange at times, their imagery burns into your mind as vividly as the music that accompanies them.
Toxic Holocaust - An Overdose Of Death Posted by Craig - Monday, January 5, 2009 Rating: 7.5/10
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Legendary Tales Posted by Alanna - Monday, January 5, 2009 Rating: 8/10 This was an album that just *blew me away* completely... the symphonic sound alongside the pipes of Fabio Lione and the guitar stylings of Luca Turilli was some kind of neo-classical/power metal marriage in harmony heaven. The faery-like flitterings of "Forest of Unicorns", the thunderous gallop of "Warriors of Ice" and the force of "Rage of Winter" are of special note.
Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God Posted by Craig - Monday, January 5, 2009 Rating: 8/10
Jon Oliva´s Pain - Global Warning Posted by ChippyMinton - Sunday, January 4, 2009 Rating: 9/10 Well in general I have to agree with Steen's review. Firefly is truly amazing, Before I Hang is pure Savatage (well what else would it be when you combine two Savatage songs together into one?) and O to G is hauntingly unfinished.
I find this album to be the most Savatagesque, and the best, of the 3 JOP albums so far.
I have to disagree with the appraisal of "Master", it's actually a very clever song. I wasn't too struck on it at first, the vocals are quite different, but I finally got what the song was on about when I was sat at my computer, it was giving me grief and this song came on. It really felt like my computer was mocking me, taunting me as I sat there, it actually made me recoil from my computer. If the vocals were pure Jon then I don't think it would've had quite the same effect.
Anyway, it gets a 9 cos it's my album of 2008, it's one of the few that I've listened to over and over and over again.
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Triumph or Agony Posted by Steen - Thursday, September 25, 2008 Rating: 5.5/10 Triumph or Agony lacks the aggression and FIRE that burned in the music on the earlier albums. I'm disappointed in the mid-tempo/ballad direction this album has taken to say the least. The album just fails to excite me. Rhapsody is still one of my all time favorite bands but I don't find this album worthy.
Dream Theater - Awake Posted by Steen - Saturday, September 20, 2008 Rating: 9.5/10
Harem Scarem - Hope Posted by Tommy - Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Rating: 8/10 The bands discography remains one of the most impressive, and I'm not only talking about the Hard Rock genre. From the uplifting debut, the defining Mood Swings to the lightweight of Rubber, into the utter melodic brilliance of Higher, the harsh Overload and that's just to name some of them, now Hope stands as a worthy epitaph.
The band has decided it was time for something new and judged by the quality of Hope there is even more reason to feel saddened.
Watch Your Back is a superb opener, crunchy and memorable.
Time Bomb has some cool guitar action, but never really get things going, Beyond Repair is fittingly darkened but quite anonymous.
The rest is just good times with Days Are Numbered as the high-energy boost reflecting what a perfect Hard Rock tune sounds like.
Production, lyrics and performances are top notch; if something should come to an end this is a pretty good way of doing it.
I agree that Shooting Star and Nothing Without You are outstanding tracks, brilliantly conveying a lot of emotion; just the way the keyboard gently underlies the chorus in the later one is no short of magic.
Hope has a serious, meaningful profile and as always its ultra catchy and in retrospective what other single word could in fact better describe this bands core competence.
Ayreon - 01011001 Posted by Tommy - Sunday, February 24, 2008 Rating: 8.5/10 The Ayreon moniker has grown into one of my most cherished bands and this new opus only makes my admiration for Arjen bigger. The Human Equation was fantastic but there is just something about it when he takes the thing into space, he's a master in creating these tense and dreamy scenarios. It makes me think of favourite scenes from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Aliens, The Abyss and other great science fiction movies.
A brilliant album where Jorn Lande's divine approach sends thoughts back to his work with Beyond Twilight's first album and the amazing Burn The Sun piece by Ark.
Bob Catley and Tom S. Englund are smoking too and overall this huge project just clicks with only a few songs drifting into less interesting circulation, it gets the balance between mellowness and hardness refreshingly right.
The story has many cool and relevant aspects, but could have been more close-knit as a whole. Production is crisp but the extra something is clearly the imaginative use of 17 singers...fascinating.
Favourite tracks:
Comatose. The duet between Anneke van Giersbergen and Lande is just thrilling and the keyboard work mesmerising.
Beneath The Waves. Mystic, compelling and almost healing as it slowly takes you in.
Newborn Race. Optimising the use of seven great vocal performances into a firestorm of melodic wonders.
Unnatural Selection. The groove is just so damn heavy.
Ayreon - 01011001 Posted by Tommy - Tuesday, January 8, 2008 Rating: 8.5/10 The Ayreon moniker has grown into one of my most cherished bands and this new opus only makes my admiration for Arjen bigger. The Human Equation was fantastic but there is just something about it when he takes the thing into space, he's a master in creating these tense and dreamy scenarios. It makes me think of favourite scenes from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Aliens, The Abyss and other great science fiction movies.
A brilliant album where Jorn Lande's divine approach sends thoughts back to his work with Beyond Twilight's first album and the amazing Burn The Sun piece by Ark.
Bob Catley and Tom S. Englund are smoking too and overall this huge project just clicks with only a few songs drifting into less interesting circulation, it gets the balance between mellowness and hardness refreshingly right.
The story has many cool and relevant aspects, but could have been more close-knit as a whole. Production is crisp but the extra something is clearly the imaginative use of 17 singers...fascinating.
Favourite tracks:
Comatose. The duet between Anneke van Giersbergen and Lande is just thrilling and the keyboard work mesmerising.
Beneath The Waves. Mystic, compelling and almost healing as it slowly takes you in.
Newborn Race. Optimising the use of seven great vocal performances into a firestorm of melodic wonders.
Unnatural Selection. The groove is just so damn heavy.
