Staff page - Tommy

Tommy is no longer part of the RevelationZ staff. As long as his articles are available on the site, this page will be here.

Hi there.
My name is Tommy B. Jensen.

I started listening to Metal and Rock music at a pretty early age: AC/DC, Megadeth, Guns N' Roses, Anthrax and so on. The magical sensation coming from this great energetic music got me hooked right away, resulting in a lifetime addiction.

At a later point I bought Invictus with Virgin Steele and from that day on nothing was ever quite the same, a truly unique band with the ability to reach the deepest corners of my soul. A fine example of how music can inspire and heal even deep wounds.

I'm also into Progressive music and Melodic Rock/AOR, so you could say I have a pretty versatile taste. One thing that is important though is melody, music should also unite people and create hope, so I'm supporting and looking for stuff that contribute and represent postive and constructive ideas.
Some of my absolute favourite bands include Virgin Steele, Dream Theater, Savatage, Iron Maiden and Bon Jovi, but you can dig more into that at my favourite bands and albums page.
Quality music just makes every day brighter and then you also get to be part of a fantastic brotherhood within the Metal/Rock community.

Keep the spirit and Rock Hard.

Favourite Bands

Favourite Albums

Current Playlist

Highlights Of The Year 2002

Highlights Of The Year 2003

Highlights Of The Year 2004

Highlights Of The Year 2005

Highlights Of The Year 2006

Highlights Of The Year 2007

Highlights Of The Year 2008

Highlights Of The Year 2009


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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Mental Mike (Anonymous) - Saturday, September 28, 2002
Nice picture dude!

Comment by r2 Udo (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 12, 2002
The Techno re-mixes yo-yo-yo

are you ready to dance the night away... did any one see Hans Von Shaummilch... he is my favourite person

Comment by Michael Fallesen (Anonymous) - Friday, February 21, 2003
Hej Tommy. Jeg har netop set jeres event-liste og jeg må sige, at der mangler en ting: 21/3 kommer Entombed til Esbjerg....

Comment by Mads Aanum (Anonymous) - Sunday, October 5, 2003
der var engan en far der havde to sønner den ene var stor som et bjerg, den anden var hurtig som et tog, men det der betød noget var at faren kunne lide dem begge lige meget...


Comment by Man Of metal (Anonymous) - Thursday, May 20, 2004
Hey buddy just one question for you. Where did you get your Savatage-Wake of Magellan T-shirt??.
Best album EVER by the way in metal terms in Judas Priest-Painkiller.............AND U KNOW THAT IT IS TRUE!!!!!.

Comment by Tommy (Member) - Thursday, May 20, 2004
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Hey Man Of Metal.
The shirt was bought a long time ago at a German store called EMP, if I remember correctly that is.
Unfortunately they haven't got it on stock anymore, and Painkiller...a true Metal highlight for sure.

RevelationZ Magazine

Posted by Tommy
Thursday, May 20, 2004

Comment by Leslie (Anonymous) - Saturday, May 29, 2004
Well, you've got a pair of ears alright, and a brain between them. At least you in a land of deaf-heads knows what X Factor is about!!! What are the probabilities that Bayley will see some of the crap thse ppl have written about him? shit! i shudder to think of it!

Comment by amir (Anonymous) - Sunday, August 29, 2004
i love voice's axel
i am iranian and listen for axel
and i hapy when i listen Axel's voice

Comment by (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 23, 2004
For Immediate Release
November 23, 2004

Long Live Crime Records gets heavy.

Los Angeles based Long Live Crime Records have signed Doomtree to their label. Band is slated for release in February 2005.

Long Live Crime Records has recently signed East coast favorite Doomtree. The band features former members of horror rock legends Samhain and the well-received alternative punk uber-band Son of Sam (that also featured members of AFI). Doomtree lead singer Steve Zing is considered an icon in this genre. Spreading his wings a little bit the band is reminiscent of the Misfits with driving beats that creates a melodic terror of horror pop rock combined with the heart stopping sounds of the heaviest of metal.

The band is currently putting together a tour for late spring and summer that will be announced at a later date. Long Live Crime Records is also putting together video contests and remix a song contests with the band that will be announced at a later date.

"The opportunities we have with Doomtree are endless. A lot of people at Long Live Crime Records cut their teeth in this genre of music and we are excited to be able to play an important part in what is going on right now with it." says General Manager Susan Ferris

"I worked for Suicidal Tendencies for a long time and I know good heavy music when I hear it. And this is great" according to Head of Sales and Marketing Reece McLaughlin.

For more information please on Doomtree or Long Live Crime Records contact:

Comment by Fabio (Anonymous) - Friday, December 17, 2004
Hi Tommy, I'm DGM's drummer! Thanks a lot for your woderful review of our album. Bye...

Comment by Tommy (Member) - Friday, December 17, 2004
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Hey Fabio.

It was my pleasure. I really enjoyed the way the album kept evolving, really clever stuff.
One of the top releases this year.

Rock On

RevelationZ Magazine

Posted by Tommy
Friday, December 17, 2004

Comment by the mole (Anonymous) - Monday, February 28, 2005
I love all of the songs you said up there nice pick dude.

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Monday, March 14, 2005
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Hi Tommy..
I left a message at ur "favourite bands" section.. reply back if time permits

Posted by Maiden Fan
Monday, March 14, 2005

Comment by Paul (Anonymous) - Thursday, September 14, 2006
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it

Comment by Lisa (Anonymous) - Thursday, January 25, 2007
best regards, nice info

Comment by dtjesus (Anonymous) - Monday, February 19, 2007
Great site man! \m/

Comment by kevin (Anonymous) - Sunday, April 1, 2007
wondering if you have any way of contacting anthony corder of tora tora. i know they rel;eaed a thrid album called revolution day and woulf like to know of any plans to release it.

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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hey tommy!

How have you been? I havent posted for quite some time. But now I am back... Spent a lot of time today updating my profile and I am really privileged to be one of the newest members of RevelationZ!!!!!

So howz ur metal listening going on??? Keep in touch

Posted by Maiden Fan
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Comment by Tommy (Member) - Thursday, October 25, 2007
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Ratings: 31
Hi Maiden Fan.

Good to hear from you, I'm doing fine thanks, hope you're the same.

I'm keeping busy with quite a lot of new albums; I'll have a playlist online soon.

Nice lists you got on your profile, lots of classics.

Posted by Tommy
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Comment by alwaysbloody (Member) - Sunday, September 28, 2008
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i really love this site! nice pic pose:)

Posted by alwaysbloody
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Comment by Little Drummer Boy (Member) - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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Well looks like I have discovered something new definitely that should be checked out. It is a band called XYSTUS. Not sure if you have heard of them. The release I picked up is called Equilibrio which basically is a theatrical production infusing Metal and traditional theatrical/musical style. Though it does not have as many vocalists as Arjen's last monster cast, but it does involve more than 130 people in the production and premiered in the Netherlands. This sounds like a Broadway musical on steroids. It was a nice treat for me since I also like going to the theater to see musicals. Featured vocalists are Simone Simons (Epica; like I had to announce that), Bas Dolmans (Xystus), George Oosthoek (Orphanage) and a couple of renowned Dutch theater vocalist. Now keep in mind Sensory has released the studio recording of "Equilibrio", which features key scenes from the opera, and far as I know no double CD has yet been released. However, the DVD of the production is available.

Unfortunately this is one musical that I doubt will hit the Canadian West Coast. Shame!

Posted by Little Drummer Boy
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

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