DVD Review - Rush - Rush In Rio
Its literally the first concert official concert DVD release from the Canadian power trio, excluding all the past VHS/Laserdiscs released that have yet to see the light of day on DVD, official release of course. Now first off if you have not read my review of the 3 CD set go there now.

Now that you know the bands performance prowess, it should not surprise you that the visual documentation of the bands show in Rio is no less than the ear candy. The first disc is just like the CD set, with superb camera work to match the band's performance, along with other visualizations used in their concerts, such as pyrotechnics and moves/images shown on the massive screen behind them, that pretty much speaks for itself, and you bet it does, in fact, the concert was filmed with a shitload cameras/angles.

It's the second disc that really brings some neat stuff to the table, for the first time, a documentary of Rush, directed by Andrew MacNaughtam, that shows them arriving in Brazil, with fans that are going nuts, greeting them at the airport/hotel like they were waiting for NSYNC or something, even Geddy makes the statement that it was almost like they were treated like Justin Timberlake. We see interviews with the band, hardships of the technical problems that the band and the roadies encounter during set up for the show, practice sessions, press conferences, and in depth interviews with the band members, explaining the what they have been through in the past few years with the hardships, and how the tour all came together.

We see how nuts the fans get and we all know how fanatical some people get over Rush, a notable group of fans that is interviewed, is Sepultura, yes they make an appearance on the DVD, but as fans only, sorry, there is no jam session between the two bands, holy shit, that would be something to hear. It brings fans closer to the personalities and the humor of three of rocks most mystical figures that are rarely seen behind the scenes, not to mention that you will defiantly have more respect for roadies after watching this.

Also there is the multi angle feature on three performances, "YYZ," "La Villa Strangiato," and the drum solo, "O Baterista;" I guess we all know what the drummers out there are going to play first. The "Easter Eggs" section of the set are hidden features that you apparently have to find on your own, there are instructions on the DVD, but even I have yet to find them, looks like we are all going to have to work for these performances, or get on Rush newsgroups and find the secrets the easy way.

This makes for one of the best concert DVDs, to make the racks, perfectly complimenting the triple CD set that also hit the racks the same day, makes mandatory eye candy for hardcore and casual fans alike, especially if you have never seen them live before or unfortunately were not able to attend any of the shows on the last tour.

Rating: 9/10

Written by Hashman
Monday, November 10, 2003

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Charlie Naimo (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Great Review I agree 100%!!!

Comment by TMV (Anonymous) - Thursday, December 23, 2004
Anyone found the Easter Eggs? How?

Comment by Bryan (Anonymous) - Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I had their A Show of Hands VHS years ago and I thought it was great but this is not even in the same arena. I am not much on going to concerts because of the uncomfort but if I was ever to goto a concert it would be a Rush concert. After watching Rush in Rio I feel like I have been. I am pretty sure it is as close as I ever will be. On a side note I mainly listen to Christian music now. God bless.

Comment by Phrenzy Phil (Anonymous) - Thursday, October 27, 2005
Over a year ago I finally was able to see Rush in Milwaukee, WI. It was well worth it. Only 1 bad thing happened, the large video screen display which was to the left side of Geddy Lee (in his perspective looking out to the crowd), wasn't working. Other than that, the showmanship, subtle humor, modest but yet fun attitude, sound mix, etc. was phenomenal. Definitely one of THE best concerts I ever attended.
The Easter Eggs are found on the Internet - just do a Google search for "Rush In Rio Easter Egg" (without quotes) and you'll find the hints. I can't wait to open them myself.

Review by Hashman

Released by
Anthem/Zoe/Rounder - 2003

Disc One
1- Tom Sawyer
2- Distant Early Warning
3- New World Man
4- Roll the Bones
5- Earthshine
6- YYZ
7- The Pass
8- Bravado
9- The Big Money
10- The Trees
11- Free Will
12- Closer to the Heart
13- Natural Science
14- One Little Victory
15- Driven
16- Ghost Rider
17- Secret Touch
18- Dreamline
19- Red Sector A
20- Leave that thing Alone
21- O Basteria
22- Resist
23- 2112
24- Limelight
25- La Villa Strangiato
26- The Spirit of the Radio
27- By-tor and the Snow Dog/Cygnus X-1/Working Man

Disc Two
The Documentary: The Boys in Brazil

MX Multiangle
1- YYZ
2- O Baterista
3- La Villa Strangiato

Easter Eggs: Hidden Features
1- By-Tor Movie
2- Anthem 1975

Dolby Stereo, Dolby Digital 5.1

Widescreen Letterbox Format

No specific picture ratio or time given but contains at least four hours of video.

Hard Rock

Related links
Visit the band page

Rush - Official Website

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1 - Horrifying
2 - Terrible
3 - Bad
4 - Below average
5 - Average
6 - Good
7 - Very good
8 - Outstanding
9 - Genius
10 - Masterpiece
666 - Unrated

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