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Guestbook entries for the year 2005
Date: | 12/30/2005 | Name: | Light Thunder Musi | Country: | China | E-mail: | ltmusic83@126.com | Website: | http://www.lightthundermusic.com | Comments: | I want to link with your web, OK ?
Welcome to Light Thunder Music. This is a music window for Chinese-English bilingual songs. The translators are Luo Zhihai, Lu Wenlong and Luo Qinglei. They are Chinese. Some of the songs were written recently. Some are the folk songs. The web publishes poems, lyrics, novels and collections, too. http://www.lightthundermusic.com , Email: ltmusic83@126.com
It's handy and fast to enter Baidu, Yahoo, Tom, 3721, google orAltavista to search Light Thunder Music net.
Subject: music , song, poems, lyrics, novels , collections, stamp, FDC, pre-FDC, stamped postcard, Caishan bank check, match trademark , Imperial Edict , food coupon, revenue, badge, Wang Shen, Shi Lemeng, Pan Zhensheng, Luo Zhihai, Yang Yongke, Chen Rujia, Renrong Middle School, The Authors Publishing House, Sing Our Land , Honghai, Egret, Long-ah-long, Rode a Horse to Haifeng, On the Gable, a Flock of Birds Jump, One Fen Coin, A Porter's Tune, T he Lianhua Yingping Valley, Please Take with My Heart! Please Accept My Love! Kangding Love Song, Haifeng, My Dear Hometown , Send Me a Branch of Rose, Honghai Bay , Bay of My Birthplace, My Pretty Lufeng, My Lovely Homeland , Goddess of the Moon, For Smiles of Tomorrow, Embroider a Pouch , Return , Over the Whole World Now , The Season's Song.
Welcome to Light Thunder Music.
Date: | 12/29/2005 | Name: | Heavy Metal Videos | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Watch videos by Slipknot, Pantera, Lamb of God, Slayer, Cradle of Filth, and more. Click on the link to watch!

Date: | 12/23/2005 | Name: | Eric | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Nice site. I'm not much of a rocker or a metal head but I enjoyed my visit here. I'll tell my rock and metal friends about this. |
Date: | 12/19/2005 | Name: | Morten Nissen | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | mirtennossen@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.makeshift.dk | Comments: | Hey... Great website, I haven't been all-over it, as it has lots of features, but I'm impressed and I'm planning on spending a lot more time in here....
Morten Nissen
NRG Magazine
Date: | 12/18/2005 | Name: | FIFI LARUE | Country: | USA | E-mail: | fifilarue1@yahoo.com | Website: | http://www.fifilarue.com | Comments: | The Gothic Killer Clown Of Rock n' Roll! FIFI LARUE www.fifilarue.com |
Date: | 12/17/2005 | Name: | Iron Mladen | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | bm00miml@yahoo.se | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Keep up with the album reviews i 'll use them when i am consuming
music next time |
Date: | 12/2/2005 | Name: | TNDN - The New Damn Nation | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.tndn.net/ | Comments: | TNDN - The New Damn Nation was here! |
Date: | 12/2/2005 | Name: | snas | Country: | india | E-mail: | jesus_dear@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | satan is allways a looser.and this is 4 the anti christians-u will go to hell
Date: | 12/1/2005 | Name: | Gary Robbinston | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | gary.robbinston.98.2334@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Major website here - I recommend it highly
gary.robbinston.98.2334@hotmail.com |
Date: | 11/30/2005 | Name: | karim | Country: | maroc | E-mail: | karimrammah@libero.iT | Website: | not entered..... | Comments: | love.....life |
Date: | 11/27/2005 | Name: | jesto | Country: | australia | E-mail: | tinkabell_rules@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | i lurve this site.. fackin awsome baby!
xXxjestoxXx |
Date: | 11/18/2005 | Name: | Steve Cisco | Country: | UK | E-mail: | pipelineradio@yahoo.com | Website: | www.pipelineradio.org | Comments: | Pipeline Radio is about to rock scandinavia and thwe Baltics every wedens day Night from 23:00hrs CET / 00:00hrs EET on 1386AM after CRI closedown.
24/7 on the net continues at www.pipelineradio.org |
Date: | 11/16/2005 | Name: | annie | Country: | new zealand | E-mail: | the_worst_thing_in_hell_is_the_folk_dancers@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | seems cool but could do with some backround music. the best websites are from little 10 year olds who are so fasinated with ninjas it is incredibly entertaining but this site is up there.
(im sorry i am so incredibly sarcastic no one can tell when i am serious) |
Date: | 11/14/2005 | Name: | MrX | Country: | sweden | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.dream-land.nu | Comments: | Hi!
This is a great site!
If you like melodic metal check Dreamland from sweden out. New album in stores november 21.
Take care.
