Events and Reports - Insidiöus Törment - Release Party: "Live at die Budi Kate", Aarhus, Eforen - November 28th 2003
Written by Anders

10 months have passed since I interviewed spoof heavy metallers Insidiöus Törment in their rehearsal room here in Aarhus (check out the interview here). Recently we received an invitation to a party celebrating the release of their new live album "Live at die Budi Kate". The album was recorded when the band played together with Iron Maiden Jam and Björnocator in Aalborg earlier this year. This release party ended up being a rather crazy evening to say the least.

The party was set to start at 8 pm. but the press was invited to 7 pm. We arrived at Eforen, and some refreshments (read: "beer") were served. We started out by watching a clip from the concert the band played in "Universitetsparken". After we had watched the clip the band lined up for questions (wearing wigs and crazy costumes of course). The first thing that struck me was that the band seemed to have grown! I could count at least 2 more band members, and I remembered a quote from the interview I made: "I think we will be the first heavy metal big band in the world. We are even growing our own band members." I think I will leave it at that.

Anyway the band answered some questions about their new material and about the mysteries surrounding the members of Törment. The band has made 2 songs with a space theme, Space Marine Death Machine and Moon Trooper. I asked them how this should be seen in relation to their usual lyrical content. They explained that the band celebrates heroes no matter if they are in space or in mythology, and that the songs were part of their next album "Space Trilogy". I also asked the band what the meaning of the title of the new album was - this, however, they wouldn't answer. This question was apparently to be used in a competition later in the evening - a competition Steen ended up winning! He won a bottle of Jägermeister which just added to the craziness of this evening.

After the press thing, people started showing up. We went to the bar and bought the so-called "Metal Kit". The Metal Kit consisted of a large beer and the new album - all for the price of 60 DKR. Very reasonable I must say. Later that evening something very surreal happened, I spotted Bo Summer (vocalist of Illdisposed) - now who would have thought he was a Törment fan? You learn something new every day.

No release party without a performance by the band. The band had prepared an acoustic concert for the evening. But something was missing, there was no drum kit - I believe the excuse was that "someone forgot to bring it". Drummer Ronnie Gamboa had to improvise and he used a table and a beer container as drum kit. They played a couple of their instant sing-along friendly songs, and I must say Gamboa got the best out of that "drum kit". At this time Eforen was packed with people, and I think most people were having fun.

I think I'll censor out the rest of the evening, not least because it is all a bit foggy in my memory - I wonder why.

Check out the Insidiöus Törment's website if you want to know more about this crazy band. While you're there be sure to check out their "random heavy metal song title generator", it is pretty funny :-)

You can click the pictures for a bigger view.

Insidiöus Törment

A future Törment member?

Jake "The Scream" is unfortunately blocking the drumkit

The two new members were very active

Doing the Superman pose

The enthusiastic audience
Written by Anders
Monday, December 8, 2003

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by KillerS (Anonymous) - Tuesday, December 9, 2003
Great stuff... who's the chick with the blade?

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Tuesday, December 9, 2003
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Comments: 518
Ahh, that must be Marisol, the biggest Spanish Törment fan and great wielder of swords. She came all the way from Spain just for this release party!

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Tuesday, December 9, 2003

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