Rhapsody (of Fire) - The Frozen Tears of Angels
Rhapsody are finally back! Free of Magic Circle Music after a legal case which effectively shut down the band for several years. The details of what has happened will likely be kept under wraps but the important thing is that Rhapsody have created an excellent comeback album. The inspirational fire that I found sorely lacking on Triumph or Agony is burning bright here.
Christopher Lee is back too... I shook my head in disbelief as he gloriously shouted on top of the opening orchestrated introduction "Here they are, here they remain. Mighty immortal warriors... Rhapsody!!!" A bit of cheese? It was only when this passage resurfaced later that I realized it was part of the promo copy protection. Phew... But just the fact that I was in doubt goes to show that after the floating head incident on their website and other comical mishaps, which incidentally all happened after their switch to Magic Circle Music, I never know what Rhapsody might try next. Fortunately the album is low on cheese and high on quality music. Rhapsody have found their way again and determinedly charged down the path of righteous symphonic metal.
Let's get the negative stuff out of the way first. The Lord of the Rings-inspired story still doesn't captivate me in any way. This is beginning to have a significant negative effect on my overall impression.
The second fatality of the album is the narration. Rhapsody are still a prime example of the narrator's curse. Rhapsody, oh great ones, please understand that you do not need narration. The music is perfectly able to speak for itself. The narration completely ruins the atmosphere, dumbs down the whole album and will make your listeners feel like idiots for listening to it. Seriously! Not even the great Christopher Lee narrates convincingly this time. I don't know who instructed him to read like this but it sounds completely off and is unintendedly comic. I could go on and on and ON about what is wrong with the idea of narration on an album and its execution here but I already wrote a whole article on the subject so I will just give one last advice: Rhapsody, loose the narration!
The above critical remarks are fortunately not enough to ruin a perfectly brilliant suite of music, not for me at least. Now on to the good stuff, the music!
Sea of Fate blasts open the album in a purely satisfying way and sends a fond thought back to "Flames of Revenge" from the debut in its opening moment. I love the way Fabio's vocal work carries the song through its chorus section as his voice rises like a wave over the music. The instrumental battle in the middle of the song is a welcome return to the Rhapsody style of yore.
Crystal Moonlight keeps up the pace and strengthens things further. Alex Holzwarth's drumming is as tight and competent as ever. The song varies in speed throughout and his nicely detailed drumming keeps its stride rolling back and forth in bursts of energy. Crystal Moonlight is one of the growers on the album.
Reign of Terror runs amok with screaming power vocals and speed beyond most of what Rhapsody have done in the past. Choirs add "oomph" and Fabio's vocals come fast and hard. Yet the song keeps its delicate melody in check and is overall very enjoyable.  
The album also has, now almost obligatory for a Rhapsody album, a "forest dance song" for lack of a better definition. Flute introduces a happy melody and I can only swing along as I imagine dressing up as a tree and having a feast in a nearby forest with a bunch of elves and hobbits. Happy times, but the song, sung in Italian, is the low point of the album for me and doesn't really bring anything interesting to the mix beside a folky vibe.
Raging Starfire speeds thing up again and is a convincing display of the return of the good old Rhapsody style. More speed, more power and more energy. Great stuff.
Lost in Cold Dreams is a solid power ballad. The chorus section is especially impressive as Fabio opens up his full register and sings in a powerful classical voice.
On The Way to Ainor is the pinnacle of the album and it shows that Rhapsody are as capable as ever to create stirring music. The song structure is well thought out and varies enough to stay interesting and keep growing for a long time. The song evolves slowly and peaks in one of those spellbinding choruses that is borderline magical and have become a Rhapsody trademark. It is a song that leaves me energized and ready to charge down towards any oncoming battle with high spirit and a carefree skip in my stride. It's happy metal to the extreme.
A 11 minute epic ends the album and makes way for a sequel. The song is sufficiently atmospheric and well structured to fill out the running time and doesn't feel overlong.
It sounds like Luca Turilli has rediscovered his guitar and thank god for that. The guitar work is up front and gives the album a metallic, neo-classical edge. Plenty of solos and details to enjoy and this is a huge step up since the last album. The production is great and the sound is sufficiently huge to give life to all the details in the songwriting. Great musicians all around.
Put very simply, I adore the music that Rhapsody have made but I groan their attempt to make their albums into something bigger than just music. Especially the later albums have proven beyond any discussion that the narration does not work convincingly. It takes something away from the music and gives the albums a comical edge which is such a shame when the music is a good as this and easily able to stand on its own. I will keep hoping that Rhapsody learn from their mistakes.
My hope is that Rhapsody will finish this story as quickly as possible and then leave the Enchanted Lands/Algalord Chronicles and narration behind, move on and get the rights to adapt the first Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy purely by music. Now that would fit perfectly with the concept of Rhapsody and they wouldn't have to spend time on coming up with a story themselves.
The fire of Rhapsody has reignited and it's a great feeling to have them back with renewed musical inspiration. The Symphonic Power Metal throne has been reclaimed. Nobody does this kind of music better.
The final score...
Hollywood Metal 1 - Film Score Metal 0