MrX |
Date: | 11/11/2005 | Name: | DARK_FM ADMIN | Country: | Lithuania | E-mail: | forest4tvm@yahoo.com | Website: | http://dark-fm.666.lt | Comments: | Helo, I want to tell all metal fans about DARK_FM. DARK_FM is internet metal radio from Lithuania. It works 24h per day.
http://dark-fm.666.lt |
Date: | 11/11/2005 | Name: | Laura | Country: | Colombia | E-mail: | lauraesponja1@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Pues kizas sea obvio decirlo, pero su web es muy buena a pesar de ke es poco el porcentaje ke x aki los conoce. mis mejores deseos :) |
Date: | 11/7/2005 | Name: | Oleg | Country: | USA | E-mail: | oleglena@mn.com | Website: | http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tank/ | Comments: | Hi guys, excellent website, lots of information. Couldn't find any info on the legendary NWOBHM band Tank though. Stay heavy, Oleg. |
Date: | 11/5/2005 | Name: | Alena | Country: | Hgrusia | E-mail: | kva@gmail.com | Website: | http://air-ticket.100pantyhose.com/ | Comments: | Very good webpage you have here |
Date: | 11/5/2005 | Name: | Night WinD | Country: | Uzbekistan | E-mail: | dima_korotkov@mail.ru | Website: | http://www.rg-nightwind.boom.ru | Comments: | hi!
how are you?
we are rock-band Night WinD!
we'd like to invite you to visit our web-site and exchange the links+banners!
you can write the reviews+interviews about us!
we are looking for recording label!
see you!
Night WinD
Date: | 10/19/2005 | Name: | REYMON | Country: | MEXICO | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.metal-mixes-gdl.0catch.com | Comments: | Nice magazine,,,,,,,,
i invite you to check our web page of METAL MIXES GDL www.metal-mixes-gdl.0catch.com
metal mixes of:king diamond,gamma ray,rhapsody,acdc,metallica,helloween,tool,in flames,iron maiden,dream theater,amorphis,etc,,,cheers from mexico |
Date: | 10/16/2005 | Name: | yellowsnowisbad | Country: | USA | E-mail: | yellowsnowisbad@inbox.com | Website: | http://www.krisiunmusic.d4a.com/ | Comments: | Pretty decent magazine. |
Date: | 10/11/2005 | Name: | Night WinD | Country: | Uzbekistan | E-mail: | dima_korotkov@mail.ru | Website: | http://www.rg-nightwind.boom.ru | Comments: | hi!
how are u?
we are rock-band Night WinD!
we'd like to invite u to visit our web-site and exchange the links+banners!
u can write the reviews+interviews with us!
see u!
Night WinD
http://www.adventures.boom.ru |
Date: | 10/9/2005 | Name: | jill | Country: | Austria | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.love-child.at | Comments: | Great page ! A lot of perfect information and a lot of insight into the Hard and Heavy buisness.Tip :
Very exellent Austrian Hardrockband. |
Date: | 10/9/2005 | Name: | rituraj | Country: | india | E-mail: | scorpions_maina@yahoo.co.in | Website: | .................... | Comments: | it`s very nice . i have been letening to hard rock for some years. and it increased my knowledge on it |
Date: | 10/9/2005 | Name: | Isoveli | Country: | Finland | E-mail: | isovelivalvoo@netti.fi | Website: | www.henrykrock.com | Comments: | You have to see this:
http://www.henrykrock.com/english.htm |
Date: | 10/5/2005 | Name: | BENDOVER | Country: | SUOMI FINLAND PERKELE | E-mail: | bendoverhell@hotmail.com | Website: | www.bendover.fi | Comments: | THE HEAVIEST BAND FROM FINLAND, BENDOVER, OFFERS A FREE NETSINGLE AT: www.bendover.fi
Date: | 10/3/2005 | Name: | kekko terrorist | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | zartnatnik@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.hellterrorist.com | Comments: | BLACK/THRASH METAL OLD SCHOOL FROM HELL.READY SOON"HUMANS TERRORISTIK SATANIZATION"WITH ATTILA CSIHAR LIKE SESSION.ANTI-LIFE |
Date: | 10/3/2005 | Name: | Piotr & SKULLVIEW | Country: | USA | E-mail: | skullview-warriors@hotmail.com | Website: | www.skullview.com | Comments: | Killer site!!! Keep the Metal Flames burning!!! We will be in Europe in November for the KEEP IT TRUE Festival in Germany!!! Unleash the Metal Beast!!! SKULLVIEW!!!!!!! |
Date: | 9/23/2005 | Name: | Emma | Country: | Uk | E-mail: | emma_lcsn@hotmail.com | Website: | www.Myspace.com/zim_dilemma | Comments: | Hi, just want to know if we are related. Love Emma Lucassen, Dutch...? |
Date: | 9/8/2005 | Name: | Seymour Butz | Country: | USA | E-mail: | SeymourButz@inbox.lv | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Very well done site. I will enjoy the next update. |
Date: | 9/7/2005 | Name: | Kim Bendix (Headless Rider) | Country: | HELL | E-mail: | headless_rider@hotmail.com | Website: | www.headlessrider@soundvenue.com | Comments: | Check out the new track on our web page... it's killer...
