Events and Reports - Sweden Rock Festival 2008 - Michael's Festival Report
Written by Michael

Sweden Rock festival is the musical highlight of the year. As soon as the festival ends you look forward to next year's event. This year Sweden Rock presented their strongest line up ever. Expectations were sky high for the festival, which now officially has been extended to 4 days. However, the first day was very weak with no headliners at all. After arriving on a sunny Wednesday afternoon Airbourne was set to play the only anticipated show on the first day


The aussies opened the show with Stand up for Rock N´Roll and immediately the crowd stood up, placed the beer in the left hand and raised the right hand. The basic AC/DC pub Rock N' Roll was perfect for this event. Airbourne goes hand in hand with drinking and just having a good time. Lead singer Joel O´Keefe played most leads on guitar and Joel O' Keefe was a great frontman. He crawled on amplifiers and crowd surfed. Guitarist David Roads and bassist Justin Street were like Malcom Young and Cliff Williams standing in the background waiting for the chorus cue, so they could add background vocals.

Airbourne was young and hungry. This was their first time in Sweden and judging by the reception these guys will be back. The highlight of the concert was Diamond in the Rough, which is an absolute killer tune live. The band used all the clichés such as head banging, raise your fist in the air and so on.

The band has only one album under their belt. They only played songs off their debut and while the album lasts 34 minutes they scratched this to one hour in concert. That only meant that Airbourne was not as sharp, precise and direct as on the "Runnin' Wild" record.

Stand Up For Rock'n'Roll
Fat City
Diamond In The Rough
What's Eatin You
Girls In Black
Cheap Wine & Cheaper Women
Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast
Runnin' Wild

Black Stone Cherry

Black Stone Cherry certainly made a buzz with their debut. They were honored best new rock act by Classic Rock Magazine and also got the support slot on the Def Leppard/Whitesnake UK stadium tour plus several other prestigious gigs including Sweden Rock festival.

At twelve noon the young band entered the stage in sunshine and opened with an ultra powerful version of Rain Wizard. Lead vocalist Chris Robertson had a big voice and the band sounded very tight. Their set ran through most of the debut album, but also aired the first single Blind Man from their up-coming album. Ben Wells was very energetic on stage but the trump card was drummer John Fred Young who literally beat the shit out of his drum kit. Black Stone Cherry might be rooted in southern rock, but live they were as powerful as Black Label Society.

The band worked the crowd with its unpretentious southern Heavy rock and as the set progressed more and more people found their way to the stage. Lonely Train was well received along with Maybe Someday.

The band ended with Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Chile in an extended jam version. Drummer John Fred Young played bass with his drum sticks and after one hour of solid Rock Black Stone Cherry left the stage and festival was officially kicked off for me..........oh, well sort of....

Rain Wizard
Backwoods Gold
Yeah Man
Rollin? On
Hell & High Water
Soul Creek
Lonely Train
Shooting Star
Blind Man
Maybe Someday
Voodoo Child (Slight Return

....Just after Black Stone Cherry's gig Sebastian Bach was to open the biggest stage at Sweden Rock festival - the festival stage. I rushed to the stage with Bach's performance at Sweden Rock 2005 fresh in mind. This time Bach had a new album in his baggage and the old Skid Row songs always sounds great.

Less than one hour before show time we got the word that Bach's plane had been delayed and he couldn't make the show. I later read Bach's explanation and it's unprofessional. Some fans had bought a one day ticket only to see Bach and they were left high and dry for the day.


Bach's cancellation made it a long afternoon with nothing exciting going on at all. I had to wait till 8.30 for ex-Thin Lizzy keyboarder Darren Wharton, who was to play with his band Dare.

The band was very enthusiastic and excited about being on stage. Their positive attitude made this a memorable concert with a fantastic atmosphere.

Dare had gotten original guitarist Vinny Burns back in fold for this gig, but the band opened with a serie of songs from their 2 latest albums "Belief" and "Beneath the Shining Water"
Dare has transformed into a rootsy and Celtic inspired Rock band. Personally I enjoy this kind of music and Dare got great response on lively versions of Sea of Roses and Stormwind. Original guitarist Vinny Burns added some great leads for Stormwind, but otherwise he looked little bored playing chords and only a few leads. We were almost 45 minutes into the set before we got the first song off Dare´s debut album. The single Abandon evoked memories and it was followed by Into the Fire, which was the best song of the night.

