Metallica - St. Anger
The name Metallica is not, as you otherwise could start to believe after the first 5 releases, the same as extremely high standard of music. Load and Reload had its better moments (especially the high grooving tracks) and judged on their own, I still find them above average releases, nothing special at all though, and clearly lacking some of the raw attitude and technical brilliance of past releases.

Seen as a continuation from genius stuff like Master Of Puppets, .And Justice For All and Metallica though, these two releases really seem to fade into the back (black).
Well enough words about the past, St. Anger is the band's new album and I was a bit surprised when I first heard it.
The style is a very aggressive, hard, raw, unpolished and unleashed one. Of the 11 songs there are some fast ones and some mid-tempo ones, and not one slow or ballad type of song.
What is even more unique is the fact the not one real guitar solo has found it place on the record. There are some lead parts, as I would call them, here and there, but not one solo of "normal" length of style.
As I find the fast aspects of the record really good, I also miss some of Kirks high standard solos. I think they would have fitted nicely in with the untamed pace and aggressive parts.

Let it be said that this release in my opinion really can't easily be compared with anything else by Metallica (or anything at all), some of the technical passages remind me a bit of .And Justice For All and some of the trashing attitude has a Kill 'Em All vibe to it.
But these are only vague comparisons; St. Anger enters a field of musical expression that I haven't really heard before.

The album opens with Frantic, a high explosive track with a lot of depth in the rhythm guitars, which works together in a tight and fitting way. James sings in a raw style through the whole album, but still he has some more melodic passages from time to time, as here in the slower chorus.
A very intense drum section nicely supports the double riff attack, and the huge chorus line is very catchy.
This hard played "in your face" Metal is just what I missed so much on Load and Reload.

St. Anger follows in the same direction as Frantic. Ultra heavy and grooving drums, monster riffs, high paced passages and a fitting slower part with a down to earth guitar melody. The chorus is brilliant, I can't help myself singing along. I simply love this song, there is just something life confirming about it.
You can really hear that the lyrics for this album comes pretty close to James personal struggles, this only adds to the powerful feeling of the song. The different passages seem to melt nicely together, and the track has a nice flow, especially considering its over 7 minute playing time.

Some Kind Of Monster delivers a groovier approach, a strange but soothing lead melody appears between the faster parts, and it gives the song a more complex edge. The extensive amount of change in the riffs and rhythm makes this an interesting and diverse song.

Dirty Window on the other hand is more of a standard track. The main rhythm and chorus is simply too basic, even though the fast paced part of the song is working pretty well.
It just seems to miss something exiting to offer, and the rhythm quickly becomes a bit overdone.

Invisible Kid also lacks something interesting. A lot of the vocal parts are a bit tame and the rhythm of the track becomes a bit boring in length. The relaxed chorus is pretty good and the way the main riff is slightly changed is also a nice detail. The track seems to lack some change and overall it's nothing special at all.

The direct and right in your face attitude of My World is totally cool on the other hand. The way James sings just glows with energy and intensity, there are many great vocals lines in this song. The guitars are heavy as hell and the small variations they create sounds great.

Shoot Me Again is one of my absolute favourites on St. Anger. The grooving beginning is really powerful, and the way it goes into a slower passage sounds fantastic. This song has so much to offer. Just the way James sings Shoot me again, I ain't dead yet has a genius attitude about it. From the slower parts the song totally explodes in a great passage that varies between an extreme high paced and a more trashing style. The melodic chorus is working as a great contrast too the very raw musical side.

Sweet Amber opens slowly but quickly goes into a monster riff and then once again here we go. The drums are packed with great details and variation, and its one of the best things about this song. The slower chorus part works pretty well combined with a cool underlying lead melody. The track completely changes just before the end, another riff and new rhythm is suddenly approached.
It is exactly unexpected elements like this one that makes this such an interesting and durable record. These twist and turns is a feature in many songs, and I think it gives most of them just that extra layer of complexity.

It took me some time to really get into The Unnamed Feeling, but now I have, it has become one of my favourites. The grooving and kind of relaxed feel of the rhythm gives the song just the right atmosphere. A great personal lyric sung with fitting passionate approach by James, his voice is no less than brilliant here. The slow and melodic chorus that goes into a harder one is just great stuff.
Some nice grooving bass parts, and a fantastic ending vocal passage filled with emotion.
Also the thrashing elements at the end fit right in, again a song with many layers.
Overall a great song with lots of depth and melody, and one of the songs where the drum sound doesn't bother me.

Purify is a rather strange mix of a slow and central chorus and a very aggressive musical side. Being the albums shortest track, it's more of a one-way street that many of the longer tracks. I find the song above standard, but certainly one of the least successful on the record. It's very trashing and raw in its attitude, which is good, but it's the main chorus line that is too basic. The rhythm change at the end with a raw twin guitar riff is a cool ending theme though.

Arriving at the last one All Within My Hands, the albums most complex and odd song in my opinion. But it's just what makes it interesting and good. The song changes from fast, slow and grooving all the time, so you really have to concentrate when you heard it. In some strange way all these parts seems to melt together in a soothing way.
The minor lead parts are working well as a counterweight to the really heavy guitar riffs. A song that clearly represents the high level of musical ability the band is capable of. The drums are phenomenally played; just listen to the end where the double bass is changed all the time. Also the rhythm guitar parts are pretty diverse and varied. The aggressive ending is pretty powerful, but also a bit weird. Anyway this is a song that contains many great variations and details to discover, I took me sometime before I really had it under my skin.

I find the lyrics very cool and they go perfectly hand in hand with the music. It's kind of a personal therapy theme, dealing with frustration, anger, finding your own way to carry on. Even though the lyrics are dealing with everyday life to some extent, some passages have a great metaphorical approach.

Some critical remarks are also in order:
One of two slower songs could have made things even more interesting and above all, more varied.
As mentioned, some songs rely on a rhythm that isn't very interesting, and some choruses haven't the same intensity and attitude as the majority.
I also would have liked the bass to be more involved in the musical creation, but it gives a pretty good background fundament.

The production must also have some attention:
What bothers me the most is the sound of one of Lars small drums. It has too much descant and has a penetrating echo. I read that Bob Rock's intention was to make a very unpolished garage type of sound, and that in the recording process he used different methods of production, old as new.
When it comes to the guitars I think the raw sound they got works nicely with the music, the vocals also has a fitting hard sound to them. The bass works mainly as a background support and therefore its production is nothing special, it sounds pretty tight, although it could have been turned up a bit.
What I just don't understand is why they have made the small drum sound this way. The other drums are more "normal" and with a soothing amount of depth, so it sounds misplaced and directly irritating at times with this oil barrel sound, especially in the slower parts. A garage type of sound could easily have been accomplished without this extreme sound from this drum. In the faster parts the sound of the drum doesn't really bother me, and I think it's ok to try something new out production wise, but seen through the whole album this is just way too much "new" (or rather old) for my taste.
The other part of the production is pretty soothing. It's not that the music would have been any different with a normal production, so my rating is based on the songs and not the sound.

The limited edition contains a DVD where the band, featuring new bassist Robert Trujillo plays the songs live in the studio. They really kick some serious ass jamming away, and the DVD is a really cool idea.
It's interesting to hear the album with a different sound and a more live felt attitude. The drum sound is not quite as annoying as on the album, but then the guitars aren't that clean either. Seeing the guys play the stuff live really marks the fact that this release has some great technical moments. Just try to follow the drums from Lars, that's some really heavy stuff.

The music on this record is very refreshing in some strange way. There is not really an abundance of melodies in the music, the melodies lies more in the vocal parts and choruses. Some more melodic stuff could have been a good thing, but then again it wouldn't be the same record with the same raw attitude. A couple of more melodic songs, plus some nice solos wouldn't have bothered me though.