Date: | 9/7/2005 | Name: | LIGEIA | Country: | ESPAÑA | E-mail: | K666THREETIMESSIX@HOTMAIL.COM | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | LOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEE MEEEEETAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!
Date: | 9/5/2005 | Name: | [zaRmen] | Country: | Austria | E-mail: | semler@horn.gv.at | Website: | http://www.finestofthesick.com | Comments: | the sickness in Austria has a name: [psychospank]
visit us at http://www.finestofthesick.com
Regards [zaRmen] |
Date: | 9/5/2005 | Name: | D.R. Bennett | Country: | USA | E-mail: | drbennett@att.net | Website: | http://www.drbennett.2ya.com | Comments: | Timo Tolkki is one of the best singers I've heard. I love 'Strat' and Timo! |
Date: | 8/29/2005 | Name: | JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. | Country: | WORD OF GOD. | E-mail: | holy_lord1@yahoo.fr | Website: | LOVE OF GOD. | Comments: | JESUS DECLARE I AM, the bread of life he who come to me will never go hungry and he who believe in me will never be thirsty.think of it.
THE BIBLE, says the enterance of GOD's word give light and it reception produces divine illuminiation, which all satanic corruption cannot stand for the light shines in darkness and darkness comprehendded it not.john-1-5.
THE BIBLE,records that the thief (satan )comes to steal,kill and destroy.but JESUS,comes to replace whatever satan has stolen and to replace in a most perfect.from john-10-10 GOD is interested in the redemption of our families.Paul reply the jailer,who asked what he must do to be
saved.belive on the LORD JESUS CHRIST,and you will be save and your family. act-16-31.
KEEP IN MIND,that not all worship is acceptable to GOD, this fact has been clear from the beginning.GOD approved of Abel's sacrifice, but rejected cain's own.Gen-4-4-5.THINK OF IT. |
Date: | 8/29/2005 | Name: | IRON MAIDEN NEW ALBUM | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.death-on-the-road.com/roadscripts/missions/liens/link.php?m=1&u=477&k=1pMvxtxxqeIXcIjzTyI | Comments: | http://www.death-on-the-road.com/roadscripts/missions/liens/link.php?m=1&u=477&k=1pMvxtxxqeIXcIjzTyIVZzPYlF8pRM0 |
Date: | 8/27/2005 | Name: | Devanic | Country: | Vienna | E-mail: | danzer@devanic.com | Website: | www.devanic.com | Comments: | Hello!
Great site! Also visit www.devanic.com - Melodic Deathmetal from Austria!
Enjoy it, stay metal! |
Date: | 8/26/2005 | Name: | jim d m | Country: | us | E-mail: | wes_hunt2001@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | it is not over for me are you |
Date: | 8/24/2005 | Name: | humanbloom | Country: | United States | E-mail: | agoraphobics@humanbloom.com | Website: | http://www.humanbloom.com | Comments: | Keep up the good work :) If you get a chance please check out my site.This site has helpful resources and forum for people living with agoraphobia , homebound, or housebound. Its main idea is to build an agoraphobic community and to provide links that will make thier lives easier. |
Date: | 8/23/2005 | Name: | marco | Country: | chile | E-mail: | manager@acrimonious | Website: | www.acrimonious.cl | Comments: | EXCELENT SITE...SALUDOS FROM CHILE...DEATHMETAL BAND www.acrimonious.cl |
Date: | 8/23/2005 | Name: | Mao Guevarra | Country: | Philippines | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | i want to see & hear about a stupid love like the song of PANTERA title:LOVE
Date: | 8/23/2005 | Name: | Jane | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | In regards to the incident at Ozzfest in Ca. Sharon Osborne needs a lesson in good old fashioned manners. She is a administrative business rep. for Ozzfest and keep the dirty laundry behind the curtains and don't air it in public. Look at how humiliating that was for Iron Maiden. Well, apparently she doesn't know the meaning of compassion. |
Date: | 8/21/2005 | Name: | Jason Hodges | Country: | Australia | E-mail: | jason@ilium-metal.com | Website: | www.ilium-metal.com | Comments: | Hi guys
Congratulations on a great site.
