Interview with Tuomas Holopainen - Nightwish
Written by Matthew

I was fortunate enough to perform a phone interview with Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish a couple of months ago (I know, I'm taking my sweet time getting it on the site!). Their new album Once still seems to be selling insanely well; there's even a huge Nightwish display at my favorite record store here in the states right now! Insanity! Read on to learn about what went into creating their newest, and possibly best, album.

Hello this is Matthew from Revelationz

Hello this is Tuomas of Nightwish here.

How are you doing today?

Doing really good, thanks, how are you?

I'm great, thanks. Are you getting sick of interviewing guys like me yet?

(Laughs) Not at're number four today, so I'm not sick of it at all, it should be really cool.

Good! Well first of all I'd just like to congratulate you on the news that Once is selling so amazingly well.


Am I wrong, or was this the fastest a Nightwish album has gone gold?

Absolutely yes, I think with Century Child it took two days, and Once did it in like three hours or something,'s very promising. Very flattering.

It's pretty impressive, yeah. Are you pleased with the way the album turned out? Is the end result basically what you had in mind when you were initially planning the album?

I think this is the first time, and I do speak for myself and for the whole band, this is the first time that we are almost like 100% satisfied with the whole album. This means that basically when I listen to the album I don't need to use the skip button at any time.

I know that in the past you've written the music and the lyrics for the most part; did you also create the majority of the music on Once or did any of the other band members lend a hand?

It was pretty much the same as always before.and the only difference is that this time there is one song which is almost entirely made by Marco, the bass player, and that's the last track, Higher Than Hope. But, uh, I've still written all the lyrics and like 95% of the music. It's just the way it goes, you know? I kind of think that what Nightwish is, is a sole picture of one person, and that's me, that's all that is. And then uh.these other persons, they help me bring the whole thing alive.

Very good. Well the album is fantastic, I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I was blown away first of all by how much of a larger presence the orchestra has on Once compared to your previous albums, especially on tracks such as Ghost Love Score and Creek Mary's Blood. When you originally began planning the album did you envision the orchestra playing such a large role compared to your last few albums?

Yes I did actually, and I think it turned out to be a real advantage in a way, because, already at the very early stage of the songwriting process I knew there was going to be an orchestra playing in these songs. So.I really kind of like blended in the orchestra, because it's there from the start. It's like the sixth member of the band that's playing. For example if I compare that with Metallica's S&M album I think there's a huge difference because you can really hear that the Metallica songs were done without ever thinking about the orchestra being in there. When I listen to that album I kind of find those two playing in total separate things.but uh, that's not the case with out album, the orchestra really blends in nicely.

It does, it blends in well. The keyboards were always a key ingredient to the Nightwish songs of your earlier albums; I kind of felt that they took a backseat to the orchestra on Once, is that what you intended for this album?

There's kind of two sides to the coin here, because.what you hear the orchestra playing on the album is what I would be playing on the keyboards if there wasn't an orchestra. a way there are less keyboards because the orchestra is playing almost all of my parts. But on the other hand, I think like 90% of the orchestra stuff that you hear on this album is doubled with the keyboard in the studio as well. So in that way, I'm playing more than ever as well.

On a few of these tracks I couldn't stop thinking about how great they would be as background music for a movie; has anyone approached you about using your music for a film?

Sadly, no. Because that's really my biggest ambition in music, to be someday able to do a film music score for a movie. And.since film music's really my biggest passion, I like to take most of my influence in my song writing as well from this type of music. Especially on this album I think you can hear the influence really well. I would either call this album like, Film Music covered under a mask of Heavy Metal.

Is this a concept album, or can each of the songs sort of stand on their own?

There's no concept whatsoever, there's eleven individual stories.

I was surprised by the extremely cool techno flavor on the track I Wish I Had An Angel. Do you see the band using more of these types of influences in the future?

You never know, I always have to do what the song requires, and that industrial beat in that song is there for a purpose. I mean, that song was born in a bar, it's the most down to earth themed song that we have ever done, and it's a song about bar life - what's going on during the evenings and all that. So, it just occurred to me that, ok, we need a danceable beat in this song, because that's what, in fact, the song is about. ended up being something really experimental, which really divides opinions on half, but.I think it turned out to be one of the highlights of the album, and it's the second single as well.