Dare even played a song off "Blood from Stone", which Darren Wharton almost excused as being too heavy. Darren Wharten looked very happy. He acted like a proud father of 2 sons, since he cheered and hugged the two guitarists Richie Dews and Vinny Burns. He also stated to talk a lot and told us that we were in for a treat since they had a special guest coming up.

The band played a version of Emerald in a stripped down version that apparently should be on the up-coming Dare album. The band ended with King of Spades from the debut where after Brian "Robbo" Robertson was introduced. Brian Robertson entered the stage, swung his Gibson Les Paul on the shoulder and kicked into the power chords of the Thin Lizzy classic Jailbreak. It was great and a very special moment. Brian Robertson was really cool with his red hair and skinny look. He looked like a true Rock star and posed like one. At this point Darren Wharton looked like the happiest man in Sweden and the crowd was very pleased when they continued with Rosalie.

A superb concert from Dare mixing their new stuff with songs from their debut and also incorporating Thin Lizzy tunes. Even though some were disappointed that Dare didn't focus more on the debut album Dare sure treated us with a great and memorable concert.

Silent Thunder
Dreams On Fire
Sea Of Roses
Where Darkness Ends
Beneath The Shining Water
Into The Fire
The Raindance
King Of Spades
Jailbreak (with Brian Robertson)
Rosalie (with Brian Robertson).


On the Rock stage Tesla opened a new day with an energetic show. This was my third Tesla concert and the band has always delivered the goods live. Since this was Tesla's first time in Sweden since the early nineties the band focused on a best-of set with main emphasis on the first 3 albums.

Cumin Atcha Live kicked off this Friday in the name of rock n' roll. Into the Now from Tesla's latest studio record followed, but otherwise it was a trip down memory lane with Heaven's Trail, Love Song, What you Give and Little Suzi.

Tesla also aired a song off their cover discs. UFO's Rock Bottom was a display in the skills of guitarist Frank Hannon. Last I saw Tesla "newcomer" Dave Rude and Frank Hannon were dueling lead guitarists, but at Sweden Rock Dave Rude was placed in the back playing rhythm guitar.

Jeff Keith has a special rasp in his voice and his positive attitude made this a most excellent event.

Jeff Keith got the crowd singing on Signs, while Modern Day Cowboy got everyone's fist in the air. The song is just so powerful live. Tesla closed with Edison's Medicine and they won over the crowd. The last 2 years Tesla has focused on the European market, so let us hope for a new studio record soon and another tour in support of that.

Cumin Atcha Live
Into The Now
Hang Tough
Heaven's Trail (No Way Out)
Miles Away
Love Song
What You Give
Rock Bottom
Little Suzi
Modern Day Cowboy
Edison's Medicine (Man Out Of Time)


Last year Fastway were one of the best surprises at Sweden Rock. "Fast" Eddie Clarke is the only original member, but he has reformed the band with former Little Angels singer Toby Jepson. Fastway were set at the same stage and time as last year. However, the sun was burning and that probably prevented some from going since the turn up were a lot sparser than last year.

The band also seemed marked by the heat since they didn't try that hard to get people going. The main material was taken from Fastway's debut album where Another Day stood out as a great live song.

Toby Jepson is a strong singer and his vocals suits songs like Steal the Show and Fastway's only hit single Say What you Will. This year Fastway didn't Steal the Show but a sublime live band that consider doing a new studio album, which excites me!

All Fired Up
Steal the Show
Another Day
All I need is your love
Say What you Will
Non Stop Love
Feel Me Touch Me
Easy Livin'

Ace Frehley

When I got to the festival stage it was absolutely packed for Ace Frehley. The place was more packed than last night when headliners Judas Priest were on stage.

Judging by band t-shirts Kiss is the most popular band in Sweden. Sweden Rock festival could not present Kiss at this year's festival even though Kiss played in the neighborhood, so the next best thing was getting the dry Ace Frehley.

