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What is your name and your current position in the band? My name is Kaelin Tauxe, I am the guitar player. I play lead, rhythm and acoustic guitar. How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now? We play accessible progressive rock, we have done some pretty technical progressive metal, but we found that we like to put more emphasis on feel and emotion rather than technical abilities. What is your latest album and why should people buy it? Our latest album is actually our debut, and has not been released yet. We are working on getting some label recognition at this time so hopefully we can get the album in stores as soon as possible. In the meantime, there are songs that we rotate available to listen to on our myspace site, which is myspace.com/mannahband
 Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today? The band really started with our singer, Jonathan Spencer about three years ago. He put together a band with local Nashville musicians and played most of the venues in and around the Nashville area. That band ended up dissolving and the current members were basically found on the internet using various media, and by friends of friends. When we regrouped, we started writing and practicing for a few months and started playing around town. Then after we had a full album worth of material, we went into the studio with Ex-Soilwork guitarist Peter Wichers, who moved here recently to produce and write. Really, meeting Peter has been the best thing that happened to us, he really helped develop our style, sound and abilities. Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry? Every day, we struggle to use all of our means to try to get bigger and we are constantly adapting to try to achieve and maintain an edge in this ever changing business. Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band? I think one of my favorite moments was every day recording with Peter Wichers. I learned a lot about music, recording, and writing while at the same time we had a bunch of laughs and joked around. How is the writing process in the band? Usually, I will sit down and come up with a feel that I want to go for and I write a riff at a certain tempo that feels the way I want it too. Then Adam Erickson, our bass player, and I come up with the rest of the parts of the song. I will end up tinkering with it for a while, changing arrangements and tempos and keys, and then I record a demo and send it to Jonathan Spencer, our singer. When Jonathan finishes with the lyrics and melodies, he presents it to us and we finish it up. It is a very structured, but democratic approach. What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music? I have always known that I was going to be involved with music, I actually started out as an engineer/producer in after I finished school in Nashville. After spending a few years in that field I realized I wanted to really go for it as a musician, and the transition was fairly easy. I have no idea what I would do if it wasn't musically involved, I guess some sort of engineering. Do you have any idols? If yes, who? Well, I am not too fond of the term "idol," but some of my role models in the music business are Steve Vai for his playing, business sense and innovation, Mikael Akerfeldt for his focus on stepping outside normal musical boundaries, and honestly... The Rolling Stones because of their undying love of music and performing and giving a good show. Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording? If so, what made you regret it? Well, it is early in my career, but so far my only regrets have been not doing certain things that I should have. It's easy to regret doing something that you see the physical repercussions of later, but hard to think back at something you should have done, and not know what COULD have happened from it. Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself? Nope, I love everything I create, even if it sucks... How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums? As the guitar player for a progressive rock band, one would think I would say something cliche about lyrical content. I feel that the music is there to support the lyrics, in content and feel. I think that songs are meant to tell a story or a thought or idea, and what better canvas for them to be on than that of musical notes and rhythms. What do you think about the state of the music industry today? It is very scary to me, no one seems to really LOVE music anymore. I hope that people can get a better understanding of how we love music by listening to our album, and maybe they too can get back to that attitude that was so relevant in the 60's and 70's. I know we hear that all the time from bands, but music is so much a part of everyone's lives in almost all aspects, and to not recognize and for people to not respect that power, it is very sad. What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy? Offer a product that people think is so badass they want to buy it and own it. Artwork is important, perhaps album exclusive material that is impossible to pirate, such as video or exclusive online streaming content. Really it is up to the people that set the standards for earnings to figure out a way to control it, that way bands are all treated equally and some don't get ahead solely based on a smart move in that aspect of the industry. Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it? I do, I would say that to summarize it into advice, it would be to believe in yourself and realize that hard work is the only way that you can have an ounce of control, or think you have control, over what happens to you in this life. Can you describe a typical day in your life? Well, for the time being, I am still working a day job. So I get up and go to work almost every day, then come home and handle band business to the fullest extent that I can, then whatever time I have left is spent practicing guitar and taking lessons with Toshi Iseda. What do you like to spend your time with besides music? I like to stay fit so I do some boxing and lift weights, I like to ride my bike and do outdoor activities. I also try to keep up with popular entertainment, such as movies and good TV shows and even pop music. Honestly though, most of my spare time is spent tinkering with my guitars and amps and whatnot. I love learning how everything that I use works, and that is one of my favorite things to accomplish in my free time. What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour? Nothing yet, haha. I would say the craziest thing so far is after a gig in Bowling Green, KY, me and the singer in the band, Jonathan Spencer, drove 8 hrs starting at about 2am to pick up an amp that I was going to buy, and then drove back and played a gig with the new rig. I promise next time I am asked that question I will have a way cooler answer... You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each) Albums: Piece of Mind- Iron Maiden, Get out of my Yard- Paul Gilbert, Slip of the Tongue- Whitesnake... Movies: Easy Rider, The Matrix, In Brouges... Books: God Bless You Mr. Rosewater- Kurt Vonegut, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest- Ken Kessey What is your favourite joke? I can't say, too skanky... Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band? To rock hard as long as we can, and hopefully make tons of records. Right now our goal is to get a label and get a nice big tour going... Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers. I just want to thank anyone that takes the time to check us out and listen to our songs. We have worked really hard to make this record and poured our hearts into it, so check out our myspace at myspace.com/mannahband and drop us a line let us know what your thinking. LOVE YOU...
Added by Steen - 10/2/2008
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