Steevi Jaimz - My Private Hell
Steevi Jaimz doesn't have one of rock's great voices, but then again neither does Ozzy Osbourne, and look what happened to him. What he can do though, is deliver a rock song with lusty, ragged edged bravado.
The Tigertailz story and all the ugly details have been well documented. Suffice to say, Jaimz is back, this time with Swedish production and song writing collaborators,  Chris Laney and Anders Ringman, aka Platform (Crash Diet/Europe).
'My Private Hell' is a glammy swirl of sweet hooks and  a caustic "up yours" attitude (in more ways than one). Platform's production seems a bit thin in places, but it's sturdily constructed, well enough to allow Jaimz to strut his stuff without distraction.
Lyrically, the album quickly develops two themes. The first celebrates the fact that Jaimz is still alive and, well . . . still crazy, after all these years (the album title and crucifixion pose on the cover each being something of a dead giveaway). The second is the more familiar rock album staple of fractured (and occasionally fractious) relationships.
The songwriting triumvirate's alliance pays off immediately with openers 'Amazing' and 'Don't Say It's Over' (also written with Ryan Roxy). Laney's typically tight  power chords punctuate Jaimz's vocals before they all join hands on the bridge and suddenly spiral upwards, into a punchy, catchy hook.
But there's darkness here too. One on one emotional connections are all about the visceral thrill. 'Little Sistah' and 'Kiss Of Death' are both pumped up, hard edged, glam rock songs, with an audible Def Leppard influence.
Talking of which, 'I Don't Wanna Walk Away', the album's standout by a considerable margin, is all the better for ditching the guitars (almost) and wheeling in the pianos, then welding these to slick, hypercharged harmonies and a grown up lyric.
'Something Good, Something Bad' doesn't trail too far behind in the standout stakes. It spins on a smoky, Stonesy riff, but the chorus sounds more like something the Hanoi Rocks wished they'd written in their prime.
Sure, it's cliché ridden, but we're not expecting Pulitzer Prize material on a rock album.
Clearly, Jaimz has followed his instincts, and thanks to Laney and Ringman, he's come back stronger than anyone would have imagined.  

Written by Brian
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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Brian: 7/10

Members: 8.5/10 - Average of 1 ratings.

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Rating: 8.5/10
yep this album by STEEVI JAIMZ is suprising good ! Yep ,his voice is not the more impress... · Read more ·

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RevelationZ Comments

Review by YNGWIEVIKING (Member) - Monday, July 27, 2009
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Comments: 11
Ratings: 11
yep this album by STEEVI JAIMZ is suprising good !
Yep ,his voice is not the more impressive one ,but Chris LANEYexZANCLAN/ANIMAL (behind the mixing board/BASS/guitarz and behind most of the tracks as songwriter) again provide some fantastic works, especially HIS signature Gang BACKING vocals borrowed to the mighty Mutt LANGE ...Then some kind of a miracle happen and you are right away into this HEAVY SLEAZE album for ever ,asking to yourself why !
If you like Sing along song wit some party/dirty/sleazy/street Metal influences ,you'll love this one !
But don't expect nothing new or original !

Rating: 8.5/10

Monday, July 27, 2009

Review by Brian

Released by
Cargo Records - 2009

Don't Say It's Over
Something Good, Something Bad
Still Crazy
Little Sistah
My Private Hell
Kiss Of Death
I Don't Wanna Walk Away
Dancin' With Danger
Kikk It Down

Glam / hard rock

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Steevi Jaimz - Official Website

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My Private Hell - (Alanna)

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