The style of this album sets a new standard of how Metal can sound, and I like most of it. Many rhythms changes are oblique in a fitting way. The hardness and direct style of many songs is wrapped into a technical web of great, detailed drumming and furious riffs. There are plenty of fast paced monster riff driven passages to bang your head wildly too. St. Anger is interesting in many ways, and the aggressiveness and hardness of the rhythm section simply just works.

Written by Tommy
Friday, June 20, 2003
Show all reviews by Tommy


Tommy: 7.5/10

Members: 5.5/10 - Average of 3 ratings.

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Rating: 4.5/10
Ahh, Metallica. They were one of the bands that opened my eyes to Heavy Metal back when Th... · Read more ·
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Rating: 2/10
I remember somone giving me a loan of this album when I was at university. I listened to i... · Read more ·
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You re review rule. i give this a 10 even is the worst Metallica album it has some great ... · Read more ·

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Mark (Anonymous) - Saturday, June 21, 2003
I feel that this album is the best material that Metallica has released in quite a long time, however track 1 (Frantic) is in my opinion a blatant copy of Meshuggah's sound/style. The track Purify sounds like a copy of Rob Zombie/White Zombie tunes, but I like the guitar tone Metallica used in the track. The rest of the album did not really thrill me to the point where I just wanted to tell all my friends about it, but as I mentioned this is some of the best work they have done in a long time.

Comment by guy m (Anonymous) - Saturday, June 21, 2003
u can see by the reviews the group that understand in music and have open mind and the group that want to find just what the want to hear.
so steen i didnt heard b4 somthing close to st anger i think it's excelent album when i put it in my car it's like driving in a race man so to the group that just want to hear what they like try to lis10 more then 1 time b4 u writting review second write the review about the album and not about how u want it to b done.

Comment by Morten (Anonymous) - Saturday, June 21, 2003
Well they are back for better or worse... and St. Anger landed on my desk.

A few comments on Tommy's reveiw:
One of the good things, imo, is that there is'nt any solos from Kirk Hammett. I will never ever understand how and why(!!!) he got the label lead guitarist? I mean listen to the guy play, even worse listen to him play live, often he is out of key and nine times out of ten his solos are false, has he got ears? Some one please explain the concept of harmoney and modes to him, for the love of god, and for the love of mine and your heavy metal ears. Oh year and kill that wah!

But the guitars are not all bad, Mr Hetfielt is getting tighter and tighter (amazing considering who's manning the drums is this band, how on earth did he ever become one of the biggest drummers in the world, can you say drifting? And oh year Mr Ulrich it's one, two, three and four, not one, two, pause.... pause... three, pause... four...) Mr Hetfield is with out of doubt the best musician in Metallica, and he is getting better and better.

With regards to the production... what can I say, Mr. Rock, not all ideas that sounded good during last nights alcohol binge should end up on a record. It's a snare drum, a tight clicky sound that is part of the rythm, not the lead vocal.
I know that the album sound the way it's supposed to, but still that dos'nt mean I have to like it... Destiny's Child is suposed to sound like they do, but still I don't like them, I only wish that Metallica would look like them...

And I agree with Tommy, the DVD sound way better.
All in all Metallica has become a better and tighter band, and they sound better live than ever!

Comment by Igor Jeremic(Metallica R.I.P. 1983-1991) (Anonymous) - Monday, June 23, 2003
They are ruined.This album has destroyed them.Its Nu-Metal and I HATE nu-metal.James sings poorly,kirk didnt play any solos,lars did omething with his drums to make them sound like cans,but I lik eTrujillo ,he really did a good job.St.anger is the only good song on the album.

Comment by evilized (Anonymous) - Tuesday, June 24, 2003
come people the next message is the same for the old metallica fans as for the old helloween fans as for the supossed old hammerfall fans etc etc... hey guys old times are old times... accept the new times... metallica will never play their old kinda stuff again... this is not necessary a bad album.. is just different but never so bad...come stop speak and spread shit just for the stupid pleasure of do it...

Comment by mental messiah (Anonymous) - Tuesday, June 24, 2003
stop shit over metallica just for being one more on the list.. what the hell the gusy simple rules on what they do... if they do it for money who cares they are doing it well... once again they set new stanadars for metal on their own style... about the no solos on the album... what the hell fates warning "disconnected" album doens't have any solo and in certain facts... is like metallica's st. anger different but great... and hey people you are stupids for still listen something that you know you don't like ha ha ha

Comment by Costas (Anonymous) - Tuesday, July 1, 2003
I can't understand why the metal community bleieves that Metallica is on of the very best groups in this genre. I feel that they only have four really good albums in their career and they are sure overrated. About St. Anger, the title track is good, but the whole record cannot satisfy anyone of the old fans.

Comment by Mike (Anonymous) - Friday, July 4, 2003
We waited all this time with anticipation for this nu-metal crap? What a joke. Well good luck with the wigger kiddies Metallica...

Comment by Wesley Griffin/Athens,Tx,USA (Anonymous) - Friday, July 4, 2003
My expectations were low. I haven't heard it and after reading about it, I'm not going to waste my time. I new it was going to suck!!! Them godammed bastereds. Talk about biting the hands that feed them!!!

Comment by Mike (Anonymous) - Saturday, July 5, 2003
i think St Angercould have been better but still kicks ass i would give it 9/10

Comment by Law (Anonymous) - Tuesday, July 8, 2003
Big disappointment. Listened to it several times hoping for some redemption, but it was lacking.
It's a huge mismatch of poorly played garbage. Tinny drums, poor guitar focus and weak vocals. The song St Anger is Metallica trying to do Red Hot Chilli Peppers and doing it poorly. Pity that Metallica's marketing power will push this shite out there whilst thousands of better bands struggle in obscurity.

Rating 1/10

Comment by Gavin (Anonymous) - Wednesday, July 9, 2003
I can understand that Metallica wanted a raw and unpolished sounding album - but Lars!!! could've at least had a better snare sound! Not cool whatsoever! Alot of fans are buying this album just because it's METALLICA, and quickly realize they bought into the media hype and NOT their music. Very Disappointed with these boys and their overall sound. Get this...I was travelling with 4 other Metallica fans in a van, and when we listened to the album....we were all howling in laughter. It was soooooo bad we had to turn it off several times. The funniest part is at the end of the album when James is shouting out "Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill" over and over. It's sooooo Hilarious!
This album is brutal!!!

Comment by Rafius (Anonymous) - Friday, July 18, 2003
This album IS better than good. Better than Loads. Maybe as good as, if not, better than AJFA. Production? Blame Bob Rock! He took away a lot of the sound with the snare for starters. If you put the MOP snare on there, all of the music (including the subtle melodies that ARE in the album) will come out full force. Unfortunately Bob Rock is probably half deaf and brain dead and didn't care. Good thing he's not producing Ozzy. Anyway my conclusion is: Music: Good. Production: Very Bad! Sorry Bob, but you should be fired! Where are the Rasmussens? Fleming!!! Where are you?

Fav songs: Frantic, St. Anger before all of the radio airplay, Shoot Me Again, My World, All Within My Hands, Unnamed Feeling.

Comment by Jojo Ramos / Philippines (Anonymous) - Wednesday, July 23, 2003
The Album St. Anger is not as as great as like Master of Puppets and Kill em All, but all in's metaliica Baby...

Comment by mads (Anonymous) - Wednesday, July 23, 2003
it kicks ass and that's just that...

Comment by Dan France (Anonymous) - Thursday, July 24, 2003
is very bad

Comment by myself (Anonymous) - Thursday, July 24, 2003
evilized, if "will never play their old kinda stuff again... " i wonder why they at shows keeps playing mostly old stuff instead the new ones, if they like the load, reload and st anger albums why dont play them ? , they are here only for $.