Written by Steen
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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Steen: 7.5/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Stuart (Staff) - Monday, May 3, 2010
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I didnt even bother listening to the last 2 Rhapsody albums after I heard they were in the same (dull) vain as Symphony pt 2.

Perhaps its time to rediscover them again!

Posted by Stuart (Staff)
Monday, May 3, 2010

Comment by Craig (Member) - Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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I've been looking forward to this since I heard Sea of Fate streaming a couple of months ago, the big guitar/keyboard battle gave me hope. I didn't listen to more than a couple of songs from Triumph or Agony and SOELII was a very big disappointment.

Its strange, a few years ago the idea of Rhapsody with a full orchestra was like a wet dream for me, now hearing they've toned it down a bit is what has me interested in this album.

Posted by Craig
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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I totally loved the music on Symphony Part 2 even if it was a less aggressive version of the band. The band and orchestra intertvined perfectly and I still feel it works extremely well. But Triumph and Agony took it too far and was a big disappointment to me. Frozen Tears is definitely a step to the right, a u-turn back towards the old style, and hooray for that.

Stuart: What are you on about? Which two albums after Symphony pt 2? I only know of Triumph or Agony being released after after Symphony pt 2. Tell me more about the secret Rhapsody album! Please!!! :)

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Comment by Stuart (Staff) - Thursday, May 6, 2010
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Remember when I told you posting news while hungover was a mistake? Turns out posting comments is too :)

Posted by Stuart (Staff)
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Sunday, May 9, 2010
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Haha! That's what I call a steep learning curve! :) I will try to keep you away from any kind of computers at Sweden Rock then.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Comment by MARIOS (Member) - Friday, June 11, 2010
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I believe that the half of "rhapsody" magic (or 40%) is the story and the all musical epic approach.Rhapsody of fire is not a "just music" band.
If you want something like that hear Grave digger (I love grave digger, but I just write and tell the difference).Some bands write music that you can close your eyes and travel with it or at the same time to "just" hear the music to have some good heavy metal time (or any music time).
Narrator is just perfect for Rhapsody (this is my oppinion and I believe and the most of the rhapsody fans).
If you have problem with this you can hear Domine (I loved them too).

Everyone has to respect the musicians and to receive what they create as it is, if you don't like it don't try or ask to change it.Just, don't hear it.Musicians and bands are not stupid, they do what they do because they like it and love it, and we know that rhapsody surelly do that through all these years.

By the way triumph or agony was a great change and a great add to the rhapsody discography.Each rhapsody album has smething different (in their style) and we have to appreciate that.

Best regards
Marios Christakis

Posted by MARIOS
Friday, June 11, 2010

Review by Steen

Released by
Nuclear Blast - 2010

1. Dark Frozen World
2. Sea of Fate
3. Crystal Moonlight
4. Reign of Terror
5. Danza Di Fuoco E Ghiaccio
6. Raging Starfire
7. Lost In Cold Dreams
8. On the Way to Ainor
9. The Frozen Tears of Angels

Symphonic Power Metal

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