Don't forget to check out the new Ilium album, featuring Lord Tim from Dungeon on lead vocals due in Sept/Oct 2005 through Adrenaline/Steelheart
We have samples available on our site www.ilium-metal.com
Keep metal alive! |
Date: | 8/20/2005 | Name: | SETE STAR SEPT | Country: | JAPAN | E-mail: | info@7s7.org | Website: | http://www.7s7.org/ | Comments: | Japan's Noise/Grindcore band [SETE STAR SEPT]. thank your for your space. |
Date: | 8/13/2005 | Name: | KnifeH | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | nifehunta@hotmail.com | Website: | http://knifeh.deviantart.com | Comments: | Great site! :D |
Date: | 8/11/2005 | Name: | tuul | Country: | mongolia | E-mail: | tugaana@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | hi i want to know about metal rock. and thank you for help me. |
Date: | 8/11/2005 | Name: | Alex | Country: | Spain | E-mail: | alex@eden-metal.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Please, visite www.eden-metal.com, zanks. |
Date: | 8/10/2005 | Name: | Sebastian | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | stagemanager@the-rock.dk | Website: | www.the-rock.dk | Comments: | Cool site really useful |
Date: | 8/5/2005 | Name: | Knutsen | Country: | Norway | E-mail: | carvin1340@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.itch.no | Comments: | Great site, and full of suprises as well.
I`m taking care of the bass on this live video. |
Date: | 7/31/2005 | Name: | Mark Britain | Country: | uk | E-mail: | studio@pipelineradio.org | Website: | www.pipelineradio.org | Comments: | Luv that Jodie on Pipeline Radio shes knows how to rock. Plenty of great Finnish rock from what i understand Pipeline are also on SKY DIGITAL weekday afternoons in the UK. Check them out dudes. |
Date: | 7/30/2005 | Name: | Heidi | Country: | CH | E-mail: | heidi@prograss.net | Website: | http://www.prograss.net | Comments: | Hi all.
Wow, this is a nice site! Keep on rockin'!
Heidi |
Date: | 7/27/2005 | Name: | Benno | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | bennowar@gmx.de | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hail Steen,
here I am, the Warrior who sings with you the 8 parts of Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy!!! For me it was a honour te meet you and to bang my head to that fucking great song. Now i´m gonna send you the pictures of us and also a little video!!
Greetings from Germany...Hail and Kill
Benno(war) |
Date: | 7/25/2005 | Name: | Lionheart | Country: | Norway | E-mail: | lionheart@online.no | Website: | www.illusionsuite.net | Comments: | Hey people:-)
IIIusion Suite (From Norway) is now done with their second demo, or shall we call it an EP:-)
4 tracks 35min of soundtrackprogpowermetal:-)
We are pleased with the results and by that we mean it sounds the way IIIusion Suite should and will sound like in the future:-)
Feel free to download the whole ting from our site at:
And please leave a note in our guestbook:-)
[url]www.illusionsuite.net[/url] |
Date: | 7/16/2005 | Name: | Leed Machine | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.purevolume.com/leedmachine | Comments: | check us out give us a listen download for free
www.purevolume.com/leedmachine |
Date: | 7/16/2005 | Name: | Ford Parker | Country: | USA | E-mail: | fparker@vfemail.net | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Nice website! I enjoyed my visit. |
Date: | 7/15/2005 | Name: | withered_one | Country: | Egypt | E-mail: | withered_1@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | your sire is the best one i see as regard metal and rock stuff.i like reviews the most.it is a real reviews ,helpful i mean.thanks for this site. |
Date: | 7/14/2005 | Name: | Austin McCoullough | Country: | USA | E-mail: | ffol11@kmail.info | Website: | http://cars.auto-avto.com/~keagan_379/files/ | Comments: | Just to let you know that I think the website is great and I wish you all of the best for the future
Date: | 7/12/2005 | Name: | MUGU | Country: | IMO | E-mail: | HOMEBOY@HOTMAIL.COM | Website: | WWW.TOGO.IMO | Comments: | I LOVE YOUR SITE, PLS KEEP OFFFFFFF GUYSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Date: | 7/11/2005 | Name: | Metalhoved | Country: | DK | E-mail: | anders@direkte.org | Website: | www.dsg-online.dk | Comments: | Very nice site, amazing amount of reviews....keep'em cooming. If you could make a mailing list /newsletter thing, it would be awesome. Rock On !! |
Date: | 7/11/2005 | Name: | MetalDen | Country: | France | E-mail: | metalden@free.fr | Website: | http://perso.wanadoo.fr/denis.cassoudesalle | Comments: | UFO, one of the best hard rock band all over the world, is on US tour and had produced a great album "you are here". Find all data, reviews, forum on homepage above (http://perso.wanadoo.fr/denis.cassoudesalle) |
Date: | 7/7/2005 | Name: | JackViper | Country: | U.K | E-mail: | theviper@jackviper.com | Website: | http://www.jackviper.com/ | Comments: | Hey Dudes,
Check out brand new London based sleaze rock act..JackViper.
and get a free e.p.
