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What is your name and your current position in the band? Emil Westerdahl, and I play bass in Inevitable End. How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now? I guess that "technical deathmetal" is a good term for our music. In the beginning we played more of a thrash oriented kind of metal, which later on evolved more into deathmetal, and then things got more experimental and we ended up with the sound we have today. What is your latest album and why should people buy it? It's called "The severed inception", and was released in March by Relapse Records. We're very satisfied with the album, and feel that we've created an interesting metal album that people will be able to listen to a lot without getting bored. Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today? Inevitable end was formed 2003 and the line-up has changed quite a bit since then. The line-up we have now has been complete for about 3 years. The highlight is definitely getting signed to Relapse, which was like a dream for all of us! The low points were probably in 2005 when our singer and one guitar player left the band. But, then we found Andreas for the vocal spot, so all worked out for the best really. Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry? Yeah sure, the first years of the band were something like this. But then things started to happen and we decided to move forward with all we got. Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band? As I mentioned before, signing with Relapse must be included here, definitely! In 2006 we did a short Swedish tour with the bands Sonic Syndicate and Avatar, and for me that was also a highlight, and something that lead to greater things. How is the writing process in the band? Marcus and Joakim usually works on different ideas and riffs in the rehearsal room, and then Andreas bring his views and vocal ideas, then I come along with my bass, and woala! What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music? Music is the shit, that's how it is. For all of us in the band music has been a big part of our lives, and I can't imagine that it won't be until the day we die. About other paths, we take them as well. Do you have any idols? If yes, who? Many of them, haha. Lately Mille Petrozza and Dave Mustaine have been my music idols, they are just so great. And besides music I have to add Jack Bauer from 24, oh yeah! Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording? If so, what made you regret it? I think there are decisions we would have done differently now, but I think all have worked out for the best, and we would rather looking forward of what will come, than regretting things. Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself? Hmm.. a tough one! I guess "Firstborn of all dead" is a track that we in the band are quite tired of, haha. But it's usually mentioned in reviews and by people who like the album. Sure it has it's moments and I think it's a good song, but I guess we're just tired of playing it. How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums? I would say the lyrical side is really important, and Andreas who writes them really put his mind and heart into the making of them. What do you think about the state of the music industry today? I thought you'd never ask! Haha, but seriously. Everything has changed so much during the last years, and things will probably keep on changing even more. So correct word to describe it's state is probably: "weird". What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy? I really don't know.. In Sweden some guys got jail time and quite big fines for the Piratebay stuff, let's see what will come out of that.. Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it? It may sound like a cliché, but I try to be as nice as I can to people around me, and treat everyone with the deserved respect. Can you describe a typical day in your life? Drinking coffee, working, drinking coffee, working, eating, working, drinking coffee, hanging out, sleeping. What do you like to spend your time with besides music? With my friends, watching TV, travelling and watching my favourite soccer team ÖIS play. What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour? Probably when the headliner at one show we played was playing, and fans started to invade the stage. One fan fell into the guitar stack, and a nice Peavey 5150 fell like 3 meters from the stage, and smashed Joakim's guitar [he played guitar back then] into two pieces. Really crazy, and I also have to admit: really fun! You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each) Albums: Dream Theater - Images and words, Queensryche - Operation mindcrime, WASP - The crimson idol Movies: Braveheart, Ace Ventury I & II Books: The bible, and probably two really long other one's What is your favourite joke? Anything Eric Cartman would think is funny. Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band? Touring as much as we can this year, and write good songs for our up-coming album that we hope to have out next year. Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers. Please head over to our myspace profile and check out some songs from "The severed inception": www.myspace.com/inevitableend Thanks for this interview Steen!
Added by Steen - 5/13/2009
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