This album 2/10, even the cover is awful. They sound as a bad mix meshuggah+entombed+corrosion of conformity. I keep the 2/10 instead 0/10 just cos i heard 10 seconds taht still make me headbang a bit in frantic song

Comment by myself (Anonymous) - Thursday, July 24, 2003
btw, i forgot to say igor, you told that trujillo did a good job at album, well if im not wrong the bass line wasnt recorded by trujillo, just only the show live that comes with the bonus dvd, the album bass was recorded before he joined the band

Comment by TROOPER (Anonymous) - Friday, July 25, 2003
And *THIS* is Metallica's new style?? This album is total crap because it is inspired (and probably copied from) NU-metal (NO-metal). I thought this was supposed to be some kind of thrash metal (like Metallica used to play), but instead that they've recorded *trash* metal. I still don't get it..why are people still buying this album!?..I'm happy I haven't bought it..even 0.5$(blank CD) for a pirated version is a waste of money. The only good thing (well, not *that* good:-) is duble bass drumming in some parts.

Conclusion: This is the worst album I've heard lately (2/10), the production is horrible (especially snare which sounds like a garbage can) and this album should be an example of how bad album looks like.

Comment by Dark Prince (Anonymous) - Friday, July 25, 2003
Actually i can't underastant some people like "trooper" and some others. Metallica never played in the way their fans wanted to. They never begged anyone to hear their music so why all this frustrations against them? Ok mister trooper, if maiden is your favorite band (just making a guess) then this album isn't currently for you. I agree that the drums sound awfull but there is more than the production in an album. The fact that you can't understand their music doesn't give you the right to judge them, especialy when you haven't given money to buy it. Ok you might want an album of the first hearing and this one isn't. So since you want to hear thrash metal and not music whatever the label is (i thought that there was the point), go hear the thrash trooper...

Comment by Dark Prince (Anonymous) - Friday, July 25, 2003
Sorry for the grammatical mistakes but my english aren't too fluent.

Comment by Pete (Anonymous) - Saturday, August 2, 2003
The worst Metallica album ever!!!
Sounds like a highschool band
playing together for the very first time!

Comment by NenOwaR (from: Croatia) (Anonymous) - Tuesday, August 5, 2003
St.Anger is shit,this album sounds like korn,slipknot etc. that style of music is not Metal!!!
Metallica is shit of band,they don't look Heavy,they look like debils from korn!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by James in Cleveland, OH (Anonymous) - Sunday, August 10, 2003
St. Crap. This is the last Metallica CD I will buy sound unheard. I told all my friends who were disillusioned since the Load CDs(I happened to like a lot of it)not to worry,they're next CD will kick-ass I guaran-damn-tee-it! Boy was I wrong. No lead guitar whatsoever? Was Kirk even there? Did Lars forget his real drum kit so they had to run down to Wall-Mart and pick one up? Was James recovering from a serious head truama when he wrote the lyrics? I was on a 1200 mile road trip when I bought the CD. I listened to it 3 times start to finish hoping it would grow on me but after the 3rd time I could'nt take it any more and threw in some Iced Earth! I still love their old stuff and will continue to see them live because they have yet to disappoint in concert. Maybe now it'll be easier to get tickets!
P.S. I pretty much hated the Load stuff untill I heard it live, but I dought that will be the case this time.
P.S.S. You can't blame Bob Rock.Metallica have been doing this for a long time now. If they didn't like the way it sounded they would never have O.K.'d it's release.

Comment by Dirt (Anonymous) - Monday, August 25, 2003
You young guys who learned about metal from the black album make me sick. As an older guy who grew up with Kill, Master, and all the other classic albums, I know that as soon as they started adding in the "melodic" parts to their songs, they weren't metallica any more. If you want pansy melodic lyrics that are in tune go listen to some wimp rock....this album finally gives us old timers the speed metal we have been craving...speed metal up your ass! The fact that there are no slow songs on this album is a BONUS, not a detriment! True Metallica fans just want hard, fast, aggressive songs with sick riffs that make you want to slam your head into a wall...and that is what this album gives you. The difference between this album and some other speed metal band is that these guys are true musicians who have perfected their art. I agree that the base needed to be turned up on this album....the new guy really rocks but you don't get to enjoy him enough. Overall though this is the best album since And Justice...and if you can't see that then you must be too young to appreciate the re-reformation that has taken place!

Comment by Harry (Anonymous) - Monday, September 1, 2003
It SUCKS, its not Metallica, If Cliff was still around he would Smack the rest of them in the back of their head and say what the hell is the matter with you.
Cliff Rulez
Rating: Crap

Comment by Coxx (Anonymous) - Monday, September 8, 2003
This album suck arse BIG TIME
..Rating : extremely shit house!

Comment by TROOPER (Anonymous) - Monday, September 8, 2003
Dark Prince - Yes, my favourite band is Iron Maiden, but that doesn't mean that I don't listen to other bands as well..thrash matal to me is the best genre beside heavy and power metal..and IMO Slayer, Kreator, Megadeth and such bands are (now) zillion times better then *this*, new Metallica.

Comment by nick (Anonymous) - Friday, September 19, 2003
*takes a deep breath*

that's it..... no more cool heavy songs like "Creeping Death" , "No Remorse" , "Ride the Lightning", "Call of Ktulu", "Master of Puppets" ....
this new album of Metallica sometimes, no..., OFTEN makes my eyes become teary, not because I'm touched that Metallica "is back" (according to most articles that I've read), but it's because I laughed so hard that I cried, and I said loudly "what's wrong with Metalicca? oooohh.....St. Anger...oooo..."they're back" (again, according to some articles) ....I've waited, waited, and just to finally get this NU-metal-like sound from Metallica ?! where's their "Creeping Death" (this song is so f*cking COOL!!) ?? where's Kirk's solo? what's up with the drum? all the guitar riffs parts sound un-melodic, and they started sounding 'mainstream' kiddie-bands like Limp Bizkit, Korn (yes, I hate 'em, their music is just so monotone, that even some primary school kids can play 'em if I teach 'em 'bout 1 week! no I'm not joking!).

as a Metallica fan from Indonesia, I've got to say "thank you Metalicca, for giving me such a good laughter because of hearing your sissy "Tic Tic Tic Tic TOCKK" voice, garbage-drumming sound, and oh, ..'Kirk's-on-vacation' guitar.

Ooohh how I want the old Metallica to come back again, just like their era of "Kill em All" & "Ride the Lightning", cool guitar riffs, very melodic, rockin' lead guitar by Kirk, energetic vocal by James (without funny sound like tic tic tic TOCKK!!)...ahhh....those were the days, my friends...
now it's all about the Metallica's pussy Frantic TIC TIC TIC TOCK sound!

Comment by Ian (Anonymous) - Tuesday, September 23, 2003
You know, being an old Metallica fans used to listening And Justice, Master, Ride, and Kill, I don't mind too much about their latest album St. Anger. Of course, that's if they change the name of the band to something like, Link 188 or Blinkin Fart or some other nasty "Nu" names and not trick me into buying their totally worthless album expecting some good awesome riffs and Kirk's wailing guitar to the likes of Ride the Lightning (almost 2 minutes of solo baby!!!). Ok so the drums got faster but it's pointless. It's just banging the drum fast with one tone riff. Well, I just strike my guitar without using my left hand and voila! You got yourself a song on this horrendous album. There really isn't any connection between the first and second part of one song.

Really, I've been duped. Fooled. Lied to. I hate Linkin Park and Korn. They're pretentious. I was expecting a relieve from these stupid "Nu-metal" or whatever people call it. In the end, I only put in St. Anger whenever I want to laugh, and when I need to listen to some real heavy metal, I'll pop in Master of Puppets. Well, forgive me for not mentioning Load and Reload to avoid longer rants.

