Judas Priest - Jugulator
Judas Priest without doubt counts as one of the best and most charismatic Heavy Metal bands in history, and has always been one of my favourite bands. Their career can be labelled as astonishing and extensive. Even though the band stands for traditional Heavy Metal music, no simple one-way street of musical expression holds completely.

Through the more classic Metal orientated releases like British Steel and Screaming For Vengeance, into a more symphonic (synthesize guitars) and rockier approach with Turbo and a faster and wilder attitude in Painkiller.

Jugulator then stands for another and perhaps the most far-reaching new direction in the band's history. Of course all the classic Priest stuff is here, in a more or less different package though.
Well, enough of my endless history lessons, on to what it is all about: 10 songs.

As the song titles suggests we are dealing with a harder and more aggressive universe both musically and lyrically. This album must be among the most heard ones in my CD collection, there is just something that draws me to it. I'm aware that the album (as any other Priest release) has been discussed a lot, and naturally I think, because the album is extreme all the way.

But extreme in the good way, or should I say "genius and out of this world" way. The totally energized power that hits you right in the face is really stunning. If I should compare it slightly with anything, at least in connection with the energy and raw feel, I think about the genius .And Justice For All by Metallica.

I will try to describe the songs from start to end, making some very overall summing ups a long the way. My ending conclusion is that this in fact is a very diverse record.

After some noisy intro atmospheric sounds, Jugulator hits you off guard. "What the hell is going on here" was my first impression when I heard it the first times. The opening riff is mega hard, the drums loaded with power and a piercing scream tears the air. A very atypical Priest song, but I have always liked innovations. The ultra fast rhythm section is genius, as well as the twin guitar leads, speedy but still melodic.
The aggressive attitude fits the vocal style of Tim "Ripper" Owens perfectly, wow this man can sing. He simply masters all the elements that it takes to be a top vocalist, diversity, feeling, power and a unique style. The depth he adds to the songs is fantastic, and yet he masters the high notes with perfection too.
A mention must go the drums; technical played and displaying insane power and great details, also the bass is very hard and tightly performed, and with a great minor central passage.
Summing up: The album's "go crazy" track.

In Bloodstained we find a song that has evolved into a live classic, and with good reason.
The main riff is extremely cool and just ultra tight, and I love the way it changes from a slower one into a more mid-tempo style. The slower mid-section is a nice variation in the song, and the way the tempo comes back into the track is just great. The detailed double bass drums are a pleasure to listen to, very diverse and extremely well played.
A critical song about atrocities, greed and senseless killings in the modern world, a very good and important lyric indeed.
Summing up: The album's groovy track.

Dead Meat offers a nice blend of aggressive and grooving parts. The tempo is turned up a bit and the huge chorus is very central. The changing passages work really well, making the overall direct approach just a little complex at times. A very hard, intense and powerful track.
The lyrics are just fantastic and Heavy Fucking Metal all the way:
"No solitary confinement, will break my strong resignment, I'll die before I will conform"
Fucking yeah, I just have to sing along when I heard these words. They touch upon the essence of how I live my own life, and of course a lyric like this one makes my bond to this record even tighter.
Summing up: The album's "right in your face" track.

In Death Row we are met with a riff that simply shakes the ground. There is something very classic Priest about this song's rhythm and approach. The chorus is melodic and fits the songs mid-tempo rhythm nicely.
The genius, experimental and distorted lead solo part is fitting right in and delivered in a whole new way. The guitars sound very noisy, but in a good and interesting way. The dark atmospheric acoustic intro/outro frames the song nicely in.
Summing up: The album's melodic track.

Decapitate is the album's slowest and simplest track. My least favourite one, but I still like it very much. The grooving style of the guitars and the genius drumming is combined perfectly. The lyric is a bit on the simple side, while there are some cool details on the musical front. The bass and drums display some fitting variations, keeping the song interesting.
My minor critique goes for the main rhythm, which is a bit stretched out, and not with the same nerve as in the other songs, and the chorus could have been more thrilling too. Still the mega groove that is created is something that really shakes the ground.
Summing Up: The album's slow and hard pounding track.

