Article - Ratings explained...

Written by Steen

Our ratings go from 0 - 10 with steps of 0.5. Here's our description of the ratings, so you have something to compare to.

Remember: The review reflects the personal opinion of the reviewer and that might differ from yours. We will try to add opinions and ratings from the other staff members at the bottom of each review whenever possible, especially when some of us disagree.

0 - You will wish you were deaf.

1 - Horrifying. If your ears fall of while listening to this album don't say we didn't warn you...

2 - Terrible. You might keep your ears intact due to a couple of listenable parts, but still, no words are sufficient to describe how bad this music is. We hope we'll never have to try.

3 - Bad. These can have some good moments, but overall are very dissapointing and not worth your time.

4 - Below average. Even though this album contains some good songs the overall feeling is that the bad outweighs the good. Approach with caution.

5 - Average. Ok music, but nothing out of the ordinary. A typical release that might please the fans, but should be heard before buying.

6 - A good album. There may be some hits and misses, but the good stuff outweighs the bad and makes this record worth your time.

7 - Very good. If you like the style then you won't be disappointed. A consistent and solid album with high quality music. There are some aspects of the album that keep it from reaching the higher grades, but it is still highly recommended.

8 - An outstanding album that has something really special to offer. A release that will please almost everybody. Albums that get this grade go beyond the norm and are either at the top of their genre or create something original. These ones come with our highest recommendation, and just miss a couple of things from being genius. Must buys for most people.

9 - Genius. This one goes for those perfect releases that have something really extraordinary to offer. Overall a phenomenal release. Don't hesitate, run out and search the town for it.

10 - A masterpiece! This grade is reserved for those magic albums that will stand forever as milestones in the history of music. Usually this album has a very special meaning to the reviewer.

666 - Unrated. Usually used on singles, EP's, live albums etc.

Written by Steen
Sunday, February 9, 2003

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Tim (Anonymous) - Wednesday, January 29, 2003
DONT BREAK THE OATH IS AN EXCELLENT ALBUM!!!! a classic. its to bad that king diamond cant capture that magic he had back in the days of MELLISA,DONT BREAK THE OATH AND NUNS HAVE NO FUN....

Comment by Marcio Tex (BRAZIL) (Anonymous) - Monday, February 17, 2003
A pleasant revelation! This one is the most awesome of the three releases. Good music with catchy choruses! Beautiful!!!

Comment by Darkthrone (Anonymous) - Thursday, October 23, 2003
Nice review...yeah this is indeed a masterpiece

Comment by Jonathan (Anonymous) - Sunday, January 25, 2004
Master Of Puppets is an absolute kick ass Metallica album. When I think of the brilliance that is Metallica this is the album that I think of. Load one the other hand is an album that I am sorry they ever released it truly is a downfall of an album for Metallica but I can forgive it once.

Comment by didi (Anonymous) - Monday, January 26, 2004
Very good album. I just miss noel's singing. I love his voice after listen to other tracks and hear him live in his home place in Ireland. He was a great person.
We love him.

Comment by MISS KATI DARK....FROM CHILE (Anonymous) - Monday, April 5, 2004







Comment by miss kati dark!!.. from Chile ... :) (Anonymous) - Thursday, May 20, 2004
Hello Brother!!
Para mi helloween es lo maximo.. no existe nada mejor que ANDI DERIS!!...
is mi amor··

Comment by Reddamaster (Anonymous) - Monday, December 27, 2004
I'm really surprised after I read this review. :(
I think this is a very good album. Ok, the intro could be shorter, but you can skip it..
I'm a fan of Evanescence and Nightwish, and I think this music is really different.
It's not a must to use "opera style" singer in every band.
Sorry for My bad english.

Comment by alli (Anonymous) - Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Comment by jon (Anonymous) - Friday, June 24, 2005
this album gets a 9 this is the best album ever out and the solos are crazy. whoever wrote the review doesnt appreciate amazing guitarists. the solos make the cd 10 times better and shows the amazing musical ability of sam and herman.