Nightwish - Dark Passion Play Posted by Tommy - Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Rating: 7.5/10 One of the most interesting bands in Metal returns with a new opus, this time with real orchestrations playing a major, dark and passionate role. The real beauty is that it doesn't really take focus away from the band, sounding really tight and innovative.
I don't think the word commercial goes a long way in describing this effort, sure it has some soft songs and potential "hit" ballads, but that's fine with a playing time of 75 minutes.
Amaranth is a great track, shifting back and forth from celestial grace to bombastic ass kicking.
Anette has a wonderful voice and manages to adjust it to the different scenarios throughout the album. She really carries the atmospheric Eva on delicate wings and her opening lines in For The Heart I Once Had is no less than emotionally moving.
Meadows Of Heaven has a tender and otherworldly feel to it, brilliantly combining harmonic guitar leads, orchestral wonders and soaring vocals.
Fact is that this album is also crushingly heavy to the bone (Master Passion Greed), mid-paced rocking (Cadence Of Her Last Breath), instrumentally challenging (Last Of The Wilds) and down right beautiful (last section of Poet And The Pendulum).
I agree that some lyrical elements are awkward and quite silly; others more sophisticated and well suited in.
Unfortunately Marco's unfortunate harsh and at times irritating vocals takes up way too much space, a few inputs for the sake of contrast and that would have been enough for me. His "normal" execution in The Islander works out well though.
Production and recording has been extremely expensive, but man has it been worth it. This is simply one of the best-produced albums I have listened to and the whole orchestral part of it is overwhelming and so well fitted in.
What keeps this album from being a clearer success is the fact that too many songs don't leave a more lasting impression. Lot's of quality tracks with ingenious passages, but few full blown highlights.
One of them is 7 Days To The Wolves; the spectacular break half way through says it all.
I doubt they will ever top Century Child, but this is a massive piece of bombastic Symphonic Metal, it has its minor downsides but also plenty of magnificent moments.
Allen Lande - The Revenge Posted by Tommy - Sunday, June 10, 2007 Rating: 8/10 I waited for this release to arrive like a child for Christmas.
It does grow on you and there is a strange charm to it's less accessible flow, but I'm missing a handful of "out of this world" tracks that the first one had (Wish For A Miracle, Where Have The Angels Gone, Come Alive, Reach A Little Longer)
Favourites on this one include the energized Wake Up Call, which is truly spectacular, the mystic Under The Waves, the groovy title track and the tear dropping When Time Doesn't Heal while the dual vocal attack in Just A Dream sends shivers down my spine (second verse = wow!).
Overall quality is top notch even though Will You Follow and Her Spell never really gets the magic flowing.
Some really heavy guitar riffs to enjoy too with Obsessed and Who Can You Trust as the most obvious crushing examples.
The production and performance is a joy all through and I recommend both these two discs for fans of melodic Metal/Rock. This project is one of the best things that has happened in a long time.
Fate - V Posted by Michael - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 Rating: 4/10 Alanna's review is very true. Unfortunately! "V" is the long awaited and anticipated comeback album from Fate. The band's last album "Scratch N' Sniff" was a masterpiece even though it was a change in style away from their soft/AOR sounding Hard Rock. However, "V" is an unbelievable change of style and almost totally water down the Fate name, since the only song that reminds of the good old days is Everything about you.
The main reason is vocalist Per Johansson, who now uses effects and sings high pitched in worst possible German power metal style. I was a big fan of his vocals on "Scratch N' Sniff" since his voice has got a special crispy tone to it. The worst example is Life - the high pitched vocals is surreal and Per's doubles his voice.
Luckily the crunchy guitar sound from "Scratch N' Sniff" is intact and guitarist Soren Hoff is a positive highlight of the album along with songs like Butterfly and Heavens Crying too, which sounds pretty good. Per Johansson isn't the only to blame - the musicals abilities of the band are tip top but the song writing is weak. Their old style was very melodic and "V" completely misses great sing along choruses.
"V" also sees the return of keyboards but they are not used in the typical AOR fashion, but used like all the bands from the terrible wave of the so called true metal. Most of the time Fate sounds more like Nightwish than the classic Hard Rock/Aor style they perfected earlier.
The production by Tommy Hansen is as always pompous, solid and ballsy. "Scratch N' Sniff" will always remain one of my favorite albums and I have longed for the follow up for 16 years.
What a disappointment and shame!
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell II - Back Into Hell Posted by Steen - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 Rating: 7/10 I don't agree on the classic status of this one. I think it misses the spark and the intuitive feeling that made the first one so special. Pretty much every song going past the 7 minute mark could have benefitted from a tighter structure. It is unfortunate since all the right ingredients are here, but it doesn't fully come together for me.
My absolute favorites are Good Girls Go To Heaven which has a superb melodyline and Lost Boys And Golden Girls which is just breathtaking. I can't say there are any songs that I dislike and every song has its moments of greatness, but there are too many times when I think "Come on! Get on with it!". Especially when a refrain is repeated four times too many.
In the end this in a very ambitious album with many involving moments but overall it falls short because it loses focus too often and doesn't know when to stop. It is still a very good album, especially when I'm in the right mood.
King Diamond - "Them" Posted by Steen - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 Rating: 8.5/10 I rate this one higher. It is among King Diamond's very best and gains the edge over most of his other albums by being extremely creative as well as having a ton of memorable moments scattered all through the album. Tommy already mentioned several, so I will just shortly get into a couple of personal favorites.
Welcome Home might be the best song King has ever written. It has so many nooks and crannies (grannies?) that the whole song feels like a big metallic maze of horrors. From the stereo effect when King screams Grandma through his genius delivery of lines such as "Missy and mother, they are dying to meet you" and the immortal "I wonder grandma, ARE YOU ALLRIGHT?" this is an insane journey right back into the asylum.
The Invisible Guests is so intense and I can only agree with Tommy's description.
