Accept - Objection Overruled
If it was the bands intention to create an album that would do justice to a loud statement going something like "We're back and we're gonna kick your ass" they surely succeeded, fact is that Accept's comeback album contains a tremendous hard-hitting impact that takes no prisoners.
After being apart for some years, 1993 was apparently the right time to reunite some of classic Metal's biggest names, Udo Dirksneider, Wolf Hoffmann, Peter Baltes and Stefan Kaufmann.
I think they did a tremendous job, it's always difficult coming around the second time to make an album, there exists a fine balance between keeping the roots and sounding refreshing, this release is a shining example of how it can be done.

The title track opens the show in the traditional fast and hard pounding Accept manner, added huge chorus parts, wildly played solos and piercing vocals, well now we are at least warned.

Next up is one of my personal favourites in I Don't Wanna Be Like You, that has something to do with its ultra groovy foundation coming from tight bass lines and powerful drum fills. The lyric is also amazingly cool and the huge break coming with the line The ordinary way of life ain't for me, I do what I want and I wanna be free is immensely memorable.
The lyrics are generally very interesting and balanced between different topics like solidarity, justice and just having a good time in opposition to the likes of loneliness, terror and betrayal.

Protectors Of Terror is one of the tracks that have grown the most with time, a mid-tempo rocker that shows many details with a closer listening. An apocalyptic mood is painted with a raw and bombastic brush.

Two of the most important Accept forces are Udo's brilliant vocals and Wolf's spectacular guitar work and Objection Overruled is filled to the breaking point. Slaves To Metal is a fine example with its fantastic guitar riffing and Udo's incredible forceful vocal performance.

All Or Nothing goes into the category of "Best Metal Hymns", that chorus line is just so damn catchy. In general the song has an astonishing positive energy that is extremely infectious on your mood, the soaring guitar solo spot gives it a whole new dimension, this is what I would call a perfect composition.

A hard rocking direction is explored with the heavy and groovy Bulletproof spiced with yet another technical guitar solo passage, the structure could have been more exciting but it holds things tightly together.

In between all the madness we find a pleasant and wonderful ballad in Amamos La Vida. This song represents one of the biggest reasons why I hold Wolf as one of the best guitarist of all time, his ability to mix acoustic themes, driving hooks, catchy licks and utterly melodic solos in such a fantastic manner is simply pure brilliance.

The rather extreme Sick, Dirty And Mean lays down an aggressive and hard-hitting style incorporating some very powerful drumming, one of their hardest songs but intelligently put together.

Donation can to a certain degree be compared with AC/DC, a cool melodic rocker with huge background chorus support and a down to earth solo.
Adding another type of song to the list is the instrumental Just By My Own, being an experimental guitar leading creation that never looses the harmonious thin tread.

This One's For You ends the album with an up-tempo onslaught of double bass drumming, striking vocals, intense bass passages and some very energised soloing ending with a cool melodic twist.

After these 11 songs I haven't really found anything wrong with this album, every song just seems to fit natural into the picture. The performance is nothing less than excellent, the guitar is the main creative instrument but that doesn't deprive the drumming and bass playing for being smart and very solid.

The production is raw and kept fairly simple, matching the musical hardness very well.

A collection of some of their most diverse and best songs, positively speaking this album is indeed sick, dirty and mean.

Written by Tommy
Saturday, November 6, 2004
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Tommy: 9/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Mads J. (Anonymous) - Thursday, November 11, 2004
This is, by all means, an incredible album, no question 'bout that. That said, I must admit that it's also one of the albums I favour least compared to Accept's true masterpieces.

Surely a very strong comeback album, with lots of killer tracks, especially Bullet Proof, Sick, Dirty and Mean, I Don't Wanna Be Like You and ofcourse the mighty anthem All Or Nothing. But the gerenal standard of the album is lower than many of the earlier albums: this being one of the few albums that actually have "album-fillers". Even Death Row, who followed this one, is to me a far more interesting album, with better and more mature songthemes, better musicianship and to put it short, better songs.

