Daily SpotlightDGM - Misplaced I had only read a few things about the band DGM when Steen one day handed me a promo of Misplaced saying that this may be jus.... Read full review
Retro Reviews (Steen) Overkill - Horrorscope Overkill's Horrorscope was one of my first introductions to thrash metal back in 1991. The others were Exodus' Impact is Imminent, Slayer's Decade of Aggression and Forbidden's Twisted into Form. It w.... Read full review
(Stuart) Meat Loaf - Bad Attitude Since a very early age Meat Loaf has been one of my favourite singers. I went through a Meat renascence a few years back and decided I was going to track down all of his albums that I didn't already o.... Read full review