Burn In Hell has become one of my top favourite Metal songs. The extensive build up is a great blend of grooving bass, a semi-acoustic lead rhythm, some fantastic guitar arrangements, a soothing vocal style, great heavy rhythm guitar elements and hard drumming. The intro is almost 3 minutes long before a splendid catchy riff sees the day; in great harmony with the following drum rhythm.
The main guitar solo has always impressed me. It sounds fantastic, very fast and the technical level is very high.
Summing up: The album's "mid-tempo sing-along" track.

A very important theme is touched upon in Brain Dead. About being on life support without being able to do anything physically, but mentally trapped inside your body. A song about a hope of dying with dignity and being remembered for the one you were, and not forgotten for what you have become.
The song has a mid-tempo foundation with some varied guitar passages. The vocals are sung with a high level of "feeling with the theme" and the main chorus fits nicely into the track's structure. The changes in pace and rhythm, involving some great guitar solos, makes things even more interesting.
Summing up: The album's detailed track.

Abductors has developed into one hell of a genius song in my opinion. The atmospheric intro that is broken with one of the heaviest riffs ever is just phenomenal. The diverse vocals are a big plus, and he really gets around many singing styles in just one song.
The fantastic passage in the middle reminds me very much of the great rhythm changing part in the song Ram It Down. Out of nowhere the aggressive mood is broken with a melodic and completely different passage, acoustic guitars combined with a melodic vocal part; that is not only innovative, it's one of the greatest passages ever made and it gets me every time. The bass in this track displays some great detailed and hard played variations; I love the fact that here and there the bass suddenly makes some great appearances, which seem to fit the song perfectly.
Summing up: The album's dark and mysterious track.

Bullet Train is one of the most intense Priest songs ever. The beginning of the song, where a nice build-up explodes into a monster riff and some power-packed drums sounds really immense.
The complex layers of different choruses match the song's flow perfectly. The varied double bass drumming is a pleasure to listen to, Scott Travis knows his basics and plenty more.
The duelling twin guitar solo is clearly one of the best split solo's ever, fast and technical. There is just something magical about the way the lead guitars are working on this release. It's still classic Priest but they have succeeded in making many of the guitar lead parts sound different in a refreshing and interesting way.
Summing up: The album's over the top powerful track.

The beginning of Cathedral Spires sets me into a very special and relaxed mood. The first acoustic guitar chords are magical. Overall the atmosphere produced in this track is huge, really huge.
The lyric is well written, describing a world gone apart and about to expire, overall a song about facing the end.
The chorus is slow but very melodic, nicely supported by a great acoustic rhythm.
Ticking in at a just over 9 minutes, the song can be described as extensive in both time and musical quality. The great element with some real church choruses incorporated at the end, makes the mood even more melancholic and sombre. Ripper also begins to join the choir in a stunning vocal symbiosis, simply majestic. The guitar solos sound innovative and the overall riff performance is diverse and soothing.
The epic feeling that comes to life when the above elements are fitted into a mid-tempo rhythm section dwelling with power and heaviness is simply huge. A masterpiece.
Summing up: The album's atmospheric and epic track.

The very hard and aggressive approach that comes forth in the music goes fittingly hand in hand with the lyrics which concentrate on darker and melancholic issues, some of which I have mentioned above. Glenn Tipton stands for all lyrics which overall are interesting and well written. The musical side is composed by Tipton/Downing, making them not only some of my all time favourite guitarists, but also all time favourite songwriters.

Summing up on the musical performance. It can in a few words be described as the best Priest has ever accomplished together with the fantastic Painkiller. The technical level is astonishing in every song and it's nice to hear the bass from Ian Hill so much in front, and with many independent passages and varying parts.

When I saw Priest live on the Jugulator tour, I was very impressed by the amount of both intensity in their playing and the positive vibe coming from the stage. It had been about seven years since the release of Painkiller, and it could seem like they just had to let something out. The Jugulator material works fantastic live, which also can be heard on the brilliant ´98 Live Meltdown.

What about the production? Well it fits the music perfectly, tight, heavy, clear and well balanced, and the different effects are used with care.
I have for many years viewed this as a 10/10, but taking in to account this site's strict rating system and the fact that Decapitate is lacking some behind the rest I must settle at a 9,5/10.
After 10 extensive songs aggregating almost one hour of playing time I feel exhausted but enlightened.
This simply is one of the most intense, powerful and well-played moments in Heavy Metal history.

Written by Tommy
Monday, June 14, 2004
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Tommy: 9.5/10

Members: 5/10 - Average of 2 ratings.