Comment by THAT GUY (Anonymous) - Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Tim "Ripper" Owens is and always will be a replacement singer for Barlow, and a bad one at that. His voice is not dark enough to carry the band's intensity correctly like Barlow once did. This CD reminds me of moldy cheese. Especially when comparing to their past works, this just does not cut it. Songs such as "When the Eagle Cries" are especially hard to sit through. I think we've heard enough 9/11 songs already, thank you. This CD is uncool, and it wrecks the whole image of the band post 2003. Jon Schaffer should be ashamed, because he was hyping this album to be the "Killerest thing ever" - it fails in every aspect. With Tim Ownes, it seems worse and slower, I might add, guitar riffs and lame lyrics that make me want to cast the CD into the corner of shame, which I might add, I did promptly after a couple of listens through. The only redeeming quality of this CD was "Hold at all cost" and that isnt even nearly enough to say that the album is salvagable. A sheer disappointment, I can only hope Tim Owens does not return for a second round, or that Iced Earth stops now before it gets worse.

Long live Matthew Barlow!!!!!!!!!

Comment by Robert (Anonymous) - Saturday, July 15, 2006
Looking for information and found it at this great site...

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Friday, October 17, 2008
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The masterpiece of Kamelot with a wrong sequel"The Black Halo"that reminds to"Highlander II".
The Last Real Kamelot Album.



Posted by Gabriel
Friday, October 17, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Friday, October 17, 2008
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"Epica" KAMELOTThe masterpiece of Kamelot with a wrong sequel"The Black Halo"that reminds to"Highlander II".
The Last Real Kamelot Album.



Posted by Gabriel
Friday, October 17, 2008

Comment by Brian (Staff) - Friday, October 17, 2008
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But 'The Fourth Legacy' and 'Karma' have got the best cover art.

Posted by Brian (Staff)
Friday, October 17, 2008

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Monday, October 20, 2008
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Oh yes, The Fourth Legacy does indeed have the best cover art! And its probably my favorite Kamelot album if you get *right down to it* (next to The Black Halo - which is absolutely incredible.)

Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Monday, October 20, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Monday, October 20, 2008
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A very strange album for me"The Black Halo":it's a great album(maybe a masterpiece of"Power/Gothic/Prog-Metal")but has some great lack in the Line of the Concept of"Epica"of don't sounds(like "Ghost Opera")like a Real Epic Album(Virgin Steele is the best Epic-Metal band of Metal History in my opinion:a really coeherent Progression).
Kamelot of today in my modest opinion is a band without Identity with professional mercenaries like Oliver Palotai(Glenn Barry i think thta's really tired of the actual line of the band)and a great budget,regular passages on Mtv,but without the Genuine Epic Feeling of early days.



Posted by Gabriel
Monday, October 20, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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Kamelot "The Black Halo"

5/10 like sequel of"Epica"
10/10 like quality of songs

"Epica is a phisical place that Ariel will visite in the second chapter of Epica"states Khan at the time of"Epica".
This promise is a lie in the storyline of "The Black Halo"because Ariel don't visite"a phisical place called Epica"in this amazing"muddle-headed"sequel.
We know that many people don't read with great attention lyrics and liner-notes of Metal Albums,but i am one that read with attention these parts of an album,in particular for Concepts-Albums like"Epica"and "The Black Halo"that have same the Story in their lyrics.
I waited a real and phisical "Adventure"in a place called "Epica"(in an album with a coherent title like"Epica Part II"or "Epica Part II(The Black Halo)"!Many people don't know that this album is a sequel of"Epica":a good expedient of Kamelot band to escape from their responsabilities to have explain the reasons of the Story of the album).
Why Ariel has Wings on the cover of"Epica"? I imagined that he flied in
"Epica"place in the second chapter or something like this,maybe meeting
the Spirit of Helena in the second chapter(Thomas at the times of"Epica":
"Helena will become an Angel in the "Epica II"that will reappear to Ariel"....maybe to guide Ariel to Epica place i think)
Why we have in the first chapter a Devil in woman semblances(with the voice of Khan)and a Male Character(with the vocals of Shagrath) in the second chapter(at the end of the story only a birthing of the sick mind of Ariel....a total incosistent explanation of the Devil Khan:this a Faustian/Mythological Epos,nor a confused movie like"Fight Club"(one of his favourite movie,a bad movie in my opinion)....we believe in a real existence of the Devil(if is a creation of Ariel why we have Shagrath?)until this ridicule end of the story,we remain confused and disappointed:Ariel is a Madman not an Hero,this is good for a Decadent Gothic Story,not for an Epic Story!)?

The thing very absurd is that "The Black Halo"is a masterpiece like"Power/Gothic/Prog-Album" with beautiful songs(a little bit better than Epica songs)and a real Art-Song like"Memento Mori".

