Staff page - Rafael

Rafael is no longer part of the RevelationZ staff. As long as his articles are available on the site, this page will be here.

Hello you maniac metal heads from everywhere!

My name is Rafael Caputo and I write you this message from a place called Sao Paulo (southeast Brazil), where I live and share with other 16 million people, its frantic and chaotic traffic, but also some wonders that I couldn't find anywhere in this country but here, as a shopping center specialized in heavy music and underground culture (Galeria do Rock), the best restaurants, the best concerts, the best bars and where the best football team (I mean soccer team, Americans) of the universe and all others dimensions, space and time, has its home. This team is called Sao Paulo F. C.

A few words about me:

I am 23 years old, work with Sellings Administration in a big company of the food industry and I am currently in my last year of Business Administration School. This is the boring part of my life.

Although, these activities take almost 100% of my time as you may guess, I still can find somehow, ways to escape from this routine and do the stuff that I really love, which is writing chronicles and poisoned poems. They are pretty bad, but there are some lunatics like this one who write these lines, that can find some interest in reading them. ;)

Beside this, of course I also love reading. Let me name a few of my favorite authors: William Blake, Edgar Allan Poe, Machado de Assis, Fernando Pessoa, J. Benitez, Julio Verne, Nabokov, Gabriel Garcia Marques and so many others!!!

I am a very instable person that can have his introspective quiet moments, but can also be the loudest geezer in a chat about football with friends in a table surrounded by 20 empty bottles of beer. People that don't know me, in a first impression, tend to misunderstand my personality, but those who gave me a second chance and tried to know at least a part of the madhouse that is my mind, became more than friends but brothers of a life time. They say I am a little bit strange, but behind all my manias, there is a good old metallic heart, that would stand against everything to defend his true friends. In fact I give a lot of importance to something called loyalty and I never forget a gest of brotherhood. On the other hand, I don´t forget neither a gest of falseness of a backstabber.

Things that I enjoy to do in this city when I have free time to go out:
Watching movies. From the silliest Block Buster of Hollywood to the obscurest Iranian movie about a kid who lost his shoes.
Supporting the all mighty Sao Paulo to kick the proverbial asses of any other Brazilian club, in our domain named Morumbi Stadium.
Visiting the "Galeria do Rock" (read above) even when I leave there more than a half of my salary.
Drinking all that has to be drunk in a nice party with friends, or in the cheapest bar in town, or even better, sharing a bottle of wine with my girlfriend. ;)
Drifting away in downtown around the thousands of fairies of handmade art and street music, eventually more at Sundays.
Stuff like that.

Musical Taste:
I am a fan of the classic bands: Rainbow, Purple, Zeppelin and Sabbath. But my favorite band of all times came a bit later, in the late 70´s, when 5 english dudes started to scare the hell out of all those disco freaks, and megalomaniac bands that were infesting the Earth around that time. The Iron Maiden.. They changed the heavy music, period.
In the early 90´s, when I was like 13, maybe 12 years old, my cousin introduced me a tape with the full Live After Death album recorded. And my life turned around 180º, thank God!
And thanx, cousin!
Today 10 years later, I can say I listen to every genre of rock music, from the good old blues to black and death metal, visiting progressive, hard rock and even punk rock. My favorite bands, to name a few ones: AC/DC, Angra, Viper, Savatage, Testament, Over kill, Grave Digger, Motorhead, Morbid Angel, Six Feet Under, Carcass, Blind Guardian, In Flames, Soilwork, Cradle of Filth, Children of Bodon, Eterna, Soundgarden, Shaman, Vers´Over, Malmsteen, Dio, Elf, The Elves, Rage, Control Denied, Sentenced, Antrax and the list go on and on and on..


...I wanna thank you for reading this stupid profile until this point. I promise you that my biggest goal, in this honorable online magazine, shall be to bring you all the information, and honesty that I can. Along with the normal reviews and interviews, I shall bring you information about a lot of things that are going on at the brazilian underground scene that is becoming more and more solid each day.

Thank you again, and horns up!
Rafael "Lobotomy" Caputo

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by The Fat Friar (Anonymous) - Monday, September 29, 2003
Hey there Rafael, greetings and welcome aboard Steen's crazy train of metallic madness. I am one of Steen's demented musical scribes hailng from Nashville Tennessee. Look forward to reading your reviews and other ideas. SO....Ola from the Gordo Friar

Comment by Nina (Staff) - Tuesday, September 30, 2003
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Comments: 40
Hi Rafael!
Welcome to RevelationZ! I'm looking forward to read more from you, of course! Hail Heavy Metal!

Posted by Nina (Staff)
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Comment by Rafael Lobotomy (Anonymous) - Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Hey Gordo and Nina!!! Thanx for the welcome words!!! Feels good to be aboard of this "crazy train"! We will be reading more from each other!
For now, keep the HORNS UP!! \m/

Comment by Vasco Ribeiro (Anonymous) - Thursday, October 9, 2003
I confirmed that 1'am your friend, see? Just because I read all the above text you wrote!!!
Beeing serious about it, Rafa, you, with this, are the living prove that today's world have lesser borders, is one planet in fact (and should not be the rich people the only ones thinking this way), and, as well as the economy, the culture is universal.
Thank you for beeing part of this and sharing with us your enthusiasm and wit.
A big hug from Portugal.

Comment by Bailão (Anonymous) - Monday, January 12, 2004
Grande Rafa.



Comment by Makoto (Anonymous) - Friday, April 30, 2004

Comment by James Kim (Anonymous) - Friday, September 10, 2004
Hey! What's up?
You are wearing a T-shirt saying LG . . . haha!
that's funny because I'm Korean, and LG is a big conglomerate of my country . . . I like your nick name Lobotomy . . . It reminds me a song of the great Sepultura Hee Hee. Keep the fire burning, Man!

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