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Sunday, May 20, 2007 - Hubi Meisel - Album news | News from Hubi Meisel:
The production of Hubi Meisel's 3rd concept album, which will be entitled "TRINITY", has been in progress for quite a while already. "TRINITY" forms the completion of a conceptual trilogy, which started with EmOcean in 2004 and was then continued with Kailash in 2006.
Hubi Meisel is glad to announce that his former bandmate in Dreamscape, Wolfgang Kerinnis, has joined him on this 3rd journey and will play the guitars on 5 songs. For the instrumental music, Hubi once again closely cooperated with French keyboardist/composer Vivien Lalu, and also the rest of the TRINITY crew consists of well-known colleagues. The full line-up is:
Hubi J. Meisel - vocals
Vivien Lalu (Shadrane) - keys
Wolfgang Kerinnis (Dreamscape) - guitars
Marcel Coenen (Sun Caged) - guitars
Jorge Salán (Mago de Oz) - guitars
Daniel Flores (Mind's Eye) - drums
Johan Niemann (Therion) - bass
The recordings have already started, and the album will be completed in the course of this year. The release of "TRINITY" is scheduled for 2008. Stay tuned, more details will follow on www.HubiMeisel.com! · Discuss this news further (0) |
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Band profile
What is your name and your current position in the band?
My name is Hubi J. Meisel and I'm the singer, producer & band leader.
Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today?
I was the singer of several German Rock/Metal groups (e.g. Dreamscape) before I decided to start a solo-career in 2001. Working as solo artist and co-operating with an international line-up gives me the possibility to realize my personal musical visions.
In 2002 my first solo-EP "CUT" was released, which contains re-arranged versions of my favourite 80s songs in a new, heavier style. "CUT" was the realisation of an old childhood dream and represents my personal tribute to the 80's. In 2004 "EmOcean" was released, a progressive concept album dealing with the Bermuda Triangle, Sargasso Sea, Atlantis and the mysteries of the underwater world.
My 2nd concept album "KAILASH" was released in February 2006; it's a progressive concept album about the Himalayas, Mount Kailash, Tibet and the secrets of ancient Buddhist/Hindu culture.
The 2006 line-up is:
Hubi J. Meisel - vocals
Vivien Lalu (Lalu) - keys
Marcel Coenen (Sun Caged) - guitars
Jorge Salán (Mago de Oz) - guitars
Daniel Flores (Mind's Eye) - drums
Joop Wolters - guitars on Bonus tracks
Johan Niemann (Therion) - bass
Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry?
No, actually not... I've always been a naturally optimistic guy. haha!
What is your latest album and why should people buy it?
My latest album is Hubi Meisel/"KAILASH" (Lion Music, 2006).
I'm not a carpet seller.haha! But OK, I'll give it a try: "KAILASH" is an album which is taking you on an adventurous journey through the Himalayas. It's an atmospheric album with a great variety of styles, featuring brilliant musicianship by international top-class musicians of 5 different countries. The overall production time took more than 2 years and I put all of my love and energy into this album.
How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now?
I guess it's a blend of many styles. Of course Melodic & Progressive Metal elements are dominating, but there are also Symphonic, Ethno & New Age elements, as well as some slight AOR/Melodic Rock influences.
Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band?
My favourite moment was when I finally listened to the final result of "KAILASH" after more than 2 years of work.
How is the writing process in the band?
First I write the concept story, and then I'm adding rough musical directions and instructions for each song and forward all of these information to Vivien, so that he can imagine what I have in mind for the instrumental music. He then starts sending me his first ideas via MP3s, and we are discussing and arranging the material together until each song matches the vision I had in mind. After the instrumental base of the songs is done, I start writing my vocal melodies & lyrics. The other musicians involved then receive a pre-production with instrumental guidelines, but all of them of course still have the freedom to bring in their own ideas and creativity.
What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music?
I actually studied teacher for children with mental handicaps but right after the completion of my state exams I finally decided to work as professional singer/producer only, and I must say that I've never regretted the decision to follow my dreams!
Do you have any idols? If yes, who?
Not really. but I really admire people like the Dalai Lama for his never-ending patience and compassion!
Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording? If so, what made you regret it?
I don't regret anything! Of course I also made mistakes in the past, but with every mistake also get the precious chance to learn and change something. so I really don't see a reason to "regret" the mistakes of the past.
Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself?
To be honest, I'd never put a song on an album if I considered it as trash.
How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?
I personally set great store by the lyrics of my concept discs. Words are pure energy and a very powerful tool... Spoken words are so mighty that they can heal or even destroy.so I am very careful about WHAT I'm singing on my CDs.
What do you think about the state of the music industry today?
Like other industries, music industry is unfortunately dominated by greed and exploitation. therefore I'm very glad to have signed with Lion Music, who are one of the very few fair labels out there. They respect their artist and don't deprive them of their artistic freedom! It seems that the policies of many labels don't pay off anymore, and more and more labels have to close.
What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy?
My concept discs are released (in the regular version!) as digipacks with a 16 pages full-colour booklet (illustrated by Chris Kallias) and bonus tracks. Apart from that no MP3 has the sound quality of a CD.
Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it?
- Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated.
- Respect all life forms.
Can you describe a typical day in your life?
There's no typical day in my life.haha! Each new day is a new challenge ;-)
What do you like to spend your time with besides music?
There's really not that time left. but in general I enjoy reading good books, watching DVDs or spending time in nature.
What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour?
