Saturday, September 15, 2007 - Update from Spock´s Beard
News from Spock's Beard:

Hi Everybody,

Sorry for taking so long since the last update. A lot has been happening, but not too much of it very interesting so we've just been quietly inching forward, waiting for something exciting to announce. But, it looks silly having the last band update being from June, so here's a new one!

We are still working on our DVD... it's been very stop-and-start mainly due to bureaucratic issues that seem to go unnecessarily slow. (First we have to wait for this, then we have to wait for that, then we have to wait for the next thing, etc, etc., and each one takes weeks).

The good news is that a lot of the video has been cut together, rough edited, and looks fantastic. I've only seen a few minutes of it, but what I've seen looks really nice. That's actually been done for quite some time and has just been sitting on the production table waiting for final tweaks and waiting for the mixed audio to be laid in.

We had an unexplained delay getting the audio tracks to Rob's studio. I think it actually got lost in the mail for nearly a month (!!!). .. the hard drive probably sat there in the same room with all of our missing merchandise orders having tea and biscuits for a while, but now it has finally arrived. Pretty soon he can start to mix. .. . as soon as we get his budget approved!! (another bureaucratic delay no doubt.... )

We were really trying to get this thing out by Oct / Nov, but it would be a miracle to do that at this point. . .we're still shooting for end of the year,'s all so unpredictable, though.

In the meantime, we've all been doing our own things. . .Here's a really quick version of what we've been up to as it relates to music -

Nick has had a few gigs with Tears For Fears, some trips out of the country as a clinician for Meinl (his cymbal company) and has done a few drum sessions for various very cool artists.

I had the pleasure of playing with Nick as guest artists on the new Big Big Train CD, which was just finished and put on pre-sale last week. (Nick played on two tracks, one with me and one with Pete Trewevas). You should definitely check it my humble opinion it is one of the best prog releases of the decade. You can hear audio clips on their website:

NIck and I also played on a few tracks for Martin Orford for his newest solo CD project which is still in it's beginning stages. That's also some VERY good stuff!!

Ryo has been busy with his Las Vegas band and also going back and forth like a maniac to Japan for various musical projects he's involved with.

Al has been compiling ideas for the next CD and has taken an interest in lyric writing lately, so that will be a nice addition to our songwriting arsenal I'm sure.

Jimmy has been doing drum sessions, playing lots of gigs and working furiously on getting his wife over here to the U.S.A. on a permanent basis.

But NOW it's time to get this DVD finished and start getting our heads back into the writing mode so we can start working on SB10!!

Posted by: Steen

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