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Rating: 6/10
I don't share Tommy's enthusiasm with this album. Jugulator was a huge disappointment, esp... · Read more ·
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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Chickyrdo Leppard (Anonymous) - Sunday, June 8, 2003
Honestly, I cannot understand why you rated this album that high. Sure, it's a good album, but it doesn't even feel like it's Judas Priest. Progression from Painkiller? I think not. Not that I honestly thing Painkiller was a progression for Judas Priest. "The" heavy metal band taking musical cues from Pantera being called progression is an idea I can't grasp, specially when it comes from the melodic metal camp.

Again on Jugulator, lost is the tongue-in-cheek attitude of earlier Priest work, wich included one or two songs of that type per album. Lost is the mostly "aggresor" spirit that permeates through 80's Priest cd's, with jewels like "Reckless", "Heavy Duty", "Heading Out To The Highway" for a non-epic "victim" approach with songs like "Abductors" and "Brain Dead". And I emphasize on being non-epic because songs like "Out In The Cold" and "Heroe's End" had a somewhat epic touch to them.

Not all is bad here, listening to "Burn In Hell" and "Cathedral Spires" reminds you that, after all, this might be Judas Priest. Specially "Burn In Hell" wich translates the essential Priest attitude that separates the band from Maiden's historic and fantastic approach: The Judas Priest Do Not Fuck With Us Attitude. They are, after all, The Defenders Of The Faith.

Lyrically as well as musically this is a deviation from earlier Priest work. The musical performance is, though, top notch, as you couldn't expect less from such a talented group of musicians, and the drum work is fantastic.

Tim "Ripper" Owens is an excellent singer, and not a Halford clone like some people might argue. His voice is crunchier, more suited to this kind of style. That, I might add, can be seen when he tries to perform a song like "Turbo Lover". Priest fans should be proud that he's no Blaze Bailey, though.

As a Priest listener, I would give this album a 7.5. As simply a metal listener, from 8 to 8.5. Definitely not a 10.

And, for the record, what I call a Priest progression would be jumping from "Ram It Down" to Primal Fear. I think the bands should trade names and get it over with.

Comment by Migs (Anonymous) - Monday, June 16, 2003
I don't think u got the point.
This is a fine record , but production is playing a big role in it,because some songs are very uninspired


Comment by John (Anonymous) - Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Comment by Tommy (Member) - Sunday, January 11, 2004
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Well well well, I guess we see this one rather differently Steen. As you probably had counted on, I just have a few things to add :)

Overall I see one of this album's biggest strengths in its combination of hardness, fastness, melody and grooving features. In my opinion there are quite a lot of really fast passages or even songs (Jugulator, Dead Meat) and the way the album shifts in tempo is absolutely fantastic and helps in keeping things interesting all the time.
True, the grooving element is highly weighed, but that's exactly what sets this apart from so much else, and when it's done with so much talent and with an eye for innovative parts (break in Abductors, mid-section in Blood Stained etc.) I'm sold.
These songs are exactly where they should be, some of them very ingenious and others more stationary, making up a nice varied and flowing record.
Much of the melody in this release very much comes from the refrains (Cathedral Spires, Death Row) and guitar solos (Burn In Hell, Bullet Train) but to have too much "melody" would not have fitted with this extremely heavy and dark record, its about atmosphere (Cathedral Spires, Death Row, Burn In Hell) and kicking serious ass (whole album). What is more powerful that songs like Bullet Train or Jugulator.

In Decapitate the halfway distorted solo links nicely to the eerie beginning of the song. The fact that the rhythm is as slow as it, gives the songs its own charm. The combination of the fantastic raw bass and tight drums are just phenomenal. In all fairness the chorus could have been better, but all in all the rather simple approach is just what is so different and great about it. Sometimes I just listen to the drums for the sheer delight of its varied and genius flow. This song is great and unique, giving the album a broader profile.

The minor distorted effects only makes the songs more interesting, the huge split solo in Death Row or Burn In Hell wouldn't have been the same without, and in Brain Dead the shift from distorted and normal vocals captures the whole essence of the theme.

Another thing that makes this stand out is the very creating and fantastic bass approach, over and over it's there giving the songs more life.

Jugulator is one of the most important, intense and vigorous albums I got, but its not only brutal, well played and inspiring, it's also filled with pure magical passages and lyrics that are important and meaningful. I love this album!

