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Guestbook entries for the year 2003
Date: | 12/25/2003 | Name: | sonny | Country: | usa | E-mail: | doubleguitar@hotmail.com | Website: | www.seven7gates.com | Comments: | metal |
Date: | 12/22/2003 | Name: | Julian | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.thundereyes.cjb.net | Comments: | check out http://www.thundereyes.cjb.net if you like swedish melodic death metal! cheers! |
Date: | 12/21/2003 | Name: | Sylvain | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | drummer@neuralmass.com | Website: | www.neuralmass.com | Comments: | Great site !! |
Date: | 12/21/2003 | Name: | Shari Black Velvet | Country: | UK | E-mail: | shari@blackvelvetmagazine.com | Website: | http://www.blackvelvetmagazine.com | Comments: | Hey. Great site! Can't believe I've never seen it before. Can we swap links? Mine is Black Velvet Zine at www.blackvelvetmagazine.com - email me at shari@blackvelvetmagazine.com - Cheers! |
Date: | 12/15/2003 | Name: | Sound Riot Records | Country: | Portugal | E-mail: | soundrioteurope@terra.com.br | Website: | http://www.soundriot.net | Comments: | Great site, very supportive!!!
We are a new record-label dedicated to Melodic Metal. Home of REQUIEM, VII GATES, GAIA EPICUS, UNCHAINED, among others.
Visit our website and listen to our bands...
Date: | 12/8/2003 | Name: | Tez | Country: | Australia | E-mail: | tezza_babe_@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hye, would someone be able to send me the lyrics of 'The Curse I Hold Within' by 'Silent Edge'? Thanx :) |
Date: | 12/8/2003 | Name: | Gerardo | Country: | USA | E-mail: | ultimaterock@rock.com | Website: | www.live365.com/stations/crusadergbr | Comments: | Hello folks! Great site! Want to listen to the best modern progmetal bands? Just go to www.live365.com/stations/crusadergbr and listen to the *very best* of modern progressive rock and metal!
Date: | 12/6/2003 | Name: | KingLaszlo | Country: | USA | E-mail: | kinglac26@yfhvjhv.net | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I have been and always will be a KingDiamond fan. I heard "Puppet Master" and I love it! And I personally think that it's cool that the story is based in Budapest Hungary since I am Hungarian. It's a cool sick story. I am definetely going to purchase the cd. It is a must to have to your KD collection. King Diamond and the rest of the band inspire me and they RULE! |
Date: | 12/4/2003 | Name: | anika gabol | Country: | pakistan | E-mail: | desirelerss_devil@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | hi |
Date: | 12/1/2003 | Name: | Hilda | Country: | England | E-mail: | hilda@drugdealercheerleader.com | Website: | www.drugdealercheerleader.com | Comments: | A big shout out to Micheal and Steen - complete party animals who love their rock n roll! Totally cool guys - looking forward to seeing you pogoing down the front at another DDCL gig soon!
H. |
Date: | 11/27/2003 | Name: | Eddie | Country: | UK | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Great site.
Looking forward to the Enuffz/Crash Kelly/Drugdealer Cheerleader reviews.
Those of Sweden Rock 2003 brought back some good memories.
Cheers. |
Date: | 11/25/2003 | Name: | roy max hill | Country: | u.s. | E-mail: | jbolti2003@aol.com | Website: | www.jessebolt.com | Comments: | enjoy your site, emailed you about featuring jesse bolt |
Date: | 11/23/2003 | Name: | wan | Country: | singapore | E-mail: | wanhafidz64@yahoo.com.sg | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | rockin site ! |
Date: | 11/21/2003 | Name: | Michael | Country: | USA | E-mail: | digitalink2@aol.com | Website: | www.prymary.com | Comments: | Awesome site. Lots of cool information. Check out the Prymary album when you have a chance. We have one of the songs on the 'Prog 4 You' CD. Thanks and see you all in 2004!
Mike - Prymary Vocals |
Date: | 11/21/2003 | Name: | Chrisi | Country: | GERMANY | E-mail: | mbs.fischer.c@web.de | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | are you able to send me the "entlighten me" lyric?
Date: | 11/18/2003 | Name: | chatten | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | elke98@web.de | Website: | http://chatten.bilder-l.de | Comments: | You have done an exceptional job in creating and designing this website. My Congratulations to you!!! chat greetings |
Date: | 11/17/2003 | Name: | Chief | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | chief@hackquarters.com | Website: | http://www.hackquarters.com | Comments: | Can you hear me ouch there?! .. ;) |
Date: | 11/17/2003 | Name: | dahlia | Country: | FYROMacedonia | E-mail: | newborn@freemail.com.mk | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | when you are looking in the mirror don`t you ask yourself:
-aren`t my eyes lying me?!
what if this is not me?! |
Date: | 11/16/2003 | Name: | Sarah Morrigon Crane | Country: | U.S.A | E-mail: | cresentstar_21@yahoo.com | Website: | http://morrigon.tripod.com/thecircle/ | Comments: | Just stopped by and thought this was an awesome site. Visit my site all, I'm hoping to spread the word about good music. Both new and old bands. So my home page here is just the start. thanks much,
Date: | 11/14/2003 | Name: | Brigitte and Dave | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | Dave@ten-years-after.com | Website: | www.ten-years-after.com | Comments: | Hello Anders, thanks for visiting our website and posting a nice message on our board. We're glad we found your website now we have more new music lovers to talk with. Our favorite band from the 60's and early 1970's is Ten Years After with Alvin Lee. Alvin left TYA and is fronting his own band, so Joe Gooch has taken over on guitar and is just fantastic. We invite all of you to check out their tour dates and please sign our guestbook while your there.
