Now Playing
Now Playing: Enuff Z'nuff - Dissonance
This is my first Enuff Z'Nuff album and certainly not my last!!! What an amazing album and band!

I've been listening to the album for a while now and I'm still crazy about it, it's so damn catchy. Some of my favorites are: "Joni Lynn" , "Roll Away" and  "Lazy Dazy".

"Joni Lynn" - was the first song I listened to, because Steen (the webmaster, and a huge Enuff Z'Nuff fan) send it to me, and said that I should take a listen - and I was very impressed. The lyrics are appealing and very emotional. I love singing: "You freak me out again, Joni Lynn" there's just something about that line that I cannot resist!  And when Donnie sings: "Gave you my life and you go back to your boyfriend"  simply amazing!  

Take a listen to "Joni Lynn" here.

I'm always having a great time while listening/singing along to "Roll Away" in the shower. It's a lovely down to earth song, with a melody that sticks to your mind for the rest of the day - and you will stay in a positive energetic mood - win-win!.  The song is also on my "On the go" list on my Ipod, because it's simply outstanding listening to while I'm just walking around...looking at and dreaming of Hi-fi, in the local Hi-fi the great spring weather.  

Listen to "Roll Away" here, - and if it improves your mood instantly, then "like" this "Now Playing" article :-)

And now I have to do some Enuff Z'Nuff CD-shopping !  

Posted by Sandra - Monday, March 28, 2011

RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Monday, March 28, 2011
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Comments: 518
Nice! You've got a fantastic journey ahead. I'd recommend to go back and start at the beginning! This album keeps growing, even after two years. Joni Lynn and Altered states are my current favorites.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Monday, March 28, 2011


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