The acoustic element in Tea gives it another dimension while King's vocal deliverance is perfect. Really great breaks with cool guitar solos and varied drumming add the final element in getting high. Knife! Woouuuuund! Aaaaaaahhhhh it is time for Tea!!! (Sorry, got carried away a bit)
I love the captivating drive of The Accusation Chair and the song is simply brilliant all the way through. Only King can sing the word "Fine" in this way. Twilight Symphony has another out of this world vocal performance during the chorus. Don't try this at home.
The music is challenging and inventive all the way through with tons of little detail showing itself on repeated listens. I only have the original release and unfortunately the sound is very void of bass and pump and that is the saddest thing about the album. The drum sound is thin and I could imagine a better sound would add to the impact of several songs. Ahh well, nothing is perfect, but this album comes very close. I don't believe it can be compared to much else. Horror Metal at its very best.
I bet you're dying for a cup of tea now...
Redemption - The Fullness Of Time Posted by Steen - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 Rating: 9/10 I agree with Tommy completely. This is simply an amazing album that delivers in every sense of the word. Album of the year so far and I seriously doubt that anything can match it. Filled with emotion, passion and exciting music this is something you don't come across very often.
Manowar - Sign Of The Hammer Posted by Steen - Wednesday, April 26, 2006 Rating: 8.5/10 Also one of my favorites from Manowar, so I just had to comment on it shortly.
All Men Play On 10 is a classic in my ears and I just cannot help but shout along whenever I hear this song. It just gets my blood pumping.
I remember hearing Thor for the very first time back in the early nineties and it gave me the most amazing feeling. Never had I heard anything like this. Eric's singing and the atypical music was a rousing experience and made me feel like I was another place in another time. Ok, so I was also playing Ultima Underworld II at the same time, but anyway... This is a completely magical over-the-top hymn made by and for the gods.
Mountains is not just a song, it is a complete and fulfilling experience that defies description. One of those rare songs you can live by.
Sign of The Hammer is ruled by Eric's incredible singing and it has one of the best openings to a song I have ever heard. Really spellbinding from the first note. Ending the album Manowar pulls out another breathtaking epic with Guyana.
In my opinion only Animals and The Oath don't quite live up to the majesty of the other songs.
In the end Manowar delivers a thunderous strike of epic, primal and timeless Heavy Metal.
Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution Posted by Tommy - Monday, April 10, 2006 Rating: 6.5/10 Any Priest album is awaited with huge excitement, especially this reunion disc.
I'm somehow divided about Angel Of Retribution, finding many enjoyable and classic Priest moments but also little material that really impresses.
Judas Rising is a great Metal hymn, showing that Tipton and K.K. still got the magic while Halford throws in some thrilling vocal twists.
Deal With The Devil is another favourite, having a cool rocking drive and massive bass foundation.
I was very disappointed when I prior to the release heard Revolution, and I'm only feeling slightly more positive towards it now. Simple is a good way to describe its path and the dull chorus doesn't exactly enhance it, the irregular drumming is cool though.
The two ballads Angel and Eulogy are nice and quite compelling without coming near past glories like Epitaph, Nigh Comes Down, Blood Red Skies or Lost And Found. They seem a bit too ordinary in structure and they never really developed the way I hoped they would.
You can't take away from Lochness that it at its best moments is gloomy in a fascinating way, on the other hand it's too long and what's up with those noisy and twisted guitar sounds.
Performance-wise things are looking very good and ultra solid, as goes for the crisp sound. The dark shrouded and nostalgic vibe found on the lyrically front works out well too.
Overall I'm just missing a bit more madness, melody, aggressiveness and speed.
A far cry from their best works but still a good record.
Judas Priest - Angel of Retribution Posted by Steen - Monday, April 10, 2006 Rating: 7/10 A solid Priest album which I would rate around 7. Personal highlights include Hellrider, Judas Rising, Angel, Deal With The Devil and Eulogy/Lochness. The album grows on repeated listens, but in my opinion it does not quite reach the level of the classics.
Iron Maiden - Brave New World Posted by Steen - Tuesday, February 1, 2005 Rating: 5.5/10 This is definitely not one of my favorite Maiden albums, it is closer to the bottom on that list. Brave New World lacks the excitement and the sense of power that pervaded the pre-1990 releases. It seems to me that every time a chorus or a good passage comes along it is repeated endlessly until it loses any impact. Blood Brothers, Out of the silent planet and Dream of Mirrors are prime examples of this. In general the songs are too long, lack focus and instead of growing with repeated listens, they stand still.
There are still some good moments on the album, but overall I find Brave New World unexciting. This is an average album and it comes nowhere near my personal favorites, Piece of mind, Somewhere in time, Powerslave, Seventh son of a seventh son and Number of the beast.
Pain of Salvation - BE Posted by Steen - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Rating: 8/10 For one rare time I completely agree with Tommy on all counts. His descriptions reflect my current thoughts very well. I still want to give you a short description of my experience with the album so far. I wrote down my thoughts after each listen to the album.
1'st listen: What the fuck??!
2'nd listen: Oh no, this can never be as good as their other albums, there is too much talk. Disappointed!!!
3'rd listen: Hhmmm that track 3 sounds really fantastic. What the ?? All the titles are in Latin!
5'th listen: Okay, I feel something is starting to take shape here. My first impression was obviously wrong. Man, that track 8 is one of the most moving things. Who are those people?
10'th listen: I'm finally starting to grasp the concept now. This is huge. I feel a strong craving for this album start. Need more...
11'th listen: Read the lyrics while listening and now the album is really starting to take of. I regret reading Daniel's brief explanation in the booklet though as it took away some mystery.
15'th listen: Iter Impius is completely fantastic.
17'th listen: What is that child doing at the end? Is this all one big mindfuck?
20'th listen: Hhmmm, does this album really start at the end?
21'st listen and onwards: Now I am at a point where I can just relax and enjoy the music for what it is.
