Avantasia - The Scarecrow
The new Avantasia album is finally here and I'm sure it is going to receive a mixed reception. If you are looking for "Avantasia - The Metal Opera Part III" then you are bound to be disappointed. Tobias Sammet has taken his pet project in a new direction and there is little or no direct connection with the two previous Power Metal pearls. This Avantasia album is best described as a piece of symphonic heavy rock with bits of other genres thrown in to add variety. Spanning from very commercial pop rock songs through complex and challenging compositions the album is a mixed bag, luckily with an prevailing amount of strong songs.
Despite my fears of the opposite, The Scarecrow is a good album. I thought the videos for the first two songs released online (Lost in space and Carry me over) were terrible in every way. Commercialised music of the worst kind. Seen in conjuntion with the other songs on the album they make a bit more sense, but those two songs are the weakest on the album. Lost in space however benefits from ending the album and gives it a certain feeling of closure. Both songs are still way below the quality I would expect Tobias to put on an Avantasia album.
This time the concept deals with personal struggles in the art of love. Absolutely nothing fairytale-like about that. The story seems very personal, but fails to connect as everything is delivered in a too direct and obvious way. The lyrics are on the wrong side of inspiring.
As with the previous Avantasia albums several guest singers appear on the album and the songs often feel like they have been tailored to the specific guest singer. Especially Alice Cooper, Roy Kahn and Jorn Lande stand out and deliver brilliant performances.
The rest are a pleasure as well. Michael Kiske is as you would expect, Amanda Somerville adds a nice contrast to the album while Oliver Hatmann and Bob Catley sing their parts with conviction.
It is in the music where the album disappoints ever so much. Several melodies and parts are unoriginal and several songs fail to excite. Ok, I may be harsh, but the Avantasia name has a lot to live up to after releasing two of the finest Power Metal albums ever. The Scarecrow fails to live up to its legacy.
There is a slightly rushed feeling to the album. I noticed a couple of places where Oliver Hartmann (I don't believe in your love around 0:56) and Roy Kahn's (Twisted mind around 3:46) vocal melodies could have been more impressive with a bit more work.
I'll go into a bit more detail with each song.
Roy Kahn opens the show with a fine performance on Twisted Mind. The heavy, mid-tempo song is high on atmosphere and the chorus quickly makes an impression.
The 11 minute title track is flavored with a slight middle eastern atmosphere and orchestral passages. Another very good and ambitious song which is only dragged down by its long instrumental middle section. Jorn Lande gives the song a convincing feeling of authority.
Shelter from the rain starts out as a run of the mill Power Metal song but is enhanced greatly by Kai Hansen and Henjo Richter trading guitar solos as well as Bob Catley's appearance halfway through. It is also good to hear Michael Kiske back in action. The beginning of the song brings a quick flashback to the incredible Chalice of Agony from Avantasia II, but the song never reaches the same heights.
Carry me over, one of the album's simplest songs, is a slick, highly melodic and utterly boring song. It holds absolutely no lasting interest whatsoever. Take a listen to the terrible drum sound in the first verse and you might hear that this attempt at reaching a bigger audience is a complete disaster. Lyrics, music and their whole delivery unite in a sad expressionless failure.
What kind of love is a nice ballad with Amanda Somerville as the main attraction, but it is almost ruined by electronic effects. I just can't get over the artificial feel those effects and that drum sound give the song.
Another Angel down is a great song which also appeared on the Lost in Space EP. Jorn Lande rules this song.
The real jewel of the album is Alice Cooper's appearance in The Toy Master. A song that pretty much rescues the whole album and warrants a purchase all by itself. Alice has a way of capturing the listener completely and the song fits his raspy voice perfectly.
Devil in the Belfry is another powerful highlight. It captures some of the grandness I had come to associate with the Avantasia name. Especially the way Jorn Lande delivers the line "Into the opera like moths to the flame. Spellbind their senses to follow the hero" rekindles some of the lost magic. If only there had been more moments like this one.
After this superb trilogy of songs the album winds down again with Cry just a little. A nice enough ballad with a good performance by Bob Catley, but it doesn't really hold any lasting interest.
I don't believe in your love is a high quality heavy rocker. Tobias delivers a great performance here and the way the song builds is just fantastic. The song has tension and makes a powerful impact. A definite highlight. Rudolf Schenker (Scorpions) and Oliver Hartmann make great guest appearances as well though Oliver sounds somewhat off as he exits the first verse as I mentioned earlier.
Lost in space strangely fits at the end of the album. The song is another slick melodic thing. My main problem with the song is that after one listen there is nothing more to discover.
It is not worth paying extra for the limited edition. The bonus DVD includes a too short song by song interview with Tobias as well as videos for Carry me over and Lost in space. The alternate versions of I don't believe in your love and The toy master are of most interest.
I hold the works of Tobias Sammet in high regard, but he has taken some serious missteps on this latest Avantasia album as I have also pointed out in the review.
There is no Chalice of Agony here but several smaller, glorious pieces of music roam free on an album that is bumpy and rough around the edges.
I had hopes for something truly spectacular but The Scarecrow is "just" a good album. Give it a chance to grow before you make up your mind.