Rock 'n fucking Roll!
Date: | 7/2/2005 | Name: | sagardonde | Country: | india | E-mail: | sagardonde@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | its nice site to visit once |
Date: | 7/1/2005 | Name: | elfin | Country: | china | E-mail: | night_elfin@hotmail.com | Website: | not yet | Comments: | lordi,northen,Dark tranquility |
Date: | 6/21/2005 | Name: | Richy - U.K. | Country: | UK | E-mail: | richybonzo@yahoo.co.uk | Website: | http://www.aorock.co.uk | Comments: | Hi - Just a quick line to say that my website AOROCK.co.uk. is online and has the latest news on SHY - best known for excess all areas - Tour in support of Sunset & Vine latest album - & news of Tony Mills (Shy vocalist's ) new solo album.
Also check AOROCK.com for my main SHY site - covering all Shy's albums. Thanks for looking |
Date: | 6/20/2005 | Name: | Allan Pedersen | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | allanP@rock.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Have anybody heard of a Danish band called Salem?? You should check them out, cause in spite of their Americana-fling, the lyrics are black as death and insane as Monte Bello in a Stephen King-scenario... |
Date: | 6/20/2005 | Name: | AMAR m | Country: | nepal | E-mail: | frens4u@msn.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | no comments hehe |
Date: | 6/19/2005 | Name: | erik | Country: | u.s.of a | E-mail: | ac/dc_rocks15@yahoo.com | Website: | aol.com | Comments: | hell yea rock out biotch |
Date: | 6/17/2005 | Name: | Sioned Williams | Country: | Wales | E-mail: | Punx@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I think Funeral for a Friend r the best band ever!
\m/(<->)\m/ |
Date: | 6/16/2005 | Name: | Bill Baer | Country: | USA | E-mail: | billybaer1951@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Cool site!! |
Date: | 6/14/2005 | Name: | barry | Country: | scotland | E-mail: | odinsfire1983@yahoo.co.uk | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | hey steen hows it goin whens your solo album of manowar covers coming out ha ha ha!!! remember if you want to review lana lane ( not that you can remember) il save you time it was shite hello also to the crew at sr this year and also to the cy-borg also known as party dude |
Date: | 6/14/2005 | Name: | Andrew | Country: | Scotland | E-mail: | whostheduck@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.vaguespace.co.uk | Comments: | STEEN! You crazy monk! Ha ah! When are we going to be able to read your review of Sweden Rock 2005? I can't wait! Say "hi" to Borg and the rest of Nice Try! Also, a big "howdy" to Nina and the rest of the Revelationz team! Where's my T-Shirt? |
Date: | 6/13/2005 | Name: | Motley | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | glamster54@hotmail.com | Website: | www.rocknation.dk | Comments: | Hey michael. Fine looking page you've got here!! More amazing than I thouhght actually. Keep up the good work and YES NITRO still Roxx!!!!:O) |
Date: | 6/12/2005 | Name: | Richy - U.K. | Country: | U.K. | E-mail: | richybonzo@yahoo.co.uk | Website: | www.aorock.co.uk | Comments: | Hi - just a quick line to say that my new website AOROCK.CO.UK is up and running and will have news on AOR bands, including British bands - LATEST NEWS ON SHY/TONY MILLS is here at the moment - inlcuding information on SHY TOUR NEWS - SPAIN and more - a couple of U.K. gigs provisionally pencilled in. Check AOROCK.CO.UK for details and keep looking at AOROCK.com as well - more updates here soon.
SHY rehearsing for tour in Spain at the moment - thanks for looking.
Search eingines not picking up up WWW.AOROCK.CO.UK so full address needed to find it in browser or direct link.
Richy - AOROCK.CO.UK & aorock.com |
Date: | 6/5/2005 | Name: | Heli | Country: | Finland | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | TERVEISIÄ <<<<<<<
Date: | 6/5/2005 | Name: | Christian | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | streetteam@gmx.de | Website: | http://www.humanparanoid.de/ | Comments: | Check out the download section at the HUMAN PARANOID Homepage at http://www.humanparanoid.de/
Old School Thrash Metal From Germany
(Next gig: 2. July 2005 - Bad Oeynhausen (GER), Innenstadtfete - Rockstage)
Date: | 6/3/2005 | Name: | MetalDen | Country: | France | E-mail: | MetalDen@free.fr | Website: | http://perso.wanadoo.fr/denis.cassoudesalle/ | Comments: | This site is cool, with many metal interests;), as a good complement go to the site http://perso.wanadoo.fr/denis.cassoudesalle/
you will find a new forum dedicated only to metal, with a bonus for UFO
Date: | 5/29/2005 | Name: | Cork | Country: | USA | E-mail: | cork1958@operamail.com | Website: | http://webpages.charter.net/cork58/ | Comments: | Awesome site guys. Keep up the fantastic work. |
Date: | 5/18/2005 | Name: | metalbitch | Country: | us | E-mail: | kitkatbrat12@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | drugs...sex...music...all thats needed |
Date: | 5/18/2005 | Name: | cador | Country: | usa | E-mail: | not entered | Website: | not entered | Comments: | hard rock is cool i |
Date: | 5/11/2005 | Name: | Jenny | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.khigh.com | Comments: | KHIGH and Power Play Records are proud to release "Wise Hedonist" worldwide! The full-length hard rock debut album of KHIGH a brand new guitar driven reality, packed with 13 songs (limited ed. 11+2 bonus tracks!!!) professionally presented and manufactured by Power Play Records of NY!