Comment by kris s (Anonymous) - Friday, September 26, 2003
metallika going from bad to worse 5/10

Comment by MICHAEL KITTL (Anonymous) - Monday, September 29, 2003
Your damn right of what you said in the direction of songwriting, production and involving of the new bass-player musically! I`m a great fan of the old SUICIDAL and have seen Rob live on stage! His ability is to groove your ass off - but i can´t hear it on this record! He has to stay in the background and play like a session bassplayer! It´s a shame!
The drumsound is absolutly horrible in my ears! i can´t stand it - it ruins even the better parts of the album! Lars playing is far away from beeing as good as on "puppets" or "justice"! There are also only a few memorabile melodic moments! So - do yourself a favor: Buy the old records and avoíd "St.Anger"! I have seen Metallica in a small club 1984 & 1986 and this band is dead a long time ago! James has problems and have to write songs about his own problems??? With 100 millions on his bank account? COME on:-)-who cares?

Comment by rishab (Anonymous) - Sunday, October 5, 2003
hi! i'm great fan of metallica.i want them to make a concert in india, as there are many rockers in india.......

Comment by Jamie Hetfield and the Bushbabies (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 4, 2003
Just why is Lars trying to build a shed when he is supposed to be PLAYING THE DRUMS, because that's what it bloody sounds like!

Comment by Arbroath Rockstar (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 4, 2003
This nu album sux st. anger is alrite but the other tracks should be placed where the sun does not shine. I know that's a bit harsh but when there can be more solos found in the middle of the gobi desert, riffs that sound like a blunt saw trying to cut a rock and that 'shed' joke (nearly pissd myself) it's not going t get t6he highest of praise now is it? Go buy Iron Maiden's Dance of Death if you want new old metal, it's at least got talent in it. (Amongst the best vocals, lyrics, 3 guitars etc)

Comment by Jamie Hetfield and the Bushbabies (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 4, 2003
James joins Linkin Park: (which he probly will)
Ah tried so heyard
An' got so far
Yeah Ha
hey in the eyand it don't even matt'r
Yeah ha ah feel beyaad...croak...
chester you come back now
Chester: Yaaay!

Comment by Big Mike (Anonymous) - Sunday, November 9, 2003
I am one of the few out there that really like this album. After a disappointing Load/Re-Load(not sayin they were bad they were ok)I am happy that St. Anger was released. It is really heavy. Frantic in my opinion is there best beginning track since black. Its true, Lars sounds like hes hitting a sewer pipe..but for anyone who h8s the album just because of that u can all go fuck ureselves because Lars is doing his best drumming and playing his best for the first time since ...And Justice for All. Everyone talks about how there were no solos. Fuck the solos. It didn't kill the songs on the album. Offhand I like the album very much and I think they are back to doing what they should be doing. A few minor things that should be changed and then it will be all good.
Fav. St. Anger songs in order fav to least fav:
Dirty Window
The Unnamed Feeling
Some Kind Of Monster
Invisible Kid
St. Anger (got played out)
Shoot Me Again
Sweet Amber
My World
All Within My Hands

St. Anger Rating: 9/10

Comment by E. G. (Anonymous) - Saturday, December 6, 2003
Yes, I agree with Mark! It's the best material that Metallica have released the last two or three years! But it's worse even than Load/Reload, hahaha.

Rating -1/10

Comment by landroid (Anonymous) - Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Nothing but a piece of s#@t!!
We waited 4 years...just for this...extremely dissapointing..
-annoying gayish vocals..
-where's the solo..oh!!i get metal doesn't need any solo...just like limpbiscuit,kornfly,shitknot...
-lars where did you get those tin cans...
-Mr Rock..come this just a demo tape????
What an outstanding example of how bad can a greedy($$$$) band could be...of course to move on we need changes...but betraying your fans..that would be unacceptable...
James,Kirk,Lars REMEMBER..ITS THE METAL FANS THAT MADE YOU RICH...if you don't play metal anymore please change your bands' name to fit into the MTV spoonfeed nu(no metal) mallcore craps scene(no offense to the mallcore fans out there..) that we won't bother checking your next album...
Call me close minded,whatever..the facts stays facts...this album worth nothing to a true metal person...
For all of you my true metal brothers out there..check out the latest DESTRUCTION's METAL DISCHARGE instead...

Rating: -0/10

Comment by Angel Of Death (Anonymous) - Wednesday, January 7, 2004
Metallica were asleep in Load & Reload but now have woken up...and are angry!It's as if the album wants to say:"F*ck you,and take this in the face!!!"Why are the comments here so contradictory?I think if we were all put into a room we would never finish arguing about St. Anger.Well this album could have been much better: The length of the song St. Anger(and some others) could have been reduced to a half of what it is,some solos could have been introduced,and so and so.This is a pure attempt to stop people saying MetallicA have sold out...and it works!

Comment by Angel Of Death (Anonymous) - Wednesday, January 7, 2004
Metallica were asleep in Load & Reload but now have woken up...and are angry!It's as if the album wants to say:"F*ck you,and take this in the face!!!"Why are the comments here so contradictory?I think if we were all put into a room we would never finish arguing about St. Anger.Well this album could have been much better: The length of the song St. Anger(and some others) could have been reduced to a half of what it is,some solos could have been introduced,and so and so.This is a pure attempt to stop people saying MetallicA have sold out...and it works!

Comment by Jospeh Wickham (Anonymous) - Wednesday, January 7, 2004
St. anger round my neck. Well here is the old men comming back again TO FUCK YOU UP I love this shit people can knit pick all they want bottom line it's heavy heavy and heavy the drums!?!? show me someone who can wail like Mr.Ulrich, and het hell! still the best. METALLICA IS NOT 2B FUCKED WITH. It has intensity speed rythm Hetfeilds growl hey it sound like metal. Metallica has always been about what the fuck they want to do it has never failed anyone who was'ent a poser St.anger is no diffrent if Metallica did what you or him or them wanted it would take away from what makes what it is FUCKING METALLICA! hey thats it take it or leave it for the true metalifux.remember some has to be the best "metal up your ass!"

Comment by Fusco (Italy) (Anonymous) - Monday, January 12, 2004
St. Anger is certalinly not as good as Metallica say, but neither bad as metal fans opinion screams out! So, what's the problem? SOUND! An awful sound that ruins the rare good things on the album... In fact the live version of the songs is far better...

Comment by zxcv (Anonymous) - Friday, January 23, 2004
no guitar solos, repetition and only repetition, lars sounds terrible, bass is stupid... shame on Metallica. Their worst ever 0/10

Comment by CHRIS (Anonymous) - Saturday, January 24, 2004

Comment by Alex (Anonymous) - Monday, January 26, 2004
This album is all about making a statement. They didnt make it to please all you so called "metal-heads". Its a good album and its just another one of the bands way of saying SHUT THE FUCK UP WE DO WHAT WE WANT!!!

Comment by hassan (Anonymous) - Thursday, January 29, 2004
is very gooooooooooooooooooooood

Comment by wilfredo diaz (Anonymous) - Saturday, January 31, 2004
The production is a!!!
drag. To put it in perspective
YOU THINCKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by McCroary (Anonymous) - Friday, February 20, 2004
'Un-named feeling' and 'sweet amber' not bad the rest is a bit repedative both in the drumming and guitar's not a master piece!! Robert the new Bass Guitar player i think takes the edge off them. BACK TO THE DAYS OF ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL AND MASTER OF PUPPETS. Please.

