Band page - Armageddon
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Album Review - The Money Mask (Alanna) |
Daily Spotlight
Cynic - Focus
Cynic started out as a death metal band in 1987 and over the next several years sent out five demos until th.... Read full review
Retro Reviews
(Alanna) Jorn - Starfire
Jorn Lande's "Starfire" was the beginning of the now- legendary metal vocalist's solo career. Then he was known but not as well known as he would become, but the excitem.... Read full review
(Michael) Legs Diamond - Town Bad Girl
"Town Bad Girl" was a triumphant return for Legs Diamond. The band released their first album back in 1977 and "Town Bad Girl" has one foot in Legs Diamonds' 70's legacy and another in 80's Hard Rock..... Read full review
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