It was an anticipated concert for me but Frehley never managed to grab my full attention. The band was just a plain Kiss tribute even though it was skilled musicians. I expected Ace Frehley as vocalist, but drummer Scot Coogan sang most of the songs. Bass player Antonio Esposito looked like a Nikki Sixx wannabee with same haircut and same face paint as Sixx on Motley Crue's last tour.

Of course the crowd loved Parasite and I Want You. Ace Frehley dedicated Breakout to his dear friend Eric Carr, which was a warm and sincere gesture. Breakout was among the best songs since it wasn't a Kiss cover. Frehley played Into the Void from "Psycho Circus" and if you look past the big Kiss hits the setlist was rather weak. Where were all the great songs off "Trouble Walking"?

People got what they wanted with songs such as Shout it out Loud, Shock Me, Deuce and Love Gun. Ace Frehley was not modest and gladly took full songwriting credit on the Kiss tunes since the presented several songs as "I wrote this one..".

Ace Frehley was a big tribute to his past in Kiss. Frehley should have a new solo album out soon and I am sure that new material would spice up his show. Frehley looked old and didn't move around while his band was just truly excited playing with a legend.

Rip it out
I want you
Rock Soldiers
Into the coid
Strange Ways
Shout it out loud
New York Groove
2000 Man
Shock me
Rocket Ride
Love Gun
Cold Gin

Hanoi Rocks

For the past years the Swedish Sleaze and Glam scene has been growing. In Sweden hairspray and spandex is still going strong. These young kids wear shirts from Poison, Ratt, Motley Crue and Hanoi Rocks. Hanoi Rocks is among the originators of this style and they band drew a good crowd despite playing at dinner time.

Hypermobile opened the set and that title could be eloquent for Michael Monroe. When I saw Hanoi Rocks tear up a small Rock club in Hamburg, Germany 2004 Monroe could not be controlled. He jumped around singing on the bar desk and in general was like a lion in a cave. I honestly thought that it was a one-off, but even the big Sweden Rock festival couldn't tame Monroe. By the first two songs he had been all over the stage, jumped down to the crowd and been climbing everything that could be climbed on stage. If there was a stage tech who truly earned his pay it was Hanoi Rocks tech.

Second song was Malibu Beach Nightmare, a great song but I feared the reception of it since it's different and has as a saxophone solo. The crowd just loved it and everybody I talked to mentioned Monroe as a fantastic frontman.

Hanoi Rocks supports their great album "Street Poetry". The band truly believes in that album - the title track was up next followed by Highwired. The band aired 7 songs off Street Poetry and while Highwired is my album favorite Power of Persuasion won me over performed live. The groove and irresistible chorus just put one big smile on my face and Hanoi Rock delivered the most optimistic concert at Sweden Rock 2008.

Hanoi Rock got a new drummer and this was only his second gig, but George Atlagic played great and overall the band just grooved. The rhythm section is the old Electric Boys rhythm section. Guitarist Conny Bloom wore an outfit that looked like costumes from the old television series Dick Turpin.

Andy Mccoy was great. He was very outgoing and communicated to the Swedes - in Swedish. His playing was superb. His signature riffs on A Day Late A Dollar short and People Like me are instant classics in relation to the newer Hanoi Rocks material.

Even though I usually hate covers Hanoi Rocks really got me rocking with their "own" version of Up Around the Bend. Just check out the amazing setlist. This is classic Glam/sleaze Rock when its best and the stage performance was the best of the whole festival

Fumble Foot and Busy Bee
Malibu Beach Nightmare
Street Poetry
A Day Late a Dollar Short
Bad News
Power of Persuasion
High School
Back to Mystery City
People like me
Don't you ever leave me
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Oriental Beat
Up Around the Bend


So far Whitesnake's new album "Good to Be Bad" is my favorite album of 2008. This was one of the most anticipated concerts at this year's festival. Whitesnake disappointed me 2 years ago, but it was mainly because their setlist focused on their bluesy material. This time they had a new strong and rocking record out, so it was a win/win with the new material mixed with Whitesnake classics.

At 8 o'clock sharp Whitesnake opened with Best Years and Coverdale immediately went out on the extended stage ramp. As a seasoned frontman he knows how to connect with the audience.

The setlist was the perfect blend of old and new. The band played fantastic. Dough Aldrich fits the band perfectly and Reb Beach complements him great. Chris Frazier was a tight drummer - so everything should be perfect right?

