Shortino - Chasing My Dream
I can understand. In the absence of any quality Coverdale or Whitesnake product recently, somebody had to fill the void.
Paul Shortino, ex of Rough Cutt and Quiet Riot has one of the great rock voices. His 'Back On Track' album with JK Northrup is a criminally underrated (and largely overlooked) hard rock masterclass.
The point is this : he has no need to mimic anyone else, no matter who.
On 'Chasing The Dream' he has collaborated with a European cast, including Michael Voss, who produced and directed (and largely scripted this by the sounds of it), plus Roland (Mad Max) Bergmann, Michael (Jaded Heart) Mueller and Ralf (Biss) Heyne.
What they clearly aimed for is a melodic rock sound that approximates the style of any of these bands, as sung by Coverdale. A missed opportunity.
Producer Voss has stretched a modest budget impressively, lavishing several coats of melodic rock lacquer onto a precision engineered, heavy rock album. With a Michael Bormann or a Claus Lessman that would have sounded great, but with Shortino, more is not more. Less is more, more or less.
Shortino needs a bluesy, ragged edged, live in the studio feel. Otherwise his scorched voice just sounds out of place, looking for direction.
That said, the balladic, acoustic based, 'Missing' captures some of the Shortino spirit by allowing his beautifully controlled voice to just about take pride of place in a memorably melodic, if misplaced evocation of hard rock heartbreak. 
Among the best of elsewhere, 'Nocturnal' knuckles down to some serious riffing and lyrically is a welcome alternative to rock's usual hotch potch of clichés and banalities.
Perversely, 'Alone They Ride' takes a clichéd, hard rock road theme and turns it into a cracking melodic rock song, with Voss reducing the polish to a thin veneer, through which we can how Shortino's passionate performance cuts to the heart of a lyric, no matter how many times it's been done before.
A bit of a mixed bag then, with Shortino apparently still searching for a stylistic identity. With Voss's assistance, he hits several of his targets dead on, but misses others by the proverbial mile.

Written by Brian
Monday, June 22, 2009
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This profile has not added a pictureYNGWIEVIKING

Rating: 8.5/10
Not agree with the review : I'm a big supporter of PAUL SHORTINO's voice even if the last... · Read more ·

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RevelationZ Comments

Review by YNGWIEVIKING (Member) - Monday, July 27, 2009
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Comments: 11
Ratings: 11
Not agree with the review :
I'm a big supporter of PAUL SHORTINO's voice even if the last years were not that good in terms of GREAT album !
This album is IMHO the best work by PAUL since his 1st collaboration with JK NORTHRUP in 1993 !
The Germans musician who backed the album are good and enough discreet to leave all the room for this Fantastic singer to express all his range !
His voice is better than ever (do you remember his perfect lines with R.J.DIO's project STARS ???)and he always made me ask to myself the same question :
The album tracklist display a good diversity, from HARD ROCK to BLUESY stuff to more HEAVY tempos...All in all a very good solo album for one of the best Singer EVER !

Rating: 8.5/10

Monday, July 27, 2009

Comment by YNGWIEVIKING (Member) - Monday, July 27, 2009
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Comments: 11
Ratings: 11
i'm a big supporter of PAUL SHORTINO's voice even if the last years were not that good in terms of GREAT album !
This album is IMHO the best work by PAUL since his 1st collaboration with JK NORTHRUP in 1993 !
The Germans musician who backed the album are good and enough discreet to leave all the room for this Fantastic singer to express all his range !
His voice is better than ever (do you remember his perfect lines with R.J.DIO's project STARS ???)and he always made me ask to myself the same question :
The album tracklist display a good diversity, from HARD ROCK to BLUESY stuff to more HEAVY tempos...All in all a very good solo album for one of the best Singer EVER !

Monday, July 27, 2009

Review by Brian

Released by
Metal Heaven - 2009

Remember You
To The Cross
Side FX
Alone They Ride
Chasing Your Dream
Great Dreamer
Take My Heart And Run
Plan Of Attack


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