Much Respect to all of you from Brigitte and Dave
Date: | 11/10/2003 | Name: | nightmare72576 | Country: | Land of the Free | E-mail: | nightmarebethyname72576@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I love heavy metal,don't you of course you do. bad grammer. not really trying. this is fun. just typing for no reason,im insane.I'll come to your house and fix you dinner hows that sound? King Diamond/Mercyful Fate is my favorite band,ozzy is second, 80s Metallica third, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest are cool as well.A nightmares last thought,Is South Park on tonight? or Crank Yankers?this is the perfect place to pick up women,or maybe not oh well theres always the bar. |
Date: | 11/10/2003 | Name: | nightmare72576 | Country: | USA | E-mail: | nightmarebethyname72576@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | 27yrs old, KD fan since 89, go as KD every Hallween since 15yrs old E-mail me if you want. specially women who listen to King Diamond. From Michigan City Indiana. Puppet Master is the best yet. Livia Zira is great on the album hope she does the next. |
Date: | 11/10/2003 | Name: | justdimi | Country: | Netherlands | E-mail: | justdimi@yahoo.com | Website: | http://www.justdimi.tk | Comments: | Watch Justdimi concertpage for pictures and reviews
hope you like it
greetingz Justdimi |
Date: | 11/6/2003 | Name: | APC | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Great site.
Please be sure to check out
for the latest information on A Perfect Circle. |
Date: | 11/5/2003 | Name: | el camino | Country: | Belgium | E-mail: | patrick.vanschooren@skynet.be | Website: | http://www.scarredmind.tk | Comments: | WOW!!GREAT AWESOME FUCKING SITE GUYS!!GO ON AND PUMP UP THE UNDERGROUND!!
Date: | 11/1/2003 | Name: | Ken Funster | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | kpeters47@msn.com | Website: | www.rhinobucket.com | Comments: | Check out Rhino Bucket at www.rhinobucket.com They're in the studio now and they're coming back. The Last REAL Rock Band!
After 9 long years of waiting, Rhino Bucket is currently recording a new EP!.... looking for a new contract!!!!!
Rhino Bucket recorded two albums for Warner Bros/EMI back in '90 and '92 and and independent album in '94 with former AC/DC drummer Simon Wright. They had one song on the Wayne's World Movie Soundtrack but got little recognition because of the sudden emergence of Nirvana and Grunge music. They had been known for an awesome boogie rock style similar to AC/DC, but all original very well written music with very catchy licks and rhythm. The lead singer Georg Dolivo has a voice that you would swear was Bon Scott back from the dead, and Georg is a natural at the sneery rasp that Bon could only have done. (So I thought, being a 20 plus year solid AC/DC fan). Plus origional licks with guitarist Brian Forsythe(from Kix), Reeve Downes on bass and Jackie Enx on drums. If you put their first cd in a changer with Highway to Hell, Powerage, Let There Be Rock and High Voltage, you would probably think it was a whole unreleased AC/DC album with Bon Scott. The original music and lyrics stand up on their own and in my opinion their previously releases could easily be mistaken for new releases.
After a seven year hiatus Rhino Bucket has been doing some bar dates in Southern California and they also have recorded several new tunes and are currently arranging a new EP. with the resurgence in popularity of hard rock. They are currently looking for a record label to pick them up to release a new album and want to start a tour around North America in 2004.
Check out their website at www.rhinobucket.com or listen to some soundbites at http://www.rhinobucket.com/downloads.html. Rhino Bucket has been highly underrated by the recording industry and believe now is the time for the re-emergence of Rhino Bucket!
Ken and the ROSTer's!
Date: | 11/1/2003 | Name: | :))) | Country: | LITHUANIA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | wow!you've got lots lots of comments :)
i guess i will repeat others, but THIS SITE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
You do know what good music is!
I found it while looking for Neal Morse, but i can't belive I've found MORE bands i love.
Great work guys. Indeed! You are great and you know that of course :P
well, enought of compliments. You have the best website ever and keep doing what you have been doing cause IT'S WORKING :))))))))))))))
Greetings from Lithuania to everyone who loves rock (for those who are bad in geography i can tell that Lithuania is a small country in East Europe:P)hehehe
Good luck ;) |
Date: | 10/29/2003 | Name: | ZECTA ZEPIA | Country: | ARGENTINA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.zectazepia.com | Comments: | Come to see...
ZECTA ZEPIA the band with the biggest balls, ready to blow your mind
Thanks and good luck
sign our guestbook!!!
Walk with the new rock... |
Date: | 10/27/2003 | Name: | Costabile | Country: | Brazil | E-mail: | costabilejunior@hotmail.com | Website: | www.shadowside.com.br | Comments: | Hello my friends,
I am congratulating you for the site and the good words to Shadowside in your reviews.