Like the album, my experience of it is like an evolution onto itself. I have not completed it yet and only time will tell if this is a new masterpiece or "just" an outstanding and truly impressive creation. One thing is sure; BE is profound, entertaining, thought provoking and touching, it is Pain of Salvation.
Rhapsody (of Fire) - Symphony Of Enchanted Lands II - The Dark Secret Posted by Tommy - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Rating: 6.5/10 And so we got the fifth Rhapsody opus and yes overall it's a good album.
Unholy Warcry is a powerful, majestic and detailed track with many uplifting moments.
The enchanting and down right beautiful The Magic Of The Wizards Dream is a clear highlight, Fabio's second chorus line backed up by huge orchestrations gives me chills all over.
The Last Angels' Call relies on a much too repetitive but quite cool chorus line, I just don't think the songs structure has the profoundness I know this band is capable of delivering.
Sacred Power Of Ancient Winds comes forth with both drama and lots of melody, the spoken part in the middle that Steen also refers to is nevertheless not that successful but overall a very challenging creation.
The real orchestrations enhance the thick atmospheres and gives the album a very grand feeling. On the other hand it also makes it a bit too polished here and there, this also has something to do with the quite bright but nevertheless clear and highly professional production, I just miss some more down to earth, crunchy and aggressive elements.
Making use of a second and not very good secondary narrator when finally getting someone as cool as Christopher Lee is just head-shakingly incomprehensible.
The Oh yes, follow me passage in Elgard's Green Valleys sounds totally akward and amazingly silly. The spoken part in Erian's Mystical Rhymes isn't convincing either and the subsequently joyful orchestrations simply don't fit the dark context.
I have never been too fond of the Rhapsody saga and lyrics and this time is certainly no exception, uninspiring and unoriginal are words that can be used in more than one instance, fortunately we are treated with some interesting passages along the way.
The ballad Guardiani Del Destino is a pretty decent song, I just find it a bit annoying that they once again have a ballad sung in Italian; I have no clue of what Fabio is singing about.
I find this their least good collection of songs, missing more memorable elements. It also has too many irritating moments that scar it, but in all fairness this is also a well-crafted album with a couple of really fantastic songs.
Anubis Gate - Purification Posted by Steen - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Rating: 6/10 Power Metal is a sick and boring style of metal? No way! Ok, so 4 out of 5 bands playing Power Metal lack originality and don't stand out, but those that do it right make the style one of the most enjoyable to my ears. I say, all hail the glory of Power Metal! :)
Anyway, I wouldn't define Anubis Gate as Power Metal. While they aren't easy to classify, the tempo is a little too slow throughout and I would rather call it dark Heavy Metal. The music has a rich and captivating atmosphere that gives me a feeling of being guided deep into the dwarven mountain halls of Thorbadin. But only for a while. The album has a hard time keeping my attention all the way through. It lacks variation and a few more memorable songs. The album is very dense, but it does start opening up after many listens. I agree on the rating, overall a good and promising debut from a new Danish band. They could develop into something very interesting so I will keep my ears open for the next album.
Savatage - Edge Of Thorns Posted by Steen - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Rating: 8/10 Lights out and Skraggy's tomb are definitely not my favourites. They are in fact two of my least favourite Savatage songs ever. But other than that this album is brilliant.
Edge of thorns has had a hard time with me since I was shocked when I found out that Jon Oliva wasn't singing anymore. I have always preferred the way Jon Oliva perfectly fits the music and feeling of Savatage and after Streets it was hard to see him leave the seat for someone who, to my ears, didn't have the same ability to create the "Savatage feeling" of earlier albums.
Then I got quite annoyed at all the "yeahh's" that Zak makes throughout the album. They are in almost every song and started getting on my nerves back then. But slowly the album has grown to be another little Savatage gem which should be in any collection. Slowly I also accepted that Zak was going to be the new Savatage singer and today I love all his work in Savatage. Through the years his voice has gotten better and better and his presence in Savatage has helped the band reach out to many new fans. So looking back I must say that Zak has been one of the best things to happen in the Savatage history.
Edge of thorns, He carves his stone, All that I bleed, Conversation piece and Follow me are Savatage classics and among my favourite Savatage tracks ever (That list is a long one though :)
Even though I've done it before I still want to hail Criss Oliva as the greatest guitar player that ever walked this earth. His playing on this album is beyond amazing.
This is a good album to start with if you don't know Savatage yet, though if you really want to start the right way then I'd recommend you go out at get Gutter Ballet with Jon Oliva on the vocals.
This band has everything.
Majesty - Reign In Glory Posted by Steen - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Rating: 3/10 I agree with Nina, this is unfortunately a really bad album. Majesty are very inspired by Manowar in a very wrong way. They lack the balls, the wit and most importantly the songwriting abilities to come up with anything resembling that band. Instead they borrow small passages from their songs (Fight for Freedom and Battle hymn come to mind), and use them in their own uninspired songs. I challenge you to read the lyrics of one of the songs and not giggle. The band takes all the clichés and use them in the most dreadful way. This is exactly what gives "True-Metal" its laughable image.
I remember reading a review which equalled this album to Manowar's Into Glory ride and awarding it a 100/100 rating, which of course convinced me to check the band out. "That reviewer must be totally deaf" was the only thought in my mind after the first listen. Well of course everyone can't have the same taste, and while Reign in glory does have a few redeeming musical qualitites guitar-wise, I can't recommend this album to anyone but the most ardent "True Metal"-fan. I'd take bands like Domine, Doomsword or Lost Horizon any day over this tripe.
Stratovarius - Elements Part 2 Posted by Tommy - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 Rating: 7/10 This is indeed a very solid release. The classic Strato stuff is all here, but compared to earlier works this one is more atmospheric, slow and grooving.
Here is a short remark to my favourite songs.
I Walk To My Own Song: One of Tolkki's best creations. A very positive and melodic track that has a firm rocking vibe. Great mid-section solo passage and a catchy keyboard melody.