Sick of overproduced nu-sh1t? This is the album you've been waiting for!
http://www.khigh.com |
Date: | 5/10/2005 | Name: | jhon | Country: | usa | E-mail: | brascichinternationalfanclub@hotmail.com | Website: | WWW.STUDIOMJB.COM | Comments: | MARIANO J. BRASCICH OFFICIAL WEB SITE |
Date: | 5/7/2005 | Name: | SpIkY | Country: | the metal side of Norway! | E-mail: | Spiky_91@hotmail.com | Website: | .......maybe | Comments: | Metal 4 life.......In flames rules the shit out of all metal bands! but many others are good to: KoRn, Mudvayne, Disturbed, Cradle of filth, Dimmu Borgir, Fear Factory, Slipknot, Hammerfall, Alice In Chains, Metallica, Cancer, Killswitch Engage,Mayhem and a lot of more! |
Date: | 5/6/2005 | Name: | Gordon | Country: | U.S.A [Land of the dumbass] | E-mail: | allysyn@charter.net | Website: | ????????????? | Comments: | Black Sabbath kicks ass!! Ozzy's new dvd set is sooo awesome! METAL RULES!!! |
Date: | 5/3/2005 | Name: | oneyori | Country: | onyeori@maga.com | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | i love this site so keep it and fuck all mother fuckers..... |
Date: | 4/30/2005 | Name: | Patawon and Augo | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | Nicole2000@ofir.dk | Website: | www.arto.dk | Comments: | Cool homepage... |
Date: | 4/30/2005 | Name: | Dodelijk | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.gatkanon.dk | Comments: | Chack out the site www.gatkanon.dk and see the new death'n'roll band. You'll puke and laugh your ass of. It's 100% Danish hævi-mædl of deaths... |
Date: | 4/29/2005 | Name: | Metalizer | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | danny@transparent-metal.com | Website: | www.transparent-metal.com | Comments: | Cool site.Anyone into wellplayed metal should check Transparent out members include ex Mercenary leadguitarist Signar Petersen and Mnemic drummer Brian "Brylle"Rasmusen go to www.transparent-metal.com |
Date: | 4/28/2005 | Name: | SVÖLK | Country: | Norway | E-mail: | post@svolk.net | Website: | svolk.net | Comments: | Check out the best norwegian hard rock band ever at www.svolk.net
Date: | 4/17/2005 | Name: | Silverjet | Country: | England | E-mail: | bandinfo@silver-jet.co.uk | Website: | http://www.silver-jet.co.uk | Comments: | Hey! Keepin Rock 'n' roll revolving Check out this new band all the way from Sheffield, England http://www.silver-jet.co.uk
Date: | 4/16/2005 | Name: | Red EDD | Country: | up yours | E-mail: | oooo | Website: | ooooo | Comments: | BITE ME!!!!! |
Date: | 4/9/2005 | Name: | spencer nuckolls | Country: | usa | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Rikki Rocket is a fag |
Date: | 4/9/2005 | Name: | James | Country: | Nuffield | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | John Norums new album is crap, dont buy it, I love rock music and have for the last 30 years and I know crap when I hear it, John you should be whipped for putting out this sub standard crap, if this is the best you can do, give it up mate |
Date: | 4/7/2005 | Name: | Cheyenne Shelton | Country: | United States | E-mail: | toungering_grl2005@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I think u r the greatest band in the history of rock n roll |
Date: | 4/5/2005 | Name: | Chris | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.intruder.biz | Comments: | Check out our site. METAL! |
Date: | 4/5/2005 | Name: | DANIEL | Country: | NEW ZEALAND | E-mail: | crushingzooxxx@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | FUCK YEAH WOOOOO \m/!!!!!!!! |
Date: | 3/31/2005 | Name: | Wolfie | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.brighthorizon.it | Comments: | WOWWWWWWWWW!