RevelationZ Magazine

Posted by Tommy
Sunday, January 11, 2004

Comment by who_cares (Anonymous) - Wednesday, February 18, 2004
i second tom

awesome power album

Comment by Migs (Anonymous) - Friday, March 5, 2004
what I 'm reading here is really out of our world! This record deserves a 5 , to be kind! every good true metal fan should keep distance with this album,really uninspired and soulless. Contains only one really good song,the last one

Comment by i.Ron S. (Anonymous) - Saturday, May 22, 2004
Some people(reviewers of All Music)say that the song Jugulator is like a cover of Painkiller. It's a nice song, heavy, quick, but a cover of painkiller, I don't think so.
Than I think Living after Midnight looks more like Heading out to the Highway. It's still the same band.
Death Row is a very good song, nice intro, nice simple chorus.
Burn in Hell is agressive, nice for playing live. But the best song on this album is bullet train, it has so much intensity and power.
Cathedral Spires is a nice end, maybe long, but enjoyable.
The album is good but sometimes a little simple so it's not an album to listen every day.
But a great come-back so it's worth a 7,5/10.

Comment by Christopher (Anonymous) - Tuesday, June 15, 2004
For my money, Painkiller is the best JP album since the mid to late 70's, and to give Jugulator the same ranking as Painkiller (9.5) is ridiculous to me.

Part of the problem is the comparison between the vocalists. I've tried to appreciate Tim Owens as a distinct vocalist, but in listening to Jugulator it is impossible for me to avoid comparing the songs and the vocals to Halford. And in comparison, Owens comes up woefully short. Owens has a powerful voice, but to me he lacks emotion. His voice comes across as the hired gun that he is - no offense intended.

The musicianship is very good on Jugulator - I wouldn't expect anything less. I'm a big JP fan - this just isn't one of their finer moments.

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, June 16, 2004
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Yeah, to give Jugulator the same grade as Painkiller is out of this world to me too, but I was the one who gave Painkiller 9.5, not Tommy. If you look closer you will see that Tommy actually gave Painkiller a 9 and Jugulator a 9.5! I feel violated, and not in the good way!
He can have some far-out favorites sometimes, but I still respect his opinion very much and he's the main reason I have given Jugulator so many chances. I find it interesting when someone sees something completely different than me in a piece of music.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Comment by i.Ron S. (Anonymous) - Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Could always be that Tommy likes this more than Painkiller.
I like Defenders..., Priest...Live, Unleashed, Rocka Rolla and Stained Class more than Painkiller, so it's not that Painkiller is the ultimate Priest-album.
Sometimes I'm a little tired of the kind of style Halford's using on Painkiller. the whole time that loud, high voice. That why I'm not a big fan of the band Halford.

Comment by sean "next metal god" rice (Anonymous) - Monday, August 2, 2004
as the buzzards in broadview heights ohio at the landfill site can attest-I had so much friggin' fun SCREAMING this one from start to end it even eclipsed the black album in fun(now ? metallica), hats off to ripper!But-THE metal god has come back to take it to oblivion...Long Live Judas Priest!

Comment by lando (Anonymous) - Thursday, April 14, 2005
its so cool i love jugulator i want his autograph hes cooooool i have the cd and i listen to it most of the time i wish i had all of the judas priest albums they are so cool!!!!!!

Comment by Master Of Puppets (Anonymous) - Saturday, June 18, 2005
Judas Priest's best, but that's not saying much. Tim Owens rocks, but the material is a little dry. But it certainly offers better vocals that that off-key fag rob halford. 7/10

Comment by Supernova (Anonymous) - Wednesday, July 13, 2005
hey, don't call Rob a fag, and don't say his voice is crap either. You blatantly haven't heard his beautiful vocals on such songs as epitaph, out in the cold, before the dawn, and his inspiringly uplifting efforts on some turbo tracks such as parental guidance and locked in. And no-one can match his intensity in heavier tracks such as painkiller, metal meltdown, and hellrider.

Also, chykyrdo, i respect your opinion (unlike master of puppets'), Blaze Bayley is my favourite vocalist, and i feel that his time in maiden produced some of their best stuff, and his absolutely a-fucking-mazing album silicon messiah, and the nearly-as-great blood and belief albums show what a great talent he has for both singing and writing songs.

