Kamelot - Epica
I had very high expectations of this record. I think that every Kamelot album is good in it's own way, especially their latest, Karma, which I found truly great.

Epica seems to me to be their most complex release. It is a concept story about finding your place in the universe, thoughts of religion, spirituality and love. The concepts and themes are connected with Goethe's Faust.

After a short atmosphere building Prologue, we get sucked right into Center Of The Universe. Wow, what a song! classical melodic Kamelot guitar riff combined with a fitting keyboard tune. The song is pretty fast and has a brilliant lyric and catchy vocal line. The middle section gives room for an epic part with a lot of feel. This song is a candidate for the best Kamelot song ever.

Farewell is even faster, and also here a great huge chorus takes a central place. The changing breaks makes the song very balanced.

There are four short interludes that separate the album in five blocks; it works well in making something new start.

The Edge Of Paradise is a mid-tempo song that has a cool atmospheric feel to it. The orchestral and epic mid-section work as pure magic. The chorus is repeated many times though, and is not among the most melodic on the record. But still it has a good rhythm.

Wander is a slow and very sensitive song. I must say that Roy Khan performs his best job ever on this record, he sings beautiful all the way, and this song really shows that. The detailed keyboard elements set a great mood for this song, which is full of emotion.

I think that the production is very clear and detailed, but not as powerful as on Karma. But overall it works, and incorporates all the different elements in a fine way. The vocal has a very central place through the whole record, and there is also made space for classical instruments, female voice and a more keyboard-orientated background. All this is making it sound complex, but I think it makes the album more interesting and it fits well with the story.

A Feast For The Vain is a great dramatic song. It is very changing in character, and has once again a melodic and fantastic chorus.

On the musically level Thomas Youngblood offers lots of great riffs and fast solo's. The bass playing is very solid but also a bit hidden in the background. The drums are detailed and perfectly balanced between power and a more relaxed style, and the keyboards create a lot of atmosphere.

The classical instrument is used here and there and works well most of the album, but at times they are stretched to the limit as in Lost And Damned. The song has a standard chorus but gains in the aggressive side it has, and the cool dramatic start that slowly builds.

The ending song III Ways To Epica has a splendid chorus, a great melody and really sums up a lot of the great aspects of this record; It is truly epic in character and like many of the other songs it has some brilliant parts with a lot of emotion.

All in all this is an album I had to give many listenings because of its complex form, but then it also gained. I find it fantastic and highly interesting, balanced and melodic.

Written by Tommy
Sunday, December 15, 2002
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Tommy: 8.5/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by karma5272 (Anonymous) - Wednesday, April 2, 2003
what a crap is this review... 8.5 ha ha ha 8.5 gimme a break ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Yashar (Anonymous) - Tuesday, February 25, 2003
This album has to be by far the best kamelot album to date. I cannot believe the plethora of A+ songs in the CD.

Each time I listened to a new song, It gained appreciation and seemed to surpass the previous ones.

III ways to Epica, Center of the Universe, and Descent of the Archangel are on constant rotation on my computer.

It's great to see genuine music being produced in the midst of pop-rock clones and britney spears clones...



Comment by Cacko (Anonymous) - Saturday, June 14, 2003
The best kamelot album.


Comment by Metaldude (Anonymous) - Monday, September 1, 2003
8,5????? So what is a 10? Epica is probably one of the greatest metal releases ever. And as far as new power metal bands go, Kamelot rules the entire planet!

Comment by Ole Bach (Anonymous) - Friday, October 10, 2003
Kamelot has done one of the finest albums in the metal world it has to be 10/10.I saw Kamelot on this year Sweden Rock and they blew all the other bands to hell.O.B.

Comment by Hellfire (Anonymous) - Friday, April 16, 2004
Only 8.5.......lol this is best album I ever listen to it should have at least 9.5.

Comment by Ethereia (Anonymous) - Thursday, April 7, 2005
A step down form their previous albums. The lyrics were complex, but some of the songs sounded too rushed. If they took more time with it, the album could have been so much better.

