DVD Reviews - Table of contents

Number of reviews: 47

Alphabetical band index
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DVD ratings
1 - Horrifying
2 - Terrible
3 - Bad
4 - Below average
5 - Average
6 - Good
7 - Very good
8 - Outstanding
9 - Genius
10 - Masterpiece!

Now showing: G

Band TitleReviewerDate
G3Live In Denver (Joe Satriani/Steve Vai/Yngwie Malmsteen)Hashman4/13/2004
GirlThe Rare DVD CollectionMichael2/14/2007

Daily Spotlight
Cynic - Focus
CoverCynic started out as a death metal band in 1987 and over the next several years sent out five demos until th....
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Retro Reviews

Danger Danger - Return of the Great Gildersleeves
CoverThere's always an album or two from a major band that seems to slip under the radar, despite critical acclaim and explosive buzz. Some ten years, after its initial rocking of the melodic rock world, <....
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Cynic - Focus
CoverCynic started out as a death metal band in 1987 and over the next several years sent out five demos until they finally in 1993 released their first full length album, Focus</s....
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