Comment by Master Of Puppets (Anonymous) - Friday, July 15, 2005
Great vocals, poor lyrics.

Comment by Pat (Anonymous) - Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Best Priest album.

Comment by chad (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Comment by Master Of Puppets (Anonymous) - Thursday, May 4, 2006
Blood Stained-4/10
Dead Meat-4/10
Death Row-4/10
Burn In Hell-4/10
Brain Dead-4/10
Bullet Train-5/10
Cathedral Spires-10/10

Comment by Cid (Anonymous) - Friday, April 6, 2007
Some great songs (jugulator, Bullet train, Death Row, Blood Stained, Burn in Hell and Cathedral Spires) and many bullshit...

Adios¡¡¡ bye¡¡¡

Review by Steen (Staff) - Monday, January 5, 2004
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I don't share Tommy's enthusiasm with this album. Jugulator was a huge disappointment, especially in the beginning. Not because it was significantly different to what Priest had done in the past, but because the album felt uninspired at times and had a distinct lack of memorable songs. That was my initial impression. Everything takes time though and given time and many listens Jugulator definitely rises and does in fact have some great songs and many redeeming moments, making it an overall good album.

The "evolution" since Painkiller has been to slow down and make everything ultra heavy and grooving.

Death Row has a very good atmosphere and is a fascinating song. With a monstrous drum attack that takes no prisoners, ultra heavy riffing and a brilliantly entertaining vocal performance by Ripper Owens this is as close to older Priest as you get. Bullet train also has some great guitar work and a very good atmosphere throughout. Ripper's piercing vocals slice through the massive sound with ease and the powerful finish is an intense highlight. Cathedral spires ends the album on an epic note. This song is really excellent and my favorite of the album. The song captures me from the first notes and keeps adding new layers, making it a real monster track. Personal highlight: Ripper screaming "Ascend". Wow!

Unfortunately many of the other songs don't reach the same level. My problem mainly lies in the lack of memorable melodies. All the songs are extremely heavy but many of them keep thrashing around and never really get of the ground. They lack that final kick of power. If you want the ultimate combination in heaviness, groove, power and melody then listen to Nevermore to hear how it is done.

Distortion and vocal effects are also used several times without much success. The guitar work feels nowhere near as inventive or inspired as it was on fx. Painkiller. Here the guitars are mostly playing heavy riffs and I miss the "always something happening" vibe. Of course the solos are still excellent.

Several songs unfortunately suffer from a very simple chorus that feels a little repeated (Brain dead, Blood stained and Dead Meat come to mind). One example of a song that never gets off the ground is Decapitate. A slow driving riff drags the energy out of the song and nothing happens to keep my attention. A song with a very uninspired feel to it. Burn in hell on the other hand is quite good.

A strong point of the album is the lyrics which take on some interesting issues, fitting well with the dark atmosphere.

All in all the album wins on repeated listens. There are no really bad songs. One is below average, most of them range from ok to good and three very good songs stand out.

To sum up my opinion of Jugulator I will say: Too much groove and not enough melody.

Rating: 6/10

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Monday, January 5, 2004

Comment by Craig (Member) - Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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Urk, noooo. 3/10.

Posted by Craig
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Review by gizmo (Member) - Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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Really don´t like this album

Rating: 4/10

Posted by gizmo
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Comment by notrap (Member) - Friday, February 27, 2009
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Well, it was very hard to saw Halford quitting Priest.
Robert is such a unique singer..
Jugulator, in my opinion, is one of the worst Priest releases.


Posted by notrap
Friday, February 27, 2009

Comment by VeX (Member) - Friday, February 27, 2009
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I love this album and Tim Owens vocals are amazing. the only think I don't like about this album is some of the lyrics, some of them are painfully stupid but other than that the album is flawless. I give it a 9/10 it would be a 10/10 but some of the lyrics are just horrible. Cathedral Spires might be my favorite Priest song of all-time.

Posted by VeX
Friday, February 27, 2009

Review by Tommy

Released by
CMC - 1997

1. Jugulator
2. Blood Stained
3. Dead Meat
4. Death Row
5. Decapitate
6. Burn In Hell
7. Brain Dead
8. Abductors
9. Bullet Train
10. Cathedral Spires

Heavy Metal

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Judas Priest - Official Website

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