Events and Reports - Shaman - Live with Shadowside - 30th November 2002, A.V.A. Club - S. J. do Rio Preto City - Brazil
Written by Rafael

It´s always a blessing to visit the interior of the state of Sao Paulo, but when the reason of the visit is a metal gig, then it becomes a celebration! Having so much difficulty to acquire cds and having almost chance zero of seeing their favorite metal bands in a live concert, when it becomes reality, the audience is so passionate and furious that the fans turn to be truly part of the show. Thanx to Radio Conexao FM, that already brought Angra and Eterna to Rio Preto, for feeding the metal appetite of the local headbangers. Also thanx, for not only bringing them, but giving good conditions to specialized press, and the most important thing, a good sound quality, lights and stage set.

This time, the A.V.A. Club was the meeting point of two great brazilian bands: the up coming band from Santos, Shadowside and the mighty Shaman of Andre Matos (ex-Angra). People from all over the north of the state, from neighbor cities; have traveled to attend this gig, at least 1500 people showed up, almost selling out the house. And if we consider the success of the event, we can expect more people to next concerts there. Let's see!

Successful, no better words can describe the result of Shadowside´s set. Not very known in this side of the state, the band, that already has played with Nightwish in Sao Paulo and have available a good debut EP, would have to show their attributes to gain the respect of an audience that had never seen them play before. While doing their sound check (long sound check, by the way) dubiousness was stamped in the impatient audience's face. With a female vocal, and somehow, a glam look (see pictures), people that never heard their sound, were expecting a band playing in the vein of all that 80´s hard rock hair- bands, what caused some protests even before these folks have played a single note. So when their show begins, the whole audience receives a good kick in the proverbial ass!!!

Playing a strong, mature, heavy and catchy power metal, sometimes falling into the direction of 80´s thrash, Shadowside almost stole the night from the main act Shaman. The vocalist Dani Nolden, although 20 years old, was singing like a veteran, with the audience in the palm of her hand, fact proven during the many sing along moments of songs that people never heard before. Damn Cool! Alternating songs from the band and covers, they played a very interesting set, high lights to the opener "Vampire Hunter", "Kingdom of Life", "Shadowside", and the kick ass ending with the born-classic "Illusions". Also were played good versions of Gamma Ray´s "Land of the Free", Helloween´s "Future World" and "Steel Tormentor", and Dio´s "Rainbow in the Dark". Be sure to check this brazilian promise at

So was time for the 5 shamans to start their ritual. And the audience yet astonished by Shadowside´s set, carried on the madness following Maestro Andre Matos since the beginning with "Here I am". Playing the whole new album, alternated with some songs from Angra they played almost the same set list of their concert in Sao Paulo, except "Paranoid" and "Ace of Spades" covers. Here I could see a band a lot more relaxed and enjoying themselves more than ever. Andre, was talking a lot, doing lots of jokes and never getting tired of praising the loyalty and support of the fans in the country side of Sao Paulo. It was a big party in fact, with Hugo and Andre filming many moments of the concert with a digital camera and playing jokes with each other. The high lights of their set: "Distant Thunder", "Over your head", "Lisbon", "Living for the night" (This one bringing tears to old school metallers) and the memorable duet with Andre and Dani (Voice of Thunder) Nolden singing in Andre´s words "his favorite lullaby", "Painkiller" from Judas fucking Priest!

Written by Rafael
Friday, October 10, 2003

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Costabile (Anonymous) - Sunday, November 9, 2003
Thanks for the great comments
Press Agent Shadowside

Comment by lereto (Anonymous) - Wednesday, December 20, 2006
genial banda


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