Comment by Veronica (Anonymous) - Monday, June 19, 2006
All hail to Kamelot... 9.5/10!!

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Friday, October 17, 2008
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In my opinion "Epica"is the Last Album of the Real Kamelot!

And it's a Masterpiece,but in the some way incompleted because "The Black Halo"sounds muddle-headed in comparison to"Epica"like a sequel:it's a good album,maybe a great album,but is not a real sequel of the plot of Epica:where is Epica(in the words of Khan at the time of Epica"Ariel will visite a phisical place called Epica in the second chapter")?
Why Ariel has wings on the cover of "Epica"?
Why we have two different personifications of the Devil:in the First Chapter a Woman,in the second a Man(Shagrath)?
Thomas at the time of Epica:"Helena will become an Angel in the Second Chapter"?
It's another false promise.

To be honest,"The Black Halo"is very undervalued,seems like"Highlander II",a totally muddle-headed sequel without a real sense in the Epica Concept(but"The Black Halo"is a good album and"Highlander II"a real sequel).

It's the Last real Epic Album of Kamelot,today they could call "Phantoms of the Opera",are more a Gothic/Prog Band than a real Epic band.

Khan is a great Singer,my favourite(I'm a Singer/Songwriter,if you want listen my voice click on this link:


),but it's more a Gothic/Prog Singer than a real Epic Singer and Conception maybe it's better place for him.

If you want see a show(in the Amphitheater of my Country) where i have played a set of"Epica"concept click on this link:

http://www. telealtairpinia.it/spettacolo/emergenti24ago08p7.htm

A Golden Hail,

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Friday, October 17, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Friday, October 17, 2008
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The Correct Link of my show with Kamelot Songs is this:


Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Friday, October 17, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Friday, October 24, 2008
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Kamelot "Epica"

(Full Review)
I confirm that this album is the real masterpiece of Kamelot and for me the last real album in the true Kamelot Spirit(is the last album with Noise/Sanctuary:a case? I don't know).
I like the actual Kamelot,but for me could change the name of the band,because there's no more the Genuine Epic Feeling of the early days.
"The Black Halo"is the first album that betray this feeling and betray the original concept of "Epica".
This is a real Magic Album,every song is full of mystical atmosphere,sense of adventure into the Mystery,poetical passages and concepts,total Romanticism in the vein of "Sturm und Drang"(Faustian Spirit),from "Center of the Universe"to"III Ways to Epica","Epica"is an amazing Voyage into the Unknown in the Search of the Holy Grail,a Quest of the Ultimate Truth that don't find a satisfying answer in the sequel"The Black Halo"(i have explained largely the reasons of the confusion that creates in the plot of the story this album:another mystery is the lack of an epilogue,beacuse we have in "Epica" a prologue:the song"Epilogue",japanese bonus-track of the album,is untied to the concept).
When you listen"Epica"a new World appears in front of you:i think that the Art is more great than the Artist and Kamelot of today has lost the gift to create a Real Special Epic Art,they have changed the True Epic Spirit if Kamelot in a Gothic and Decadent Spirit that i like but i want another style and another Vision from a band called"Kamelot".

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Friday, October 24, 2008

Comment by gizmo (Member) - Sunday, March 22, 2009
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Yup it is their best. And the only one i ever listen to. The albums before this is just boring and the later hmm i don´t know they just don´t catch me.

A good 7 but keep in mind it´s because i never saw a bright light in this band but Epica is a good album.

Posted by gizmo
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Review by Tommy

Released by
Sanctuary - 2002

1. Prologue
2. Center of the Universe
3. Farewell
4. Interlude I (Opiate Soul)
5. The Edge of Paradise
6. Wander
7. Interlude II (Omen)
8. Descent of the Archangel
9. Interlude III (At the Banquet)
10. A Feast for the Vain
11. On the Coldest Winter Night
12. Lost & Damned
13. Helena's Theme
14. Interlude IV (Dawn)
15. The Mourning After (Carry On)
16. III Ways to Epica

Supplied by Nordic Metal

Heavy Metal

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Visit the band page

Kamelot - Official Website

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