Thank you,
Press Agent Shadowside |
Date: | 10/26/2003 | Name: | Steve Mika | Country: | United States | E-mail: | cobrasm@verizon.net | Website: | none | Comments: | I am one of those 50+ rockers who still loves the music. why change what you have enjoyed all your life? i was on the $ign of 4 web site and was referred to this site, and i am glad i visited. Great site with lots of great information, keep up the good work Steve Mika. |
Date: | 10/20/2003 | Name: | Sam | Country: | England | E-mail: | Sampha@ntlworld.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | great site-im computer illiterate but this good to use. First time here but will be back |
Date: | 10/20/2003 | Name: | Goran Paleka | Country: | Croatia | E-mail: | goranpaleka@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | 'Kin great! Greetings to all you metalheads from Zadar, Croatia! |
Date: | 10/19/2003 | Name: | Christian | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | heikohauser@web.de | Website: | http://chr.hauser.bei.t-online.de | Comments: | Hello from Nuernberg (Germany)!
This is a nice Site.
Greetings from Christian
Date: | 10/16/2003 | Name: | Franco | Country: | Italy | E-mail: | cavernicolo@hotmail.com | Website: | www.medulla.8m.com | Comments: | Shining Site! |
Date: | 10/15/2003 | Name: | ali | Country: | pakistan | E-mail: | sky4u13@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Great site! Wonderful to find a place where it's about hard rock / heavy.
I'll definitely be back to read some more..
Date: | 10/13/2003 | Name: | Sara | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.rlhfans.subnet.dk | Comments: | Great site! Wonderful to find a place where it's about hard rock / heavy.
I'll definitely be back to read some more..
Meanwhile pls. Check out my fan site for a great Swedish upcoming Hard Rock band
Redlight Hookers. They're fantastic!!
I've got 2 songs for download, in the news section, but I'll have more up soon. (With permission of course.)
Date: | 10/13/2003 | Name: | FreeChat | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | freechat@mail.com | Website: | http://freechat.llil.de | Comments: | Thanks! Enjoed the time on your site! Sincerly yours, Bilder |
Date: | 10/10/2003 | Name: | webmaster A-Z Heavy Metal | Country: | Spain | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.azheavymetal.com | Comments: | Nice site. It's really cool.
I will make a link to the web.
webmaster A-Z Heavy Metal
Date: | 10/5/2003 | Name: | rishab | Country: | india | E-mail: | sodirocky_007@rediffmail.com | Website: | metallica | Comments: | damnnnnnnnnnnn good site |
Date: | 10/4/2003 | Name: | Zakk Flash | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.BandwagonOK.tk | Comments: | BandwagonOK is the site for Oklahoma local music! Rock on! |
Date: | 10/2/2003 | Name: | Faulzhan | Country: | germany | E-mail: | faulzahn@gmx.de | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Very good site!!
Savatage are the best metal band of its all!!!!!!!!!
Gettings to all savatage fanatics!!!!! |
Date: | 9/28/2003 | Name: | ron warrion | Country: | singapore | E-mail: | hauntedmelody@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.metalprovider.com/steelglory | Comments: | very nice site. revalationz rulez. keep it up. fans of 80s heavy metal check us out. |
Date: | 9/28/2003 | Name: | stærkmand | Country: | dk | E-mail: | klaptilhornet@.jatak.dd | Website: | hvidehening.snif.dk | Comments: | det var det værste lort jeg længe har hørt. få et rigtigt job i homoer ellers må hånden tale |
Date: | 9/28/2003 | Name: | Martin Steene | Country: | danmark | E-mail: | martinsteene@ofir.dk | Website: | www.ironfire.com | Comments: | Tak for et kanon live review.Og iøvrigt fed metal side i har fået banket op.Jeg kan forsikre at Ironfire vil rejse sig fra graven som vi har gjort det før.Så håber vi bare at folk vil være der for os,når vi er klar igen.Hail to power spirit and might of heavy metal.Martin Steene. |
Date: | 9/28/2003 | Name: | Jannik | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Freedom call var navnet jeg ledte efter Nina :-) |
Date: | 9/22/2003 | Name: | IGBO JAJAJA | Country: | UK | E-mail: | IGBOJA@MUGU.COM | Website: | WWW.NWANNE.NET | Comments: | Please visit our website and let us know what you think about it. We would appreciate any kind of feedback from you inorder to improve the quality of work we are doing. Also, please leave a short message on the SHOUTBOX along with your name and contact. Thank you. |
Date: | 9/16/2003 | Name: | michel | Country: | france | E-mail: | sauveur.grizzanti@wanadoo.fr | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | hello thanks for the cd, cool site and up the IRONS!!!!!
Date: | 9/16/2003 | Name: | Vpower | Country: | Spain | E-mail: | hola@edguy.nu | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | GREAT PAGE, GREAT WORK. CONGRATULATIONS.