A drummer of a known band (I will not tell you his name. it would be too embarrassing for him) saw me backstage from behind and thought that I was a girl because of my long blonde hair. he sneaked up to me and hugged me passionately. he was quite shocked when I turned around and saw that it was ME, and not a blonde groupie, as he had hoped ;-) We really laughed our ass off. haha!
You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each)
At the moment I would probably carry the following treasures with me:
Steve Vai/"Passion and Warfare"
Dream Theater/"Images and Words"
.perhaps also "EmOcean" and "KAILASH"
-Paramhansa Yogananda/"Autobiography of a Yogi"
-Mario Mantese/ "In the Land of Silence"
Lord of the Rings I-III
What is your favourite joke?
I must admit I'm not good at remembering jokes. but I actually try to see the whole life with humour ;-)
Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band?
Currently I'm promoting my new disc "KAILASH" and then I will hole up in my studio again to dive into the next challenge.
Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers.
Thanks for your time & interest! In case you became curious, I would like to invite you to check out the free online single "POTALA PALACE" and other MP3s of "KAILASH" on my homepage! Take care & best wishes from Munich!!!
Added by Steen - 4/2/2006
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RevelationZ Comments
Comment by Marvik (Anonymous) - Thursday, October 27, 2005 | ARTISTE: Hubi Meisel
ALBUM: EmOcean
LABEL: Lion Music
Website: http://www.hubimeisel.com/
Ok. First, I must say that I'm not very good to review CD's. I never really did that before but well, I'll try to do my best, here, and describe the album simply as I FEEL it (I cannot explain all the technical/musical sides and parts, as professional reviewers do - I'm not an expert and I just don't know HOW to talk about it.), because I really think "EmOcean" deserves to be discovered and appreciated by as many people as possible. It's one of the most wonderful prog. CD's I have in my collection and I sincerely hope that my comments will be useful to you...
I heard about this CD for the first time (and bought it) about three months ago and what I can say about it is that I really got impressed by the amount of work that was invested in this album ! About 15 months, I think ! There was a lot of research and time invested, as lots of feelings. It's definitely not the kind of project you write in 2 months. It's a FANTASTIC album !!!!!! My favourite one, in fact ! I would qualify it in one word: magical.
The huge concept idea is very deep, complex, meaningful, beautiful and interesting. (All that was inspired by the singer's dreams). It's related to "water worlds", "the sunken continent", "Greek mythologies", "the above" and much more ! I let you discover it - this huge and marvellous story - by yourselves, as it really worth !!! It's like a whole big story that continues itself through the songs...This is like a dream...and you'd only wish to be there...If you close your eyes, you really can "feel" and "see" everything that happens in the album. You "fly" in that world...like in a fantastic movie...That's M-A-G-I-C !!!
This perfect piece of work is very special, original (never seen that kind of work before, I must say, you can't compare it to something that already exists), mystical, spiritual even relaxing, in some way ! It's a very positive album, too !!! Makes me happy, relaxed and feel good every time I listen to it. This is the kind of album that makes your skin shivers to every note, every line, every sound. Also, the lyrics are so well written, the words so well chosen, this only adds more strength to the album because you can "see" clear images of every song in your mind...Hubi Meisel has such a way to describe things ! It's very easy to picture everything here...
Of course, I like Hubi Meisel's voice very very much too !!! It sounds so sweet and he's able to make all the "changes" he wants with it. He plays with his voice very well, which I especially love. This album is musically and vocally incredible and will leave you wordless, I can promise you that ! There are a lot of interesting variations through every song, for any aspect. More you listen to it, more you discover new sounds, new things that you didn't get at the first hearing because it's well hidden. I like the piano and keyboards very much, as there is a lot !!! The music is just amazing anyway !!! The album is simply "Emotional", haha.
But honestly, it's very difficult to say which song is the best !!! ALL OF THEM are great equally - but for different reasons !! (There are 2 bonus tracks too = 14 songs in total) I tell you, EVERYTHING is great !!!
Personally, if I had to tell you which are my 4 favourite songs, I'd choose:
1- "EmOcean" (so sweet, so beautiful, my favourite vocals, just made me cry...)
2- "The Souls of Atlantis" (great musical, vocal changes and much more !)
3- "Sapientia Vitae" (great music, meaning and more too !)
4- "FantaSea" (you'll understand when you'll listen to it !!)
But REALLY, all of them are AS GOOD AS each other and deserve to be listened to !!! I recommend it to everyone !!! That's gonna make you see things in a way you never saw them before...this album REALLY changed my way of seeing some things and opened me to different "horizons", "new worlds".
Basically, "EmOcean" touched my heart and soul in a way I can't describe and that's now my favourite album.
One more major thing: the sound quality is SUPERB !!!!
In my opinion, Hubi Meisel and his musicians have done a "meticulous" job, here !!!! I just can't wait for the next album !!! I'm really trustful that it's gonna be quite "delightful" !!! Thank you very much Hubi, Vivien, Marcel, Daniel, Bamby and Chris (the art worker) for your great work !!! I wish you good luck in everything you'll do in the future.
Thanks for reading me ! :-)
Marvik (Quebec, Canada) |
Comment by Maria Zaldiba (Anonymous) - Saturday, August 5, 2006 | Hi,
I just found this wonderful interview of Hubi Meisel and I have to say that it is one of the BEST that I've read!!
That story about the drummer was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing!
But I must say, I really love all of Hubi Meisel's music.
His cd's "EmOcean" and "Kailash" are Extra-Special and I am so happy to be a proud owner of these magical creations.
Hubi Meisel brings a fresh perspective into Progressive Metal that no other band or singer has approached.
Maria Zaldiba
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