Alpha & Omega: A very atmospheric track that gains a lot by the use of a real orchestra. A heavy riff, detailed drums and tight bass set a grooving base where Timo's sensitive voice fits in perfectly.
Luminous just has a fantastic calm and reassuring spirit that could light up the darkest room, fantastic vocals and dreaming keys.
Still I miss more melodic "elements" and more than three fantastic songs for this one to reach their best works. In Dreamweaver we find a cool mystic atmosphere; the chorus on the other hand is not very successful and rather tame. Awaken The Giant has a great ingenious solo and cool refinements in the drumming, but something really exciting is clearly missing and the main rhythm becomes a bit tiresome.
Anyway all in all this is well executed, diverse and atmospheric Power Metal.
The album is released in limited edition with a bonus CD; this also goes for Elements Pt. 1, both being highly recommendable.
This one contains some interesting demo versions with quite funny passages and some great live cuts, including a most genius version of the fantastic Soul Of A Vagabond from the slightly better Elements Pt 1.
Favourite Stratovarius albums: Destiny, Visions, Episode and Infinite.
Judas Priest - Painkiller Posted by Tommy - Monday, January 5, 2004 Rating: 9/10 This is indeed a most spectacular classic release. Anyway seems like we got some different favourites here.
Leather Rebel is a piece of pure genius. The fast rhythm base is roaring with pure power and the fantastic attitude loaded lyric and melodic refrain is just brilliant, especially the background-supporting chorus line "lightning in the dark" is simply divine and one of the biggest highlights of the entire record.
Metal Meltdown is just pure madness. The mid-section guitar duel is just amazing as Steen nicely describes. Another aspect I really love about it is the main monster riff and Rob's screaming vocals.
All Guns Blazing features some of Rob's most thrilling vocal lines and Glenn's solo part is absolutely thrillingly intense. The slower part of the song is also very powerful, the tight bass and hard drumming come out very vigorous. Lots of detailed guitar parts helps in making this highly dynamic track.
Still there are some minor aspects that keep it from being over the top.
Hell Patrol has a great hard driven rhythm and its groove is very high. On the other hand I find the chorus too stationary and lacking that special energized touch.
One Shot At Glory is far from my favourite track. The main rhythm riff is just a bit too simple and the rather laid-back chorus isn't that captivating either, especially not when compared with so much else on this release. The lead guitar work is nevertheless huge; especially K.K.'s middle solo part and again Rob's varied vocals sound fantastic.
I miss a more central bass on this one, it's there, laying a quite solid background but not really adding much on the creative front, solid anyway though.
All in all a most phenomenal album with many huge songs and a performance that is truly inspiring and memorable. The guitar work is simply out of this world.
Favourite songs: Leather Rebel, Metal Meltdown, Night Crawler, Painkiller and All Guns Blazing.
Favourite albums: Jugulator, Painkiller, Sad Wings Of Destiny, Defenders Of The Faith and British Steel.
Judas Priest - Jugulator Posted by Steen - Monday, January 5, 2004 Rating: 6/10 I don't share Tommy's enthusiasm with this album. Jugulator was a huge disappointment, especially in the beginning. Not because it was significantly different to what Priest had done in the past, but because the album felt uninspired at times and had a distinct lack of memorable songs. That was my initial impression. Everything takes time though and given time and many listens Jugulator definitely rises and does in fact have some great songs and many redeeming moments, making it an overall good album.
The "evolution" since Painkiller has been to slow down and make everything ultra heavy and grooving.
Death Row has a very good atmosphere and is a fascinating song. With a monstrous drum attack that takes no prisoners, ultra heavy riffing and a brilliantly entertaining vocal performance by Ripper Owens this is as close to older Priest as you get. Bullet train also has some great guitar work and a very good atmosphere throughout. Ripper's piercing vocals slice through the massive sound with ease and the powerful finish is an intense highlight. Cathedral spires ends the album on an epic note. This song is really excellent and my favorite of the album. The song captures me from the first notes and keeps adding new layers, making it a real monster track. Personal highlight: Ripper screaming "Ascend". Wow!
Unfortunately many of the other songs don't reach the same level. My problem mainly lies in the lack of memorable melodies. All the songs are extremely heavy but many of them keep thrashing around and never really get of the ground. They lack that final kick of power. If you want the ultimate combination in heaviness, groove, power and melody then listen to Nevermore to hear how it is done.
Distortion and vocal effects are also used several times without much success. The guitar work feels nowhere near as inventive or inspired as it was on fx. Painkiller. Here the guitars are mostly playing heavy riffs and I miss the "always something happening" vibe. Of course the solos are still excellent.
Several songs unfortunately suffer from a very simple chorus that feels a little repeated (Brain dead, Blood stained and Dead Meat come to mind). One example of a song that never gets off the ground is Decapitate. A slow driving riff drags the energy out of the song and nothing happens to keep my attention. A song with a very uninspired feel to it. Burn in hell on the other hand is quite good.
A strong point of the album is the lyrics which take on some interesting issues, fitting well with the dark atmosphere.
All in all the album wins on repeated listens. There are no really bad songs. One is below average, most of them range from ok to good and three very good songs stand out.
To sum up my opinion of Jugulator I will say: Too much groove and not enough melody.
Brainstorm - Soul Temptation Posted by Tommy - Monday, January 5, 2004 Rating: 7.5/10 Oh yes this is highly enjoyable indeed.
Brainstorm has a special-sounding, extremely bombastic and hard style of Power Metal to offer the hungry Metal scene, and a big plus is the fact that the songs seem very worked-through and displaying both intensity and ear-hanging capacity.
The lyrics once again have a cool complex gleam dealing with themes from inner struggle to dark mysticism presented with great vocal strength.
Some favourites are the hard pumping Highs Without Lows, the fast and aggressive To The Head and Fornever with its great symphonic dimension and ingenious nature.
