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What is your name and your current position in the band? My name is Roberto Dimitri Liapakis, I'm 42 years old and I'm the Lead Singer in Mystic Prophecy. How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now? I believe that the style of Mystic Prophecy is pure heavy metal. We never tried to pursue trends or fashion and do what 1000 other bands do, which means to copy them. Mystic Prophecy have their own philosophy on their musical direction and on the writing of their songs. We never tried to do something else because I believe that each of us is creating by following his own heart and not creating sth on purpose or on demand. Whoever is a fan of Mystic Prophecy knows that this band would never change its style for anyone and for anything. For years now, our fans support us with dedication for what we do and our sales keep getting better, so is there any good reason to let down and to betray those whom their support made us reach this level? NO WAY!! What is your latest album and why should people buy it? The new album is entitled "FIREANGEL". Whoever wants to hear authentic and pure metal with loud guitars and blowing mind choruses with hooklines that stay in your mind, then "FIREANGEL" is what they are looking for and they seek to listen. . which is: REAL PURE METAL ON YOUR FACE! Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today? Mystic Prophecy where formed in 1999 by ROBERTO DIMITRI LIAPAKIS/VOX and MARTIN ALBRECHT/BASS. The biggest success and accomplishment of the band was the fact that we got signed from ground zero in the biggest metal label of the world, which is NUCLEAR BLAST and also the fact that the band managed to become really well-known in all the metal scene. During the years we have performed at WACKEN OPEN AIR / ROCK HARD FESTIVAL / METAL CAMP / BANG YOUR HEAD and also at other big festivals, which will always stay in my mind because they are the biggest thing in the metal scene. We had also other great moments when we had our first European Tour with DEATH ANGEL. It's really amazing to be on the road with a band that it was one of my favourites since I was young at the age of 80's when thrash metal made it's debut! But, alike every band, Mystic Prophecy had good and bad times. After our third release our guitar player Gus G. parted ways with the band to carry on with his own band, FIREWIND. It was a really hard time for me until I get over it, but as it turned out I managed to find really talented and same-worthy musicians and the band evolved even more in the scene and tasted great success. I do not prefer to complain about any bad moments because what I do already is the biggest dream I had since I was a kid and that's enough to me. To make my own music and to perform live in front of the crowd. Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry? When I first started to make music I never wondered if I will ever make it to get signed to a label and in general if I would get in the music industry. I never started with that reason and approach. I started to make music because it was a dream that I wanted to make it come true in my life. Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band? Yes, the biggest moment for me was when the boss of Nuclear Blast called me by the time I was working and he told me that he wants to sign us! Of course I hanged up the phone instantly with the phrase "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!" because I thought that someone from my band is making fun of me. Until the phone rang again and he defined me who he really was. . . hahaha!! For me all the moments are favourites judging by the fact that I am able to survive with my band. Every gig has its story. . From the biggest to the smallest festival. Everything has its own positive story. How is the writing process in the band? Me and my fellow bandmate and guitar player, Markus Pohl, we compose all the songs and we make the pre-production by ourselves. The other members compose as well several of ideas and if some of them fit in the songs we include them in the songs as well. I can accept ideas from any member of the band without any selfishness. So, if someone brings an awesome idea that will help the band to take a step forward why then should I ignore it or reject it. . ? What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music? I began to listen to this music since I was 6 years old with BLACK SABBATH vol 4/LED ZEPPELIN/DEEP PURPLE/BAD COMPANY/KISS. My dream was always to become a musician and to be able to get on stage and entertain people with my music. Someday, I managed to succeed that and this was for me the biggest gift. I never thought of doing something else besides music. For me Heavy Metal it's not only music, it's a way of life. And there's nothing else that fills me more from this that I'm doing right now. . HEAVY METAL MUSIC!! Do you have any idols? If yes, who? For me, there are only 2 idols in my life. . my parents, that gave the opportunity to become what I am this very moment. . . A man that can stay alone on his feet and that can show love and respect to other people around him and whatever is on this planet. Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording? If so, what made you regret it? In my opinion the perfect album doesn't exist. . The reason for this is that every time that you compose an album and you have it ready; from the point that you will listen to 50 times and more after the release, then you can judge your own work and see if you could do it in a better way at certain points. But, this is only my opinion. The fan listens a song in a different way. . Unlike if he likes it or not, for me the music that I do is important for the fan to like it. . without the fans a band is a big ZERO!! Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself? Every song of ours has it's own attitude! Besides, if there was a song that I wouldn't like it 100% there wouldn't be a chance for it to appear in the album. In our albums we have only the songs that we all agree that are great and not songs that we don't like so much. How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums? The lyrics for me, from my point of view have a strong role. Because when you compose a depressive riff you can't combine it with happy lyrics. This doesn't seem "right" to me. So, I try to give to every song the lyrics that works better on it's tonality. The message of the lyrics some find it interesting and some not. What do you think about the state of the music industry today? On this subject I could write and expand the subject for months. Unfortunately, the market is at critical point because of the low sales. . Most of the people prefer to download the new and the old albums in order to save money. There is an economic crisis at the industry at global level and in general the people do not buy so much like the previous years. Not only the music industry is at stake but the industry in general. Also, if you just wonder and go back 20 years and compare the fact that one album used to sell around 5. 000. 000 copies with what are the nowsays sales you will understand that the whole elite of metal cannot sell all together 5. 000. 000 cd's. . Back then one album with 300. 000 lp's was flop. . now a band that sells 50. 000 copies is over the top! I believe that the metal scene in 5 years from now will have a critical problem to survive in the market, because now the world has the way to download music for free from the net. So, we are lead to a certain death of every metal band and any other music. What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy? Hahahaha. . . !!! Just take look around you and see what is going on. . there are bands that even make bootlegs of themselves after every concert. They record their concert and they instantly sell the recorded gig in usb stick straight to the public. Music Piracy was always there since the beginning and it will always be. Noone could ever fight it and noone will ever fight it in the future. It's a plague without healing. Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it? zise tin zoi sou ke ase tous alous na zisoun tin diki tous Live your life and let the other's live their own. . Can you describe a typical day in your life? Sometimes I wish the day would have 30 hours. . . hahaha! I work in a company as a quality management from 6 o'clock in the morning until 2 in the morning. . Then I go back home to have launch with my small family and then I go to the studio to work as a producer and to record bands. . from that point at night approximately at 8 o'clock and the hours that follow I enjoy spending my time with my family and also to take care of other subjects concerning the band's future plans such as tours, gigs, festivals etc. What do you like to spend your time with besides music? My free time is always spent with my family and generally with my little son, Patrick!! What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour? On the tour with DEATH ANGEL. . . when we were at Amsterdam we had to make it on stage at 8 o'clock sharp! Before that time we were on the red light district to see the infamous place with the whores behind the windows. . The district was about 35 minutes away from the venue. . By the time we were at that specific place suddenly the police came towards us concerning drug control. They instantly put us in the police car because of our looks, long hair etc. Before we even got to mention that we were only passing by they locked us up in the police station! Around 7 o'clock my cell phone rang and it was the tour manager and he was asking me where the hell we were all day and why we didn't show up at the soundcheck. . ? I explained him what happened and he was laughing at his pants. . !! Unfortunately, until our people came it was already 9 o'clock and we already had lost the show in front of a 700 people that night. . It was a very bitter moment for us and I will never forget it. . Since that time we had played 3 times in Amsterdam and there is no way for us again to pass by the district. . No matter how hot the whores are. . !!! hahahaha!! You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system. . . Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each) I would probably take with me an album of King Diamond, Forbidden and Exodus! What is your favourite joke? My life. . hahahaha!! Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band? By this very moment, we are getting ready and rehearsing as hell in order to perform the release shows that we will have in about 3 weeks from now. . After that we have the summer festivals and then we want to have a support Tour in October but still it's not 100% sure, so I can't confirm that right now. Concerning the touring subject, next year the band will celebrate it's 10 years anniversary with a small headliner tour with other bands that are our friends. . Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers. The last thing that I would like to say and spread is. . without your support and our fans' support we wouldn't be here at this point as a band. . You keep us alive and even how much you support us we will support you back. . ! WITH THIS POWER WE STAY ALIVE!! Take care and let the ´´FIREANGEL´´BURNNNNN !!! ROBERTO DIMITRI LIAPAKIS / MYSTIC PROPHECY www.mysticprophecy.net www.myspace.com/mysticprophecy www.myspace.com/rdliapakis
Added by Steen - 5/15/2009
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RevelationZ Comments
Comment by Sybil (Anonymous) - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 | I think that if you are an Mystic Prophecy fan you should go sign the petition that we have started to get Mystic Prophecy/Edguy/Brainstorm to come to the USA. You can sign it at www.ipetitions.com/petition/metalreigns or www.myspace.com/mysticprophecyband and click on the poster it will take you right to it. Thanks in advance for helpin' this great band to get to the USA
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