Date: | 3/30/2005 | Name: | Retro Joe | Country: | USA Baby | E-mail: | info@retrospectrecords.com | Website: | http://www.RetrospectRecords.com | Comments: | Retrospect Records is back and in your face. new Adds: Doug Blair, Rock city Angels, New Haven, Starr Faithfull, and Brad Wilson.
Hear Bittersweet, OK Panic, Cowboy Prostitutes, Farrenheit and Paul Bettencourt among others.
Retrospect Records Wants YOU!!!!!!! |
Date: | 3/29/2005 | Name: | Stefania | Country: | Italy | E-mail: | stefania74@europe.com | Website: | http://www.goranedman.net | Comments: | Hi everyone!
Don't forget that the amazing Talisman live double cd and the double DVD are now available!
Don't miss them!
Date: | 3/24/2005 | Name: | freak!!!! | Country: | malaysia | E-mail: | farajib_76@yahoomail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | cool site and great stuff for those who wish to bang their head on the wall.rock the world!!!!! |
Date: | 3/21/2005 | Name: | Pandora | Country: | England | E-mail: | fingermefast@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | All goths i sulute u because i've been one for 15years now.but has anyone heard of splitzlipspeircing they are amazing they are going on tour with Marilyn Manson soon and they are amazing |
Date: | 3/19/2005 | Name: | GunsNRosesRule | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Appetite for Destruction rules!!!! |
Date: | 3/14/2005 | Name: | sinner | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | info@virginsin.net | Website: | www.virginsin.net | Comments: |  |
Date: | 3/12/2005 | Name: | Mad Poet | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | madpoet@web.de | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hi there!
There´s been a guy from you at the HANOI ROCKS-Gig in Hamburg on the 25th of Feb., shooting a lot of pics & tellin´ me I could take a look at ´em on your HP....
Now it´s 2 weeks ago & there´s no review, no pics...
What´s wrong???
M. |
Date: | 3/10/2005 | Name: | Martin Steene | Country: | DK | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Ironfire.dk | Comments: | Hey Nina du er sgu en true metal sister:)Tak for et cool review af vores sidste koncert på the rock og ik at forglemme din suport gennem årene.Håber at se dig til næste show. Hail Revelationz.net Mvh Martin Steene/Ironfire |
Date: | 3/10/2005 | Name: | Ben Whelton | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | pokeshaw@porchlight.ca | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Can anybody tell me the name of the kind of Guitar that Angus Young uses? Oh and by the way Jason (from Canada) AC/DC has more talent in one fret than 10 bands put together. Zep is great but Angus is the master. |
Date: | 3/10/2005 | Name: | Jason | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I Just Wanna Say That AC/DC SUCKS and Led Zeppelin Kicks |
Date: | 3/9/2005 | Name: | Steve | Country: | Usa | E-mail: | anvil1994x@aol.com | Website: | http://metalzine666.cjb.net | Comments: | Greetings All....
Metal Zine 666 is a new site that is here to help support the metal scene for all bands National/Regional/Local/Unsigned.Our site features: Reviews/Interviews/Band Links/BOTM and much more to come.Please feel free to stop by the site and give it a try..Promoting Heavy metal One Band at A Time....
Stay Brutal.... |
Date: | 3/5/2005 | Name: | Hilda | Country: | UK | E-mail: | hilda@drugdealercheerleader.com | Website: | http://www.drugdealercheerleader.co.uk | Comments: | Has anyone on here heard of the new up and coming gods of rock 'Drugdealercheerleader'? These guys are just about to go out on tour with legendary US glam rockers Enuff Z Nuff, Pretty Boy Floyd and Bang Tango*. Other dates also added - see below
March 26 Shaftsbury
March 27 Basingstoke, Silks bar (Charity all dayer)
*March 30 West Midlands, U.K. J.B.'s
*March 31 London, UK The Underworld
*April 1 Bradford, UK Bradford Rio
*April 2 Nottingham, UK Rock City
*April 3 The Queens Hall, Nuneaton.
April 5 Camden Underworld (supporting Hardcore Superstar)
Website including downloads are on http://www.drugdealercheerleader.co.uk
Comments please????
Date: | 3/4/2005 | Name: | Fernando Marques | Country: | Portugal | E-mail: | fernandolunae@sapo.pt | Website: | http://www.monslunae.com | Comments: | Gothic Metal Band, MONS LVNAE.
