Beautiful Beast wants to take you back to 1989. Close you eyes and remember the magical year. Now open your eyes and look at the artwork.
Yes - we are nearly there.
Now put on the disc and you immediately sense that this music will bring you a good time.
Beautiful Beast is the brainchild of German born Julian
Angel and this is the second
Beautiful Beast effort titled "Adult Oriented Candy".
The album is supposed to act as the perfect mixtape to a party celebrating the good old times. Julian
Angel looks like something from 1989 meaning a cool look. The music is Hair metal much like Pretty Boy Floyd. The guitar sound is crunchy and perfect for this style.
The biggest surprise is the guitar work of Julian
Angel plus his vocals doesn't a "Klaus Meine" accent. "Adult Oriented Candy" is for the people who like simple Glam metal just listen to
Oh Valerie and
Ride with the Wild One.
Save my Heart is the obligatory power ballad and
Beautiful Beast sounds best when they slow it down a bit. The album highlight is the moody
Tokyo Nights driven by a magnetic riff that got me hooked right away.
Personally I am not totally convinced by Beautiful Beat, but the music gets you in a great mood. The 80's Glam Rock was about entertaining people and
Beautiful Beast succeeds in that.
Written by
Michael Sunday, August 14, 2011
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