Band page - Hellacopters
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Album Review - Head Off (Michael) |
Daily Spotlight
Cynic - Focus
Cynic started out as a death metal band in 1987 and over the next several years sent out five demos until th.... Read full review
Retro Reviews
(Michael) Spread Eagle - Spread Eagle
Spread Eagle´s self titled album is reissued contemporary with the bands reunion and recent US tour.
I was one of the unlucky who never got this gem originally and therefore this reissue is welcome.... Read full review
(Michael) Love/Hate - Black out in the Red Room
First released in 1990 on CBS "Black out in the Red Room" earned Love/Hate some great reviews and they established a loyal fan base that still follows Jizzy Pearl's solo career.
"Blackout in the Re.... Read full review
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