Well, David Coverdale's voice is shot. I don't know whether his throat was fucked or if this is his current situation. Coverdale took the line of least resistance! He didn't sing much on the choruses and several times he took the microphone away and tried to let the crowd sing the last words of the sentence. He was a professional and he cheered the crowd all the time with this being the biggest Sweden Rock festival ever.

As if the blown voice wasn't enough:

When I go see a Whitesnake concert I wanna hear Mr. Whitesnake aka Coverdale's voice and the Whitesnake catalogue. I don't wanna hear a guitar solo, which was followed by the instrumental track Blues for Mylene and if that wasn't enough we also got a drum solo from Chris Frazier. Sorry, but a guitar solo, instrumental track and drum solo compressed in an 80 minutes set is a rip off.

This was a major disappointment with highlights being Gimme all Your Love, the "Good to be Bad" songs and David Coverdale dedicating Love ain't no stranger to Mel Galley.

Def Leppard

Just like Whitesnake Def Leppard also played Sweden Rock festival 2006. That year they stole the show with a fantastic concert. Def Leppard also has a new album out, which doesn't reach same standards as Whitesnake, but still a good decent release

AC/DC's For Those about to Rock was used as intro and after 3-4 minutes it was cut by the sound of a big explosion and a short intermezzo with excerpts from Def Leppard songs, which went directly into the groovy beat of Rocket

There wasn't any special stage set up or use of the big screen like last time. Def Leppard was to let the music do the talking and Rocket was quickly followed by crowd pleaser Animal.

The first new song was C'Mon C'Mon , which was a bit dull live. The cornerstones of the shows were Foolin' and Rock of Ages from "Pyromania" along with a great version of Mirror Mirror from "High N' Dry". It was a bit heroic for Def Leppard to play Mirror Mirror, since you sense that Joe Elliot doesn't sound like the early eighties and he had a bit trouble keeping up with the song. Elliot's voice weakened as the set progressed and overall he sounded a bit worn. However, props up to Def Leppard for playing Mirror Mirror and the joy of hearing it overshadowed everything else.

Rick Savage did a short bass solo on his Union Jack painted bass. Phil Collen and Vivian Campbell have developed a tight wall of guitars. You have to acknowledge Def Leppard's impressive catalogue of songs. Hysteria was amazing live and the highlight of the concert. Of course the show ended with all the big Def Leppard hits.

An okay but routine concert from Def Leppard, who sounded much better a week later at their show in Denmark.

C'mon C'mon
Mirror Mirror (Look Into My Eyes)
Make Love Like A Man
Nine Lives
Bad Actress
Love Bites
Rock On
Armaggedon It
Pour Some Sugar On Me
Rock Of Ages
Let's Get Rocked

It was a fantastic day with Tesla, Ace Frehley, Fastway, Hanoi Rocks, Whitesnake and Def Leppard. There was no rest for the wicked that day. It was hot as well and with the great program there was no time for a tent party. The heat combined with the strong line up actually utilized in the festival sold more beers this particular day compared to the whole festival last year.

Irish Rock band Glyder was to play the Gibson tent stage at Saturday afternoon. Since it was hot lots of people found shade in the tent and Glyder really managed to rock even the ones with heat strokes. The band opened with Gambler's Blues, which is a strong opener and certainly a strong strong live song. I had a feeling that they would open with that one so I was there early since I didn't want to miss Gambler's Blues. I was nowhere disappointed in the band, which played with joy and enthusiasm.

Guitarist Bat Kinane wore a Guinness t-shirt and while the band tore through material mostly from "Playground for Life" the crowd was won over. I noticed "older" people in their Thin Lizzy t-shirts playing air guitar and in general their short set was marked by a very positive vibe. A band to watch!


Last year I rounded off my festival report with a top 5 want list for Sweden Rock 2008:

1. Cinderella
2. Ratt
3. Van Halen
4. Poison
5. Warrant

Dreams do come true and Ratt certainly was the most anticipated concert at Sweden Rock 2008.