Comment by Metallica fan (Anonymous) - Monday, February 23, 2004

Comment by Metallica fan (Anonymous) - Monday, February 23, 2004
I just wanna say one thing...St.Anger is NOT Metallica! It`s like a different band!! What the f### happend to Metallica??? The drums sound I`ve ever heard of! I must say....It sucks!!!! This albums before St.Anger was really cool and it had POWER!!!!! know...! The black album was the best and the BEST! Why don`t make any songs like that and make songs like Unnamed feeling...I dont know what it is but..IT DOES NOT SOUND LIKE HEAVEY METAL!!!!! And i don`t know how Lars can play that sound and make a record out of it...i`s...THE NEXT ALBUM MUST BE BETTER!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Metallica fan (Anonymous) - Monday, February 23, 2004
And one more thing...there are NO GUITARSOLOS!!!What the f#### is that?? someone...pleas tell me this album was a joke!!I know 23 people that means the same thing!!!All i do day long is listen to The Balck Album, Master of Puppets, And Juistice for all and Load!!! Kill Em All-10 points St.Anger-000000000points!! The lyrics in St.Anger is terrible too!!

Comment by Tyksarnammedsass (Anonymous) - Monday, February 23, 2004
St.Anger round my ASS!!!!!

Comment by ¤Nickname¤ (Anonymous) - Monday, February 23, 2004
A message to Metallica:
If you don`t do anything soon, you must change the name of the band! Becouse:THIS IS NOT METAL!!!St.Anger SUCKS!

Comment by poa (Anonymous) - Monday, February 23, 2004
It sucks!

Comment by Metallica fan (Anonymous) - Monday, February 23, 2004
Kill is Better than St.Anger!

Comment by Metallica fan (Anonymous) - Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Hey you know me right?ok...This shitalbum is making me crazy!And after Load/Reload, they are making this??!!All the songs in St.Anger is just NOT METAL!!!

Comment by Metallica fan (Anonymous) - Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Rating St.Anger:
Mark this!!! I`m starting to wonder why i still like this band!!!! If they don`t make a better album next time...I no longer wonder!!If Cliff was around he had goin crazy!!All this time for this f### shit!!

Comment by Duond (Anonymous) - Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Comment by STIAN&CLODE (Anonymous) - Tuesday, February 24, 2004
I`m agree with "Metallica fan"...

Comment by Metallica fan (Anonymous) - Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Thats good...

Comment by Joe (Anonymous) - Tuesday, February 24, 2004
however this album dosent got the quality as the others.The lyrics are kind of boring, and i dont feel the same thing when i listen to Master or Justice...

Comment by Nick (Anonymous) - Wednesday, February 25, 2004
bad stuff

Comment by Thomas (Anonymous) - Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Comment by Ray (Anonymous) - Monday, March 1, 2004
This is the worst album in Metalliaca`s history!

Comment by Old Man (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Yep, Ulrich is a drummer. He has learned to play like most country and western drummers. While in front of the audience, he watches the females, a plays drums with one hand and himself with the other.....My God! There are so many drummers better than him, think about the drummer in Rush. While Rush isn't really metal, Neal Pert is a godly drummer. Check out Dream Theatare. Lets go into extreme metal-there are numerous drummers what actually have talen and ability, Ulrich has just taken a turn for the outhouse and stayed there.

Comment by McCroary (Anonymous) - Monday, March 8, 2004
BRING BACK NEWSTED HE WAS THE MAN GET RID OF ROBERT THE CRAB!!! Any one that thinks the same please say. Put in a comment

Comment by McCroary (Anonymous) - Monday, March 8, 2004
Has any one ever seen Robert in concert his bass solos are GAY like the crab shuffle is pathetic. Take note on this and look for next time you see them live its Gay as.....

Comment by Bloodline(Croatia) (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Why don"t you just shut the fuck up about metallica? OK, I admit earlier in my life I couldn"t live by not hearing a certain ammount of Metallica daily, but now I don"t listen them at all, their greatest album is ...and justice for all, one of the best thrash albums ever.Now they look and act more like a boy band, and that is why the slayer is the best thrash metal band ever.

Comment by brian aka battery (Anonymous) - Saturday, March 13, 2004
worst piece ever

i rather listen to sm than this!!!

except frantic and sweet amber

Comment by brian aka battery (Anonymous) - Saturday, March 13, 2004
i almost forgot....

they should get jason newsted back from wherever he is....

metallica isn't a legend anymore without cliff or jason and that sucks big ****

whatever happened to the age of kickass songs like One,Battery,No Leaf Clover,Am I Evil,I Disappear and all of their old shits and especially Kirk

Comment by metal hero (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 17, 2004
st anger one word shit thats what it stinks of and thats what it is any dissolusioned metallica fans that say otherwise are fools stop hoping for another kill em all itll never happen pure trash

Comment by metal hero (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 17, 2004
st anger one word shit thats what it stinks of and thats what it is any dissolusioned metallica fans that say otherwise are fools stop hoping for another kill em all itll never happen pure trash

Comment by da boggman (Anonymous) - Monday, March 22, 2004
well. im glad that most people are 'upset' by this album. you should know that this is the first material they've released in around 9 years, you try go that long & write a song. i did not like st.anger at first. but i do now, & i dont know why. its not my fave album. but in fairness; everything they do they get slagged by the fans. dont you see? they want a new fanbase, the new generation, because its a well known fact... METALLICA FANS ARE HORRIBAL PEOPLE. do wat you want metallica! its not up to us. have an opinoin, yes. but dont be so damn harsh. imagine being in a band, & reading this shit about your work (good or bad). force yourself to listen to it a few times when your annoid or feeling sick. it's easier to listn to then.

Rating 5/10

Comment by Morten (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 24, 2004
@da booggman

I don't see what them not have written a song in 9 years have to do with making a i.m.o. a some what quetionable album? They do this for a living, they have'nt really done any thing else thiere whole life, so i.m.o. that's bull.

Second if they, as you say, have'nt written a song in 9 years, they must have alot of metarial to draw on; 9 years worth of it. But I guess that ever since they kicked out Dave Mustaine and the tragic event in which the lost Cliff Burton also has to do with it....

Third, they are Metallica, just listen to them talk, you'll understand why they've made such a crappy album.

Comment by Josh (Anonymous) - Monday, March 29, 2004
I don't get what the hell was wrong with them. Metallica has shown that they have one of the best writing styles of music ever created. Then they come out with St. Anger, it is horrible. At least with Load and Reload there was 1 or 2 good songs, but there is not 1 good song on St. Anger.

I have heard James comment that they didn't care what anyone wanted, they always want to do something new, which is understandable, but this was not understandable. They sold out, I refused to by this album, I own all of their albums except St. Anger, and I will never buy it.

In the words of James Hetfield,
"It's time to kiss your ass good-bye!"
-Leper Messiah

Comment by Josh (Anonymous) - Monday, March 29, 2004
I still love Metallica, no matter what they come out with. Nothing can beat Ride the Lightind or Kill 'Em All, nothing

Comment by matt (Anonymous) - Sunday, May 16, 2004
i thought that this album was good just a lot different than their older stuff

Comment by John (Anonymous) - Friday, May 21, 2004
what is this?? the drums sound like ***** and the lyrics are ******!!!!!!!!AND WHERE IS THE SOLOES??? KIRK IS ONE OF THE WORLDS BEST GUITARISTS AND HE MAKES AN ALBUM WITHOUT A SINGLE SOLO`????????? THIS SUCKS MAN!!!!!

Comment by larry (Anonymous) - Friday, May 21, 2004
I know that Metallica dosen`t care about what people think of there albums but COME ON!! They make albums the way they want them to be but i am not so sure about that Metallica would make such bad music...this is not like the music they made before and it`s good the try new stuff BUT THIS`s SAD BUT TRUE!!!!!

Comment by doug (Anonymous) - Friday, May 21, 2004
whats up with the drums?

Comment by kevin (Anonymous) - Friday, May 21, 2004
nothing beats the black album...

