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Z Nickname: ProfessorShred

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Randy Rico


Comments: 16
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Ratings: 45
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Randy Rico

ProfessorShred's Ratings and Reviews

 Anubis Gate - The Detached
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

Man,I love this album.Haven't heard anything this unique and fresh in quite a while.

Original rating by Tommy: 7/10
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 Asia - Omega
ProfessorShred's Rating: 5.5/10

Only thing u need to know...

Original rating by Alanna: 6/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 7.5/10 - Link to review

 Cain's Offering - Gather The Faithful
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

I liked this album alot... not quite as much as Tommy,after a few listens I thought the 1st and last track(s) on the album were pretty weak,hence - 1 pt from Tommy's score.Still a ve3ry solid effort.

Original rating by Tommy: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
YNGWIEVIKING - 8.5/10 - Link to review
Steen - 7.5/10 - Link to review
Craig - 8/10 - Link to review
Dark Lord - 6.5/10 - Link to review

 Coldspell - Infinite Stargaze
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

ProfessorShred has not added a review.

Original rating by Alanna: 7/10
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bmoreoriolesfan - 10/10 - Link to review

 Conception - Flow
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

A highly enjoyable album Very much recommended!

Original rating by Alanna: 9/10
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 Crash the System - The Crowning
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7/10

A class effort,standout tracks for me were...Take a chance/without chances/Angel of my heart/all because of you .
The rest of the album was interesting,maybe will grow on me with repeated listening.

Original rating by Alanna: 8/10
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 Danger Danger - Revolve
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

Was an enjoyable listening experience,of particular note was Rob Marcello's lead guitar playing,just spectacular.

Original rating by Alanna: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Tommy - 8.5/10 - Link to review
guitarman - 9/10 - Link to review

 Derek Sherinian - Mythology
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

All of Derek's music is awesome,solo or Planet X, he always delivers the goods,wish he would have remained at the keys with Dream Theater,so much more of a melodic/creative force than Jordan Rudess will ever be...

Original rating by Hashman: 8/10
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 DGM - FrAme
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

Loads of Frenetic Energy from this band!The guitar/keyboard interplay couldn't have been tighter.Great stuff indeed.

Original rating by Steen: 7/10
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Other member ratings:
YNGWIEVIKING - 9/10 - Link to review
Little Drummer Boy - 7.5/10 - Link to review
Modulator - 9.5/10 - Link to review
Transcendence - 8/10 - Link to review

 Dream Theater - Awake
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

As fantastic a release aas this was,still prefered Images and Words, hell of an album,Kevin Moore has been sorely missed.

Original rating by Tommy: 9.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 9.5/10 - Link to review
Sandra - 10/10 - Link to review

 Dream Theater - Images And Words
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9.5/10

This was definately DT's Finest Hour,I remember geeting an early promo in 1991 and being totally blown away by their power,melody,and sheer brilliance.
Awake is a close 2nd,nothing they do now will probably ever touch the magic they had.

Original rating by Tommy: 9.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Sandra - 10/10 - Link to review
Steen - 9.5/10 - Link to review
Little Drummer Boy - 10/10 - Link to review
Dark Lord - 9.5/10 - Link to review

 Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos
ProfessorShred's Rating: 6/10

Great Musicians who make Tedious Music at best,if you really want to hear some memorable DT,go back and listen to Images and Words and Awake,after that they really dont have the magic anymore.

Original rating by Tommy: 8/10
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Other member ratings:
Craig - 6/10 - Link to review
Dark Lord - 8.5/10 - Link to review
juice307 - 9/10 - Link to review

 Eden's Curse - The Second Coming
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8.5/10

This is simply a great album, not to be missed...check it out!

Original rating by Tommy: 8/10
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 Europe - Last Look at Eden
ProfessorShred's Rating: 5/10

A total waste of space on my hard drive... I am being kind giving this album a 5 rating.

Original rating by Michael: 7.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Alanna - 4.5/10 - Link to review

 Evergrey - Monday Morning Apocalypse
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

These guys are masters of melodic metal...this is not my favorite Evergrey album either,but everyone of their albums are solid.Dare I say...they are even more talented than SymphonyX? Well,maybe I lost my head for a minute,but they are very close.

Original rating by Tommy: 8.5/10
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 Evergrey - Recreation Day
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

This is simply a fantastic album and I think it deserves a 9,In search of truth a 9.5. These guys are simply mindblowing.

Original rating by Yoni: 7.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 8/10 - Link to review

 Evergrey - The Inner Circle
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

Steens excellent review tells all,this is another spellbinding album,only thing that slightly annoyed was the almost constant narration.