Date: | 9/15/2003 | Name: | Krista | Country: | NZ | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Your music roxs
I only hvae one of your Cds but it is really kool. My favourite song is alone you breath
Date: | 9/11/2003 | Name: | Sex and Business $2,500,000 MLM Biz | Country: | dhaka | E-mail: | bilkis78@yahoo.com | Website: | http://www.freewebs.com/tahmid | Comments: | VIRILEX METHOD: A Safe and Simple Exercise for Man that must increase Male Stamina & Virility and also Enlarge Male Organ (Penis) up to 3.5" Guaranteed.
http://www.freewebs.com/tahmid/ |
Date: | 9/7/2003 | Name: | Jed | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | mepstrep@yahoo.com.br | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Cool |
Date: | 9/2/2003 | Name: | Phil | Country: | Italy | E-mail: | glamneverdie@yahoo.com | Website: | www.black-hill.too.it | Comments: | Kool site !!!!..wanna sleazy drunk glam rock ??...cum visit us !!!
cheers !!!
Filthy Phil |
Date: | 9/1/2003 | Name: | SaMaNtha | Country: | CaNaDa | E-mail: | BlAh | Website: | http://www.geocities.com/samantha_iannetti/samanthasystemhomepage.html | Comments: | Hey WiKet Site man PrEtty Rocken Er ..Lata |
Date: | 9/1/2003 | Name: | The King | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.fatalmile.nu | Comments: | Hey!
Cool site!!!
Check out FATAL SMILE from Sweden on: www.fatalsmile.nu
Get it on!!! |
Date: | 8/31/2003 | Name: | senor pedro | Country: | great germany | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.bin-laden-crew.de | Comments: | Allah is watching you!
www.bin-laden-crew.de |
Date: | 8/21/2003 | Name: | Kattegat | Country: | Spaqin | E-mail: | anggusss@yahoo.es | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | all my best congratulations to this web page...And I think it's obvious to say that Impelliteri is a great band...All people here just likes this band, hehe... |
Date: | 8/20/2003 | Name: | Sam | Country: | USA | E-mail: | yosierules@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hi just thought i'd check your sight out- it is pretty cool. |
Date: | 8/20/2003 | Name: | Kenny | Country: | USA | E-mail: | webmaster@digitalquality3.com | Website: | http://www.digitalquality3.com/ | Comments: | Nice website |
Date: | 8/20/2003 | Name: | Dan | Country: | USA | E-mail: | webmaste@dq3.com | Website: | http://www.dq3.com | Comments: | Nice site
http://www.dq3.com/ |
Date: | 8/17/2003 | Name: | Greedy Smurf | Country: | USA | E-mail: | GreedySmurf@Phreaker.net | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I really like your site |
Date: | 8/14/2003 | Name: | FreeChat | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | freechat@mail.com | Website: | http://test.iptex.de/guest/index.php?act=books | Comments: | http://test.iptex.de/guest/index.php?act=bookshttp://test.iptex.de/guest/index.php?act=bookshttp://test.iptex.de/guest/index.php?act=booksspam!!!just go to the url and see spammachine.he he he...We need to destroy people who create things like this -> http://test.iptex.de/guest/index.php?act=books(c) AlMat / almat.com.ua |
Date: | 8/10/2003 | Name: | odhinn | Country: | sweden | E-mail: | allfadr@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hail everyone!!!
At last are the rulers of the northen sphere is back in action.After 3 years of
silence..with new members and soon a new album..(searching for the ultimate label)
Inbattle are now: John Frölén (guitar) John Odhinn Sandin(Odhinn) (vocal)
Hasse Karlsson(Diabolical)(Guitar) Nils Fjällström (Aeon666..and more)
(Drums)..Inbattle is now a more death act with thrash influense...and more
technical than ever...
Next gig in stockholm at club aggression with Amon amarth and Finntroll- 6/9....more info:
Do u want Inbattle to play in ur hometown?
Albums:In battle/Inbattle
:In battle/Rage of the northmen....
Both albums released on Napalm records....
Upcomming album: Inbattle/soul metamorphosis |
Date: | 8/3/2003 | Name: | Dee Troyit | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://oklahomabombsquad.iuma.com | Comments: | Great site....I'm definately coming back to check it out some more.
Want to check out some free downloads...go to
http://oklahomabombsquad.iuma.com and let us know what you think in our comments section.
Oklahoma Bomb Squad |
Date: | 8/1/2003 | Name: | jii | Country: | finland | E-mail: | jiionnia@hotmail.com | Website: | www.mikseri.net/circus | Comments: | www.mikseri.net/circus |
Date: | 7/31/2003 | Name: | Dick Spammer | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | offers@budget-it.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | ROCK don't do, electric avenue, and now I'll take it higher.
You guys are banging, and I should know, I am a GUITAR GOD. |
Date: | 7/30/2003 | Name: | Brett Damler | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://cloudscape.se | Comments: | Thank you for a great zine!
Check out the Band "CLOUDSCAPE" At The Above URL. |
Date: | 7/30/2003 | Name: | bcw | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.newfalcon.com/books/labyrinth_of_chaos.htm | Comments: | nice work |
Date: | 7/25/2003 | Name: | Frank | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | info@fp-pix.de | Website: | www.fp-pix.de | Comments: | Hi folks,
on www.fp-pix.de I posted 166 new pics from the last Gig Ray gave
on 23.7. in Burg Satzvey. It would be nice if you could leave a message
on our Guestbook. If I have enough visitors from English speaking areas, I will
add an English language section to the page.