I think that the only chance to Kamelot to fill the hole(a new name for the album:"The Black HOLE":-) )in the storyline of Epica Saga is created a new sequel,a real "Epica PART III"that could explain and explore new sides of the Story like the visit of Epica place(The Epic-Centre of the Universe):at this point of the Story we have Ariel and Helena dead....they could meet in the Beyond in the third chapter and finally visit Epica!
We have a song called"III Ways To Epica":we could have Three Chapters of Epica to have a real masterpiece!!!

But maybe Kamelot need some change in the line-up(to be honest:Khan is a fantastic singer,one of the best singers of Metal History,but is not a real Epic Singer and(the Real)Kamelot is an Epic band! )....

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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Virgin Steele "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Part I and Part II"


I consider this fantastic double concepts(not a unique story like "Invictus",a real "Spin-Out"or if you prefer "Spin-Off"of the Marriage Saga)one of the Peaks of the (Golden)-Metal History together with "Operation:Mindcrime"(the second chapter is good but inferior to the first part,anyway a real sequel,not like "The Black Halo",undervalued and sequel of "Epica"of Kamelot:i've express largely my opinion about this concept),"Brave New World"of Iron Maiden and "Headless Cross"and"Heaven and Hell"of Black Sabbath.
David DeFeis and Edward Pursino evolves the sound of"Noble Savage"(Savage Cult Album of the True Epic-Metal)into a dynamic,inspiring,energetic,powerful,articulated Epic-Metal full of Carnal Mysticism,Sweeping Enthusiasm,Human Divine Vision and Blakian/Wagnerian Grandeur.
This is the"State of Art of Epic-Metal",in my Vision the "Nobility of Golden-Metal",where Metal becomes Real,Pure Gold.
"Invictus"is the natural and "tigerish"evolution of this Monument of Metal Art and reaches new peaks of extraordinaire Barbaric-Romantic Metal Expression and the other albums explore new excting frontiers and territories of Dramatic,Cinematic and Visionary Epic-Metal(like the last superbe"Visions of Eden").

Long Live to Virgin Steele and the True Epic-Metal!

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Friday, October 24, 2008
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Kamelot "Epica"

(Full Review)
I confirm that this album is the real masterpiece of Kamelot and for me the last real album in the true Kamelot Spirit(is the last album with Noise/Sanctuary:a case? I don't know).
I like the actual Kamelot,but for me could change the name of the band,because there's no more the Genuine Epic Feeling of the early days.
"The Black Halo"is the first album that betray this feeling and betray the original concept of "Epica".
This is a real Magic Album,every song is full of mystical atmosphere,sense of adventure into the Mystery,poetical passages and concepts,total Romanticism in the vein of "Sturm und Drang"(Faustian Spirit),from "Center of the Universe"to"III Ways to Epica","Epica"is an amazing Voyage into the Unknown in the Search of the Holy Grail,a Quest of the Ultimate Truth that don't find a satisfying answer in the sequel"The Black Halo"(i have explained largely the reasons of the confusion that creates in the plot of the story this album:another mystery is the lack of an epilogue,beacuse we have in "Epica" a prologue:the song"Epilogue",japanese bonus-track of the album,is untied to the concept).
When you listen"Epica"a new World appears in front of you:i think that the Art is more great than the Artist and Kamelot of today has lost the gift to create a Real Special Epic Art,they have changed the True Epic Spirit if Kamelot in a Gothic and Decadent Spirit that i like but i want another style and another Vision from a band called"Kamelot".

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Friday, October 24, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Friday, October 24, 2008
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Kamelot"Ghost Opera"

4/10 like"Epic Album"
9/10 like "Gothic Album"

This album is more controversial than "The Black Halo"and for me is the definitive death of True Epic Style of a band called"Kamelot"(actually i think that their name could it be Phantoms of the Opera or something like that)at the moment(everything can change).
Like Gothic Album is great,i think that usual gothic bands are not at this level,but if i think that this is the band of masterpieces like"Epica"and"Karma"or the True Epic Album like "The Fourth Legacy","Siege Perilous","Dominion"and"Eternity"i don't understand why their name today is Kamelot!
Great production,many videos on Mtv and many sales are not a good excuse to betray the Original Concept of the band.
In my modest opinion this the worst album of Kamelot(and the best of"Phantoms of the Opera";-) )and its ridiculous that we have two(identical)versions (a total commercial operation)of the album with the infamous"Second Coming".
The only real Epic Song is"Up trough the Ashes"about Christ and Pilat,but the rest is the best of a "great"Gothic Band(except for the very emotional and intimate song"Anthem":no words for the Beauty of thsi Song).

