Band page - Indwelling
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Album Review - And My Eye Shall Weep (David) |
Daily Spotlight
Cynic - Focus
Cynic started out as a death metal band in 1987 and over the next several years sent out five demos until th.... Read full review
Retro Reviews
(Steen) Saviour Machine - II
Once upon a time when I started my long journey into the world of Heavy Metal I often found bands that gave me a really special feeling inside when I listened to their music for the first time. It was.... Read full review
(Steen) Queensrÿche - Rage for order
Ahh good old Queensrÿche... Rage for order was released back in 1986 and of all their albums this one is my favorite along with Operation Mindcrime. Which one I prefer all depends on my mood. This is .... Read full review
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