Comment by kill joy (Anonymous) - Thursday, June 3, 2004
all metallica rocks buddies!!! get over it

Comment by wilfredo diaz (PUERTO RICO) (Anonymous) - Thursday, June 17, 2004
STOP IT!!!!! SHUT UUUUP !!!!!!!


Comment by Minstrel Knight (Anonymous) - Friday, August 13, 2004
Yawn is the right world!!! Nu-Metal...

Comment by sean (Anonymous) - Tuesday, August 17, 2004
ur gay, this album rocks, im drunk

Comment by Ba*D (Anonymous) - Sunday, September 26, 2004
i agree that st.anger is one of the best songs they have ever made i gives me the same felling that i get when i listen 2 slipknot,it realy gets my anger out:)
but if they Could add a slow melodick part in it instead of the same allover again and a guitar solo here and there it would be way better, maby as good as m.o.p
as for the other songs on this record i allso like some kinda monster,puryfy and all within my hands.
next time they make a record i hope they add a few more guitar solos and it wouldent hurt with another bluesy song like bleeding me.
i give this album 6/10

Comment by Johny Bottom (Anonymous) - Thursday, November 18, 2004
This is without a doubt one of the worst albums I have ever heard in my life. It's torture to listen to the whole thing without stopping. I'd rather listen to The Meatmen and they really suck.

Comment by Jaden Corral (Anonymous) - Wednesday, December 1, 2004
I honestly think the next record wont be any different from St. Anger.....James said he doesnt want to spend long hours working at songs anymore....with that will never be like the old days...where they put there long hours and true heart into it..Metallica has reached a time in there lifes where they want to take the easy way out...Walk in the studio play easy riffs and walk out...I mean where was Kirt in St. Anger....come on he was one of the top 50 best gutairist in the world..and all he did was come up with a few pull offs and few long notes...LIKE BOB ROCK said "Kirt just needs to be pushed." and he wasnt in St. Anger...METALLICA needs a new producer...see the thing now is Bob Rock is good friends with the band....and NOW he will just comment....Yeah sounded good Larz keep it up......because of the relationship they have....Back when they first met Bob was like.....Larz that sucks...and was more blunt...See Bob rock cant be blunt anymore...Metallica needs a new approach in making music...and far as Rob the new bass player....I cant wait to hear his work that guy is amazing at the bass.....For the next ablum I hope rob does the whole work!.....Bottom line is I am a HUGE metallica fan...true fan and always will be....nothing will change that.....But metallica disappointed many many fans out in the world with St. Anger.... Will Metallica come back with another bad ablum or will the new improved metallica come up with stylish and creative songs again...ONLY metallica will know....i know metallica knew that St. Anger wasnt a success...But will they stand full of pride and defend there failure....or will swallow there pride and give there next ablum the best they got.....I guess i will be waiting and find out..... Thats all for now...Jaden

Comment by Jungle Boy (Anonymous) - Sunday, December 12, 2004
It's ok ! Just ok !

Comment by stylesphere (Anonymous) - Tuesday, January 4, 2005
0/10 dude this album really sucks

Comment by Mastersixx (Anonymous) - Monday, January 17, 2005
This album plan bites. I listened to it once all the way through and was disgusted by the stupid lyrics and retarded guitar. I am very dissapointed in James. He is one of my music Idols and just ruined everything for me. Thank you god for old Metallica. I still listen to it everyday. I hope that they will wake up and think about how no one wants to hear alternative music from Metallica. METAL DAMNIT METAL! JEEBUS!

Comment by Seiple (Anonymous) - Thursday, January 27, 2005
Yay, St. Anger sucks!!!!

Comment by Mizuzack (Anonymous) - Friday, January 28, 2005
This wasn't a very good album but back off em a bit. James was going through depressing times and saint anger was a way of expressing himself. Whether we like it or not is not important for James, he just wanted a way to express himself. Thats why kirk wasn't in St Anger much, it was sort of James's Album. And the frequent bass playing was to introduce Rob. Now Lars's drums, no one can explain that, and no one likes it. But maybe for Metallica's next album, it'll be better, now that James has released an album to express himself and to introduce the Bass Player. Of course, they're album will never be as good as their old stuff, but if you want Metallica's old stuff, go listen to their old albums idiots. Overall not the best album, just an angry thrash album that James used to express himself.

Comment by m.o. (Anonymous) - Saturday, March 12, 2005
complete crap,they need to go back to their roots and let the
four horsemen ride again.wishful
thinking!!now they have been reduced to agroup of whiny crybabies. well when all else fails we still have megadeth.
dave and the boys never compromised. bow down metallica
bow down to the true kings....

Comment by Dutch Metallicafan (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Well now, 2 years later after the album was released(and having just seen the "Some Kind Of Monster DVD, which explains a lot when it comes to the quality of the album!), I place my comment, for this album was the first real metal album i've ever bought at the age of...15! Now im almost 17 and I became aware that it's the worst album Metallica has made ever...But....It sounds good to me, why?
Well, im 16, which means im somehow stranded between old(or 'true') en nu-metal!
So its like this:
By growing up with Limp Bizkit(i think they're still cool, and they DO have a srong message) I learned to appreciate St. Anger!
And I tell you, every metallover from I think approximately 10 to 16 years old will say that St. Anger is a terrific album! And I think I just told you why! It's in a way a clever marketing strategy from metallica! Too bad they didn't see that a lot of music is downloaded illegally!(shame on them......and me) and when they realised it, they lost a lot of money because of the u-know-what-case (napster and stuff, never used the f*cking program by the way!)
So there, now I appreciate both! For example the first Metallica Album Kill em all is superb! St. Anger is great too, but in a totally other point of view!
Still i think Lars used the wrong drums though:(

Oh yeah and Kirk, learn to stand up for yourself man! How'd you get in the band anyway? Mustaine wouldnt have taken this shit with the no-solo thing!

Metal Up your ass!
Later man!

Comment by Kasper (Anonymous) - Saturday, April 9, 2005
Well it may not be the level they were in the 80's on, but it's always better than that commercial crap album of a Reload (God I hate that album).
St. Anger kicks ass though and I'm sad to see many people don't see that.....8/10

Comment by wrathchild (Anonymous) - Monday, April 18, 2005
there is no denying the kick ass talent of metallica, ride the lightning, black album, master of puppets all rank as some of the best metal albums of all time. but what the fuck is this? load and re-load were bad enough, metallica need to learn to stop selling out and actually start respecting their fans, this is second rate nu- metal fare, the drums rule over the rest of the production, fuck this im gonna go listen to dance of death!!

Comment by Raph (Anonymous) - Tuesday, April 26, 2005
They should had named the album "Nutallica". This album sucks, and if you like this, you either havn't listened to old metallica, or you've been listening to Lickin Pork too much. I heard that the drummer's drum set was stolen, and that he made his own drum set out of cans and And all those drugs/alcohol screwed up Kirk... what a disgrace.
Megadeth > Metallica.
Dave Mustaine is the man.

Comment by ChaosTheory (Anonymous) - Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Basically, I'd say it's just rock bottom... Not a very bad album, but something really disappointing coming from Metallica. I cannot blame them, but well, this album really makes me think that they will never release anything better than their old albums. This album sound very plain, nothing really interesting. Lars' abusive use of rimshots makes me sick, and the guitar distortions sound very loose and unaggressive. The production has not a very special general aspect like for Kill'em all for example... Generally repetitive and boring. Definitely not Metallica's best album, and an outstanding candidate for Metallica's worst album.

Comment by Manitou (Anonymous) - Monday, May 30, 2005
It is no doubt, lowest profile Metallica. It is really bad. Everybody (i think) should agree that this CD will be forgetet very soon no one will hear it again.