I'd like to ask about the story behind of a couple of specific songs on Once. First of all - Creek Mary's Blood. Where did you get the idea for that track, what was the story behind it?

It's just my like, obsessive fascination the Native American Indian culture, and has been ever since I learned to read. My all time favorite movie for example is Dances With Wolves, and I read a lot of Indian literature, and I just feel really close to their culture, like their respect for nature. And I know that I have an over-romantic view of the whole culture, but still, I feel very much for them. So.I just felt like I wanted to do a song about these feelings, what I think is one of the biggest sins of mankind, the genocide that happened to them in the late nineteenth century, and all that. So I really felt an urge to do a song about this. And of course, when you write a song about Native American Indians you want to have one of them performing in that song as well, so.luckily I got a hold of this guy John Two-Hawks and uh, we actually flew him over to Finland for five days and he did a wonderful job.

The chanting and background vocals on that track were amazing; how did you manage to get in touch with him?

This is a boring story - I found him through! I just typed in "Native American Musicians" and his homepage was the first one that I found. I listened to some samples, sent him an e-mail, and I got a response the next day that he was going to come over and do it.

The other song I wanted to ask you about, and I'm sorry if I pronounce this horribly, is Kuolema Tekee Taiteilian.

Yeah you're a native! That was perfect!

(Laughs) Thanks! Well first of all, I feel it's the most beautiful song on the album, but for those of us who don't speak Finnish, could you tell us what the song is about and what the English translation of the title is?

The translation is Death Creates An Artist.(laughs) actually it sounds better in Finnish than English. The song is just.I don't want to go too deep into my lyrics, but uh, the basic idea is are not the same person that you were as a kid, and many things around you die, and within you die. And all those things that you have lost makes you the kind of person that you are now. So it's like a very personal page from the diary of my life.

Why did you decide to have one song sung completely in Finnish?

Just an experiment actually.there's no like, deep meaning behind the whole thing. Partly it's like paying homage to the country you come from. We're Finnish people, and we're very proud of that. We have the best fan base here, so it's like paying homage to Finland in a way. It's also something to like, give an exotic touch to the album because I always like to experiment with things. For example there's an Indian guy, there's an Industrial beat, and then there's one song in Finnish, so it's just little details here and there.

The music on Once sounds almost completely different from the music on your debut, Angels Fall First, and after five albums that's quite understandable. When you first formed the band did you have any idea that your sound would eventually develop into what it has become?

I never had in mind anything like this at all. The whole basic idea of Nightwish was to do an acoustic mood music, like the kind of music you'd play around a campfire. That was the whole idea of Nightwish but know you just, like I said, try to search for new territories all the time. You take natural steps, you just keep on doing what you love to do and after the first album we changed into a more symphonic thing and we have been on that road ever since. And I have no idea about the future, if we're going to make an acoustic album someday, or if the next album is going to be even more bombastic. I really don't know.

Well let me say, as an American, that I'm thrilled you guys are going to play some shows here live in the states. Are you excited about coming over to play here? What do you think the reception will be from American fans?

I'm really, really excited, and so is the whole band. I mean, this is going to be the highlight of the tour this year, coming to the states for the first time. First of all it's always been of my biggest dreams to drive through the states, and now it's happening in a tour bus's close enough I guess. But yeah, I really like the country, and we have been there twice - once in Atlanta and once in New York, and the response was really really nice. It's something we never expected so.there's some kind of scene going on, like bubbling under so.yeah, we have some expectations, and we'll see what happens.

Yeah, I live in Phoenix, and the Metal scene is growing. It's growing slowly it seems, but more and more people are getting into Metal, and it's easier to find Metal albums in record stores, so it is growing.

Ok that sounds really good! I mean, trends come and trends go, but there definitely seems to be some sort of uprising for Melodic Metal bands, especially female fronted Melodic Metal bands. This is mainly I think to do with Evanescance of course, but there's also like Within Temptation which is really huge in the Netherlands and Germany at the moment, so.I think it's the right time for us now as well.

Apart from your own music, is there any music in particular that you like to listen to in your spare time right now?

