The 13 years of silence is broken.
Nasty Idols is back with the first release on the Scandinavian market since the year 1993. "The Swedish Sleaze collection" is a best of CD with main emphasis on songs from "Cruel Intention" from 1991 and "Vicious" from 1993. There are also 3 tracks from "Heroes for Sale", which was recorded in 1995 but first saw the light of day in 2002 on Perris Records. Songs from
Nasty Idols 1989 debut "Gigolos on Parade" are left out.
All the tracks are re-mastered and packaged in a very appetizing way with sleeve notes from lead singer Andy Pierce and never seen before pictures.
The material on "The Swedish Sleaze collection" is top class and proves that the band had the ammunition to make it big. The song material certainly justifies the up-coming re-union of the band. Basically this is great ass kicking sleazy Glam Hard Rock in the 80/early nineties vein.
Andy Pierce himself describes "Cruel Intention" as the best album
Nasty Idols made and with 7 tracks the album also provides the majority of songs to this collection.
The way ya´ walk describes everything about
Nasty Idols with crunchy guitars from the brilliant Pete Espinoza and Pierce's raw sleazy voice up-front.
Alive N' Kickin is another standout track, where yours truly is astonished that I didn't discover this band at least 15 years ago.
Nasty Idols definitely puts their lack of worldwide popularity to shame with a very strong batch of songs not far from
Mötley Crüe quality wise.
The "Cruel Intention" songs feature a toned down keyboard, which got skipped on the "Vicious" album, where
Nasty Idols took a darker approach. However,
Dance of the Wicked rocks big time and "Vicious" also delivers two of this collection's best songs.
Do You Want another is a shining in your face rocker with a great bridge that leads to the sing-a long party chorus.
No Time is an acoustic driven ballad with a
Cinderella cowboy feel to it. The stripped back arrangement underlines Andy Pierce's skills as a great songwriter.
The quality is lowered a bit on the "Heroes for Sale" songs with the exception of
Shelia. Pierce vocals holds much attitude and the bands sparkles on
Sheila despite some line changes with Andy Pierce and bassist Dick Qwarfort as the only original members left.
The production on all albums is great and the re-mastering certainly helps fueling the songs.
The label Swedmetal Records is to re-release "Cruel Intention", "Vicious" and "Heroes for Sale" in re-mastered versions with the original artwork and tracklist. I will get into more detailed description on the songs, when those CD's are out - so expect reviews of all 3 reissues. You can also look forward to a report from
Nasty Idols re-union gig at this years Sweden Rock festival and hopefully an interview in the near future.
2006 - the year of
Nasty Idols?
Written by
Michael Sunday, March 12, 2006
Show all reviews by MichaelRatingsMichael: 7.5/10Members: No members have rated this album yet.
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