Band page - RevelationZ Magazine
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Saturday, August 3, 2019 - Archive Version is online | Since closing down the site and taking some time off, only to start a new RevelationZ site a year later, I have been going back and forth between making this old incarnation of the site available online in some way or form.
I finally found a way to get it back online very cheap and spent some time adjusting the code, so the site works in an archive state. The member section is disabled, so it is not possible to add comments.
Mainly, I felt it was a shame to have all this great content, which we put our hearts and souls into for almost a decade, hidden away on a hard drive in my computer, unseen and unread.
Enjoy this piece of Heavy Metal & Hard Rock history, which was the RevelationZ Magazine website. · Discuss this news further (0) |
Thursday, August 18, 2011 - RevelationZ Site News - RevelationZ Closing Down | It is with mixed feelings that I announce the closure of the RevelationZ website.
This has not been an easy decision to make. I have spent most of my spare time in the past 10 years developing and running the site and it has been a fantastic ride. Financial issues, motivation factors and changes in my priorities, all contribute to the fact, that I am no longer able to keep the site running, at the high level that I want.
I want to thank my staff for their contributions through the years. I believe each of us added our own ingredient into making RevelationZ something very special. I also wish all our readers the best in their future musical discoveries. · Discuss this news further (5) |
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - RevelationZ Site News - Layout Update and Facebook Integration (Step 2) | The following changes have been made to the site today:
· The layout of the comments section has been redesigned and layout of reviews has been modified as well. The MP3 previews of albums are now at the bottom of the reviews under the comment section.
· Step 2 of our Facebook integration has been implemented. The Facebook Comments section! It is now possible to add comments to the site with your Facebook profile. The idea is to make it easier to post comments. You can choose if you want to sign up as a RevelationZ member or just use your existing Facebook profile. You still need to be a RevelationZ member to rate albums.
· The Facebook Like button has been placed right beneath each article instead of below the left menu.
· The Article RSS feed has been updated to include Categories and both RSS feeds now include Authors and Publication dates.
Notice that the Facebook integration is in the testing phase at the moment and we are still considering how best to use it. Your feedback is welcome! · Discuss this news further (0) |
Monday, January 17, 2011 - Tommy Leaves RevelationZ | Tommy has sadly decided to leave the RevelationZ staff. Read his statement below.
Hi all, These words haven't been easy to pen down! I have been a part of RevelationZ for eight years but for some time I have struggled to find the right kind of motivation. If you look at the statistics I haven't really been that productive in a while and I believe in doing things with the right kind of spirit and if that's not there, well then I shouldn't be doing it. So I'm stepping down, taking in a fresh breath and see what life will bring. The love for Heavy Metal and Hard Rock music is still the same though, that's one of the things that will never change. I have had a blast being part of this, keep the flame burning and thanks for reading along!
Metallic regards Tommy · Discuss this news further (2) |
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 - RevelationZ Shopping links update and MP3 preview on reviews | RevelationZ Site Update:
CD-Wow has been added to our list of affiliates again and you can find a shopping link on each review under the "Z supported shopping" headline. Links to Amazon's MP3 download shop have also been added to all reviews. The MP3 download links are currently only avalable to American and UK residents due to Amazon policies. I am hoping to add more countries to the list soon.
In addition it is now possible to listen to a 1 minute preview of all songs of an album on most of our reviews. Beneath the ratings of each review you will find a box showing if the album is available for download along with a 1-minute preview from each song. If the album is not available for download then a completely random album may show. There seems to be no workaround for this highly inadequate but slightly amusing defect... Enjoy. This MP3 feature is being tested at the moment and it's being considered if it is going to be a permanent part of the site so try it out and give me your feedback below or through email.
The example below shows what the MP3 box looks like on the "Enforcer - Into the Night" review:
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Thursday, September 17, 2009 - RevelationZ Magazine - Website problems | The website has experienced some problems lately and you may have received an error if you visited the site over the past few days. I have been working closely with our hosting company to track down the error and it turns out that their newly installed Antivirus doesn't have the best taste in music and consequently deletes an integral part of the website several times a day. After much confusion and gnashing of teeth it was decided to lock the Antivirus in a shed along with a symphony of mixed metal for 24 hours. Now it seems to leave the website alone. ...And there was much rejoicing. · Discuss this news further (2) |
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - RevelationZ - New Site Feature | A new layout feature has been added to the site.