Navi : under Galerie click to the R.Wilson section, than choose the first thump
& click into the zoomed photo to go to the next one. "Gästebuch" stands for
"Guestbook", "neuer Eintrag" for new entry.
enjoy the pics and have fun
Date: | 7/24/2003 | Name: | Phil | Country: | Italy | E-mail: | glamneverdie@yahoo.com | Website: | www.black-hill.too.it | Comments: | Kool site guyz......metal up your ass !!!...right on !!!
Have booze and nasty notes !!!
Best regards from Black Hill sleazy, drunk, glam, rock band from ITALY !!!
See ya !!
Phil |
Date: | 7/24/2003 | Name: | wladimir | Country: | brazil | E-mail: | wla95@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | metallica:last album is shit!!!
alterna metal,arrrrggghhh!! |
Date: | 7/24/2003 | Name: | kashan beg | Country: | UK | E-mail: | kashiapt@kashan.com | Website: | not enterd | Comments: | only for love tack...
plz contact us
923002276037 (free sms from www.chat.mobilinkgsm.com) |
Date: | 7/24/2003 | Name: | kashan beg | Country: | pakistan | E-mail: | kashiapt@kashan.com | Website: | not enterd | Comments: | This is just a test entry...
Mirza Kashan Beg |
Date: | 7/23/2003 | Name: | DonØ | Country: | DK | E-mail: | donø@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.metal-reference.com/contest/contest.html | Comments: | Nice contest with free giveaways here:
http://www.metal-reference.com/contest/contest.html |
Date: | 7/22/2003 | Name: | Nick Roberts | Country: | Canada | E-mail: | pyrrosdimas@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | As an olympic weightlifter, I use music as a method of getting in an upbeat, motivated mood. Lost Horizon are by far the best band for it...simply amazing stuff |
Date: | 7/19/2003 | Name: | George Mainwaring | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | george.mainwaring@tiscali.co.uk | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | great |
Date: | 7/19/2003 | Name: | Kyoko | Country: | Japan | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://homepage2.nifty.com/heavensheart/ | Comments: | Hi. Your site is Great. I just read Whitesnake report. I will look forward to seeing their show in September.Keep up the great work! |
Date: | 7/17/2003 | Name: | The Count | Country: | Vegas | E-mail: | count@thecount.com | Website: | http://crankcaller.com | Comments: | Yo, I really dig this site!!!
Please check out our band CRANKCALLER
and listen to "HIGH FREqUENCY" from our full length album "Altogether Darker World"
The Count
http://mp3.com/crankcaller |
Date: | 7/17/2003 | Name: | Antonio | Country: | Italy | E-mail: | bluedanger@libero.it | Website: | www.bluedanger.too.it | Comments: | Hi
I've visit your web site and I must say thati is very interesting
becouse give sudden at the visitors a clear idea of you style!!!
First of all excuse me for my english, but I'm italian and I can't speak
english very well.
In the scond complimenti for your web site, is very good structuring,
and compliment for your band and your originality!!
When you've spare time, can you visit my web site
Is very important for me to know what you think about it!
Antonio Di Chiara
Date: | 7/17/2003 | Name: | mugu | Country: | togo | E-mail: | mugu@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | i dey here |
Date: | 6/29/2003 | Name: | Shu | Country: | Japan | E-mail: | shuhmf@jcom.home.ne.jp | Website: | http://www.heavymetalforces.com | Comments: | We are Japanese heavy metal printed fanzine "Heavy Metal Forces(HMF)". HMF is the only heavy metal fanzine that is released regularly several times a year in Japan.
We are looking for some talented promising metal bands to feature on our zine!
Any kind of demos or promo copies are welcome!!
If interested, just mail me.
Check out our website and sign our guestbook, too: http://www.heavymetalforces.com |
Date: | 6/24/2003 | Name: | Vampirenow | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.halfmoonweb.cjb.net | Comments: | Visit the Official HALFMOON website! Great metal band!
http://www.halfmoonweb.cjb.net |
Date: | 6/24/2003 | Name: | Isaac | Country: | colorado usa | E-mail: | isaacallin@hotmail.com | Website: | www.mp3.com/spinedown | Comments: | If you like The Lord Of The Rings. Download The Return Of The King, An epic raw power metal song by SPINEDOWN. www.mp3.com/spinedown |
Date: | 6/19/2003 | Name: | Thomas | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | thomas@urkraft.dk | Website: | www.urkraft.dk | Comments: | Check out Danish Death / Thrash metal act URKRAFT through the link given above.
If interested of course...
Heavy bloody fucking metal!! |
Date: | 6/19/2003 | Name: | stumpen | Country: | sweden | E-mail: | mLn_rodnar@hotmail.com | Website: | N/A | Comments: | hello danishpeople =)!!
it's Elias from the rfestival .. your Swedish neighbours =).. hehe.. "tjena läget fan?" ;) .. hehe .. so how you doing .. send me an email guys.. and we'll talk more :) .. bye bye .. PARTY ON !! |
Date: | 6/18/2003 | Name: | Sonic Assault | Country: | UK | E-mail: | sonicassaultmag@yahoo.co.uk | Website: | http://www.sonicassault.co.uk | Comments: | INFERNAL GREETINGS,
We are Sonic Assault, Online Magazine from UK. We are Internet's first rock/metal music news aggregator website providing the best and latest news headlines from the best resources across the globe. Our endeavour is to provide the latest groundbreaking news in the rock/metal world FIRST. By partnering with some of the best news resources across the globe, we are providing the latest news all at one single place thus providing more information and choice to the end user, YOU. This means you don't have to go around searching for the latest news of your fav band but find out about them at just one single location, SONIC ASSAULT. An enhanced search facility is also provided to search through the innumerable news headlines present in our database.