And as you say, the production is simple, perhaps it's too simple. The rawness created by this gives the album a cool edge, but I generally miss some more depth in some of the songs.

Not an album I would be without, but not one of their most classical.

But then again, guess we'll have plenty of time to disguss this before next year's Sweden Rock and Wacken Open Air. It's going to be nothing but pure magic when these guys hits the stage once again, finally getting the chance to proove that they are to be counted with as one of the true masters of metal.

Comment by Tommy (Member) - Thursday, November 11, 2004
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Hey Mads J.

Thanks for the comment; I found out a long time ago that my favourite Accept albums (Russian Roulette, Objection Overruled and Breaker) perhaps are odd choices for many other fans :)
Death Row and Predator are both very good albums, but I must say that I think they are the newer Accept albums that can be accused of having some songs that lack a bit behind the generally high standard connected with this band.
Objection Overruled has a raw, direct and "in the flesh" vibe that hits harder than ever, I more or less like everything about this release and to me it's already a "new" classic.
I guess we'll have to have a thorough discussion about this wonderful band on Saturday, while Steen's in the kitchen making "knoglegryde" and mixing those infamous green drinks :)

By the way, have you figured out a favourite set list for the summer shows?

RevelationZ Magazine

Posted by Tommy
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Comment by Christopher (Anonymous) - Thursday, November 11, 2004
I agree with the review. This is my favorite Accept album. It's very consistent from start to finish.

However, I respectfully disagree that Predator is a good album. Maybe it is the way the album was mixed. To my ears it sounds almost like a pop album instead of a metal album. Maybe it was their "Turbo" album.

Comment by Mads J. (Anonymous) - Thursday, November 11, 2004
I agree with Russian Roulette and Breaker - awesome albums. About Predator as well, but there's no fillers on Death Row!!! :)

Regarding saturday all I can say is that: You're on...

Fave setlist - it's gonna take a while, but it'll compose one shortly.

Take care

Comment by Mads J. (Anonymous) - Thursday, November 11, 2004
1. Breaker (nothing but classics)
2. Restless And Wild (goes for this one as well)
3. Russian Roulette (incredible lyrics)
4. Eat The Heat (people will hate me for this, but it's the most underrated accept album ever. Reece's vocals are amazing!)
5. Balls To The Wall (some days would rate as no. 1)
6. Metal Heart (the sound has never offered this masterpiece justice)
7. Death Row (complete album, that just miss the feel the 80's albums had)
8. Objection Overruled
9. I'm A Rebel (lacks some power)
10. Predator (a couple of cool songs, but not good enough)
11. Accept (too thin sound)

1. Metal Heart
2. Starlight
3. Screaming For A Love Bite
4. Run Through The Night
5. Aiming High
6. All Or Nothing
7. T.V. War
8. Russian Roulette
9. Head Over Heels
10. Feelings
11. X-T-C
12. Hellhammer
13. Princess Of The Dawn
14. Midnight Highway
15. Sodom & Gomorra
16. Writing On The Wall
17. Neon Nights
18. Fast As A Shark
19. Restless And Wild
20. I'm A Rebel
21. Balls To The Wall
22. Bound To Fail

Haha, nothing wrong with dreams! :)

Comment by Tommy (Member) - Friday, November 12, 2004
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Nice work Mads :)

In my opinion Eat The Heat is a decent album that just lacks some real thrilling songs, but hey they have never put out an album I didn't like.

About the favourite setlist I think that's extremely hard, but here's a try:

1. Restless And Wild
2. I Don't Wanna Be Like You
3. Breaker
4. It's Hard To Find A Way
5. Burning
6. Donation
7. Fast As A Shark
8. Hard Attack
9. Losing More Than You Ever Had
10. Midnight Mover
11. Stand 4 What U R
12. Bad Habits Die Hard
13. Screaming For A Love Bite
14. Monsterman
15. Seawinds
16. Aiming High
17. China Lady
18. Metal Heart
19. Heaven Is Hell
20. Run Through The Night
21. Winter Dreams
22. Balls To The Wall
23. All Or Nothing
24. Midnight Highway

See you Saturday

RevelationZ Magazine

Posted by Tommy
Friday, November 12, 2004

Comment by RockTrain (Member) - Wednesday, March 19, 2008
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They are jus amazing, and I also love Wolf Hoffmann's "Classical" Good Stuff!