This said I still hunger for more really high quality tracks and a couple more fast blasts; the album has quite many mid-tempo cuts that are good but not exactly mind-blowing. Some choruses have a tendency to be close to unmelodic, partly due to a tiresome spoken style as in Fading.
There exist no doubt that these guys are very familiar and trained in creating quite technical, very grooving and highly intensive Power Metal, the guitars are extremely vigorous and the level of tightness in the rhythm section is remarkable high.
I can strongly advise you to invest in the limited edition containing a bonus DVD with the strong and well-produced Summer Breeze Festival 2002 performance.
The diverse, epic and ultra heavy Ambiguity album is after all still my absolute favourite Brainstorm release.
Savatage - Gutter Ballet Posted by Tommy - Monday, January 5, 2004 Rating: 9.5/10 You are so right Steen.
One of many spectacular Savatage albums. This one surely gets around many corners and its diversity is a really strong characteristic. Best guitarist ever, Criss Oliva, puts out a thundering playing style of a world unique, and Jon delivers one of the strongest and most empathized vocal performances I can think of.
I'm extremely fond of She's In Love, its direct style fits perfect and its amount of intensity and musical flair is astonishing. When The Crowd's Are Gone is a beautiful masterpiece that has this special enchanting mood too it. The Unholy most be one of the heaviest Savatage songs, a perfect mix of groove and melody. Summer's Rain ranks up there with the best and most moving ballads ever created, the atmospheric guitar solo is a strike of pure genius.
Thorazine Shuffle and Of Rage And War is my least favourite ones, the amount of thrilling passages is just a bit lower than the rest of the record, but powerful pieces of music anyway.
Gutter Ballet manages to capture hardness, melody and true feelings in a breathtaking effort.
Rage - Soundchaser Posted by Tommy - Monday, January 5, 2004 Rating: 8/10 This one hits like a forceful hammer, an extremely powerful record and also one of Rage's best. The band consists of world-class musicians and this is a clearly apparent fact when listening to these songs, the technical level is amazing and each track has many cool twist and turns.
Central chorus' seems to be a very important element on this record, and some are clearly better than others. Great Old Ones is a brilliant song with a very catchy chorus and still the rhythm is extremely hard. Soundchaser on the other hand comes out a bit too basic in form and with a chorus that lacks something really exiting and ear-hanging.
A track like War Of Worlds pretty well sums up what this record is mostly about; Power Metal with an innovative structure, intense drumming, a firework of fantastic guitar parts, ground solid bass lines and Peavy's raw and aggressive voice.
Overall this is a very solid album that only has good to great songs, it's complex nature makes it very durable and if yore are sleepy one morning a couple of shots from this one should make you considerable more awake.
I still think that their bombastic XIII and ultra heavy Black In Mind are their superior works to date.
Arch Enemy - Anthems of rebellion Posted by Steen - Monday, January 5, 2004 Rating: 9/10 I have never been a huge fan of these kind of vocals, but I'm changing... and Arch Enemy is one of the bands that have brought about this change, Opeth is another. The music is completely brilliant and filled with energy, fast, technical, and melodic all the way. The guitar playing is some of the best I have heard in a long time, heavy, melodic, shredding, tight, it has everything. The excellent production gives the guitars just the right volume so they don't overshadow the other instruments, which are as well played as they could be. There is a certain powerful older Slayer sound to the guitars at times which I like.
My absolute favorite song is the spine tingling Dead eyes see no future, a fantastic blend of majestic riffs, virtous guitar melodies, and the all powerful force of Angela's brutal vocals. What an incredible song. Other favorites include the heavy Leader of the rats with its catchy chorus, the immensely powerful We will rise, the opening anthem Silent war and the great atmospheric End of the line. But there is not a bad one among them all and the album flows very well, suddenly being over before you know it.
Immediately I was surprised to find the vocals to be quite intriguing and David's comparison hits the nail on the head. I am in awe that this woman is able to shape her voice like this. She crushes most male vocalists right into the ground in terms of sheer power. While I can't rate the album as a 10 (not yet anyway), I haven't been able to find any flaws at all. But the album hasn't finished growing on me yet, so who knows what may happen. This is an album that has a timeless feel and a lot to offer, at this point I know it will stay on my playlist for a long time to come. Now I'm just looking forward to getting the real album instead of this promo thing...
David is right, this one has the ability to appeal to all fans of Metal!
Nuclear Valdez - In a Minute all Could Change Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 8/10 This really is a wonderful album. The up-beat, rocking music and the contrasting lyrics filled with grief are a perfect combination. Whether you're just relaxing and listening to the music, having a party, or reading along with the lyrics, it works. This music fits every occasion and mood. Fro Sosa's vocals are fantastic, extremely emotional and expressive. The well written lyrics are oozing with feeling and are highly relateable. The lyrics to songs like Save me and Stem of tragedy can bring tears to your eyes if you're sad enough to be in the right mood.
My favorite songs include Save me with its great drive and touching lyrics, Someone to believe in with its catchy chorus, the up-beat Wonderland which is the most positive song on the album, Remember which has a flying feeling, Still won't let you go where the fantastic chorus lifts the song to another level, and of course the ultimate testimoney of neglected love, Stem of tragedy.
This is great music to help you get out of a crisis. Reading the lyrics you know that there is someone out there who is worse of than yourself, or at least feels the same way, and that is a soothing fact. A tragic yet wonderful album.
Metallica - St. Anger Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 4.5/10 Ahh, Metallica. They were one of the bands that opened my eyes to Heavy Metal back when The Black Album was released. I went on to enjoy their entire back catalogue, but then I was sorely disappointed by Load and Reload.
Now St. Anger is here, and it doesn't manage to fulfill many of the hopes I had. It basically leaves me cold. As opposed to Tommy, I don't feel this album sets any new standard of how Metal can sound. If it does set a new standard it is certainly not a good one. The album feels uninspired and thrown together.
