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What is your name and your current position in the band? 
Calie Cox. Frontman and Multi-Instrumentalist. Basically on recordings I am a one man band if I don't have a band that is ready to play live or to tour. It makes it easier, being self-contained for making albums, but I would rather meet the right people to form a band with for recording and touring purposes.
How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now?
I play any style of Rock that I feel moved to write, given whatever emotional state or circumstance I find myself in. It makes it hard, sometimes, for people to "pidgeon hole" my exact genre, but I assure you it is all within the realms of Rock-n-Roll or sometimes a smidge of Pop and Psychedelia mixed with Rock.
What is your latest album and why should people buy it?
I actually have 2 completely differnt CD's available and current right now. One is my solo CD called "obvious" by Calie Cox(myself), and the other is a Psychedelic Rock/Progressive project called "Two Worlds" by "The Temple of Now". People should only buy my CD's if they are a bit sick of the same old same old coming out of the major labels. I am not exactly non-commercial, but on the other hand I only write what is in my heart. There is an honesty to my music that you will rarely find in the discography of other artists. I guarantee you will NOT be bored by what I do, if your attention span is longer than 3 minutes and 30 seconds. I am getting good response from both CD's and airplay as well. Different people like different things. Not everyine will like everything I do, but I'd be willing to bet they will love at least some of it.
Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today?
I was at one time sought after by major labels. They pretty much destroyed my whole fantasy of what being a Rock Star was, so I let it all go and I quit the business for 3-5 years completely. I haven't released any new albums for about 17 years until the 2 I released this year. I learned to be an artist on my own terms. I actually was forced to go solo due to the flake factor of almost everyone I have ever played with. I am married to my music and do it as my sole source of income(which is NOT very large!!) Most people I meet lack the courage to have that kind of conviction to their art. I would settle for guys who could simply show up on time, take a little direction, and do short tours now and again. I don't want to control everything, but it keeps falling into my lap for some reason or other. Everyone I meet has priorities that differ from mine, musically. If you know people like me who are solid guys and great musicians, please send them my way. I'm moving to Upstate New York in April. I could use a helping hand finding these guys. They are a rarity!!
Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry?
Once I went through the wheels of "Big Money" record companies, that wasn't really a concern anymore. I would love to be signed by a company that respects the art over the instant almighty dollar, and who is willing to invest properly on the advertising/touring/recording budget, but I have yet to find one like that. I created my own publishing and distribution network via the internet, in conjunction with CD Baby/I-Tunes/ Street/E-music connect/TradeBit/Improdican/Lala, and others in order to get myself out there! I take all of the risk, but if something flies then I get most of the profits. Instead of 3-5% I get about 91%. I don't have to sell as many CD's to "make it" that way. Basic math.
Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band?
In the studio, I have a tendency to record everything except Guitar solo's and keyboard parts live in the studio. When those magic moments are caught on tape forever in a song is my favorite feeling. Playing live, I have had a few of those experiences while having a really great show, but I still love recording the best.
How is the writing process in the band?
I write almost everything, unless I happen to be working with a talented musician at the time. I would prefer to collaborate, but not if that person is not going to stick around. That causes legal problems later with copyright issues. If someone joins up for life, I'll probably change that tune! It hasn't happened yet.
What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music?
As a young child I was into acting. I went to drama and tap dance/ballet school for 3 years,(required!!), and did many plays in leading roles. Once I hit Jr. High age, I got picked on horribly. I decided to learn to play guitar. I was so adept so quickly that I was a Lead Guitar player 3 months into my playing. I was playing night clubs with people 3 times my age when I was 13 years old. I used to have to enter the clubs through the back door with my parents in tow until I got old enough to do it by myself at 18.
 Do you have any idols? If yes, who?
Rush, whom I have met, Led Zeppelin who I NEVER got to see live, and the original AC/DC line-up. That is where I started. I have been into every style from Punk to Metal to Motown, to Goth & New Romantic. I even like "The Indigo Girls" alot. Anything except hardcore Rap, and Hardcore Country.
Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording?  If so, what made you regret it?
No, I regret nothing. I would like to make my next album more specific, as far as style is concerned. Less balladish stuff and more rockin' tunes.
Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself?
That is not a question that I can answer. I am too close to my material to be that objective. I think the song "Midnight's Dreaming" has been treated like it is my best tune. I don't agree at all, but I still love the song. I've got better stuff that I haven't even released yet.
How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?
 It's THE most important aspect, save for the melody!
What do you think about the state of the music industry today?
I think the opportunities are far superior now than they were in past years. Now, anyone can make a record and market it worldwide fairly cheaply.
What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy? 
I don't know that you really can. My best approach would be to let your listeners know that if you are like me, a struggling, self-produced musician, that every stolen download makes it that much more likely that you will not be able to put out another record. It is that simple. If I don't at least break even, I literally cannot continue doing what I do. Then, I'll be forced to take a mundane job that I hate. I'd rather squeek by financially and do something that I love, than be rich and do something that I can't stand. I think people die from doing that. I don't really see a choice there. I hope people don't think I'm being mellodramatic. I am telling the the God's honest truth of the situation.
Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it?
Do unto others as you would wish to have done to you, and don't judge unless your willing to be judged. I believe in Karma. I may not be a Christian, but the basic beliefs I have about how to be in this world are very similar to most known religions. I am actually Agnostic. Translation-I don't know what is there, but I believe SOMETHING is!
Can you describe a typical day in your life?
Writing songs, and sitting at my computer doing these type of interviews to get myself heard! I am on my computer about 10-12 hours a day right now! Once this stuff is done, I will be writing my next CD. Probably after I move to the East Coast!
What do you like to spend your time with besides music?
Are you kidding??? There isn't anything else for me because it is who I AM.
 What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour?
No tours yet!! If you want one, you better let me know!!!!
You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each)
Rush-A Farewell To Kings, Led Zeppelin-Houses of the Holy, and The Cure- Facination Street.
Movies- Logans Run, Star Wars(the original), and Phantasm(the original).
Books anything Anne Rice/JRR Tolkien, and Douglas Adams's "The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy!
 What is your favourite joke?
I don't joke, reality is funny enough!!
Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band?
To actually make a real touring band, and a cohesive record!

Added by Steen - 1/19/2009

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