I just listen to film music, that's like, 95% of the music that I listen to at home, so it's pretty much all soundtracks for me. I try to follow the Metal scene also, but I actually don't listen to that kind of music that much at home.

What in particular are you listening to as far as Film Scores, do you have any favorites?

The latest one I bought was the score from The Last Samurai by Hans Zimmer. And also.we're using that as an introduction tape for us at our live shows, it's awesome. I also listen to some samples from Van Helsing.that's incredibly good. And some old all-time favorites like The Rock or Crimson Tide. Gladiator, Sleepy Hollow.there's so many of them. Really, anything Hans Zimmer does is a classic to me.

Well that's all I had, I'd just like to thank you for the interview!

Ok no problem, thank you very much as well!

Written by Matthew - 11/1/2004

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Roy Kristensen / Imhotep (Anonymous) - Monday, November 8, 2004
I must say, it's a fine interview with descent questions and answers. If you'd like to read another 'view with descent questions and answers, go to and have a good read.

yours sincerely Roy/Imhotep

Comment by Chris Grillo (Anonymous) - Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Hi , I hail from Malta , where Nightwish are hugely popular. Matthew I feel that you should have asked Tuomas about the track 'Nemo'. It is simply one of the best songs I have ever heard. Was it the first single from the album? My two young kids can sing the song from start to finish! I have seen the album fly off the shelves at HMV in London. As a long-time Nightwish fan, just like you I feel that the band has surpassed any material previously written and performed. I have really enjoyed reading this interview. Seems that you put quite a bit of thought in your questions! Chris Grillo(

Comment by Cinthya (Anonymous) - Friday, February 18, 2005
Oi sou do Brasil, só vim dá uma olhadinha aqui porque eu gosto muito do Tuomas, ai eu vi a fotinho dele aqui e vim deixar um comentario, á se quizer saber o que está escrito é só traduzir, e se este site for brasileiro eu acabei de pagar um micão!!!!!

Comment by Cinthya (Anonymous) - Friday, February 18, 2005
Ai desculpa se quizer entrar em contato, pega meu msn ai:, tchau!!!

Comment by Lost Soul (Anonymous) - Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Nightwish is are the greatest. Thanks a lot to Tuomas for his great songs!!!

Comment by tiina (Anonymous) - Friday, April 1, 2005
Hyvä homma!! Tuomas rulettaa... Kuunnelkaa kaikki Nightwishiä, kun se on niin mahtava bändi!!
-tiina suomi, FINLAND

Comment by lilith (Anonymous) - Sunday, May 22, 2005

Comment by JESSICA CRISTINE PINHEIRO SENA (Anonymous) - Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Comment by brittany (Anonymous) - Monday, January 16, 2006
wow, i love nightwish. nice interview. your very lucky to have been able to interview someone with such talent

Comment by Ben (Anonymous) - Monday, February 20, 2006
Hey, very nice interview. i only got introduced to Nightwish recently and i say this to every one, they are the best bad i have ever come across. u guys rock. i have a russian and greek background, so im into all sorts of music, like clasical metal russian opera n stuff like that, but then i herd Nightwish, they combine the metal guitars, the clasical background and the operatic voclas, adn i was like WOW, these guys are great, im just wondering if u sell your sheet music, and if you do where could i buy it, becuase me and my friends play heaps of instruments, and realy like your music. if you ever ead this comment, could you plese email me on, that would be last Nightwish ROCK, u guys r AWESUM


Comment by brad (Anonymous) - Monday, January 15, 2007
whats the meaning of the song over the hills and far away ive read the lyrics and like them but who is it talking bout???

Comment by h (Anonymous) - Monday, May 7, 2007
it's a very interesting interview and Tuomas is great

Comment by Roxy (Anonymous) - Sunday, October 14, 2007
2 Brad - well, much time passed, maybe you already found the answer, but anyway... Over the hills and far away was written by Gary Moore, it doesn't talk about one specific person, just an interesting sad romantic story about a man being accused in robbery, arrested and therefore taken far far away from his beloved for 10 years. Her letters, knowing that she is waiting for him are the only things that make him live, give him a hope. Have you watched the video? this story is shown there (with some changes, of course)

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