Interview with Immortal Souls - Immortal Souls
I was recently privileged not only to listen to and review Immortal Souls new album "Ice Upon The Night" on Facedown Records just released here in the United States, but also privileged to have a short email interview as well. Enjoy!
David) Well how does it feel to finally have your album released in the States?
IS) Feels great. I have had lot of e-mails from US, fans over there are grateful for this new US release and it's availability, no hard ordering rumble from Europe.
David) What are some inspirations in the Music of Immortal Souls?
IS) Biggest inspirations I get from nature, I love to walk in the forests and feel the breeze. We also listen to a lot of different kinds of music, there is lot of inspirations from there and also movies and their soundtracks.
David) What led you to make Immortal Souls your band name?
IS) It's not too good of a name, it was just taken. It is quite describing, maybe too much..
David) I noticed this album is new to the US, but it has actually been out quite awhile. Are you still touring this album or is a new album going to be made soon?
IS) We finished our last tour in March, and now there is a compilation album in the making, it has 2 new songs with 12 old songs, we are now working with the artwork for it. After this is done, we'll start to arrange the new songs. I am really waiting to get there.
David) If you could have any Producer in the world do your next record, who would it be and why?
IS) Mikko Karmila, he is the definition of sound in Finland, complicated but great producer.
David) What about the studio...where would you most like to record?
IS) Finnvox studio in Helsinki, the best studio in Finland. I like to keep things local, and support the action in Finland.
David) Your album is dark and cold in many respects but lyrically I see that you are not hopeless...the album is dark and light if I may put it that way. Are these elements something you always see in life, is it a reflective of your worldview? Is there a message you want people to get or is this just an entertainment to you?
IS) Entertainment aspect is important too, I write things that I see and experience. If an album is continuous misery from top to end, there is not that much willingness to put it on every now and then. I like to keep the songs on the level that listeners start to think about the topics and like to return to it.
David) Where do you see Immortal Souls in the next 5 years....or do you even look at the future and plan for it?
IS) I don't know where I will be after 2 years. I don't have long term plans about anything. I like to live day at a time, it gives an illusion of freedom and remove stress efficiently. We have some longer plans, but they seem to change a lot.
David) What is music? Why do you think it exists?
IS) I think it is an element that we need, it is important for mental health. If you need to relax, music is very good tool for that. Also you can get your visions through better with good music.
David) Thanks for your time to answer my questions. I wish you the best in your career and I would like to leave this space for you to say anything you'd like to anyone or about anything you want to.
IS) Thanks, visit www.immortalsouls.com every now and then for news...
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Written by David - 4/28/2004 |
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