Stephen Pearcy did overdress for the Swedish summer with gloves and leather. He looked friggin cool. The band surprised me by starting out with some relative unknown tunes since they played the whole EP in order. The full EP was followed by You Think You're Tough, The morning after, Back for More, Wanted man and I'm Insane from "Out of the Cellar" and I finally got the brilliant concept. Ratt played their concert chronological and after around 45-50 minutes they only covered their EP and first album.

The real Ratt treasures are on "Invasion of your Pricacy", so Lay it Down and You're in Love really filled me with that special feeling of being back in the late 80's at my parents spinning the LP. The band was really tight. Drummer Bobby Blotzer was hidden behind the kit but he expressed his gratitude several times.

Rhythm guitarist John Corabi is such an asset for the band. He sings great and is a solid player on the six string. Almost a bit waste of Corabi's talent playing in Ratt, since the focus was on Warren DeMartini. DeMartini surely earned it being the original guitarist. I think DeMartini surprised many since he was a guitar extraordinaire. His solos were fast and precise.

To be honest I had my doubts regarding Pearcy's voice, but Shame shame shame - to quote a Ratt song - .."You should have know better". Pearcy sang great and he was the front man I had hoped. His voice is so 80's metal and the trademark of Ratt.

Ratt also played Nobody Rides for Free, which seemed a bit like a show stopper - but a treat for real fans. Amazing song live! Pearcy said his thank you and was about to walk off stage while the rest of the band just stared at him. Then he realized "Oh, we got more songs" and then started to laugh. He said "That they were gonna Detonize us with reference to "Detonator", but we actually got 2 songs off "Reach for the Sky" with City to City and Way Cool Jr. followed by Loving You's a Dirty Job from "Detonator". Loving you is a muscular song live with its bouncy rhythm.

The band walked off stage and then it happened. We all knew that they were coming back for Round and Round, but when Pearcy entered the stage he surprised by saying that this was a world premiere. Ratt would try something new so for the first time they tried out Giving yourself away. SPLENDID! The song is one of my all time Ratt faves and I always wonder how come it never got more recognition since it's a smash hit. Pearcys switched verse lines a few times, which just made it more "special for Sweden Rock festival". Giving Yourself away is a incredible song and even photographer Mr. Steen Jepsen had to admit that this was a fantastic song. They band ended with Round and Round and turned the place in front of the Rock stage to a big party.

Ratt played a great concert and they were the only band that used their full stage time since they delivered 90 minutes of pure L.A. Sunset strip vintage Glam metal.

A side note: I am a huge fan of Ratt and wanted to participate in the meet and greet. I arrived 25 minutes before and there was a huge line. People had all kinds of rare Ratt stuff to get signed. However, only a few handfuls got in. If Sweden Rock festival wants to do these sessions they have to make a few rules and make people skip all the small talk so everybody gets a chance to meet their idols. I stood in line for 55 minutes without meeting Ratt.

Tell the World
Sweet Cheater
Walking the Dog
U Got it
You think You're Tough
The Morning After
Back for More
Wanted Man
I'm Insane
Lack of Communication
Lay it Down
You're in Love
Slip of the Lip
Dangerous but worth the Risk
Nobody Rides for Free
Way Cool Jr.
City to City
Loving you is a Dirty
Body Talk
Giving yourself away
Round and Round


Canadian trio Triumph was to play their first concert after a two decade absence at Sweden Rock. Prior to the festival there was a lot of international press regarding this re-union. The band opened with When the Lights go Down with fireworks and a special stage set-up. Rik Emmet looked like my father dressed in jeans and a sports t-shirt. He looked so non- Rock n' Roll. Bassist Michael Levine wore a Swedish hockey jersey and still had his long hair.

Lay it on the Line is one of my favorites, but the song didn't rock live at all. Since there had been so much talk and press about this concert I found it strange that I could walk right up to the front rows with no problems. There wasn't a massive turn up and Triumph didn't win any fans either since this was a boring and uninspired concert.

There was no joy of playing, which we just experienced earlier at Glyder and Ratt. Never surrender was unexciting as well, so I disappeared to the sound of Magic Power. Triumph had no power or magic. The big comeback turned out to be a weak and disappointing concert.