Visit our website at:
www.monslunae.com |
Date: | 2/23/2005 | Name: | carlos schaffer | Country: | honduras | E-mail: | carlos_schaffer@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | this is such a great page..please put more videos of power metal...i got somevideos...just send me a mail.to see how can i upload my videos to share...whit all metal fans..... |
Date: | 2/22/2005 | Name: | Bruce Atkinson | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | fbainternational | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Very comprehensive site...still exploring, will visit often! |
Date: | 2/20/2005 | Name: | JILL | Country: | Japan | E-mail: | jill@dokken.jp | Website: | http://www.dokken.jp/ | Comments: | Hi, I am a huge fan of DOKKEN from Tokyo, Japan, and am planning to see them performing at The Rock in Copenhagen, Denmark on the 11th of April(Though the date is tentative). Could anybody please advise how to get there from CPH airport? I think I will have to rush up to the venue right after my arrival in CPH. Also, any hotels nearby? Thanks in advance!
Date: | 2/17/2005 | Name: | Hawkan | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | hawkrocker@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.joshsappletree.com | Comments: | Cool site!!!Very informative!!!
I´ll check back soon...
Time to rock...
Sweden |
Date: | 2/16/2005 | Name: | Kris | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | guitarchk4325@netscape.net | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Any one no the lyrics to "miss you" by sixty-10...e-mail me |
Date: | 2/12/2005 | Name: | Richard (U.K.) | Country: | u.k. | E-mail: | richybonzo@yahoo.co.uk | Website: | www.AOROCK.com (unofficial SHY website) | Comments: | Great reviews, like the layout and keep up the good work. New SHY album out - "Sunset & Vine" - check out my site at AOROCK.com..MAGNUM to be added soon.... |
Date: | 2/8/2005 | Name: | Randall | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Randall@Sixty-10.com | Website: | www.sixty-10.com | Comments: | Great Site!!! Come to Sixty-10.com to check out our brand new 3 song EP. There are full length tracks available. |
Date: | 2/7/2005 | Name: | Jennifer Martino | Country: | USA | E-mail: | gjklf@juk.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | t h a n k s
jenn martino |
Date: | 2/4/2005 | Name: | Egovan Na Bia | Country: | sweden | E-mail: | egovan_mgbada@yahoo.fr | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO MAKES THIS BOOK POSSILE SO LOVELY AND INTERESTING |
Date: | 2/4/2005 | Name: | PERCY BARRUETA | Country: | PERU | E-mail: | lord_of_the_world@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | good reviews!!!! please get us newsletters, mailing list and more media |
Date: | 2/2/2005 | Name: | YOUR OWN DECAY | Country: | Switzerland | E-mail: | ydkmanagement@caramail.com | Website: | Your Own Decay - official website | Comments: | YOUR OWN DECAY's new album "Recollection" out now!!
Don't forget to download some MP3 on the official website of the swiss metal band - http://www.YourOwnDecay.com - and to write your feedback on our forum.
Brutality? ...a way of life! |
Date: | 1/27/2005 | Name: | Fearless | Country: | spain | E-mail: | manu_park@hotmail.com | Website: | www.fearless-site.tk | Comments: | HI GUYS !! we are a new band from ubeda (spain) , we want to show you our music , go to the web page www.fearless-site.tk and download mp3 and videoclip , thank |
Date: | 1/20/2005 | Name: | londoncalling | Country: | England | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | we've read Peter Blast/TCC have declined performing on the upcoming EZ tour. this is good! Peters new CD "Explode" is to HOT to be performed with HASBEENS! |
Date: | 1/19/2005 | Name: | Crofty | Country: | England | E-mail: | xcrofty@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I just want to say that the news of I.C.S Vortex joining up with the mighty Arcturus is absolutely fantastic news. Interesting how he replaced Garm(G.Rex) in Borknagar and now in Arcturus. Arcturus are absolute pioneers in metal music and expect some superb Avantgarde wonders in the Future. Thankyou revelationz for breaking this great news to me. You are one of the best webzines on the net and deserve to have A magazine out that can be bought over here in Britain. |
Date: | 1/9/2005 | Name: | Sinner | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | info@virginsin.net | Website: | http://www.virginsin.net | Comments: |  |
Date: | 1/7/2005 | Name: | Mats S | Country: | Norway | E-mail: | crimsonvelvet@gmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I wanted to compliment you on your reviews, as most of them are fairly well written. I hope you'll be able to do more reviews of black metal albums in the future. |
Date: | 1/6/2005 | Name: | Sweet Sunshine | Country: | Nl | E-mail: | sunny@immobilienschnaeppchen-aktuell.de | Website: | http://www.immobilienschnaeppchen-aktuell.de | Comments: | I enjoy reading through this informal place. I will surely visit you again to see if anything new appears on it.
Good luck for the future. |
Date: | 1/5/2005 | Name: | Fractured Reality | Country: | US | E-mail: | contact@fractured-reality.com | Website: | www.fractured-reality.com | Comments: | Very cool!!! Check out my band if you get a chance.
Fractured Reality began in May of 2002, with one goal in mind, to create some of the most intense, original metal to ever come out of central New York.
Check us out at:
http://www.fractured-reality.com |