Nazareth - 2XS & Sound Elixir
The 80's were tough on Nazareth. Nazareth was labeled as a "has been" 70's band and never really got their feet down in the 80's. This double release from Salvo Records packs 2XS (1983) and Sound Elixir (1985) on one disc. This is probably two of the most underrated Nazareth albums and the albums suit each other being compiled back to back on the same disc.
Both albums are commercial and the aggressive guitars that drove songs like Razamanaz are gone in favor of clean guitars and synths. Even though Nazareth took a more commercial approach it is hard to blame them, since "2XS" spawned songs like Love Leads to Madness and Dream On - both songs probably written with American radio in mind. 
Since the two aforementioned songs became hits Nazareth was forced to write a follow-up. "Sound Elixir" is a diverse album and a bit different from previous Nazareth albums. The album tries to follow "2XS" but the music is affected by the turmoil in the Nazareth camp. The highlight of "Sound Elixir" is Whipping Boy . The album is pretty good but yet anonymous for a Nazareth album since it lacks highlights.
Neither "2Xs" or "Sound Elixir" are essential Nazareth albums but still worth exploring! Nazareth has written all songs on both albums, which is something rare for a band fond of playing cover versions.
This 2 LPs on 1 Disc is packaged in a stylish digipack. It has a 16-page booklet, which includes comprehensive notes by Joel McIver. Both albums are of course remastered - also "Sound Elixir" was never released in the UK, so this is a great opportunity to pick it up.

Written by Michael
Friday, May 6, 2011
Show all reviews by Michael


Michael: 6/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Review by Michael

Released by
Salvo Records - 2011

1. Love Leads To Madness (2XS)
2. Boys In The Band (2XS)
3. You Love Another (2XS)
4. Gatecrash (2XS)
5. Games (2XS)
6. Back To The Trenches (2XS)
7. Dream On (2XS)
8. Lonely In The Night (2XS)
9. Preservation (2XS)
10. Take The Rap (2XS)
11.Mexico (2XS)
12. All Night Radio (Sound Elixir)
13. Milk & Honey (Sound Elixir)
14. Whippin' Boy (Sound Elixir)
15. Rain On The Window (Sound Elixir)
16. Backroom Boys (Sound Elixir)
17. Why don't You Read The Book (Sound Elixir)
18. I Ran (Sound Elixir)
19. Rags To Riches (Sound Elixir)
20. Local Still (Sound Elixir)
21. Where Are You Now (Sound Elixir)

Commercial Nazareth

Related links
Visit the band page

Nazareth - Official Website

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Z supported shopping

1 - Horrifying
2 - Terrible
3 - Bad
4 - Below average
5 - Average
6 - Good
7 - Very good
8 - Outstanding
9 - Genius
10 - Masterpiece
666 - Unrated

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