Yes, the production is different, but not inventive in any way I can see, but I could easily live with the below average production, if only the music had been interesting. Unfortunately that is not the case and the album has a hard time holding my attention for very long, no matter how hard I try. There is a definite lack of something to hold the songs together, maybe it's melodies. Sure, there are lots of heavy riffs, pounding drums and rythm changes, but most of the songs wash together to a jumbled mess, without anything that sticks out. The music doesn't flow, it bites... Some parts also feel very cut together. One example is Frantic at the 24 second mark.
The album starts out ok, with a couple of good songs. Frantic and St. Anger both have some great qualities musically, but I have never been so annoyed by James Hetfield's vocal performance, as I am on this album. Frantic is let down by his insanely funny screaming of "tick tick tick tock!".
The only problem I have with the otherwise great St. Anger lies in the double edged self-pitying lyrics. I can't get over them. "I'm madly in anger with you"... Oh, please...
Another song where I find the vocals infuriatingly annoying is Shoot me again. It starts out very good, and the song shows some good elements, but every time James starts his "Shoot me again" round, there is this tone in his voice, which just sounds plain wrong to me.
And finally the ending of All within my hands has me howling with laughter. James' screams of "Kill kill kill" sound so incredibly comic. I can't help it.
Some kind of monster must be one of the most boring songs, I have heard in recent times. This is a good example of a song that never gets anywhere. It thrashes around and never gets off the ground.
On the other hand, Sweet amber is my favourite song of the album. It has some of nerve I miss on the rest of the album, and it also has some of the best lyrics on the album. They are actually bearable.
Listening to the album with headphones makes the sound more intense and also emphasises the many stereo effects that the music is built around.
I still have to find the feeling in the music, and after spending more than 12 hours with the album, I really want to move on to some music that can give me something back. So, that's just what I'll do.
To be fair, the album is not bad, just very average and overall a huge disappointment to me. There are many glimpses of greatness in the music, and a couple of good songs stick out. But St. anger doesn't speak to me at all, and the few glimpses are not enough to save the album from mediocrity. Be sure to give it a listen before you buy it.
One word review: Yawn...
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy Posted by Tommy - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 9.5/10 Yes, this surely is a magical release. The guitars are simply stunning, twisting and turning, displaying great skill, heaviness and melody. The keyboards are working in great harmony with the tight main rhythm-section, and the harmonious vocals are just fantastic.
The title track really shows the huge abilities of this great band, the atmosphere and overall flow of this extensive song is just perfect. Of Sins And Shadows is one of my all time favourite songs, as well as the remaining ones, ha ha. Seriously all songs have very high quality, even though I find the melodic The Witching Hour lacking some of the high intensity as found for example in the diverse and extremely powerful Out Of The Ashes. Anyway, this album is a classic and the lyrics are very good too, filled with personal issues like inner struggle, and also exterior themes like interesting mythology.
This band belongs to the absolute best in the world, their unique style of technical, powerful, symphonic and melodic Metal is overwhelming.
Helloween - Rabbit Don´t Come Easy Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 8/10 I pretty much agree with Tommy on this one. It's great to hear Helloween back with so much power and melody. There is something about the awesome melodies, Andi's singing and the extremely powerful rythm section, that sends across an energy-filled, positive vibe. With every listen there is some new little detail to discover. Still, it hasn't quite reached the status of my Helloween favorites, Keeper of The Seven keys Part 1 & 2 and Time of the oath. Still growing though.
Favorite tracks: Liar, Sun 4 the world, Do you feel good, Just a little sign and Open your life.
Mike Tramp - More to life than this Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 7/10 Yeah, this is another quality addition to the Tramp catalogue. More to life than this is filled with Melodic Rock of high quality, that has the special "Mike Tramp touch". Unfortunately that special melancholic atmosphere that ruled the other two releases is a bit toned down here. I miss that atmosphere in some of the songs. Like Michael said, More to life than this is more straight forward. Still, this is an album that grows with each listen and it almost, but not quite manages to reach the same high level of impact as Capricorn and Recovering... I find a couple of songs to be too straight forward and sweet for my taste (Lay down my life for you where that line is repeated so many times & Goodbye song that just doesn't work for me)
Luckily all the other songs more than make up for this. The ultra melodic More to life than this and Don't want to say goodnight, the rocking I won't let go and Back from the dead and the ballads Nothing at all and above all The good, the sad and the ugly are all excellent Tramp songs that deserve high praise.
A must for all Mike Tramp / White Lion / Freak of Nature fans, but I would advise those who want to get to know Mike Tramp to start out with Capricorn.
Star One - Space Metal Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 8.5/10 No no no Tommy, you're all wrong about Intergalactic Space Crusaders. The song has a fantastic groove and doesn't need a complex rythm. That's the beauty of it! Fantastic vocals and atmosphere help make this song my favourite of the album. Oh, and the song is even better live hehe...
Other highlights include the ending part of Eye of Ra, which always gives me the chills, Songs of the Ocean, Set your controls and basically every time Russel Allen sings.
Overall a very very cool release.
Evergrey - Recreation Day Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 8/10 Ahh... Wonderful.
After the masterpiece In search of truth, I couldn't imagine what Evergrey would come up with next. What a pleasure it is then, to find that the band has managed to evolve in a great way. Recreation Day has the Evergrey feel written all over it, with a fantastic atmosphere of mostly, despair, sadness and anger. Tom S. Englund sings, as always, with huge emotion, and the music is played with a touch of brilliance. This album is harder and a little tougher to get into than In Search of truth. After a few listens the songs started to open up and I got sucked into the atmosphere that flows from the songs. This album is a great example of how to use keyoards to enhance the atmosphere in the music without taking over everything.
After listening constantly to Recreation Day for a few weeks I feel like I have just touched the surface layers. With every listen something new grabs my attention and keeps the album growing on me. Definitely a worthy follow up to one of my favourite albums of the past couple of years.
Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 10/10 Ahh, my favourite Dream Theater song. What to say that hasn't been said already? It is just fantastic and very moving.
Masterplan - Masterplan Posted by Steen - Friday, May 2, 2003 Rating: 8.5/10 Wow, This is some of the best Metal I've heard in a long time. Fantastic vocals, powerful music, extremely melodic, but still very complex songs and well written and meaningful lyrics. This one gets better with each listen. After the first 10 listens, suddenly this great record started growing further and has become one of my favourite this year so far. It will be very interesting to see how they progress from here. Personal favourites: Every single song, but Kind Hearted Light is my favourite today...
Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle-Earth Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 9/10 I will always remember that magic moment in Wacken 1998 when Blind Guardian played right before Savatage. The sun was going down and it was starting to get dark. Blind Guardian were close to the last song before Savatage took the stage. They were playing the epic Time Stands Still and then, suddenly the sky was ignited with a huge shower of fireworks. This was supposed to have happened as Savatage played, but the schedule had been delayed and apparantly someone saw it fit to release it all at that moment. It was a very special feeling standing there listening to Blind Guardian playing this epic song while the sky was filled with brights bursts of color. A magic moment there... To quote Chip Z'nuff: "Awesome fireworks display out there!"
Nightfall in middle Earth is a fantastic album, but my favourite Blind Guardian album is still, the ultimately more powerful, Imaginations from the other side. My favourites include the powerful Into the storm, the majestic Nightfall where Hansi's voice send chills down the spine, the epic Time stands still, the beautiful The Eldar, the speed metal attack When sorrow sang softly, the complex A dark passage and of course the brilliant and melodic Mirror mirror
But I must complain about the liner notes, which are written in German! No! This is all wrong and I don't understand a word of what they say... A plea to Blind Guardian: Next time you want to include a story like this, please consider your Danish fan who did have German in school, but somehow forgot how to both read and speak it. Maybe it was due to excessive headbanging...
In short, this is a fantastic album with a special atmosphere and one of a kind Power Metal.
Symphony X - The Odyssey Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 9/10 Yeah, this is a fantastic album. The ending part of The Odyssey is simply divine. I love this whole song. Pure magic.
Eternity X - The Edge Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 9.5/10 This is one of my favourite albums ever. Songs like Fly away, The confession and A day in verse are pure magic. The concept is huge and beautifully realized. A true masterpiece.
Thine - In therapy Posted by Michael - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 7/10 Steen's review basically describes "In Therapy" very well.
One thing is bugging me every time I play this great album. I was offered to review this album but refused. Huge mistake - because this album is really great.
"In Therapy" is packed with atmosphere mainly caused by the great moody guitars, always playing a great melody line. The vocals are sometimes doubled, which is contributory to creating the melancholic atmosphere, which is mentioned in the review. This is masterly performed on my favorite song Contact Point, which along with the title track are among my favorite tracks this year.
A highly recommendable album.
Symphony X - The Odyssey Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 9/10 Yeah, this is a brilliant album. The ending part of The Odyssey is simply divine. I love this whole song. Pure magic.
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 9.5/10 I can only agree with Tommy. Imaginations... is my favourite Blind Guardian album and a timeless classic. The music has an incredible feeling of power and it is unlike anything else. The album has so many amazing moments, and my personal favorite, "The script for my requiem" is sheer genius all the way through.
Edguy - Mandrake Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 7/10 I really like this album, but I think it misses something to reach the heights of Vain glory opera and Theater of Salvation. Am I the only one who thinks Save us now is an excellent song?
Enuff Z'nuff - Welcome to Blue Island Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 9/10 Oh, I'm falling in love with this album.
Enuff Z'nuff are back and I can't imagine a better way to keep their fans happy. I agree with everything that Michael stated above, so I'll just make some comments.
My favorite song is Sanibel Island right now. The perfect song to get me in a happy mood. Excellent chorus and nice guitar parts thoughout the song. This brings back memories of the party tunes off their first album. And for some reason it reminds me of a particular movie... Can you guess which one? Mark up this next part to see the answer: Weekend at Bernies!
Z overture has an excellent guitar solo and it's great to finally hear the studio version of this track.
Yeah, take it away Saturday. What a great up beat party song. Has anyone noticed the double meaning in the chorus. Most noticeable in the third chorus. Well, maybe I'm just hallucinating here...
Another favorite is Good times. What a special atmosphere this song has. Reminds me of the time we were in The UK during the EZN tour and saw them 6 nights in a row. Those were good times.
Zentimental Journey/The Sun has one of the biggest highlights of the album. Only a musical genius could come up with such an amazing acoustic break and still fit it perfectly into a song as is done here.
The whole album has a great positive atmosphere and it's still growing on me with each listen.
A big Thank you to the band for releasing yet another excellent album. I hail you!
Pretty Maids - Planet Panic Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 6/10 Well, this is not my favourite Pretty Maids album. That title still belongs to Spooked.
After listening to Planet Panic many times I'm still a little disappointed. It's an OK album, just nowhere near as good as I had hoped. On this album PM have taken a heavier path but unfortunately most of the songs have become extremely simple and lack the melodic touch that is their trademark. The band seems somewhat uninspired to me and there are just too many indifferent songs here.
Virtual Brutality, Natural High and Enter forevermore are the tracks that save the album somewhat and show that they haven't lost their touch.
Virtual Brutality has become one of my favourite Pretty Maids songs. To hear the power of this song live has to be experienced. It's awesome.
A good album, but not among their best.
Mike Tramp - Capricorn Posted by Michael - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 9/10 This album has it all. One of my all time favorites.
Virgin Steele - Invictus Posted by Steen - Monday, December 2, 2002 Rating: 10/10 My favourite Virgin Steele album. It has everything! All the songs are fantastic and filled with power and emotion and like Tommy says the album transcends all boundaries and inspires on every level. David Defeis has never sounded better than this. One of the greatest singers in the world. A masterpiece of Power, Metal and Life!
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