I think Metallica tried to bring up the early days of Kill 'em All but the failure is too big.

I don't like Load and Re-Load but sure i continue hear some of the songs, this CDs are better than St. Anger.

Also Mettalica during the world tour, are playing only 2 songs of the CD, it is a sign that they know the bullshit they have done.

Metal Up Your Ass

Comment by deaddog (Anonymous) - Sunday, June 5, 2005

comparable to putting a metal bucket on your head and getting someone to hit it fast with a couple of wooden spoons for 75 minutes.

No familiar melody that has made metallica stand out from the crowd, boring repetitive lyrics with no depth feeling or meaning that we have come to expect, a combination of the worst and at the same time most disappointing release i ever heard.

Theres a reason that metallica dont sound like they did back in the 80s, its because they became capeable and intelligent musicians, they arent as limited as they used to be. In the 80s they were nothing particularly special but they grew into something awsome.

This on the surface appears to be nothing more than a half hearted attempt to pacify the whining 'old time' fans who bleated about being let down because the band developed musically as it matured.

Lots of noise for the kids, but alas the quality is non existant. I waited so long for this, i wanted so much to like it, but if i listen to it again i may kill myself..........not through despair, simply to end my suffering.

Comment by Kevin Kavanagh (Anonymous) - Friday, June 17, 2005
My God,this was 2 YEARS AGO!!
anyway,to the guy that said all within my hands sux,prick urself.
St. Anger aint gr8,but it is metallica with emotion and anger and bite for the first time since 88!!
and the dude who said "trujillo was really good",he was'nt with the band wen this was recorded.He came in soon after. Bob rock was on bass.

Comment by Matt (Anonymous) - Friday, June 17, 2005
Bob Rock suck, Trujillo good!!

Comment by Master Of Puppets (Anonymous) - Saturday, June 18, 2005
A very boring, long, repetitive release. Not their worst, but far from the best. 2.5/10

Comment by Philthy Phil (Anonymous) - Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Face it... Metallica is done. They have turned there backs on their fans... St. Anger is a true piece of garbage.

Comment by Paul Dreybus (Anonymous) - Thursday, July 14, 2005
ok someone just shut these fags up man who in the hell cares about "vocal performance" just listen to the song and if u dont likt thats tuff u little fags some kind of monster kicks ass too

Comment by Paul Dreybus (Anonymous) - Thursday, July 14, 2005
i will say back then metallica was alot better then they are now but they still do have some good stuff but st.anger is awesome

Comment by junooni (Anonymous) - Friday, September 2, 2005
metallica is not gonna die .......they r back ,,,metallica change there style ,,,so i thing should b appericiated.....the ..drum beats make me hit ma head in a wall...haha....well done songs from this album r
frantic 1
shot me again 2
st anger 3
un named feeling 4
some kind of monster 5...
sweet amber 6
so ,,its a great album by ,,the one n only metallica .....well done

Comment by Dimitris (Anonymous) - Monday, September 5, 2005
I couldn't even wait up until the cd finish.Not even once.This album sucks.I can write 100 songs like those per day.Pretty simple riffs.No imagination at all.It must have took them 1 week to finish this crap. 1/10

Comment by Master Of Puppets (Anonymous) - Saturday, September 10, 2005
Kill 'Em All (3/10)
Ride The Lightning (10/10)
Master Of Puppets (10/10)
...And Justice For All (7/10)
Metallica (10/10)
Load (8/10)
Reload (9/10)
St. Anger (10/10)

Comment by kirk hammer (Anonymous) - Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Comment by motherfucker (Anonymous) - Friday, October 7, 2005
I need that shit like that metallica's songs

Comment by Erdi (Anonymous) - Friday, October 7, 2005
Metallica şimdiye kadar tanıdığım en iyi grup ve gerçektende dünyada bir cok hayranı var

Comment by motherfucker (Anonymous) - Friday, October 7, 2005
I still need that shit like that metallica's songs

Comment by Dennis (Anonymous) - Wednesday, February 8, 2006

No... This album SUCK donkey dick. Rating 2/10

Comment by SAVA (Anonymous) - Sunday, March 12, 2006

Comment by Wisk! (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Wow. Look. Listen to me.

That fuckin' snare. My lord. What was Bob Rock thinking. Someone needs to put him to bed. Please.

You all know it.

Also, there's a misconception going around. The fact is, it is NOT a bad album musically at all . . . just a horribly recorded and mixed record. It's all a real shame, because the lack of EQ'ing, dynamics, proper mixing, and vocal effects completely ruin the album.

No wonder they recruited Rick Rubin for the next one. But, let's remember . . . Rick's also doing the new Linkin Park record. Sad, heh? I wouldn't hold my breath for a future high-quality Metallica record. At least it'll be mixed better.

Feel me?

Comment by ernie (Anonymous) - Monday, April 3, 2006

Comment by brian (Anonymous) - Wednesday, April 19, 2006
i agree with WISK,... that fuck'n snare sucks ass but the cds alright

Comment by brian (Anonymous) - Saturday, May 6, 2006
frantic is the only song on here that is any good.
metallica..........pleeeeeeease go back to your old style,stop trying to follow new trends. kill 'em all,ride the lightning,master of puppets,justice for all, some of the best music ever. i truly miss having a metallica cd that i can listen all the way through. i will not buy another metallica cd unless things change and i hear it first. the more things change the more they suck!

Comment by Dave (Anonymous) - Thursday, May 25, 2006
This is the biggest turd I have ever heard!!!Where's the solos...Somebody please kill bob rock he ruined a once great band..... METALLICA DIED ABOUT 10 YEARS AGO!!!Kirk should find a new band that does not surpress his talent

Comment by josh.a.k.a.666 (Anonymous) - Thursday, July 20, 2006
this is 1 of metallica's best album's yet but i still like master of puppets and nouthing else matters

Comment by FABB (Anonymous) - Sunday, July 30, 2006
In my opinion (i´m a very true fan of Metallica, forever, no matter any sh*t) St Anger is the worst album of the band, no doubt and is sadly true. Watching Some kind of monster video are all the answers: this album was made in a total chaos ambience, without direction, without reason, just only beacause "they need to do anything". Resuming the problem, this album was made from Metallica trying to do "innnovation"...when you try to CREATE something based on doing something "innovative" the result allways be ridiculous, because is "false" innovation;that must be spontaneous, fresh and real...Since Black Album we only are watching (and listening) how they are in a desperate need of do something shocking and diferent and innovative...i think Lars is the one that want to be "DIFFERENT", like discovering new theories on metal sound...I SAY: COME ON!!, Metallica dont have to proove nothing to anybody now, they are a myth, with And Justice For All (for me), they touched the sky and the music history. We only want and need that Metallica....Myths dont need to "innovate", they are mythical only existing,...thats all...PLEASE, TAKE BACK METALLICA!!!!! AND STOP THESE MADLY EXPERIMENTS!!!!

Comment by Johnny Blade (Anonymous) - Wednesday, August 23, 2006
But its not it actually can bore me but I like some of its 80 minute scale.I admit I am sometimes in the mood for it every one of their albums has a song which is on my favorite song list and here is the list:
1.Kill 'Em' All:Whiplash
2.Ride The Lightning:Figh Fire With Fire
3.Master Of Puppets:Damage Inc.
4....And Justice For All:One
5.Metallica:Struggle Within
6.load:Bleeding me
8.St.Anger:All Within My Hands
I like each song somewhat but purify is very very bad and Shoot me again is annoying somewhat but All Within My Hands is a masterpiece as well as the unnamed feeling
Anyway the tracks are:
10 star songs:Frantic,Some Kind Of Monster,Sweet Amber,Dirty Window and Invisble Kid
9 star songs:St.Anger,Shoot Me Again and My World
8 Star songs:None
7 Star songs:Purify
Anything above 10 star songs:The Unnamed Feeling(15 stars!) and All Within My Hands(100 stars!)