Some of the news sources which are supporting our venture are Blabbermouth.net, Metal Rules, Metal Update, Metal Hammer, BraveWords, Metal Underground, Blistering.com, SMNNews, Live 4 Metal, Rockezine, Into Obscurity to name a few. The full list of the news sources and their headlines are available on our website.
Please visit our website and let us know what you think about it. We would appreciate any kind of feedback from you inorder to improve the quality of work we are doing. Also, please leave a short message on the SHOUTBOX along with your name and contact. Thank you.
Date: | 6/18/2003 | Name: | Ulrike | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hi Freaks ! Does somebody of you know a good site about PASSENGER or IN FLAMES ??? |
Date: | 6/18/2003 | Name: | cheap flights airline tickets | Country: | USA | E-mail: | johngeorge77@netscape.net | Website: | http://www.cheapflightselect.com/ | Comments: | Thank you for this site and greetings from London! |
Date: | 6/17/2003 | Name: | Björn | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | maritimus@execs.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hello Danish people. Remember me? Neihgbour from Sweden Rock Festival. Rock On Rock Freaks! SKÅÅÅÅÅÅÅL!!! |
Date: | 6/16/2003 | Name: | Salvi | Country: | Poland | E-mail: | tomek@manowar.art.pl | Website: | www.manowar.art.pl | Comments: | Cool site! Keep on rockin', brothers! Gretz from Warriors of Poland United (www.manowar.art.pl)!!! |
Date: | 6/16/2003 | Name: | Dragonslayer | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | heavy_herzer@web.de | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hello Metal Fans all around the world!
I´m searching for a danish guy, who I meet on the Blind Guardian Open Air 2003 in Coburg, Germany. I´ve meet him in the Jack Daniels Saloon and he wore a green cap
and a Blind Guardian shirt... If I remember right. Hail and Kill!!! |
Date: | 6/11/2003 | Name: | Alfred Romero | Country: | Spain | E-mail: | alfred@dark-moor.com | Website: | www.dark-moor.com | Comments: | Hi guys, thanks very much for signing in our site. Hope you like next Dark Moor's album that will be released next November. Nice website you have, keep on rockin' and long live heavy metal!! |
Date: | 6/10/2003 | Name: | Patrik | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | skummis@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hello danish people, i just want to say hello to my neihgbours from sweden rock, micke thomas and the rest |
Date: | 6/5/2003 | Name: | FLUSHED | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | flushed@hotmail.com | Website: | www.flushedmetal.com | Comments: | FLUSHED
Asskickin metal from Sweden
www.flushedmetal.com |
Date: | 6/2/2003 | Name: | Navink | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.rockezine.com | Comments: | Do you wanna meet METALLICA ???
Go to www.ROCKEZINE.COM and win a meet & greet with METALLICA !!!!! |
Date: | 5/31/2003 | Name: | Giulio | Country: | Italy | E-mail: | bejelit83@libero.it | Website: | http://www.bejelit.com | Comments: | Hail from Bejelit!
Please visit our official website!:)
Stay heavy!!! |
Date: | 5/29/2003 | Name: | Paratyfus | Country: | Nederland! | E-mail: | info@paratyfus.com | Website: | www.paratyfus.com | Comments: |

Date: | 5/28/2003 | Name: | Warrior Princess | Country: | Italy | E-mail: | warriorprincess@latinmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | check out this band www.thymajestie.com |
Date: | 5/20/2003 | Name: | Greg Dalumpines | Country: | Philippines | E-mail: | Greg@yahoo.com | Website: | http.//www.DEBESMSCAT.cpm | Comments: | Hoy wara kamon mga pulos, poro kamo litik-litik na naghatag san comments niyo. |
Date: | 5/19/2003 | Name: | Vampirenow | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | http://www.halfmoonweb.cjb.net | Comments: | Evil never dies!!! |
Date: | 5/5/2003 | Name: | aurora (inger`s daugther.....) | Country: | norway | E-mail: | dragonqeen@spray.no | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | could you put out some mp3 with your somgs, your cd has not been released here....u realy should...norway |
Date: | 5/4/2003 | Name: | Melvin H. Worth | Country: | United States of America | E-mail: | melandseemore@aol.com | Website: | none | Comments: | Phillipe:
I am so proud of your accomplishment. Great work and God Bless you in your achievement. Lynn's Uncle Mel. |
Date: | 5/1/2003 | Name: | tabby | Country: | springfield,mo.usa | E-mail: | trickbagger@aol.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Thank You Uli for all the nights full of fantasy and hot, wet sex. This rock makes me so horny. So get your (rocks) off fans and experience the heart pounding, breathtaking musical orgasams that await... |
Date: | 4/26/2003 | Name: | Mickle | Country: | Not entered... | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Lets say i found some great reviews here that i found influence me into buying some really great metal albums. |
Date: | 4/19/2003 | Name: | Kory Shimmin | Country: | usa | E-mail: | drumssexrocknrol@aol.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Our band wants to cover "Broken Heroes" I want permission & I want all royalties to go to proper parties.. |
Date: | 4/16/2003 | Name: | Derek B. | Country: | United States | E-mail: | zktk@iup.edu | Website: | http://www.angelfire.com/pa5/derekb97 | Comments: | Great site. Lots of cool reviews, useful news items.