When the Lights Go Down
Lay It on the Line
Allied Forces
Never Surrender
I Live For the Weekend
Blinding Light Show
Rocky Mountain Way
Magic Power
Rock and Roll Machine
Fight the Good Fight


I got a perfect spot for Poison. These Glam Rockers are almost legendary and it's not because they have fertilized the European markets, since they haven't been here since 1993 with Richie Kotzen on guitars. Now it was finally time for the real deal and I was anxious to see if Poison could fulfill the expectations of a headliner.

A film started the show by displaying Poison as a brand. The film was made like an old commercial with "everybody likes Poison". The final message was "Its showtime - Enjoy!!".

Bret Michaels came running on stage in a custom made Poison t-shirt for this particular event. Rockett banged the snare drum and C.C. Deville chopped the riff for Look What the Cat dragged in and the party had started.

Back in the 80´s the bands always competed (or was it the fans?) and C.C. Deville was always considered a mediocre player. However, Mr. Deville almost transformed into Joe Satriani and played several notes a second. C.C. Deville also changed the solos a bit on some of the songs, but just so he could shred more.

There probably was lots of Poison virgins in the large crowd, but one thing is for sure - after a few songs they all knew who C.C. Deville was since Bret Michaels shouted out "C.C Deville" every time there was a small vocal break.

Poison played a great set with a strong setlist focusing only on their first 3 album along with 2 covers from their latest offering. Bret introduced Ride the Wind as a song about living free and just taking a ride on the Harley with your pals. Simultaneously with the performance there was footage of Poison riding big hogs back in the early nineties.

A personal favorite I Won't Forget You was aired and it has kept the emotion. The band kicked into the Romantics cover What I like about you. Of course I prefer Poison originals but the band really enjoyed playing this and their enthusiasm and energy rubbed off.

C.C. Deville got to do a guitar solo and after a whole weekend of guitar solos I hail C.C. for making it short and sweet. Actually C.C had to extend it since he finished the solo, stopped and clearly waited for a cue. However, the band was taking a break and C.C. was rather surprised when he took the microphone and said "I am waiting for my drummer...where is he?"

C.C. played a couple more bars and again waited for a cue, but still Mr. Rockett was nowhere to be found and C.C. was clearly annoyed. Rockett finally helped C.C. out and pounded the rhythm for Cry Tough, which was an absolutely fantastic song live. All in all the "Look what the Cat Dragged in" stuff sounded amazing live. Still fresh after all these years and it suited the songs being played live since they came much more alive compared to the album production.

Bret Michaels had changed into a warmer outfit and he asked for attention since the next song really was very special to him and the band. From "Flesh and Blood" we got the ballad Something to Believe in. For the whole show Poison had a keyboard player on stage so Something to Believe in got the right piano sound.

The band kicked directly into Your Mama Don't Dance, where Michaels started with "C'mon CC", and for the solo yelled "C.C. Deville". The band continued with a cover of Tom Petty's I need to know where Michaels proved to be a great frontman and really worked the crowd, since the song didn't get much response from the audience.

Rikki Rockett did a drum solo that went directly into the tongue in cheek Unskinny Bop, which is just a fun rock song and puts a smile on your face. The big screen displayed naked girls dancing during the chorus.

Climax for many was when the acoustics started to ring those G and C chords for Every Rose has its thorn. Of course the song provoked a massive singalong.

Fallen Angel followed and was also among the highlights. Bret Michaels really impressed me live. His voice was strong and he put on a great show. It as once again time for C.C. to "pick up that guitar and talk to me". Talk Dirty to me transformed the festival ground to one big party and I think Poison had converted even the non believers. Poison is a premier party Glam Hard rock band!

The show ended with lots of confetti bombs and Nothin but a good Time. It sure was a GREAT time. The only flaw was that the show only lasted for around 75 minutes. This was Poison's only show in Europe so I had hoped for a 2 hour show. Quality is better than quantity and we actually got all the party rockers and ballads, so they left the crowd satisfied

Look What the Cat Dragged in
I want Action
Ride the Wind
I Won't Forget You
Romantics cover
CC Deville guitar solo
Cry Tough
Something to Believe in
Your Mama Don't Dance
I need to Know
Rockett drum solo
Unskinny Bop
Every Rose has its Thorn
Fallen Angel
Talk Dirty to Me
Nothing but a Good Time

