Edguy is well under way to establish themselves as one of the worlds leading Power Metal units and a force to be reckoned in the future, Mandrake being yet another fine piece of extremely well written and performed music following a certain very melodic tread.
After a mid-tempo and very groovy opener in the quite catchy
Tears Of A Mandrake,
Golden Dawn represents a faster and brighter style. The detailed rhythm guitar work is awesome and the intense split guitar solo is a major highlight.
On we go with
Jerusalem that fascinates with its mind-blowing midsection of acoustic guitars and melodic leads, it has a certain
Iron Maiden feel to it and yet it still sounds very original. A really cool track that doesn't hold back on the bombastic elements.
There's almost a guarantee that your mood will improve to the better when
All The Clowns blast through the airways, an infectious and immensely catchy chorus line is the central focus point in a quite direct but also a bit too repetitive structure.
Nailed To The Wheel we get a great display of Tobias' varied vocal approach, fittingly mixing sensitive and raw styles, lots of aggression in this one.
The Pharaoh is a good example of this bands ability to create songs that breaks away from the standard Power Metal riff/chorus/solo/riff/chorus recipe. This 10-minute epic is made of many different parts that intelligently are brought together in a very smooth way.
The calm and yet mystified atmosphere created by huge keys and harmonious acoustic guitars in the heart of the song is one of the best things on the entire album.
Elaborate drumming and an ultra tight bass delivery adds to the impression of this being one of their strongest songs in their entire career.
Another of my favourites is the sedative and very atmospheric
Wash Away The Poison, the special mood comes from soft piano passages, huge keys and a very relaxed guitar solo spot. A great song with a cool theme about feeling lost but still being able to find some hope.
To get things up and going again
Fallen Angels hits with striking impact, pure power unleashed with great competence and kept within the boundaries of a very vivid and firm structure. Great teasing guitar leads and intense drumming are two very cool elements among many others.
Towards the end we are offered a couple of songs that takes an inch away from the otherwise extremely high standard that had been building up.
Painting On The Wall is solid and groovy but also a bit predictable and reliant on a simple chorus.
Save Us Now is one of those humorous
Edguy creations with completely silly lyrics; I find the idea to be both funny and a bit weird at the same time. It has a cool unbound intensity but also a chorus that could had been more inventive.
I'm very impressed by the guitar work on this disc, very melodic and still inventive in style, that not said that the rest of the band lacks talent; every band member fills his place within the broad picture with solidity and a fine balance for participation out of the ordinary basics.
The lyrics deal with stuff like controlling societies who tries to keep people tamed and spiritual questions, overall I would rate the lyrics as quite good without really earning my full attention.
I like every song on this album and I find most to be no less than fantastic, a spectacular effort that shows great diverse talent, I would say that the potential for something even more spectacular is present within this group.
It's always nice with an album you keep pulling out of the record shelf because "you just wanted to hear that song once again".
Written by
Tommy Friday, December 17, 2004
Show all reviews by TommyRatingsTommy: 8/10Members: 7/10 - Average of 1 ratings.
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 | Steen (Staff)
Rating: 7/10 I really like this album, but I think it misses something to reach the heights of Vain glo... · Read more · |
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