However, there are some great metal bands that you guys are neglecting to report on or review. In fact, a few of the best bands in metal are void from any mention on this site.
Bands such as Paradise Lost, Sentenced, Lacuna Coil, Meshuggah, even Hatebreed. And for the love of satanas, get some Slayer on here. Any metal website without Slayer is...well, not a metal website.
Otherwise, very useful site. |
Date: | 4/9/2003 | Name: | MUGU | Country: | Deutschland | E-mail: | mugu @aol.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | KEEP OFF OOOOOOOOOOHHH,KEEP OFF OOOOOOOOOOHHH,KEEP OFF OOOOOOOOOOHHH,KEEP OFF OOOOOOOOOOHHH,KEEP OFF OOOOOOOOOOHHH,KEEP OFF OOOOOOOOOOHHH, |
Date: | 4/2/2003 | Name: | Christian | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | deadendruiser77@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Det er virkelig dejligt, at se et dansk metalsite, jeg har, indtíl nu, været enige med jeres andmeldelser. Keep up the good work... |
Date: | 3/30/2003 | Name: | Midgard | Country: | Brazil | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | The Brazilian heavy/doom metal band Midgard is finishing up their first full length album. The production is done by Imago Mortis vocalist Alex Voorhees who also participate vocals on the Candlemass cover ?Solitude?. The album is due for a release on 05/20/2003 on the Brazilian label Force Majeure Records. One song is already available for download on the band?s web site or on their mp3.com site.
Date: | 3/30/2003 | Name: | OBINNA | Country: | AT TOGO | E-mail: | 22MUGU@MUGU.COM | Website: | http://www.yahoo.com | Comments: | thanks . |
Date: | 3/26/2003 | Name: | Astaroth | Country: | Mexico | E-mail: | ed_astaroth@darkcommunity.com | Website: | http://www.mp3.com/stations/asgard_chords | Comments: | Great site, with good information and reviews, keep supporting metal¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ |
Date: | 3/26/2003 | Name: | Hardline | Country: | İstanbul | E-mail: | Suskes | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | hardline rulesssssssssssssssss band rulesssssssss. |
Date: | 3/26/2003 | Name: | Halil İbrahim Çakıroğlu | Country: | İstanbul | E-mail: | dbtecnics@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I WANNA ROCK |
Date: | 3/23/2003 | Name: | Bad ass | Country: | America | E-mail: | fucker@earthlink.com | Website: | yahoo | Comments: | Fuck |
Date: | 3/22/2003 | Name: | Ole Bach | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | toemrer.ole@get2net.dk | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Fantastic page you got here,one of the best i have seen on the net.Keep on the fine work.SAOXN RULES.O.B. |
Date: | 3/21/2003 | Name: | Buckshot *** Hard Rock from Germany *** | Country: | Germany | E-mail: | webmaster@buckshot-rock.de | Website: | www.buckshot-rock.de | Comments: | Hi friends,
best greetings from Germany
Very nice Page !!!
Keep on rockin'
Your Buckshot's |
Date: | 3/19/2003 | Name: | Keith Zeigler | Country: | usa | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | www.archetype1.com | Comments: | Many apologies. It's STEEN not Sheen. |
Date: | 3/19/2003 | Name: | Keith Zeigler | Country: | USA | E-mail: | kazdrum@aol.com | Website: | archetype1,com | Comments: | Sheen,
Thank you for giving our CD justice. We work very hard, in a sense, but we also have fun. Hopefully our band will turn some heads in the near future. Rock on as other bands would say(how past tense) Listen, Enjoy, and turn the speakers UP. Thankx again, Sheen...Sex-DRUMS-and rock and roll |
Date: | 2/28/2003 | Name: | Chris W. | Country: | USA | E-mail: | Aiyanarose2002@Yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Excellent sight,but if anyone could get me some information on music from "Bullet'No Mercy", then you would truely be a metal head. |
Date: | 2/28/2003 | Name: | Hebbe (Draugen) | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | henrik_kindvall@hotmail.com | Website: | http://www.myriadofpeepholes.tk | Comments: | Great site this one! I'll link you from my page. Hope to see you (anderZ) @ 2000 Decibel...
Hail Vintersorg!!! |
Date: | 2/27/2003 | Name: | Ceaira | Country: | USA | E-mail: | ceaira629@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Howdy y'all! um im doin a report on japans metal scene email me some info puh=leeze!!!
much <3,
the gypsy |
Date: | 2/26/2003 | Name: | Mal Orson | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | malovvyk.or@uswed.net | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | I am sad to understand that Los Angeles sleaze rock band Hollywood Superstars. All members have dead in Bermuda Triangle. They were my favorite! Shermy Sheldon, Captain T, Thurmann, Wyrd Hanover and Brackish Waters will be very much in missed! Let It Shine! I feel much tragedy today. Rock and Roll Lives Forever!