Original rating by Steen: 8/10
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 Evergrey - Torn
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

I love Alanna's reviews,she has a very eloquent writing style and good taste in music too.
Anyways,this is my least favorite Evergrey album,much in the same way Paradise Lost is from SymphonyX. The trend seems to be more thrash,less melody in each of these releases.
It is my hope that both bands mentioned here come to their senses,and return to the style and musical direction found in their earlier works.They are both very talented mind blowing bands whose music has effected me profoundly.

Original rating by Alanna: 7.5/10
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 Fates Warning - Parallels
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8.5/10

I have some really fond memories in the early 90's timeframe one of them was listening to this Fates Warning Album over and over again
Classis stuff to be sure

Original rating by Steen: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Little Drummer Boy - 8/10 - Link to review

 Hello Madness - Light and Life After Dusk
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

Upon reading that there is no guitar on the album,didn't really think I would like it much,have listened to this album alot lately,and it is excellent and very satisfying to me.

Original rating by Steen: 7.5/10
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Other member ratings:
luka-bozic - 10/10 - Link to review

 Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9.5/10

This classic release will stand the test of time
The mighty Maiden's finest hour,along with Savatage's spectacular Hall of the Mountain King
2 of the best Rock albums of ALL TIME

Original rating by Tommy: 9/10
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Other member ratings:
Sandra - 9/10 - Link to review
notrap - 10/10 - Link to review
Dark Lord - 9/10 - Link to review
Steen - 8.5/10 - Link to review
LemmingDeMerciless - 9/10 - Link to review

 Jorn - The Gathering
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

1st off, let me say that it would be easy for a casual listener to mistake this as a David Coverdale album,there were moments I had to remind myself of this even knowing who it was .Since I am a big fan of Whitesnake it goes without saying I thought this album was fantastic.

Original rating by Alanna: 8.5/10
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 King Diamond - "Them"
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

Them is definately a classic K D album...must admit though I still think Abigail stands the test of time for Best King Diamond CD

Original rating by Tommy: 7.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 8.5/10 - Link to review
notrap - 7.5/10 - Link to review

 Lanfear - X To The Power Of Ten
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7/10

This is one of those albums that needs repeated listening to fully appreciate,I agree with Tommy Solid 7,also liked x to the power of 10 enough to seek out some of the bands earlier recordings.

Original rating by Tommy: 7/10
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 Lost Horizon - A Flame To The Ground Beneath
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

Initally,I commented on this album in June + Steen's review.Since then have listened more and the tracks have def grown on me,a rating of 8 was not enough,this is a great album!

Original rating by Tommy: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 9.5/10 - Link to review

 Mutiny Within - Mutiny Within
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

These guys have some serious chops and with a few tweaks/changes...LOTS of potential.

That said,I have never been a big fan of growling(except maybe King Diamond) other than that I was taken back after listening to this album,SOLID 7.5

Original rating by Alanna: 6/10
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 Pyramaze - Immortal
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

Great Songwriting/arrangements ,memorable performances ...Pyramaze is now one of my favorite bands,check them out!

Original rating by Steen: 7.5/10
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 Pyramaze - Melancholy beast
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8.5/10

Wow I loved this album from the very 1st time I listened to it. All the musicians are very talented and inspiring,Lance King was way more enjoyable to listen to than say,James Labrie. A great album!

Original rating by Steen: 7.5/10
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 Queensrÿche - American Soldier
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7/10

As much as I hate to agree with Brian on anything,well... this time I do.

Original rating by Brian: 7/10
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 Queensrÿche - The Warning
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

A classic album,and Take Hold of the Flame is one of my all time favorite Queensryche songs ,if you have never heard this album,it is a must have

Original rating by Steen: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
notrap - 6.5/10 - Link to review

 Redemption - Snowfall On Judgment Day
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8.5/10

Passionate performance,sterling vocals and great songwriting make for one very memorable album.
On a sidenote,ever notice how James Labrie always turns in a better performance on side projects/guest spot...than with his own band?

Original rating by Steen: 9/10
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Other member ratings:
Tommy - 8.5/10 - Link to review
Little Drummer Boy - 9/10 - Link to review
Dark Lord - 8.5/10 - Link to review

 Savatage - Edge Of Thorns
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

Great album...
Hall of the Mtn King still my Fav

Original rating by Tommy: 9.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 8/10 - Link to review
notrap - 8.5/10 - Link to review
Little Drummer Boy - 9/10 - Link to review

 Savatage - Hall of the mountain king
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9.5/10

This album is 22 yrs old...and is as powerful and fresh as the time it was recorded. By far my favorite Savatage effort.
If it had today's production quality,surely would rate a 10/10.

