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Quick Review: Agent Steel - Omega Conspiracy
One word review: Mumbled

Favorite Song: Awaken the Swarm
This is obviously the completely wrong place to begin with Agent Steel but it is the only album I have of theirs. I remember buying it because of its cool title. Omega Conspiracy is their first album after an 11 year hiatus and the first with new vocalist Bruce Hall. Musically this is pretty solid speedy thrash metal with a tendency towards conspiracy and U.F.O. themed lyrics. But the frantic speed and some very nice guitar work can't overshadow the fact that Bruce Hall does not deliver the best vocal performance. He is all over the place and though his voice has a strong tone in several passages (Example: "Revealing all their darkest crimes" during Destroy The hush), overall his performance is too uneven and mumbled.
There are moments where a special atmosphere is hit but after more than 10 listens, I still struggle to remember any specific song, and that is not exactly a good sign. Bruce recently left the band and original vocalist and band founder John Cyriis rejoined. They are playing at Sweden Rock in June, so that is obviously a great opportunity to get a new introduction to the band.
There is something strangely attracting about the band but it is not flourishing here and I remain unmoved.

Style: Thrash/Speed/UFO metal

Rating: 5/10

Posted by Steen - Sunday, May 29, 2011

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