I miss them! God Bless Jimmy! Hollywood Superstars FOREVER! |
Date: | 2/23/2003 | Name: | Butch | Country: | USA | E-mail: | butchone@aol.com | Website: | http://www.bubblebucks.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?480842 | Comments: | Try to burst a bubble?
http://www.bubblebucks.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?480842 |
Date: | 2/16/2003 | Name: | Ola Fristedt | Country: | Sweden | E-mail: | ola.fristedt@telia.com | Website: | http://www.blindedcolony.com | Comments: | Very smooth and easy to navigate site!
Im making a website for Blinded Colony. On the Scarlet Records label. Sounds like In Flames and Soilwork.
Check it out:
www.blindedcolony.com |
Date: | 2/14/2003 | Name: | fred | Country: | usa | E-mail: | pyro@aliceinchains.com | Website: | http://www.geocities.com/infinitesingularityband | Comments: | worth a listen:
infinite singularity--a unique listening experience
www.geocities.com/infinitesingularityband (infinitesingularity.net under construction)
search for infinite singularity at mp3.com
enjoy! |
Date: | 2/9/2003 | Name: | Laura Crandall | Country: | USA | E-mail: | AngelStarrZ@earthlink.net | Website: | www.bazmania.com - Definately go there ! | Comments: | I am a big fan of Sebastian Bach and I wanted to tell you all he's now starring in "Jesus Christ Superstar" with Carl Anderson.
Not only that, BAZMANIA.COM is having a contest! In association with sebastianbach.com & Jesus Christ Superstar, each ticket you purchase will enter you in a contest where in EVERY city , the grand prize is a meet & greet with Sebastian after the show
GRAND PRIZE: A formal meet and greet with Sebastian Bach for you and up to THREE (3) friends or family members! Each week = 1 more winner!
FIRST PRIZE: A 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' poster autographed by Sebastian Bach and members of the JCS cast!
For more information:
Mailing list:
Or Sebastian's site
Here are the dates for Buffalo,NY, where I am from, but the show is national. Log on to BAzmania.com and you can find where he's playing in your city...
February 11 2003 BUFFALO NEW YORK 7:30 PM
February 12 2003 BUFFALO NEW YORK 7:30 PM
February 13 2003 BUFFALO NEW YORK 7:30 PM
February 14 2003 BUFFALO NEW YORK 7:30 PM
February 15 2003 BUFFALO NEW YORK @ Shea's 2 SHOWS : 2 PM & 8 PM
February 16 2003 BUFFALO NEW YORK @ Shea's 2 SHOWS : 2 PM & 7 PM |
Date: | 2/6/2003 | Name: | nora bianchet | Country: | argentina | E-mail: | MARIANOJBRASCICHFANCLUB@HOTMAIL.COM | Website: | www.brascichfanclub.com.ar | Comments: | very god page!!!los felicito por el site..... |
Date: | 2/6/2003 | Name: | mariano j. brascich | Country: | usa | E-mail: | brascichinternationalfanclub@hotmail.com | Website: | www.losautistas.com.ar/mariano | Comments: | i'send my english oficcial web page!!! |
Date: | 2/6/2003 | Name: | mariano j. brascich | Country: | usa | E-mail: | brascichinternationalfanclub@hotmail.com | Website: | www.brascichfanclub.com.ar | Comments: | congratulations!!!!
i'like your web site is very very cool.
i'put your link in my pages!!! |
Date: | 2/6/2003 | Name: | Velvetclown | Country: | Sverige | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Mycket bra site !!!!
SKÅL !!! |
Date: | 2/1/2003 | Name: | chokecoil | Country: | India | E-mail: | chokecoil2003@yahoo.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Great site . Good reviews etc.
Maiden and Dream theatre rule.
Maiden first . |
Date: | 1/31/2003 | Name: | Sami | Country: | Finland | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | This site is good and well made! I would want to recommend you a band named Spiral Architect. You really should review their album A Sceptic's Universe. Their music is similar to Psychotic Waltz but with more complex melodies |
Date: | 1/30/2003 | Name: | Morten | Country: | Denmark, Århus | E-mail: | smifedeg@hotmail.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Happening page!!
It's nice to find mutual Dane's (and city-zens of Århus!!!) who has a taste for metal!
If you ever need more reveiwers, give us a buzz
Morty |
Date: | 1/29/2003 | Name: | Patrick Baker | Country: | U.S.A | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Your Awsome
Date: | 1/24/2003 | Name: | CP | Country: | Denmark | E-mail: | Not entered... | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Well Great page guys... MADS you rock |
Date: | 1/22/2003 | Name: | Nihilist | Country: | Croatia | E-mail: | boris@junglemate.com | Website: | Not entered... | Comments: | Hello from Croatia, I monitor this site every day, you are damn fast and excelent.
But why only 9.5 to "Nightfall in middleearth" ?:) |
Date: | 1/18/2003 | Name: | Lolk | Country: | International | E-mail: | larslolk@hotmail.com | Website: | www.metal-reference.com | Comments: | International Metal Debate:
Chat every Saturday at 8 p.m.:
http://www.metal-reference.com/metalchat/index.php3 |
Date: | 1/16/2003 | Name: | Nedim"Nomad" | Country: | Bosnia&Herzegovina | E-mail: | chix2@gmx.net | Website: | metal.rs.ba | Comments: | Maiden,Maiden and only Maiden! |