Posted by RockTrain
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Comment by Rich (Member) - Monday, May 11, 2009
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Tommy, you are spot on! Objection Overruled is a tremendous album and my favourite Accept album by miles!
Wolf's guitar work on the album is outstanding- anyone who plays needs to hear this record it's unbelievably good!
The band are all fond of this album too, I've heard Udo speak very highly of Objection on a number of occaisions....
The heavy tracks are amazing - this ones for you, sick dirty &mean, objection overruled - the band has never sounded better. The metal riffs on I don't wanna be like you, slaves to metal and bulletproof are top drawer and when they take their foot off the gas on Amamos la vida and just by my own the results are equally impressive.

Love this album!

My other favourites are Breaker, Restless and Wild and Russina Roulette, but of course there are tracks on Balls to the Wall and Metal Heart that are outstanding too.

Like the fantast setlist guys......but where is losers and winners?!? I love that track!!!

Posted by Rich
Monday, May 11, 2009

Comment by gizmo (Member) - Thursday, May 14, 2009
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Maybe the best comeback album of all times

and this just shows that they should have never been apart, just think of the great albums they could have done between Russian roulette and Objection overruled. Not that Eat the heat were a bad album there´s actually some pretty good tracks on but Reece´s vocal does´nt fit the sound of Accept.

But unlike others I don´t have high reguards for Death row, there´s a lot of fillers on that album and Predator is even more bad. Wolf commented that Udo did´nt have the heart with him on that album and the band were very unsatisfied with the album and i think you can hear it.

Best accept album would be

1. Balls to the wall
2. Russian roulette
3. Objection overruled
4. Metal heart
5. Restless and wild
6. Eat the heat (would have been higher with UDO on vocals)
7. Breaker
8. Death row.
9. Predator
10. Im´a rebel
11 .Accept

Posted by gizmo
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Comment by VeX (Member) - Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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My favorite Accept album is "Eat The Heat" with David Reece on vocals. His vocals are extremely powerful, melodic and with great control. No disrespect to the UDO material "Eat The Heat" is just my personal fav.

Posted by VeX
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Comment by gizmo (Member) - Thursday, May 28, 2009
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Seems that Accept have reunited with former TTquick vocalist Mark Tornillo.

Wonder what that´s gonna sound like, my expectations ain´t high

Posted by gizmo
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Comment by Rich (Member) - Friday, July 31, 2009
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I wish every metal fan in the world had a copy of Objection Overruled! Its such a fantastic album and criminally overlooked....although its great to play it to metal fans who've never heard it and see how blown away they are!

Wolf is a legend!

I need to compile my fantasy set list, but it would definitely include:

Aiming High
This ones for you
Losers and Winners
Restless and Wild
Fight it back
I don't wanna be like you
Love Child
Fast as a Shark
Princess of the Dawn
Run if you can
Livin for tonight
Down and Out
Thunder and Lightning
Neon Nights
D Train
Objection Overruled this is hard!!!

Posted by Rich
Friday, July 31, 2009

Review by Tommy

Released by
BMG - 1993

1. Objection Overruled
2. I Don't Wanna Be Like You
3. Protectors Of Terror
4. Slaves To Metal
5. All Or Nothing
6. Bulletproof
7. Amamos La Vida
8. Sick, Dirty And Mean
9. Donation
10. Just By My Own
11. This One's For You

Heavy Metal

Related links
Visit the band page

Accept - Official Website

Other articles
Russian Roulette - (Tommy)

Balls to the Wall - Remastered - (Hashman)

Restless & Wild - (Nina)

Blood Of The Nations - (Stuart)

Balls To The Wall (2002 Remaster) - (Steen)

Russian Roulette (2002 Remaster) - (Steen)

Blood Of The Nations - (Steen)

Blood of the Nations - (Steen)

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