Steel Panther - Feel the Steel
This review should be trouble-free! Steel Panther plays 80's Hard Rock just the way I like it. The production is amazing, the song-writing superb with top notch riffs and licks. I have followed singer Michael Starr (Ralph Saenz) since he was in L.A. Guns and this is by far his best vocal performance since his pipes sound more powerful than ever.
So what is not to like about "Feel the Steel"?
Maybe I don't have any humor, because I have a hard time with the lyrics only dealing with dick, pussy etc. I love the music and I love this style, but Steel Panther comes off as a comedy act like Spinal Tap. Steel Panther comes with all guns blazing in their spandex and big hair. I would rather prefer the focus being on the great riffs and musical performance that characterizes "Feel the Steel".
"Feel the Steel" is a potent cocktail of 80's Sunset strip sleaze. The influences are worn on the sleeve: Girl from Oklahoma is Extreme More Than Words part II, Party all Day is pure Bon Jovi while Eatin' Ain't Cheatin' salutes Van Halen both with Michael Starr's Diamond Dave vocals and guitarist Satchel (Russ Parrish) brown sound.
Steel Panther brings it down to the lowest level. That is why this review isn't so easy because I cannot help smile when I sing along to the amazing Turn out the Lights and album highlight Asian Hooker
Steel Panther is the same band as Metal Shop/Metal Skool who has been playing the strip for years making their live show very famous with guest appearances of most 80's metal stars. The band has been house band every Wednesday at the Key Club on Sunset Strip (the location that used to house Gazzeria to keep the 80's references going).
Music wise "Feel the Steel" is amazing and I just ask for a bit more variation in the lyrics. They can still be fun dealing with other topics than sex.  Well, you better listen yourself or you'll be doomed by their prophecy Death to All but Metal.
These guys are too good only to be a parody act!

Written by Michael
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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Michael: 6.5/10

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Rating: 7/10
I completely agree with the reviewer that this band is too good to be a parody act. Musica... · Read more ·

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Review by PowerMetalKevin (Member) - Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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Ratings: 3
I completely agree with the reviewer that this band is too good to be a parody act. Musically, it's amazing and the vocals are great too. I just really wish they would write more "serious" songs.. It's fun stuff though, I listen to this album all the time.

Highlights of the album for me are:

"Asian Hooker" Extremely catchy and the neo-classical soloing is just superb.

"Eyes Of A Panther" The closest thing to "serious" you're going to get from this album. Great song, very memorable.

Rating: 7/10

Posted by PowerMetalKevin
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Review by Michael

Released by
Island Records - 2009

1. Death To All But Metal
2. Asian Hooker
3. Community Property
4. Eyes Of A Panther
5. Fat Girl
6. Eatin' Ain't Cheatin'
7. Party All Day
8. Turn Out The Lights
9. Stripper Girl
10. The Shocker
11. Girl From Oklahoma
12. Hell's On Fire

Hair Metal

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