Original rating by Steen: 9/10
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Other member ratings:
YNGWIEVIKING - 10/10 - Link to review

 Star One - Victims Of The Modern Age
ProfessorShred's Rating: 6.5/10

ok this is my opinion...
the 1st Star One effort was a much more satisfying album over repeated listenings...I think the new cd is over rated
you guys/gals want to hear a really amazing prog/metal experience?
Check out the band Spheric Universe Experience,totally blows Arjen out of the water. They currently have 3 Albums available,shame that this website devoted to Prog and Metal Reviews doesn't even have any info about these guys, they are A W E S O M E

Original rating by Steen: 8/10
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Other member ratings:
Transcendence - 8/10 - Link to review

 Sun Caged - Artemisia
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

I love this album and play it often,I am aslo enamoured with Sun Cages newest release "the Lotus Effect"
With the exception of Redemption,These guys smoke everyone of the band's you named in the above review.

Original rating by Alanna: 7/10
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 Symphony X - Paradise Lost
ProfessorShred's Rating: 5.5/10

This is the weakest album from Symphony X including the 1st album without Rusell Allen...
I listened to Paradise Lost twice today,after not listening to it for about a year,the songwriting/lyrical content/and even playing is just not up to their usual sublime standard,when it came time to do another studio release sound s to me like they just half assed threw this release together without the heart and soul that made all the other albums shine like a multifaceted gem.
maybe the reason i am so critical of this cd is because I love all the oher recordings they have done SOOO much ,Paradise Lost is just a letdown
Better luck next time guys,hope you can give Evergrey's new release "Glorius Collision" a run for its money.

Original rating by Tommy: 8/10
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Other member ratings:
Transcendence - 9/10 - Link to review
Little Drummer Boy - 8/10 - Link to review

 Symphony X - The Damnation Game
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

Every Symphony X release(except the debut) is sheer genius in my opinion.Get them all they are destined to be classics!

Original rating by Tommy: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
YNGWIEVIKING - 9.5/10 - Link to review

 Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9.5/10

Totally agree with your thoughts here,fantastic memorable album that stands the test of time,as an aside let me say that all of you Symphony X fans MUST check out the band Evergrey as well , some of the best music of this genre on the planet.

Original rating by Yoni: 9.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Tommy - 9.5/10 - Link to review
YNGWIEVIKING - 10/10 - Link to review

 Symphony X - The Odyssey
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

This album marked a prelude of what was to come from Symphony X,Russel Allen has an exemplary set of pipes but on this release he was growling and much more aggressive than any other album previously in their catalog,without even previewing Paradise Lost,I knew some of the magic was going to be left behind.Please understand that I hold Odyssey in the highest regard,just felt like the band...Allen in particular was heading in the wrong direction,which after listening to Paradise Lost proved to be a correct assumption.
It is my hope now that quite a bit of time has past since Paradises's release,that Allen and the rest of the band realise what aspects made them so great and distinctive to begin with,and return to the songwriting/ performing that made their earlier works so moving.

Original rating by Tommy: 9.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 9/10 - Link to review
Sandra - 9.5/10 - Link to review

 The Murder of My Sweet - Divanity
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

Eloquent,even haunting it would seem...the more I listen to this album,the more it grows on me.Highly suggest you check it out.

Original rating by Alanna: 8/10
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Other member ratings:
Little Drummer Boy - 8/10 - Link to review

 Tony Harnell - Cinematic
ProfessorShred's Rating: 6/10

Your honeydripped review really made me want to check this out...
After listening to the 6 tracks here I have come to the conclusion your just twitterpated with Harnell,the material here just isn't that great

Original rating by Alanna: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
guitarman - 7.5/10 - Link to review

 Treat - Coup De Grace
ProfessorShred's Rating: 7.5/10

Inspired songwriting/super chops/great vocal delivery make for a satisfying listening experience. 7.5 for now...maybe will grow on me more with repeated listening.

Original rating by Tommy: 8.5/10
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Other member ratings:
Steen - 7.5/10 - Link to review

 Whitesnake - Good to Be Bad
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8/10

Yeah,I was pleasently surprised some time ago to find out Coverdale released a new cd with brand new material.The tracks presented here didnt grip me as much as the classic yrs stuff,guess that would be expected considering the caliber of songwriting and performance chops back then.Still ,for David's age,an amazing performance to be sure.

Original rating by Alanna: 8/10
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 Whitesnake - Whitesnake
ProfessorShred's Rating: 9/10

I am a huge Coverdale Fan and this album was/is one of my all time favorite recordings Nines all the way

Original rating by Alanna: 9/10
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Other member ratings:
Sandra - 9/10 - Link to review
Little Drummer Boy - 8/10 - Link to review

 Work Of Art - Artwork
ProfessorShred's Rating: 8.5/10

This is simply an excellent album,great songwriting/compositional skills,passionate performance makes for a really satisfying listening experience Nice review Brian!

Original rating by Brian: 8/10
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Other member ratings:
Tommy - 8.5/10 - Link to review
Dark Lord - 8/10 - Link to review
Little Drummer Boy - 8.5/10 - Link to review

Last profile update: Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Joined Sunday, May 17, 2009

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