If you see a text marked like this in a review: Manowar - then it means that you can click the text to find out more about the band or person mentioned. The link will take you to a band overview/info page where all articles on that band or person will be available. As of now, all bands we have written about on the site are marked this way in reviews in order to make it easier to find related information.
This feature may have an impact on the speed of the site and it's still in an early stage of development. If you notice the speed of the site has become worse you're welcome to let me know and I just might unleash my inner nerd and try to supertune my programming algorithms even further. · Discuss this news further (0) |
Friday, February 20, 2009 - RevelationZ - Site Update | A couple of new features have been added to the site.
Latest Ratings A small box showing the latest ratings added by members has been added to the left column beneath the Main menu and Member section.
Highest Rated Albums A list of the highest rated albums by staff and members has been added to the Album Reviews section. It will always show the highest rated albums on the site based on the combined ratings of staff and members. A constant link to the list will be available under the Album Reviews headline. Here's the direct link. · Discuss this news further (0) |
Friday, February 6, 2009 - RevelationZ - Image quality on live reports | As you may have noticed it has been necessary to lower the quality of pictures on many of our live reports. This is due to our web hosting company demanding a larger monthly fee because the site is growing in space requirements, largely due to the many high resolution pictures. Since the site has had a yearly deficit of around $1000 since it started in 2002 I have had to lower the image quality to stay below the space limit. · Discuss this news further (0) |
Sunday, January 4, 2009 - New feature on the site | RevelationZ Magazine Update
Happy new year to all readers!
Today the site has been updated with a new member rating and review feature. It is now possible for members to post your own ratings on our reviews. An average of all member ratings will show next to the author's. Individual member profiles will also list the albums which you have rated or reviewed. To rate an album you must click the "Rate this album" link which is at the bottom of all album reviews. The latest ratings can be seen under the "New Comments" menu on the left. Check out the new feature and post any feedback you may have. Suggestions for improvements are always welcome.
Here's to a musically compelling 2009! · Discuss this news further (4) |
Monday, July 28, 2008 - Support RevelationZ - Make a donation | Due to the increasing traffic and size of the RevelationZ website the company who hosts the site has decided to raise our monthly fee quite a bit. Your faithful webmaster has had a monthly loss on the site since it started back in 2002 and now ask for your help. A donation button has been added just below the left menu. Any amount is highly appreciated and every donation will be used to keep the site running as well as making it bigger and better. Thank you in advance! · Discuss this news further (0) |
Monday, October 15, 2007 - RevelationZ Member section | Our member section has launched today! In the future you must be a RevelationZ member in order to participate in discussions. It is free to join the Z!
When you join RevelationZ you will get your own personal profile. You will also be able to post comments on articles, news and other profiles. Several exclusive features are planned and will arrive suddenly and without warning, much like this member section. Join now and be part of the community right from the start!
Any feedback on the member section is always welcome. We want to hear your opinion on this. · Discuss this news further (0) |
Other information This page will list all future site updates and possibly other information as well.
If you have anything to say about the site you're welcome to post your opinion below.
Added by Steen - 2/6/2009
This article has been shown 1636 times. Go to the complete list.
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Band Information - Site Page (Steen) |
RevelationZ Comments
Daily Spotlight
Cynic - Focus
Cynic started out as a death metal band in 1987 and over the next several years sent out five demos until th.... Read full review
Retro Reviews
(Alanna) FM - Indiscreet
The 1980s were most definitely the heyday for all things AOR. Stadium rockers Foriegner gone soft, a retooled Heart and the ever popular Journey ruled the early 80s and waiting in their wings were ple.... Read full review
(Tommy) Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell
If I was asked to name some albums that for me was as close to classical or traditional Heavy Metal as possible, Heaven And Hell would surely be one of them. Not only is it in my opinion the best Sabb.... Read full review
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