Band page - Tevana3

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What is your name and your current position in the band?
My name is Juha Jyrkäs. I'm the founder member, singer, throat-singer and electric kantele player. I write the songs and the lyrics.
Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today?
Tevana 3 was founded at spring 2010. I had bought myself an electric kantele - the national Finnish string instrument - and I started to test the electric metal sounds, distortion and effects with this magnificent instrument. Soon I noticed that I had few very promising dark-sounding songs. I separated those songs and I wanted to form a band around them.
Bass player Aslak Tolonen and drummer Janne Väätäinen are my old friends and I just asked them if they want to participate to this project. They said yes and we simply started to do our first album, "Mieron tiellä", which will be published at 12.2.
Highlight is definitely the publication of "Mieron tiellä" album. It will be the first metal album in the world in which electric guitar is totally replaced with electric kantele! 
Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry?
Frankly I've never paid attention to such matters. For me is important just to do what I like the best: create good music, write good lyrics and spend some good time with my friends. 
What is your latest album and why should people buy it?
Our latest and so far only album is called "Mieron tiellä", which is very hard to translate in English. It's used normally, when somebody slips away from the narrow road. But "miero" also means things like "peace", "world" and "human". So it can mean also "Walking on a peace road", "world road" or "human road". I like the names which can mean many things.
It's the world's first electric kantele metal album, as said before. You can listen samples from our website: and you can order this album to yourself with a price of 10 euros by sending mail into an address worldwide!
How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now?
All of these songs came out quite naturally. I just had few songs and we arranged them together the way we felt best. I never thought how we should sound; I just made the music and played the songs. We'll continue doing so in the future also. It's important to be honest to yourself and do what you feel the best.
I can say our style is metal with electric kantele. Of course Celtic Frost is one of our biggest inspirations and this album is inspired with early 80's extreme metal, dark metal, doom metal, 90's black metal and psychedelic rock. But I wouldn't put us into any of these genres. I let these definitions to a listener to decide!
Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band?
Biggest moment is of course the publication of the "Mieron tiellä" album and I also enjoyed very much recording my own parts to this album.
How is the writing process in the band?
I do some demos in my home and as I see they're ready enough, I send them to other members, who have totally free hands to arrange these songs to their playing style. And together we'll finish these songs.
What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music?
It's all quite natural to me. I've always just done anything I've felt good about and everything I've always wanted to do. Music is one these things. Of course my father is a musician also and my sister played piano when I was little. Of course that influences. But music is a good thing and nowadays I can't live without it.
Once I wanted to be a film director, actor and a screenwriter too. I still very much enjoy good movies and I spend much time watching them. I also write poems, stories and lyrics. Writing has always been also one very important way for me to express myself. I'm now writing a horror novel, which I hope someone will publish some day. Writing and music go very well hand in hand.
Do you have any idols? If yes, who?
I have too many idols. Hard to mention any in particular.
Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording?  If so, what made you regret it?
I don't regret anything I've done before. Of course all music I've done before is very hard to listen nowadays, mainly because of the self-criticism. Now I can see many problems and mistakes so much better than back then. But I think it's very natural to all musicians. You can always do things better and make your sound stronger.
All the music I've done in the past has its meanings. They all put together some particular moments from the life I've lived and feelings I've had. Every song and every album has a purpose. If I would have never done them, I would have never done anything with Tevana 3 also.
Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself?
Of course all fans have their own favourites from my songs and I have my own. I don't see why their favourite should be worse than mine.
How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?
I rate it very high. I can say honestly that if one would ask my strongest side of making music, I'd say the lyrics. I'm not so good player or vocalist, but I can write many kinds of lyrics. With Tevana 3 they're quite dark stuff. It's about letting out some negative feelings, aggression and frustration. There are also some very emotional and personal texts too.
What do you think about the state of the music industry today?
I don't see it so good. In big labels people only want to do some over-produced safe stuff that goes to the public. They don't give a jack shit to real untamed music that you can find UG. I don't also like this 2000's "trend", the loudness war. It's spoiled many good artists, like ie. Metallica.
I'd also like it if people would buy more physical albums so that the artists, including myself, would get their money they earn by making music. I hate this modern "everything-to-me-for-free-right-now-and-immediately" -attitude that many faceless propeller head in the internet nowadays has. 
What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy?
To be frankly, I don't know. One can't stop it, but in the other end, one can't fully accept it. Let's just hope that there would be still some people in the future too that would buy the physical CD's from the artists, like I've always indented to do - and will do in the future too. 
Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it?
Uh! All Night! Beer, sex & rock'n'roll!
Can you describe a typical day in your life?
It's quite boring and I don't think anybody would be interested in about it. I get up early in the morning, I go to university classes or I go to work. Some days I do my university studies and other days I work as a postman. When I'm home, I eat something, read some books, play with my electric kantele, write something, read some more and then I go to sleep. Doesn't sound exciting, does it?
Or course I spend very much some holidays too. At that time I go to some gigs, drink beer, see my friends, go abroad, do some music etc. That's what I call a life! 
What do you like to spend your time with besides music?
Reading, watching movies, jogging, writing, nordic walking, drinking beer, walking in the forest, seeing friends, going gigs & festivals and doing some good trip to some nice countries, i.e. Hungary.
What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour?
I've once stripped and shown everything to the audience. I was young, booze was stronger than a man and I have very weird sense of humour, heh.
You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each)
Music: I'd bring no albums, but my two electric kanteles with their amplifiers and my bongo drums. I'll make my own music.
Books: Robert E. Howard's book which has all Conan the Barbarian stories, H. P. Lovecraft's book with all Cthulhu stories and a computer that I can write my own stories.
Movies: Conan the Barbarian -movie, some porn and Terminator. 
What is your favourite joke?
Almost any line that Arnold Schwarzenegger says in his good old 80's action movies
Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band?
We'll going to have some album release party soon and see what happens in the future. There's some new material lurking in my mind already.
Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers.
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Added by Stuart - 2/15/2011

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