We all left out in the chilly night with the sentence "C.C. Deville" ringing in our ears

Other concerts at Sweden Rock festival 2008:

Judas Priest: okay setlist, but Halfords voice was weak. I would much rather hear them play the same setlist as on "Priest Live".
Derringer: Great musicians that lack hit material
Five Fifteen: Very special 70's acid rock. I did fall asleep after 45 minutes.
Sister Sin: An energetic performance. Good catchy songs, but I dislike female vocals
Coheed and Cambria: Progressive band. I only watched them I had nothing better to do. The lead singer had a good voice but they were boring on stage
Lizzy Borden: A much varied se-tlist. Was expecting a more theatrical performance and Lizzy Borden didn't capture my attention
Gotthard: A fantastic live band. "Anytime Anywhere" is a superb live song
Havana Black: The crowd was sparse and I only caught a few songs. Great tough Blues Rock. "Love is a Lie" was the best song I heard
H.E.A.T: A new Swedish band with a bright future. On stage they were convincing with great songs, great stage presence and overall top notch musicians.

Sweden Rock 2008 trivia:

Most played song at the camp ground: Airbourne "Diamond in the Rough"
Coolest t-shirt Sweden Rock 2008 - Ratt "Dancing Undercover" (Why the hell didn't I buy one?)
Best guitarist: Warren DeMartini (Ratt)
Best drummer: John Fred Young (Black Stone Cherry)
Best frontman: Michael Monroe (Hanoi Rocks)
Slogan 2008 "C.C. Deville" (note: needs to be yelled)
Complaints: The endless guitar and drum solos. This year everybody seemed to be fond of playing cover tracks.
Outrageous moment(s): The new German Sleaze anthem "The Marshall"

Click pictures for a bigger version





Black Stone Cherry










Ace Frehley

Ace Frehley

Ace Frehley

Ace Frehley

Ace Frehley

Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks

Hanoi Rocks










Def Leppard

Def Leppard

Def Leppard

Def Leppard




















All pictures taken by Steen
Written by Michael
Sunday, July 6, 2008

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Dennis the Menace (Member) - Monday, July 7, 2008
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Comments: 12
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So ya dislike female vocals? I should tell Miss Pesch the next time she's around. On the whole you saw the festival almost the same way I did with RATT (!!!!), Poison, Hanoi Rocks in front of an outstanding weekend. Nobody mentioned the superb shows of Satyricon (sharp, evil, black, skilled), Ministry (they had a steel cage built around the stage and even played "Jesus Built My Hotrod") and Sweet Savage who kinda started the festival in the tent on Thursday by playin' almost every song from "Killing Time". I agree with you and Steen about Halford's voice problems, but that was something I expected and it did not stop me to become priestified that day, Judas Priest - Metal! Avantasia was great although I had to save the little rest of my energy for the Poison party which was a good choice. Still banged to "Sign Of The Cross" or "Farewell". I even enjoyed the Leppard show although I am not what you can call a die-hard supporter. It just felt right at that time of the day to be confronted with the Defs and their 80s disco-hits which brought back warm youth-memories. One of the best things about Swedenrock is the relaxed atmosphere and audience. You have to search very long to find a comparable festival in this category (Maybe Headbangers, we'll see.) And not that much teenagers as expected...

"Teenage vacation in a pimped brandnew car,
a pick-up in the rearview-mirror: the law.
Stoppin' stoopidos guess.'No need to run.'
Now you are roadkill hunting season's begun.

And he goes: Thank you for takin' a rest,
for one last breather, who's first who is next.
So would you please be so kind to stay down.
Mmmmmmmmh ... I smell raw flesh ...
the Marshall's in town." ;-)))

And by the way:
To name five again (as we did at some point?),
Cinderella (doubts)
Van Halen
Warrant (even more doubts after the Nevada desaster)
and a reunited strong going Mötley Crüe.

Posted by Dennis the Menace
Monday, July 7, 2008

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Deep Purple - Stormbringer
CoverRecorded and released in 1974 "Stormbringer" features the Deep Purple Mark III line-up consisting of David Coverdale (vocals), Glenn Hughes (vocals and bass), Ritchie Blackmore (guitar), Ian Paice (dr....
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