Written by Steen
Sunday, February 3, 2008
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Steen: 6.5/10

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Rating: 5.5/10
I can't find any connection at all. I had to force myself listening to this more than once... · Read more ·

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Dark Lord (Member) - Tuesday, February 5, 2008
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I totally agree with you Steen, i had really high expectations from this album, for two reasons: first: the "Avantasia" title, and second:in an interview, Tobias mentioned that he`d done some great works before, but The Scarecrow is his best !!!!! (Why did I belive him?? :D).
I think ''Scarecrow'' is no match for previous Avantasia (and most Edguy)albums. It's kind of saddening to see a gathering of such great names didn't result in a masterpiece.

Without question, "Jorn Lande" is the Best performer in this album; I can`t imagine what would happen to this project without him!!
I think "Another Angel down" and second half of "The Scarecrow", are highlights of this album. I also like "The Toy Master'', but it's in a lower league, i guess(musically not Alice Cooper's performance)

I wish the title wan't Avantasia, it ruins your expectations of this name in the future.(6.5-7/10)

Posted by Dark Lord
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Comment by gizmo (Member) - Sunday, February 17, 2008
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Totally agree it should have been a Tobias Sammet solo album instead of having the name Avantasia. It is dissapointing comparred to the others.

Me on the other hand think Bob Catley is the wonderful voice on this album.

Posted by gizmo
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Review by Craig (Member) - Friday, January 15, 2010
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Rating: 7/10

Posted by Craig
Friday, January 15, 2010

Review by Sandra (Member) - Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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Comments: 36
Ratings: 25
I can't find any connection at all. I had to force myself listening to this more than once - just because it's Avantasia - The Metal Opera part I and II - are genius.
However after too many chances I'm still soo disappointed and thinking what happened?
Carry me over, can't believe that Tobias put this on an album. The carry me over, carry me over, is so irritating and uninspiring - a true pain in the ass. I feel like screaming: shut up!

Highlights :

  • Shelter from the rain: the closest track to power metal

  • Another angel down: Actually very cool and speedy

  • The toy master: Alice Cooper owns this one. His voice suits perfectly in. I agree, Alice Cooper saves the album from being a total disaster and so does Jorn Lande.

  • Devil in the belfry and some parts of The Scarecrow are great too.

The fact that too many songs don't leave a more lasting impression is what makes this album just an okay/average album.
And by the end of the year a new album - well I guess it can't be worse than Carry me over

Rating: 5.5/10

Posted by Sandra
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Review by Steen

Released by
Nuclear Blast - 2008

01. Twisted Mind
02. The Scarecrow
03. Shelter From The Rain
04. Carry Me Over
05. What Kind Of Love
06. Another Angel Down
07. The Toy Master
08. Devil In The Belfry
09. Cry Just A Little
10. I Don't Believe In Your Love
11. Lost In Space

Supplied by Bonnier Amigo

Symphonic Heavy Rock

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Visit the band page

Avantasia - Official Website

Other articles
The Metal Opera (Part II) - (Steen)

The Metal Opera Pt.1 - (Tommy)

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