I like it it is good but not the same type of masterpiece that Kill 'Em' All,Ride The Lightning(My Favorite),Master Of Puppets(My least favorite out of the first 5),...And Justice For All and Metallica had Load and reload are not brilliant and st.anger is bettter then those but Death Is Not the end(A.K.A the new song) is better with a Kill 'Em' All and ...And Justice for all twist and the other new song is straight Ride the Lightning and Master Of Puppets which is wonderful.This is good infact very good but not anywhere near a masterpiece.

Comment by Alex (Anonymous) - Sunday, September 24, 2006
0 points . disgusting, awful.

Comment by Brian (Anonymous) - Friday, April 6, 2007
It's one of the worst albums ever released by ANY band, and definitely far from what metallica was about. They were trying to sound too much like the "nu metal" bands that are ruling the air waves now. F**K that. That's so stupid. Stick to your guns, metallica. Lars's snare is so ringy and annoying on this album, and his kick drum has the bass on the EQ pushed ridiculously over-the-top. Kirk's guitar sounds like ass. I believe he is dropped two whole-steps (can we say nu metal?) and sounds like his guitar is still set up almost the same as it was when it was tuned in standard. Same strings, same tonal settings. The result? A god-awful muddy tone that sound like he's playing a cardboard box with rubber bands wrapped around it. And James' voice? Don't get me started. I don't even know what he was trying to do. And the bass... yeah... I can barely hear it anyway. Blends right in to this trainwreck of an album. The producer was on bass, anyway. This album is probably why Jason (the whole bass player,left the band. He probably saw what these old geezers were planning on doing, and said "f*ck this, I'm out of here!" What a let down. Metallica, if you're reading this, and I hope you are, you've disgraced yourselves and most importantly, metal.

Comment by Hate it (Anonymous) - Saturday, April 7, 2007
This shit fucking blows. Metallica has lost thier fucking minds... and all musical ability. They all need to just give it up, sell their instruments, and check themselves into a nursing home.

Comment by WILFRED DIAZ (PUERTO RICO) (Anonymous) - Saturday, April 14, 2007






Comment by Stefanie Rasmussen (Anonymous) - Wednesday, May 16, 2007
They're a great band....... so what if they have a slight rough patch........i have faith that they'll bounce back......let's see....... ~stefanie

Comment by Jimmy (Anonymous) - Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Bought this not knowing anything about it,or what the band had been doing for the last 10 years, but I liked every other Metallica release and have done since Ride the lightnig first came out (20 + ?) years ago.

I was very dissapoiinted by this album. The songs are boring, they are all so the same, nothing stands out al all, no masterpieces anywhere as we saw in other releases.It also sounds like there has been no effort in production at all.

Then I saw the documentary (can't remmeber the name of it) on the making of St Anger. My god, they have ripped my metal soul apart. Don't know about you, but to me those guys used to be a dark, angry, evil kickass band that wrote awsesome grinds.

Spare us the middle age motivational coach in his woolen sweater.

Spare us Lars prancing around selling his art collection.

Spare us the whole theory writing high energy music with manufactured rage.

For me, they have become the very stereotypes that their music once despised.

Review by Steen (Staff) - Friday, May 2, 2003
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Ahh, Metallica. They were one of the bands that opened my eyes to Heavy Metal back when The Black Album was released. I went on to enjoy their entire back catalogue, but then I was sorely disappointed by Load and Reload.

Now St. Anger is here, and it doesn't manage to fulfill many of the hopes I had. It basically leaves me cold. As opposed to Tommy, I don't feel this album sets any new standard of how Metal can sound. If it does set a new standard it is certainly not a good one. The album feels uninspired and thrown together.

Yes, the production is different, but not inventive in any way I can see, but I could easily live with the below average production, if only the music had been interesting. Unfortunately that is not the case and the album has a hard time holding my attention for very long, no matter how hard I try. There is a definite lack of something to hold the songs together, maybe it's melodies. Sure, there are lots of heavy riffs, pounding drums and rythm changes, but most of the songs wash together to a jumbled mess, without anything that sticks out. The music doesn't flow, it bites... Some parts also feel very cut together. One example is Frantic at the 24 second mark.

The album starts out ok, with a couple of good songs. Frantic and St. Anger both have some great qualities musically, but I have never been so annoyed by James Hetfield's vocal performance, as I am on this album. Frantic is let down by his insanely funny screaming of "tick tick tick tock!".
The only problem I have with the otherwise great St. Anger lies in the double edged self-pitying lyrics. I can't get over them. "I'm madly in anger with you"... Oh, please...
Another song where I find the vocals infuriatingly annoying is Shoot me again. It starts out very good, and the song shows some good elements, but every time James starts his "Shoot me again" round, there is this tone in his voice, which just sounds plain wrong to me.
And finally the ending of All within my hands has me howling with laughter. James' screams of "Kill kill kill" sound so incredibly comic. I can't help it.

Some kind of monster must be one of the most boring songs, I have heard in recent times. This is a good example of a song that never gets anywhere. It thrashes around and never gets off the ground.

On the other hand, Sweet amber is my favourite song of the album. It has some of nerve I miss on the rest of the album, and it also has some of the best lyrics on the album. They are actually bearable.

Listening to the album with headphones makes the sound more intense and also emphasises the many stereo effects that the music is built around.

I still have to find the feeling in the music, and after spending more than 12 hours with the album, I really want to move on to some music that can give me something back. So, that's just what I'll do.

To be fair, the album is not bad, just very average and overall a huge disappointment to me. There are many glimpses of greatness in the music, and a couple of good songs stick out. But St. anger doesn't speak to me at all, and the few glimpses are not enough to save the album from mediocrity. Be sure to give it a listen before you buy it.

One word review: Yawn...

Rating: 4.5/10

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, May 2, 2003

Review by Stuart (Staff) - Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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Comments: 116
I remember somone giving me a loan of this album when I was at university. I listened to it on the bus ride home and was ready to throw myself out a window and end it all by the time it got to James tuneless shouting during Purify.

Horrible, nasty piece of work. Thank God Death Magnetic has brought some pride, song structure and most importantly solo's back to Metallica's recorded output.

Rating: 2/10

Posted by Stuart (Staff)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Review by bogdan (Member) - Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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Ratings: 5
You re review rule. i give this a 10 even is the worst Metallica album it has some great moments. A riff like in sumkinda i never heard from a new band. unnamed feeling is brilliant.

Rating: 10/10

Posted by bogdan
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Review by Tommy

Released by
Universal - 2003

1. Frantic
2. St. Anger
3. Some Kind Of Monster
4. Dirty Window
5. Invisible Kid
6. My World
7. Shoot Me Again
8. Sweet Amber
9. The Unnamed Feeling
10. Purify
11. All Within My Hands

Heavy Metal

Related links
Visit the band page

Metallica - Official Website

Other articles
Master Of Puppets - (Tommy)

Classic albums - Metallica - (Hashman)

Frantic (Ltd. Edition) - (Michael)

...And Justice For All - (Tommy)

Movie review - Metallica - Some kind of monster - (Steen)

Live At Parken, Copenhagen - May 26th, 2004 - (Tommy)

Book Review - Metallica - So What: The Good, the Mad, and the Ugly - (Jonah)

Metallica - Live At Vestereng, Århus. July 13th, 2007 - (Tommy)

Metallica - (Tommy)

Death Magnetic - (Alanna)

Z supported shopping

1 - Horrifying
2 - Terrible
3 - Bad
4 - Below average
5 - Average
6 - Good
7 - Very good
8 - Outstanding
9 - Genius
10 - Masterpiece
666 - Unrated

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