Kamelot need a Regenaration and a Rebirth of their Lost Identity.

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Friday, October 24, 2008

Comment by Brian (Staff) - Friday, October 24, 2008
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For me 'The Black Halo' was a True Epic album. All hail Kamelot.
It had all the right ingredients. It was true (so I'm told) and it was an, er...epic album.
But maybe they should change their name to Spamelot, as the music is getting meatier with every new release.
What do you think?

Posted by Brian (Staff)
Friday, October 24, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Saturday, October 25, 2008
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I think that "The Black Halo"is controversial and don't has a Real Epic Attitude,but is a great album,but not adapted to a band called Kamelot,maybe is more a Symphonic Version of Conception.
Honestly i think that Roy is a singer more adapted to Conception than thsi band.


Posted by Gabriel
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Sunday, October 26, 2008
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Don't you think there are ENOUGH "true epic metal bands" that are playing the *ahem* "true" style ALREADY? Yes, I think so. Quite. Which is why I personally applaud Kamelot for doing something *different*.
Different is good.
There's enough other bands doing the "epic true" thing already.

And if you get right down to it, they have not been the same since the 90s. The first three albums had a signature sound of their own (well, it sounded like Crimson Glory to be honest) and many people were upset over the personelle and style change for "Siege Perilous", and you see how that turned out... (the awesome "The Fourth Legacy" and "Black Halo" and all the others).


Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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I'm a real lover of "Special Epic-Metal"of bands like Virgin Steele and early Kamelot(until"Epica"),for the best example of "Evolutionary Epic-Metal",but actually i prefer Virgin Steele because they have kept the Original Concept and Epic style of the first albums with a costant Progression(the early Virgin Steele are very different from the VS of today,but in a better way)and "Visions of Eden"is a real Epic Album with many"different"influences(from Gothic to Progressive,from Soundtracks to Classical and Jazz Music).
"The Balck Halo"and"Ghost Opera"are fantastic albums,i really like because i love the music of Roy,Thomas and company,but they have lost the"Epic Feeling"of the other albums.
I don't really like the first two albums with Mark,but there's a real Epic Feeling.
I think that they have evolved the style until"Epica"and actually are in "twilight zone"or in a"limbo"where maybe they could recover the original style or lose it definitely.

I like the details that create the"differences"and the Evolution of a band,but for me is fundamental to have a coherent style.

The Future will speak!

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Comment by Gabriel (Member) - Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Kamelot "Karma"


After "Epica" i think that this is the best album of Kamelot with a fantastic perfomance of all members,expecially about the norvegian and talentuos singer Roy Khan.
The songs are Epic,Theatrical(the Trilogy "Elizabeth"witha Gothic flavour close to the actual style of the band),Dramatic witha powerful and at the same time delicate sound.
It's the natural evolution of the fundamental "The Fourth Legacy"(more Power Oriented)and an anticipation of the future and more theatrical style of the band(again the Suite of"Elizabeth"is a clear testimony).
"Regalis Apertura"and"Forever"are a fantastic intro to the Mystical,Magical and Mythical World of"Karma" with a Griegian(norvegian composer of classical-music) citation in the main theme of "Forever".
The title-track has a signature in 5/4(like"III Ways of Epica"and"The Black Halo")that gives a progressive nature to the song.
"Across the Highlands"and"Wings of Despair"are very similar,but the first is a clear tribute to the Myth of"Highlander"(the movies and the series)with a reflexion about the Damnation of Immortality more close to"Nosferatu".
THe Quest of Immortality(or Immortal Youth)returns to the masterpiece of the album,the tragic and diabolical(but with a redemptive outro,very different from any version of the Myth of other bands like Cradle of Filth,Bathory,Venom etc)Trilogy of"Elizabeth"that anticipates the superb and unexcelled "Epica".

Great period of the band,full of Inspiration!

Antonio Giorgio.

Posted by Gabriel
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Friday, October 31, 2008
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See, here i would have to disagree because I feel that Virgin Steele peaked with Marriage of Heaven and Hell I and II has been sliding backward slowly ever since. That was DeFeis' magnum opus, and everything afterward, even though it was as you say "epic", lacked alot of the originality and fresh pulse point that those two discs achieved so flawlessly.
Then again my favorite VS record is "Life Among the Ruins" and I still keep hoping for a true sequel to that.

Being "Epic" doesn't make a good album. I could probably name two dozen albums that have an epic feel but are absolute garbage or redundant copies of other bands... but each to their own.

Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Friday, October 31, 2008

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